
Month: 2020-10


github 17:03:52

#340 Add instructions to add LINE as friend in article detail page

Closes <|#339>.

目前是用 quick and dirty 的方式實作完了開會時提到的 ,並且趕在連假期間上線,看 own media 導流到 chatbot 的效果。

現在回頭看這個實作好像也沒啥可以優化的地方,因為字串的重複只有 2 處。
倒是希望可以有個英文版文案讓我能弄 i18n~
mrorz 17:06:22
目前是用 quick and dirty 的方式實作完了開會時提到的 ,並且趕在連假期間上線,看 own media 導流到 chatbot 的效果。

現在回頭看這個實作好像也沒啥可以優化的地方,因為字串的重複只有 2 處。
倒是希望可以有個英文版文案讓我能弄 i18n~

#339 Cofacts website redirect to Cofacts LINE bot

From: <|> • 用類似客服按鈕的方式黏在旁邊 • google 來大部分是手機使用者,所以用連結連到 <|> • 分享文案加入 Cofacts LINE bot • article detail「複製」按鈕 / share 功能的文字 • 在 Cofacts 複製文字時,加上 Cofacts 網站網址(如<|ETToday>)

github 18:49:41

#341 Trusted site

❔ 1 1 ❓ 1


github 15:11:01

Comment on #341 Trusted site

Hi <|@Debyanshu> would you elaborate more about this issue?

github 15:59:12

#342 &lt;Card&gt; for detail pages

*Refactor* This PR introduces `&lt;Card&gt;`, a common layout that can be seen in <|article detail>, and will be applied to <|reply detail> and <|profile page> in the future. <|image> <|image> <|image> Also I add I add `forwardRef` to `Card` and `Ribbon` because in future PRs we are going to need them.

github 16:31:44

#343 Adjust global border-radius and primary color palatte

This PR adjusts Material-UI theme used theme in Cofacts to better match <|figma> <|button> • Global border radius raised to 8px (default 4px) • This affects dropdowns, pop-overs, etc. • Remove incorrect primary dark / light color setup • The incorrect setup causes buttons in primary color turns grey when hovering on the button • Remove the color so that Material-UI can handle hovering color by themselves. • Set primary button text color in global CSS • Material-UI uses `rgba(0,0,0,0.88)` by default • Set to #fff to match <|figma> • Apply app.css to Storybook to reflect this change • Use Material-UI `Button` in `ArticleReplyFeedbackControl` to see primary color setup

github 16:51:48

#344 Article detail revamp using &lt;Card&gt;

Rewrite Article detail page layout using `&lt;Card&gt;` and related components introduced in


mrorz 02:49:44
我剛才在研究 article detail page 送完新訊息以及展開新回應視窗之後的 scroll 行為。

目前 `scrollIntoView` 的做法
1. 最上緣會被 fixed header 吃掉
2. 需要使用 ref 儲存要 scroll 的元素
我在想要不要直接改成 `scroll-margin-top` + `:target` + `scroll-behavior: smooth`

• 附贈 ID hash scroll 到新回應視窗 or 最新回應的功能
• 可以 highlight ID hash 所指定的回應

Prevent content from being hidden underneath a fixed header by using scroll-margin-top

MDN Web Docs


The scroll-behavior CSS property sets the behavior for a scrolling box when scrolling is triggered by the navigation or CSSOM scrolling APIs.


github 19:31:49

Comment on #49 create users from existing entities


nonumpa 20:49:55
@stbb1025 @mrorz 新的 RSS UI 進階設定有 Figma 嗎?


Cofacts website

Created with Figma

github 23:55:55

Comment on #340 Add instructions to add LINE as friend in article detail page

我發現 article page copy-paste 在我撰寫的回應、在新回應區利用剪下貼上重新編排回應文字的時候,也會跑出 `在 LINE 看到可疑訊息?加「真的假的」好友,查謠言與詐騙` 我覺得滿惱人的,所以改成讓「文字插入剪貼簿」這件事情只會發生在訊息文字與已經回應的文字囉。

其實查證的時候會拿訊息文字去複製貼上到 FB 之類的地方

現在會加上那個 `在 LINE 看到可疑訊息?加「真的假的」好友,查謠言與詐騙` 也是挺煩的囧

後來在這個 PR 裡面
我把訊息文字的 `onCopy` 拔掉了,留下 reply 的 onCopy

• 這要另外加 `<div>`
• 會複製謠言文字貼上的人,應該大多是正在查謠言的編輯,不想扯編輯後腿
mrorz 23:56:55
其實查證的時候會拿訊息文字去複製貼上到 FB 之類的地方

現在會加上那個 `在 LINE 看到可疑訊息?加「真的假的」好友,查謠言與詐騙` 也是挺煩的囧



github 01:11:33

#345 Similar messages side section in article detail

Rewrite "similar messages" side section. • Figma: <|> • Mobile / desktop differs a lot, thus `Card` cannot be reused here. • use explicit class name for each component in the similar messages section

這個理論上要跟 reply detail 重用
因為在 article detail 佔滿多行的,希望可以抽成 component
但我還沒想到乾淨的轉 component 的方法
mrorz 14:14:26
後來在這個 PR 裡面
我把訊息文字的 `onCopy` 拔掉了,留下 reply 的 onCopy

