
Month: 2021-01


github 20:32:18

Comment on #365 Upgrade dialog

Updated with `30deg / steps`. With the same 10 steps, the animation became smoother because the density increases: <|spinner>

github 20:54:21

Comment on #365 Upgrade dialog

*Known issue* Due to limitation of Elasticsearch database, the user will need to submit one more reply for the level-up dialog to appear. After submitting new reply &amp; level up, the dialog will not be triggered until the user submits another reply in the same window. The root cause is that by the time the apollo-client refetches `UserForUpgradeDialog` operation, Elasticsearch database is still indexing the new article-reply, thus the level number before inserting reply is returned instead. User level queries are <|aggregation queries> that only updates after Elasticsearch index is refreshed. *Proposed fix* We can either • Refresh `articles` index inside <|`createArticleReply`>, or • Refresh `articles` index before user level query. Both requires changes to rumors-api server.

github 23:02:08

#374 Profilelink refactor

Implement `ProfileLink` to handle link to user profile. User profile URL can be complex -- user with slug and user with ID has different URLs, hence different prop to `&lt;Link&gt;` tag. This PR: • adds `ProfileLink` whose `fragments` loads necessary fields from `User` type to generate URLs precisly • adds `hasLink` to `Avatar`. When true, clicking on the avatar brings the user to user profile page.

github 23:24:25

#375 [Profile-05] Introduce ArticleReplySummary and refactor

• Introduce common component `ArticleReplySummary` for "OOO has marked this message XXX". • Its text color is based on reply type, thus styling is complicated • It's repeated several times across the codebase; its occurrences are all replaced by `ArticleReplySummary` • Refactor `LoadMore` style • So that its surrounding space does not overlap with other margin. • Will be useful in Profile page • Minor refactor of `pages/replies` • Move constant instantiation outside page component *ArticleReplySummary* <|image> <|image>

mrorz 23:44:56
rumors-site 現在有 ⚡ PR一閃・六連 ⚡ 等待 review 唷
Profile page 相關的連環 PR 有
[Profile-01] Profile page header display
• <[Profile-02] Introduce <ProfileLink> component for links to user profile>
[Profile-03] Automatic chatbot user profile
[Profile-04] Edit profile dialog
[Profile-05] Introduce ArticleReplySummary and refactor
[Profile-06] Replied messages in profile page
每個 PR 都整理到 10 個檔案以內囉(有把大 PR 拆小,所以 PR 順序與 github PR number 無關)
⚡ 2


github 00:39:13

#242 Block invalid slug for users

As discussed in <|> • Convert all to lowercase before checking • ensure URL-safe by checking `encodeURIComopnents` • throw error or return error object (?) for failures


github 10:10:11

#18 Bump axios from 0.18.0 to 0.18.1

Bumps <|axios> from 0.18.0 to 0.18.1. Release notes _Sourced from <|axios's releases>._ &gt; *v0.18.1* &gt; &gt; Security Fix: &gt; &gt; • Destroy stream on exceeding maxContentLength (fixes <|#1098>) (<|#1485>) - Gadzhi Gadzhiev Changelog _Sourced from <|axios's changelog>._ &gt; *0.18.1 (May 31, 2019)* &gt; &gt; Security Fix: &gt; &gt; • Destroy stream on exceeding maxContentLength (fixes <|#1098>) (<|#1485>) - Gadzhi Gadzhiev Commits • <|`face016`> Releasing 0.18.1 • <|`0628763`> Update Changelog for release (0.18.1) • <|`dc9b29c`> adjust README to match IE support • <|`16326d5`> Remove usages of isOldIE in tests • <|`5a4228b`> Remove IE10 launcher from karma config • <|`695b5f7`> Remove isOldIE check in tests • <|`e314ab0`> Remove HTTP 1223 handling • <|`7efa822`> Remove btoa polyfill tests • <|`f3cdcc7`> Delete btoa polyfill • <|`efc0b58`> Remove ie8/9 special CORS treatment and btoa polyfill • Additional commits viewable in <|compare view> <|Dependabot compatibility score> Dependabot will resolve any conflicts with this PR as long as you don't alter it yourself. You can also trigger a rebase manually by commenting `@dependabot rebase`. * * * Dependabot commands and options You can trigger Dependabot actions by commenting on this PR: • `@dependabot rebase` will rebase this PR • `@dependabot recreate` will recreate this PR, overwriting any edits that have been made to it • `@dependabot merge` will merge this PR after your CI passes on it • `@dependabot squash and merge` will squash and merge this PR after your CI passes on it • `@dependabot cancel merge` will cancel a previously requested merge and block automerging • `@dependabot reopen` will reopen this PR if it is closed • `@dependabot close` will close this PR and stop Dependabot recreating it. You can achieve the same result by closing it manually • `@dependabot ignore this major version` will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this major version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself) • `@dependabot ignore this minor version` will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this minor version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself) • `@dependabot ignore this dependency` will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this dependency (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself) • `@dependabot use these labels` will set the current labels as the default for future PRs for this repo and language • `@dependabot use these reviewers` will set the current reviewers as the default for future PRs for this repo and language • `@dependabot use these assignees` will set the current assignees as the default for future PRs for this repo and language • `@dependabot use this milestone` will set the current milestone as the default for future PRs for this repo and language You can disable automated security fix PRs for this repo from the <|Security Alerts page>.

mrorz 21:14:15
9️⃣ 1 8️⃣ 1


github 04:19:39

Comment on #237 Adjust line ending for CC attributions

*Pull Request Test Coverage Report for <|Build 1239>* • *0* of *0* changed or added relevant lines in *0* files are covered. • No unchanged relevant lines lost coverage. • Overall coverage remained the same at *86.42%* * * * * * * *:yellow_heart: - <|Coveralls>*


runwuf 09:10:35
@felix.wu has joined the channel
runwuf 09:21:26
@felix.wu has left the channel
github 10:45:19

Comment on #367 [Profile-01] Profile page header display

Hmm if both `currentUser` and `data` is nullish (which is probably during the first render), `isSelf` will become true.

mrorz 14:22:15
凌晨的時候網站chatbot release 囉~
mrorz 14:50:01
除了 release 新版 landing page,昨天晚上也把偵測語言的機制關閉了,讓 google 正確 index 中文版內容。

大家可以用無痕視窗 google 一下「真的假的」看 cofacts 官網會在第幾個~


gslin 21:40:36
@gslin has joined the channel


mrorz 10:29:54
現在我把 staging 先下架處理資料庫問題唷
👌 1


github 14:10:24

#376 Update landing page copy &amp; fix styles

• Updates translation -- kudos to Kevin for the <;ouid=100298319366825427383|revised translation>! • Fixes the first two items in <|未竟之處> in 20210106 meeting • Make all links in header to be an tag and hide their underline until mouse hover • Use Material UI `Button` to eliminate the underline button in landing page body • `Navbar` background turns white on desktop when scrolled to the next section as expected *Mobile, English* Note: Google chrome's screenshot mechanism does not trigger scroll events, thus enter animations are not triggered <|localhost_3000_(Pixel 2)> *Mobile, Mandarin* Note: Google chrome's screenshot mechanism does not trigger scroll events, thus enter animations are not triggered <|localhost_3000_(Pixel 2) (2)>

github 16:31:30

Comment on #376 Update landing page copy &amp; fix styles

Branch currently deployed to staging 華語:<|> 英語:<|>


Alex Asahis 14:00:22
@alexasahis has joined the channel


github 01:33:57

#377 Landing page logo enhancements

From <|20210106 未竟事項> 1. Landing page 在 desktop 的 logo 剛載入的時候會看到 mobile 版 icon • 可能要改用純 CSS 實作才能避免 2. [nice to have] 當 landing page menu 背景變白之後,可以使用有橘色放大鏡(?)版本的彩色 logo


mrorz 00:52:48 求 review ㄛ

#376 Update landing page copy &amp; fix styles

• Updates translation -- kudos to Kevin for the <;ouid=100298319366825427383|revised translation>! • Fixes the first two items in <|未竟之處> in 20210106 meeting • Make all links in header to be an tag and hide their underline until mouse hover • Use Material UI `Button` to eliminate the underline button in landing page body • `Navbar` background turns white on desktop when scrolled to the next section as expected *Background turning white* <|nav> *Mobile, English* Note: Google chrome's screenshot mechanism does not trigger scroll events, thus enter animations are not triggered <|localhost_3000_(Pixel 2)> *Mobile, Mandarin* Note: Google chrome's screenshot mechanism does not trigger scroll events, thus enter animations are not triggered <|localhost_3000_(Pixel 2) (2)>

bil 13:26:56
多多release 就會看到很多木之本櫻欸,有鳥頭棒棒跟星星棒棒
Screen Shot 2021-01-12 at 11.40.51 AM.png
🌟 1 ✨ 1


mrorz 10:50:10

這個 2019的訊息,在 2021 年又在傳,導致困擾

另一個是在醫院工作的親戚,前幾天知道北部確診醫師的醫院門診照常,但今天聽到別人指稱該院封院時,還是來問我。即使他在幾天前就知道正確資訊,但第一次接觸謠言時,還是會覺得是不是有什麼「更新的資訊」自己沒 catch 到。