• 這要另外加 `<div>`
• 會複製謠言文字貼上的人,應該大多是正在查謠言的編輯,不想扯編輯後腿

#344 Article detail revamp using &lt;Card&gt;

Rewrite Article detail page layout using `&lt;Card&gt;` and related components introduced in <|#342> • Mix the use of `&lt;Card&gt;`, `--card-px`, `&lt;CardHeader&gt;` `&lt;CardContent&gt;` to compose basic layout of the article detail page ("related article" section excluded) • Converts `button` to Material-UI `&lt;Button&gt;` to cut extra CSS styles &amp; provide better look &amp; feel for the buttons *Per-file / section summary* *`/page/article/[id].js`* • Apply `&lt;Card&gt;`, `&lt;CardContent&gt;` and `&lt;CardHeader&gt;` • Make margin / padding adjustments at page component level • More adhere to <|figma> • Similar to <|'layout' component> • Each sub-component is adjusted to have 0 margin / padding to maximize their reusability • Add header to comments to that it does not confuse users -- Fix <|#336> <|localhost_3000_article_3fczhzr31y8ap> <|image> *`TrendPlot`* • Simply CSS • Make the left most label align left edge, the right most label align right edge <|image> *`ReplyRequstReason`* • Simplify DOM • Use Material-UI `Button` to remove custom CSS <|image> <|image> *`CreateReplyRequestForm`* • Use different button for "Reply to this message" button for mobile &amp; desktop. This simplifies CSS logic a lot. • Remove avatar on mobile, as <|Figma> suggests. • Use <|TextareaAutosize> for reason input • Remove focus logic and fix <|#310> • Figma 裡面「<|碰到『送出』上緣就自動多一行>」根本做不出來啦(翻桌) 不做了不做了~ • Simplify "new reply" floating action button style • Now uses Material UI FAB style only • Move the pen icon to component/icons • Show button only for users that is logged in (so that it does not interfere with add new LINE FAB) <|image> <|image> <|image> *`NewReplySection`* • Use `&lt;Card&gt;` for desktop and `&lt;Dialog fullscreen&gt;` for mobile • This may fix some issue <|#279> since we are using Material UI `Dialog` • We are render this only on browser, thus we can use `useMediaQuery` here <|image> <|new reply section> *`CurrentReplies`* • Use `&lt;CardHeader&gt;` for header to match <|figma> • Each article reply is a `&lt;CardContent&gt;` • Fix deleted reply dialog <|image> <|image> <|image> <|image> <|image>

Jens 20:29:50
@cheungjens has joined the channel


github 01:28:42

#346 Add favicon and article detail banner

• Add favicon that • uses dark-theme aware SVG by default • uses PNG with white background as fallback • Add banner to article detail that redirects user to LINE <|image> <|image>

github 13:06:08

#347 SEO for Mandarin content

In <|20200930 meeting note>, we found that "Cofacts" won't score the first in Google when the google language is set to Traditional Chinese (Taiwan); Medium with Mandarin content comes the first. 要看這個 <|> &gt; In addition, the crawler sends HTTP requests without setting Accept-Language in the request header. 可能要在 HTML 裡加上不同語言的 link <|>

mrorz 13:09:14
這個 PR 有一陣子了
沒有人有異議的話今晚或明天會 merge 唷

#225 Similar replies API and revamp related artitle API

This PR adds `similarReplies` to `Reply` object type to display <|similar reply section in reply page>. Given that replies are often copied over to another, this function should be useful when finding duplicated replies. Several refactors to `Article` object type's `relatedArticles` are also added, including: • Default to sort by score (high to low) • Add hyperlink title / summary matching • Test highlights are generated in unit tests


mrorz 11:19:31
中秋假期間我把 article detail 頁面做了翻新,現在元素的間距應該更接近 figma 裡的樣子囉,也加上了更新後的 banner (感謝 @stbb1025 ),以及回報者 comment 前加上標題,區分 reply 與 comment。

目前這些內容都在 PR 中,但因為變更拆成了 6 個 PR,所以想說先上 staging 讓大家看看結果,可能會對 review 有幫助。

新外觀 on Staging 這邊看 👉
🐳 1
github 18:36:53

#348 Add hash to new reply section &amp; each reply in article detail page

From slack discussion: <|image> Related material: • <|> • <|> Alternative: • Seems that scroll-margin also works for currently used `scrollIntoView()`: <|>

github 22:09:38

Comment on #216 On-boarding tutorial

「模擬傳訊息」`displayText` <|> max 300 characters &gt; 只要每天早上一杯地瓜葉牛奶。不僅有效降低三高,甚至連痛風也沒了;此外,地瓜葉牛奶的作法也很簡單,只要先將地瓜葉川燙過後,再加入鮮奶打成汁即可。 Reply: Use <|>



mrorz 11:24:19
週三測過的網站 release 囉!

Release 完才想到好想沒追蹤 banner 的點擊,但沒關係應該不太重要 XDD
ael 12:55:45



👵 1


Zehua Li 00:44:16 has joined the channel
github 14:10:17

Comment on #226 migration script to create backend users referenced in the db

We can add some text for this `<|>` so that we know what this number means when we see it in the terminal.

github 14:10:17

Review on #226 migration script to create backend users referenced in the db

Sorry it has been a week and I am still consuming `src/scripts/migrations/createBackendUsers.js`. Other files are reviewed and looks good to me :)

github 14:10:17

Comment on #226 migration script to create backend users referenced in the db

I am not familiar with painless. Can painless omit `return` ?

github 14:10:18

Comment on #226 migration script to create backend users referenced in the db

I think we can use camel case (`batchSize`) here

github 17:16:07

Comment on #226 migration script to create backend users referenced in the db

<|> It's not really well documented but from the look of the example and the fact it actually runs as expected, I think it does if the return type is not void.


github 17:53:28

Review on #226 migration script to create backend users referenced in the db

LGTM! The process is very well-written and clear. Thanks for the script! :+1: I will start arranging SOPs and apply it first on DB backups &amp; staging environments. Please help resolve the conflict then we can merge this PR.


github 00:40:55

#228 Hint user to turn on notification to get updates

• Tell the user that Cofacts can notify them if they turn on notification setting • Timing: after displaying a reply, and after submitting new reply requests • Adjust the wording of notification to be more clear and concise Closes <|#217>. *After displaying a reply* <|image> *After providing source* (This step also sends a reply request without reason) In this step, the priority should be: providing more reason &gt; turn on notification &gt; ask friends. <|image> *After providing reason* In this step, the priority should be: turn on notification &gt; ask friends &gt; update reason <|image>

❤️ 2
github 13:18:11

Comment on #228 Hint user to turn on notification to get updates

*Pull Request Test Coverage Report for <|Build 1157>* • *9* of *9* *(100.0%)* changed or added relevant lines in *4* files are covered. • No unchanged relevant lines lost coverage. • Overall coverage increased (+*0.02%*) to *84.727%* * * * * * * *:yellow_heart: - <|Coveralls>*


mrorz 00:08:45
這邊有把 Cofacts 最新熱門訊息轉送到 LINE 的教學:




主要是這句「接起來之後,IFTTT 會在收到熱門訊息時主動通知」感覺少了點形容比較容易懂,例如加上「 透過你選擇的社交軟體通知你」
github 14:06:21

#349 Reply detail page and side section

提一個在這個 PR 發現,但跟這個 PR 比較無關的事
1. Reply 的 title 是不是忘記粗體了
2. Different opinion/Reference 的字型大小是不是給錯了
英文版特別明顯,第一眼看過去,會直接往 Different opinion 看
firefox 跟 chrome 長得不太一樣@@
github 20:44:49

Comment on #226 migration script to create backend users referenced in the db

<|Coverage Status> Coverage increased (+0.9%) to 88.156% when pulling *<|865dc58> on createUsers* into *<|77f0097> on master*.

github 20:51:06

#227 index user if not existed and log last active time for user accessing apis via backend apps

closes <|#220>

github 20:54:23

Comment on #227 index user if not existed and log last active time for user accessing apis via backend apps

<|Coverage Status> Coverage decreased (-2.1%) to 85.923% when pulling *<|4d92870> on backendUsers* into *<|c678c94> on master*.


mrorz 13:15:37

這個禮拜主要會是推播與 RSS 上線相關事宜
推播相關 PR 請見

20201014 會議記錄 - HackMD

eopXD 13:27:08
@yueh.ting.chen has left the channel
github 13:35:59

#350 Don't insert friend link to clipboard for logged-in users

From <|1007 testing feedback> In <|#340> we insert add-friend link at the end of clipboard when user copies text from reply. However, for logged-in editors, it will interfere the fact-checking process, thus should be removed. We can safely assume that logged-in users are not the target of the add-friend link.

github 13:39:17

Comment on #282 Font size adjustments

Per <|2020/10/07 testing feedback> The share button should have same height as reason buttons. Currently "Share" is slightly higher and its font is slightly bigger: <|image>

github 16:53:32

#351 [RSS] Implement new IFTTT UI

Figma : <|> Discussion : <|> Screenshots : <|ifttt>

github 17:52:10

Review on #228 Hint user to turn on notification to get updates

LGTM! Just some minor issues: 1. typo: `ㄌㄛ` 2. Some lines aren't covered by test : <|> <|>


Mars / Kevin Chen 13:44:19
@flyingmars has joined the channel
nonumpa 15:46:12
提一個在這個 PR 發現,但跟這個 PR 比較無關的事
1. Reply 的 title 是不是忘記粗體了
2. Different opinion/Reference 的字型大小是不是給錯了
英文版特別明顯,第一眼看過去,會直接往 Different opinion 看


github 13:59:25

Comment on #351 [RSS] Implement new IFTTT UI

We can move the definition of `CustomTab` and `CustomCopyButton` to outside of `DialogBody`'s render function

github 13:59:25

Comment on #351 [RSS] Implement new IFTTT UI

Wrapping `t` to Chinese characters will cause it to be used as translation keys when we extract translation in the future. Suggest remove `t` from these copies.

github 13:59:25

Review on #351 [RSS] Implement new IFTTT UI

Overall LGTM, thanks for the update! Some little suggestions before merge is appended.