我覺得上面兩種狀況,都可以透過 chatbot 加註這個回應「多久以前回的」、訊息「多久以前就在傳」,增加大眾意識到時序的重要性
或許是 `最早已知流傳時間/日期` ?
嗯嗯確實是「cofacts 最早已知流傳日」
但在 chatbot 語境下,我可能 prefer 更口語的「至少N年前就在傳」 XD
XD 對
是說最近有個經驗是有些 user 對於具體時間「10:30 am」 會比相對時間「120 min ago」有感很多,且它們討厭相對時間 :sweat_smile: 。但我沒有做深度研究,可能也要看單位和有多遙遠~
那就「至少 2018 年 1 月就在傳」之類的 xd
👍 2



Bryan 10:31:39
@twbikeman has joined the channel


sylviauk0315 14:07:39
@sylviauk0315 has joined the channel


mrorz 00:39:29
LIFF legacy redirect 看來還是得趕快改掉,3 月會失效囧


LIFF v2 的 replace 模式即將被移除及建議程式寫法

LIFF v2 的 Replace 模式即將於 2021/03/01 被移除,快檢查你的程式吧!

mrorz 10:55:04


Cofacts 會議記錄 - HackMD

# Cofacts 會議記錄 ## 2021 - [20210120 會議記錄](/JUVhhxSmSx62O5SUVuJ1rw) - [20210113 會議記錄](/XvP4q3IkTwCD

github 11:08:01

#15 Refactor nginx config and add SEO headers

• Refactor nginx config • extract common sections and make use of `include` directive • Canonical URL header • Use HTTP header <|> • Consolidate dup page of the same language <|> to `(*.)<|>` • hreflang header • Use HTTP header <|> • Return link between `<|>` and `<|>`

mrorz 12:43:03
是說 etoro 每天第一次登入的時候,都會說「恭喜!您最近 N 天賺了 OO 」或「報酬率 OO%」
發現那個天數常常會變,感覺像是他準備了幾個數字,然後 show 一個正最多的數字這樣。
如果一日報酬率是負的,就試試 7 天報酬率之類的 XDDD

Cofacts 如果也實作這個大家覺得如何? XDDDD
網站第一次登入的時候利用現在的 API 拿到不同區間的各種數字,然後挑一個棒的來顯示之類的
「你的回應最近 7 天超熱門,有 42 人看過」
「最近 30 天有 690 人覺得你寫的回應很棒!」
「24 小時內對你的回應說讚的人增加了 300%!」
「最近 7 天你寫的回應被其他編輯引用了 9 次唷!」
👍 4
Kay 14:00:09
@kay682 has joined the channel
github 14:17:30

#378 Make profile page accessible for editors themselves only

In response to <|Pilot Study suggestions>, we should first keep profile pages to editors themselves for a few moments before opening it up to the public. This PR: • Temporarily remove `hasLink` from `&lt;Avatar&gt;`s • Temporarily use `ProfileTooltip` instead of `ProfileLink` for public places • App menu still uses `ProfileLink`, so that editors can click to their own profile page from main menu This PR is deployed to staging temporarily for testing

github 14:58:26

#379 Edit avatar function

From <|Pilot study result> • Click avatar in profile page to edit avatar • 右下角放一個小鉛筆按鈕,表示這裏可以編輯 Spec TBD

github 15:02:37

#243 ListArticle filter &amp; sorting fix

From <|Profile page pilot study> • Article type filter &amp; article-reply-from-userId filter • Currently the two filters are independent • 目前是「列出 user 有回過、且有一個 reply type 符合要求的 article」 • All filters related to article-replies should be collected together under `bool` query so that it really filters out articles with at lease one article reply that matches _all_ specified article-reply filters • So that we can achieve「列出 user 回成該 reply type 的 article」 • <|Related code> • Sort using most commented • 可以透過 <|nested filtered sorting> 達成: filter 出該使用者的 articleReply、用 articleReply 的 `positiveFeedbackCount` 或 `negativeFeedbackCount` 或加總或相減來排序

mrorz 19:27:41
@acerxp511 可以偵測 mention 了耶

Facebook Groups


大家好,我這篇文章是教大家怎麼用我寫的工具快速測試 LINE Messaging API 今天新發佈的 mention 功能!