github 14:01:52

Comment on #228 Hint user to turn on notification to get updates

&gt; LGTM! &gt; &gt; Just some minor issues: &gt; &gt; 1. typo: `ㄌㄛ` &gt; 2. Some lines aren't covered by test : &gt; <|> &gt; <|> Branches are covered in latest unit test case. Should be ready to merge now~


github 08:31:33

#228 untangle test dependencies

some fixtures aren't wiped properly, so db query will have different results depending on the order of the tests ran; this is introducing unnecessary dependencies and causing some tests to be flaky.


github 13:34:43

Review on #351 [RSS] Implement new IFTTT UI

LGTM! Thanks a million!

github 16:53:15

Comment on #216 On-boarding tutorial

Images: <|> • 1: Greeting • 2~5: Flex message carousel • 6: Thank you


github 13:27:36

Comment on #50 Features/backup db

<|@godgunman> Please move to rumors-deploy, thanks!

mrorz 13:33:37
Reply detail 頁面 PR 明天要準備 merge 囉

#349 Reply detail page and side section

• Implements reply detail • Figma: <|> • Adds "similar replies" side section as Figma suggests • Adds more info about each article that used this reply • Extracts `SideSection` from article detail page • Update `&lt;Infos&gt;` so that • It supports `className` props • It does not show `|` when first item is `null` *Screenshots* *Reply detail page* <|image> <|image> After deleting reply from its original article: <|image> *`SideSection`* <|image> <|image>


github 01:10:42

Comment on #227 index user if not existed and log last active time for user accessing apis via backend apps

How about making the delete in the test case `creates new user if user does not exist`? In this way we can leverage `` to clean up. We can do the cleanup before assertion so that assertion fail do not interfere with cleanup.

github 01:10:42

Comment on #227 index user if not existed and log last active time for user accessing apis via backend apps

Note: we may need a ticket for adding this to schema, making this field an ISO timestamp (date format)

mrorz 12:12:27

(還在開票 & 整理 ing)


Cofacts 會議記錄 - HackMD

# Cofacts 會議記錄 ## 2020 - [20201021 會議記錄](/NmokGVB_Qsa1dIgGEsfoJQ) - [20201014 會議記錄](/R3TffjwOSXef

github 12:24:40

Comment on #282 Font size adjustments

From 2020/10/15 <|Slack discussion> (Firefox screenshot) <|image> &gt; • Reply 的 title 是不是忘記粗體了 &gt; • Different opinion/Reference 的字型大小是不是給錯了 &gt; 英文版特別明顯,第一眼看過去,會直接往 Different opinion 看

github 12:32:08

#51 Sample article date display error

<;v=lQX_9BLpnx8|image> The message in video: <|> The erroneous article shown in video: <|> The article has `createdAt` &amp; `updatedAt` being `null`: <|image> Articles with id `sampleX-rumor` are seed items in the beginning of 真的假的 project, they do not have valid `createdAt` because they are not collected from chatbot. We can • find out how many articles are like this • discuss how to handle / display such articles

github 13:18:38

#229 Highlight improvements

From <|20201014> and <|20200923> discussion, *Long snippet gets truncated out* <|image> &gt; 因為 API 那裡可能會吐出很長的 snippet ,然後再 highlight 中間的部分,導致 highlight 的部分太後面 xD &gt; 這個可能要在 API 上多開欄位指定預計 snippet 長度來解,有些麻煩就是了,可以記下來,未來再想想怎麼做 *Better matching by increasing text* <|image> &gt; 文字應該是 100% match &gt; 但 highlight 只有標出 more_like_this query 認為重要的那些 query。 &gt; 增加 more_like_this 要查的字,增加查詢時間但也增加 recall / sensitivity (敏感性) &amp; 更好的 highlight

github 13:20:49

Comment on #53 Revisit similarity measure

From <|20201014 meeting note>, as we now support highlighting, users can identify similar messages more easily. We can directly lower the threshold of search hit.

github 20:53:38

Comment on #227 index user if not existed and log last active time for user accessing apis via backend apps

haha, good catch. Actually, I think this might only be needed for test to pass locally. It doesn't seem to be timeout as easily on travis. I am actually thinking maybe we can make timeout value an environment variable to be set in .env and move this to setup since this is pretty much environment performance dependent (I don't know about everyone else, but they run way slower on my laptop than on travis :p)


mrorz 01:08:54
@stbb1025 原來 frame 要拉出多的空間,要加上 cmd 再拖曳

Ignore constraint settings while resizing a Frame - Awesome Figma Tips

Small but awesome tips to work faster in Figma.

nonumpa 18:01:46
@stbb1025 這是目前 line bot 上的 on-boarding tutorial 的進度

1. 圖片文字的位置顏色或背景
2. `模擬傳訊息` 的框框
P.S. 我覺得不把 `模擬傳訊息` 跟教學圖片分開成兩個訊息送出,可以避免使用者一加 cofacts 好友,直接噴出 3 個訊息,把歡迎訊息蓋掉;也可以避免使用者沒看完轉傳教學圖片就直接按 `模擬傳訊息`
on-boarding tutorial flow :
我覺得合在一個訊息滿不錯的!看 @mrorz 覺得?
stbb1025 21:13:06
我覺得合在一個訊息滿不錯的!看 @mrorz 覺得?
github 22:18:46

Comment on #332 UI/UX enhancement for GA charts

TODO: 1. show aggregated `webUser`/`lineUser` stats instead of <|`webVisit`/`lineVisit`> 2. move the description in the legend labels (i.e. web visit/line inquiry) to tooltips and leave only the color coded numbers (`` for web, `theme.palette.primary.main` for chatbot) 3. apply the color coding to distinguish web visit and line inquiry in the tooltip shown when hovering over a certain date on the chart 4. replace `visits` with `users` as see fit


github 01:41:03

#352 Makeshift edit name function for the hackathob

Before the 10/24 hackathon I would like to add a very simple edit name function, so that editors can change their display name as they wish. <|change-name-desktop> <|change-name-mobile> Also deployed to staging site for preview.

我在 staging 放上了編輯名字的功能,希望在大松之前可以進 code,這樣大松參與者就可以改名字了~

github 01:44:55

Comment on #227 index user if not existed and log last active time for user accessing apis via backend apps

I think it's OK that we increase timeout directly. Increasing timeout does not impact time spent on test, but can save precious developing energy on problems that we can really solve.

mrorz 02:03:51
我在 staging 放上了編輯名字的功能,希望在大松之前可以進 code,這樣大松參與者就可以改名字了~

mrorz 03:05:52
突然想到,elasticsearch 可以跨 index 做 search / aggregate 的特性,其實很適合拿來做類似 github 那樣的 contribution chart

可以畫出使用者哪一天做了多少貢獻(= reply, article-reply feedback, replyrequest, etc)
截圖 2020-10-23 上午3.04.46.png
但問題是編輯會想要有類似 github 的 contribution graph 嗎
github contribution 的雷達圖也很有趣,可以做 category 雷達圖,看這是一個專攻醫療健康的編輯還是全方面型的編輯
你說的貢獻分類也可以畫( reply, article-reply feedback, replyrequest, etc)
github 的圖使用者是不能選擇要不要顯示,還滿多人抱怨這件事情,但這感覺是可以讓使用者在 user profile 決定的事情
隱私作為誘因 + 新編輯確實比較需要觀察 xd
如果資料很少的新編輯圖可能會超級 biased XD
不會呀 座標軸極端值就放個 `max(20, maxValueInAxis)`
mrorz 03:07:37
但問題是編輯會想要有類似 github 的 contribution graph 嗎
github 14:48:49

Comment on #227 index user if not existed and log last active time for user accessing apis via backend apps

nit: adding snapshot name (`toMatchSnapshot`'s argument) when multiple `toMatchSnapshot` is used in one test case can help increase the readability of snapshot files.

github 14:48:49

Comment on #227 index user if not existed and log last active time for user accessing apis via backend apps

I think we can assert `rollbar.error` is not invoked here to ensure that collision check does not trigger by accident. We should also reset `rollbar.error` mock before each test.

github 14:48:49

Review on #227 index user if not existed and log last active time for user accessing apis via backend apps

Thanks a million for looping in tests for index.js! This is the first time apollo server context logic can be included in tests. I am grateful for <|@ztsai> 's integration effort :woman-bowing: I am a bit confused how Apollo server context could interact with other middlewares like `checkHeaders`. We may need to check if the current logic works for web browser users. Lastly, I have some nitpicking suggestions are regarding snapshot names :P

github 14:48:49

Comment on #227 index user if not existed and log last active time for user accessing apis via backend apps

Is `userId` being sent to `graphQLServerOptions` in real scenarios? When is it written?

github 14:48:49

Comment on #227 index user if not existed and log last active time for user accessing apis via backend apps

Suggest adding snapshot name when multiple `toMatchSnapshot` is called in unit tests. The snapshot file would be more readable when `1, 2, 3` replaced with meaningful snapshot names :)

github 14:48:49

Comment on #227 index user if not existed and log last active time for user accessing apis via backend apps

1. I cannot think of a case that `appId` is missing -- it should always be populated by `checkHeaders()`. If this is expected, maybe we can simplify the logic here by rejecting empty `ctx.appId` early. 2. Since we are invoking `createOrUpdateUser`, which will consult database anyway, I think we can consider • remove DB read operation in `passport.deserializeUser` in `auth.js` -- we can just return `userId` or `{passportUserId: userId}` in `passport.deserializeUser` to notify other middlewares about passport's login session. • we then no longer need to merge `ctx.state.user` with GraphQL context's user.

github 19:17:08

Comment on #227 index user if not existed and log last active time for user accessing apis via backend apps

this is a workaround since `createTestClient` doesn't let you provide `context` so overwriting `integrationContextArgument` for `graphQLServerOptions` is kinda like mimicking being called after `checkHeader` has been called and `appId` and `userId` has been included I will add a comment stating that. <|> I did a little bit of digging, and I think the official <|testing util> provided by apollo-server isn't really helpful. This is the workaround that I came up with to test the new functionalities, but to test the entire request cycle including auth flow and other middleware functions is even trickier, and will need to do some passport stubbing. Which is why I was concern and believe some manual testing is needed

github 22:15:24

Comment on #227 index user if not existed and log last active time for user accessing apis via backend apps