不過看起來不是我們要的功能,bot 可以 tag 別人、知道誰被 tag,但 bot 不能被 tag
原來不能被 tag 嗎
好ㄅ QQ
😮 3
zoe 21:58:07
unless otherwise stated 的翻譯,wiki 的免責是這樣寫 XD


github 10:29:13

#380 Bump immer from 5.0.0 to 8.0.1

Bumps <|immer> from 5.0.0 to 8.0.1. Release notes _Sourced from <|immer's releases>._ &gt; *v8.0.1* &gt; *<|8.0.1> (2021-01-20)* &gt; *Bug Fixes* &gt; &gt; • Fixed security issue <|#738>: prototype pollution possible when applying patches <|CVE-2020-28477> (<|da2bd4f>) &gt; &gt; *v8.0.0* &gt; *<|8.0.0> (2020-11-17)* &gt; *feature* &gt; &gt; • Always freeze by default (<|#702>) (<|a406c8f>) &gt; &gt; *BREAKING CHANGES* &gt; &gt; • always freeze by default, even in production mode. Use `setAutoFreeze(process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production')` for the old behavior. See <|immerjs/immer#687> for the rationale. Fixes <|#649>, <|#681>, <|#687> &gt; &gt; *v7.0.15* &gt; *<|7.0.15> (2020-11-17)* &gt; *Bug Fixes* &gt; &gt; • make plugin loading idempotent, fixes <|#692> (<|754331b>) &gt; &gt; *v7.0.14* &gt; *<|7.0.14> (2020-10-20)* &gt; *Bug Fixes* &gt; &gt; • build issue. Fixes <|#685> (?) (<|9007be0>) &gt; &gt; *v7.0.13* &gt; *<|7.0.13> (2020-10-20)* &gt; *Bug Fixes* &gt; &gt; • reconcile if the original value is assigned after creating a draft. Fixes <|#659> (<|c0e6749>) &gt; &gt; *v7.0.12* &gt; *<|7.0.12> (2020-10-20)* &gt; *Bug Fixes* ... (truncated) Commits • <|`da2bd4f`> fix: Fixed security issue <|#738>: prototype pollution possible when applying pa... • <|`d75de70`> chore: fix Buffer deprecation warning in test (<|#706>) • <|`8fbf93c`> docs: Add referential equality to pitfalls (<|#731>) • <|`c21a2ef`> docs: Update (<|#728>) • <|`211314c`> docs: add cool-store into (<|#724>) • <|`e8fd805`> chore(tests): use UTC date string in tests to be timezone independent (<|#705>) • <|`fe8f589`> chore(comments): update comments (<|#727>) • <|`d8121d6`> chore(docs): Fix typo in (<|#729>) • <|`5379cdd`> chore(docs): Update (<|#734>) • <|`d3908e1`> chore(deps): bump dot-prop from 4.2.0 to 4.2.1 in /website (<|#735>) • Additional commits viewable in <|compare view> <|Dependabot compatibility score> Dependabot will resolve any conflicts with this PR as long as you don't alter it yourself. You can also trigger a rebase manually by commenting `@dependabot rebase`. * * * Dependabot commands and options You can trigger Dependabot actions by commenting on this PR: • `@dependabot rebase` will rebase this PR • `@dependabot recreate` will recreate this PR, overwriting any edits that have been made to it • `@dependabot merge` will merge this PR after your CI passes on it • `@dependabot squash and merge` will squash and merge this PR after your CI passes on it • `@dependabot cancel merge` will cancel a previously requested merge and block automerging • `@dependabot reopen` will reopen this PR if it is closed • `@dependabot close` will close this PR and stop Dependabot recreating it. You can achieve the same result by closing it manually • `@dependabot ignore this major version` will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this major version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself) • `@dependabot ignore this minor version` will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this minor version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself) • `@dependabot ignore this dependency` will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this dependency (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself) • `@dependabot use these labels` will set the current labels as the default for future PRs for this repo and language • `@dependabot use these reviewers` will set the current reviewers as the default for future PRs for this repo and language • `@dependabot use these assignees` will set the current assignees as the default for future PRs for this repo and language • `@dependabot use this milestone` will set the current milestone as the default for future PRs for this repo and language You can disable automated security fix PRs for this repo from the <|Security Alerts page>.


mrorz 10:53:25
Idea: 利用「相似可疑訊息」的分類來推薦分類。可以在「分類建議」按鈕後面做一鍵增加的鈕。
例如說 COVID-19 的新訊息 ,進來的時候還滿常有已經標過分類的相似可疑訊息,但每次點開「分類建議」按鈕都要找好久的分類。
由於分類未來只會越來越多、手機螢幕大小依然有限,list traversal 本身無法改進太多(最有用的可能是加個搜尋框),不如直接用「相似可疑訊息」的分類來推薦。
🦒 1 1
mrorz 14:59:47
User profile 功能 release 囉

頁面是公開的,所以你可以貼自己的 profile page 連結給別人看。但目前除了個人登入後的選單之外,沒有其他連結可以連到你的個人頁面。
🚀 3 1


bil 08:31:41
4000 10:02:49
Lance 11:09:13
@fig498etyu6600 has joined the channel
Ula 11:58:45
@gary0626 has joined the channel
jefferson wang 12:14:57
@jeffersonaa1011 has joined the channel
mrorz 14:19:07
hihi @ggm @darkbtf @gary96302000.eecs96
g0v 大松參與者 @fig498etyu6600 對 Cofacts 的 AI 有興趣幫忙唷
可以請 @ggm @darkbtf @gary96302000.eecs96 分享一下 AI 這裡有沒有希望協作的部分呢
💯 3 1
github 15:20:53

#381 feat(ReferenceInput): #362 change text and translate

Using IIFE to workaround in line 61-66 because of unknown translate `ttag` issue.

Ellie 16:18:27
@elimooooo has joined the channel
github 16:19:50

Review on #381 feat(ReferenceInput): #362 change text and translate

Thanks for taking care of the translation and workaround the possible `ttag` bug! IIFE solution is very elegant and concise :)

github 16:31:28

Comment on #362 Provide better text for reference input

Resolved by <|#381> <|@ulayab> ++

github 17:24:40

Comment on #362 Provide better text for reference input

Reopen because we want to make placeholder 2 lines ``` One line summary » Source URL ``` ``` 來源說明 » 連結網址 ```

kate850209 18:51:12
@kate850209 has joined the channel
tofus 23:41:05 has joined the channel


github 02:23:44

Comment on #362 Provide better text for reference input

&gt; Reopen because we want to make placeholder 2 lines &gt; &gt; ``` &gt; One line summary &gt; » Source URL &gt; &gt; ``` &gt; &gt; ``` &gt; 來源說明 &gt; » 連結網址 &gt; &gt; ``` Thanks for the remind! Just make a new PR for it :pray: <|#382>


github 13:35:44

Review on #382 fix(ReferenceInput): wording fix

Thank you for amending the reference text! Let's ship it <|:shipit:>

github 13:36:12

Comment on #362 Provide better text for reference input

Closed in <|#382>, kudos to <|@ulayab>


github 19:18:04

#238 Handle group messages

Fixes <|#13> *Description* *Response rule* *Introduce self* : Hi cofacts *Ignore message* : Input length less than 10 *Job queue* *GA*



github 02:06:18

Comment on #362 Provide better text for reference input

Reopen because the reply display should also align with To-be spec <|圖片>

github 13:18:47

#244 Client app ID management

Use this to replace x-accept-license header. Spec: <|> Should implement ASAP. <|Meeting note>

github 13:35:18

#384 Update terms to match suggestion from Lucien

Copy-paste text is not affected. <|image> <|image>

github 13:44:55

#385 Avoid attaching text for logged in users

Avoid attaching text for logged in users so that editors' copy-paste works better. Fixes <|#350>. *Not logged in* Copied text will have footer text attached. <|with-footer> *Logged in* Copied text will contain the selected text only. <|without-footer>

github 13:45:35

Comment on #353 [#350] Don't insert friend link to clipboard for logged-in users

Closing this in favor of <|#385>

github 14:04:41

#239 Update LIFF redirect option

Need to mitigate before March deprecation See: <|>

github 22:40:42

#386 "The user does not exist" sometimes appears after updating username

user is redirected to their new profile page after updating their username, however, depending on the traffic, sometimes it would be 404'ed.


github 14:37:55

Comment on #283 Adjust avatar components

Seems covered by <|#357>


github 02:01:46

#238 Handle group messages

不知道為什麼 test 不會停..
我 local 跑沒問題耶
🎉 2
mrorz 13:45:38
Twitter 的群眾協作查核 🐦🔭




2 👍 2
lucien 14:23:13