Nope. For web app users it relies on `ctx.state.user`, which is populated by `passport.deserializeUser` callback, which passport.js will call when de-serialize data (user id) in cookie to `ctx.state.user`. Ref: <|>



Ted Benson 00:02:30
@edward.benson has joined the channel
🦒 2
pinchia 11:32:53
@pinchia has joined the channel
ken998993 11:33:58
@ken998993 has joined the channel
Cowbon 12:04:32
@alexalex850520 has joined the channel
mrorz 12:32:12
Cofacts wifi:
```Cofacts meetup(5g)
github 12:34:21

Comment on #350 Don't insert friend link to clipboard for logged-in users

I can take a crack at this! :robot_face:

🙏 1
Peggy Shih 12:36:36
@millashih86 has joined the channel
github 15:08:44

#353 [#350] Don't insert friend link to clipboard for logged-in users

Addresses Issue <|#350>. Manual test from <http://localhost:3000/article/AVx3hpeZyCdS-nWhuZ8c|this article>: When logged in the copied text is: ``` 消防局提醒民眾,除了打火機外,髮膠、芳香噴霧、防蟲噴霧等高壓縮罐產品,及可能含酒精的芳香劑、香水都不宜放在車內,以免遇高溫產生易燃氣體,造成氣爆或火燒車。 ``` When logged out the copied text is: ``` 消防局提醒民眾,除了打火機外,髮膠、芳香噴霧、防蟲噴霧等高壓縮罐產品,及可能含酒精的芳香劑、香水都不宜放在車內,以免遇高溫產生易燃氣體,造成氣爆或火燒車。 📋 節錄自 Cofacts 真的假的:<http://localhost:3000/article/AVx3hpeZyCdS-nWhuZ8c> 🤔 在 LINE 看到可疑訊息?加「真的假的」好友,查謠言與詐騙 ➡️ <> ```

adachang 16:04:02
@adachang123 has joined the channel
adachang 16:27:21
👍 1
github 21:05:11

#1 project init

☐ source code ☐ docker ☐ model-config.json

github 21:09:46

Comment on #8 Containerize BoW model

Use this issue <|cofacts/rumors-ai-bow#1>

github 21:25:12

#10 Category mapping

☐ For AI-master Extract hardcoded string and create a JSON file ``` { "cofacts-category-id-0": "elasticsearch-id-0", "cofacts-category-id-1": "elasticsearch-id-1", "cofacts-category-id-2": "elasticsearch-id-2" } ``` ☐ For 3rd model Edit model register API for providing category mapping. Ref <|#4> `POST /v1/models/` ``` { "name": "my ai model", "realTime": false, "categoryMapping": { "model-self-define-id-0": "cofacts-category-id-0", "model-self-define-id-1": "cofacts-category-id-0", "model-self-define-id-2": ["cofacts-category-id-3", "cofacts-category-id-4"] } } ``` `PATCH /v1/models/{id}` ``` { "categoryMapping": { "model-self-define-id-0": "cofacts-category-id-0", "model-self-define-id-1": "cofacts-category-id-0", "model-self-define-id-2": ["cofacts-category-id-3", "cofacts-category-id-4"] } } ```

github 21:28:18

#2 Create a guide/pipeline for coming new categories

For adding main category For adding sub-category

github 21:29:06

#3 Apply category mapping

See <|cofacts/rumors-ai#10>

github 21:30:49

Comment on #7 Containerize BERT model


github 21:35:06

#11 Use model via docker

<|> <|>

github 23:38:44

Review on #353 [#350] Don't insert friend link to clipboard for logged-in users

Thanks a million for the fix! Judging from the logic, it seems that when `currentUser` is falsy, the behavior of the application would be identical to built-in copy-paste. I am wondering if `onCopy={currentUser ? undefined : handleCopy}` on components would work. If it works it could be more readable (and `handleCopy` would change less) in my opinion. Also it would be nice if `npm run lint --fix` is run and the lint fix is being committed. That should turn the build green 🟢


github 12:47:06

#229 TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating 't[2][0].cursor')

Happens a few times a day, mostly on iOS. <|圖片> View details in Rollbar: <|> ``` TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating 't[2][0].cursor') File "<>", line 2, in $n File "<>", line 2, in Sn File "<>", line 2, in ft File "<>", line 2, in Tn File "<>", line 2, in jn File "<>", line 2, in p File "<>", line 2, in K File "<>", line 2, in Y File "[native code]", line unknown, in promiseReactionJob ```


github 15:06:24

#230 [LIFF] Fix UserSetting page ux that shows switch ui after data loaded

Before: <|> After: <|>

github 15:09:44

Comment on #230 [LIFF] Fix UserSetting page ux that shows switch ui after data loaded

*Pull Request Test Coverage Report for <|Build 1171>* • *0* of *0* changed or added relevant lines in *0* files are covered. • No unchanged relevant lines lost coverage. • Overall coverage remained the same at *84.968%* * * * * * * *:yellow_heart: - <|Coveralls>*

github 15:36:10

Review on #230 [LIFF] Fix UserSetting page ux that shows switch ui after data loaded

Thanks for the change! Reducing the button flicker looks much better!


github 22:45:53

Comment on #322 Excessive GraphQL calls on server side rendering

I seem to have a similar issue when setting up Material UI SSR + next-i18nnext SSR. The way Apollo detects SSR seems to be broken in certain scenarios when playing too much with React SSR, it might change some internal state


github 02:41:57

#231 On-boarding tutorial

Fixes <|#216> Text setup in rich menu to trigger tutorial should be: :book: tutorial (en) ~:book: 教學 (zh-tw)~

github 04:28:56

Comment on #231 On-boarding tutorial

*Pull Request Test Coverage Report for <|Build 1177>* • *40* of *87* *(45.98%)* changed or added relevant lines in *5* files are covered. • No unchanged relevant lines lost coverage. • Overall coverage decreased (*-3.7%*) to *81.315%* * * * * * * *:yellow_heart: - <|Coveralls>*

mrorz 11:31:30
Next.js 9.5 還沒升成功
10 就先出了 lol

Next.js 10

Next.js 10 introduces Built-in Image Optimization, Internationalized Routing, Next.js Analytics, React 17 Support, and more!

Image 會自己轉 webp
但我們很少圖片 XDDD

• material-ui 肥肥,SSR 產生 stylesheet 不知道效能如何
• apollo-client 新版可能跟 SSR 有些水土不服,會產生多次 render 與 request (過去的 bug)
目前流量大多都是往文章頁面灌,landing page 等圖多的網頁比較少流量,所以 next10 的東西對我來說沒有太大吸引力

• 文章頁面是否有機會可以 statically generated;若可以,那 search engine / crawler 可以超快拿到內容而不會耗 API 資源(但可能有些 outdated);瀏覽器在 bootstrap 時也可以另外發 request 到 API 拿到最新內容。
• 目前不能 static generate 的最重要問題是 env vars 現在都是 runtime config。我們的 build process (docker cloud) 疑似無法提供 env file,所以無法產生不同 env file 的 auto-build;況且 build-time 決定 env 彈性也比較差
至於 i18n 與導致的 SEO 問題,看起來是應該要加掛 link tag 來解,next10 的那套對我們的 build-time i18n + 不同語言已經分不同 domain 的架構應該沒有太大助益
關於 SEO,我之前有個想法忘記在會議上提出。

大致上的概念是:既然 Google 搜尋不支援 accept-language 自動偵測,那我們一個 domain 就固定用一種語言好。

• ``, ``, `` 三個 domain 永遠 serve 中文版
• `` 永遠 serve 英文版
• 無論是哪個版本,都採用 google 建議,使用 `<link rel="alternate" hreflang="_lang_code_" href="_url_of_page_" />` 指向所有語言
• 在瀏覽器用 `navigator.language` 偵測瀏覽器語言,如果語言與 UI 不同,則顯示一個切換語言的 banner,顯示同一個頁面的不同語言 URL
這樣應該可以讓最長被使用的, 的 <html lang> 在 index 時是受眾最常用的中文,也解決中文首頁 SEO 的問題。


關於有三個版本都 serve 中文版這件事情,中文版可能要挑一個 URL 當作 canonical URL。

目前 是被 index 最多的版本,如果換 canonical url 到 的話,page rank 會掉嗎?
無論是 canonical url 還是 language 都可以用 header 實作
這樣就只要改 rumors-deploy 的 nginx 就可以囉
(其實放 rumors-deploy 也合理,因為 domain 就是在)
不需要改到 rumors-site~
會掉page rank吧
我發現 Google 其實不認為只翻譯 UI 字串的網站就多語網站。

> Translating only the boilerplate text of your pages while keeping the bulk of your content in a single language (as often happens on pages featuring user-generated content) can create a bad user experience if the same content appears multiple times in search results with various boilerplate languages.

1. 把基於 http request header 的自動語言偵測功能拿掉; server 英文 UI,其他一律 serve 中文 UI
2. 無論哪個版本的網址,canonical 一律使用 避免重複爬取
3. 除了整頁都英文的 landing page 之外,其他頁面都不下 hreflang 標籤了,就通通當中文ㄅ
mrorz 13:38:27


Cofacts 會議記錄 - HackMD

# Cofacts 會議記錄 ## 2020 - [20201028 會議記錄](/n74W64y4RiWIKt1Noxn-Mg) - [20201024 大松](/IzcYlM1PQu-1He

github 13:55:45

Comment on #231 On-boarding tutorial

Since `Why setup permissions` is more than 20 characters, I suggest we just use `Why`

github 13:55:45

Comment on #231 On-boarding tutorial

We may need a better place for these images <|image>

🦒 1 🐈 1
github 13:55:45

Comment on #231 On-boarding tutorial

Nit: suggest using `reply` and `article` as argument names, and denote that their type is `Reply` and `Article` in rumors-api GraphQL, respectively.

github 13:55:46

Review on #231 On-boarding tutorial

I have not finish reviewing `handlers/tutorial.js`. Here are some early feedback.

github 13:55:46

Comment on #231 On-boarding tutorial

Hmm by permission settings I actually meant our existing `settings` page. That's why I also put welcome messages in settings LIFF.

bil 19:22:57
有貼紙欸~~~~~謝謝SyndAvant 結合社群能量、策展專業、社會設計,透過凝聚行動者與企業夥伴,以有趣的專案提昇群眾對環境、人權、教育等議題的關注還有關懷Cofacts送貼紙。我會懷著感恩的心發放這些貼紙。
❤️ 3 👍 1
github 22:05:54

Comment on #216 On-boarding tutorial

To wrap up, please finish your permission settings so that I can provide a smoother experience. 現在請你設定「如果你之後問的問題被查證了要回傳給你」,這需要經過你的同意喔! Why setup permission?” --&gt; 為什麼要同意呢?這要設定什麼? When I provide hoax-busting replies to you, I would like to ask you for any feedback on the crowd-sourced reply. In order to achieve that, I need to ask for your permission to "send your message to our chatroom". The permission will be used to send only this one message of yours back to this particular chatroom. You can still use Cofacts without granting me this permission. When we ask for feedback from you, the permission dialog will pop-up again. 當我把查到的闢謠回給你的時候,我會請你一起確認「這個機器人沒有答非所問」,有你的幫助與按讚:+1:確認,能讓我學習很多、查得更好。 不過我是個很有禮貌的機器人,我會徵求你的同意讓我傳訊息告訴你:「你剛剛問我的訊息,真的假的聊天機器人 查到了,答案是什麼」。 這個設定可以讓我在幫你查到新訊息的時候告訴你「剛剛你傳的訊息是真的還是假的。」 如果你選擇關閉這個設定,你還是可以問機器人那些別人有問過、或我已經幫別人查過的舊訊息。 如果之後 真的假的 機器人需要請求你的幫忙,再來問你喔! 4. Thank-you 好喔我懂了! ":stopwatch: Later" --&gt; 之後再設定吧! OK. When we ask for feedback from you, the permission dialog will pop-up again. 好的,如果之後 真的假的 機器人需要請求你的幫忙,再來問你喔! This is the end of the tutorial. Next time when you receive a suspicious message, don't hesitate to forward it to me! :hugging_face: 耶咿~教學結束囉!! 下次收到可疑的訊息時,就轉傳分享給我幫你查吧!:blush:


github 00:08:10

#232 Update line content api domain

Reference: <|>

github 00:35:27

Review on #232 Update line content api domain

Thanks for the timely fix!

github 01:32:46

Comment on #232 Update line content api domain

*Pull Request Test Coverage Report for <|Build 1183>* • *0* of *1* *(0.0%)* changed or added relevant line in *1* file are covered. • No unchanged relevant lines lost coverage. • Overall coverage remained the same at *84.968%* * * * * * * *:yellow_heart: - <|Coveralls>*

github 13:47:03

Comment on #216 On-boarding tutorial

&gt; In order to achieve that, I need to ask for your permission to "send your message to our chatroom". &gt; The permission will be used to send only this one message of yours back to this particular chatroom. 這兩句其實是在講 <|#174> 的「傳送訊息至聊天室」權限。 因為之前就有發生過<|使用者問為什麼要這個「傳送訊息至聊天室」權限>,所以才會有這個說明文字。如果我們不用這個中文字,使用者會不知道我們在解釋什麼。 LINE UI 使用的英文是 "Send messages to chats",而中文是「傳送訊息至聊天室」,這個部分的說明,英文與中文應該都要跟 LINE 的 UI 一致。 <|Screenshot_20201029-134319> <|>

github 14:02:11

Comment on #216 On-boarding tutorial

To wrap up, please finish your permission settings so that I can provide a smoother experience. 現在請你完成設定,讓機器人的事實查核順利進行喔! Why setup permission?” --&gt; 為什麼要同意呢?這要設定什麼? When I provide hoax-busting replies to you, I would like to ask you for any feedback on the crowd-sourced reply. In order to achieve that, I need to ask for your permission to "send your message to our chatroom". The permission will be used to send only this one message of yours back to this particular chatroom. You can still use Cofacts without granting me this permission. When we ask for feedback from you, the permission dialog will pop-up again. 當我把查到的闢謠回給你的時候,我會請你一起確認「這個機器人沒有答非所問」,有你的幫助與按讚:+1:確認,能讓我學習很多、查得更好。 要得到你的「:+1: 」,或是「這回得不好,機器人應該改成oxxxx」所以需要請你許可『傳送訊息至聊天室』。 如果不同意的話,還是可以使用其他功能喔!如果我們需要你幫忙,這個「請求同意」的對話會再次出現。

github 14:21:46

Comment on #216 On-boarding tutorial

This is the end of the tutorial. Next time when you receive a suspicious message, don't hesitate to forward it to me! :hugging_face: 耶咿~教學結束囉!! 下次收到可疑的訊息時,就轉傳分享給我幫你查吧!:blush: To wrap up, please finish your permission settings so that I can provide a smoother experience. 現在請你完成設定,讓機器人的事實查核順利進行喔! Why setup permission?” --&gt; 為什麼要同意呢?這要設定什麼? When I provide hoax-busting replies to you, I would like to ask you for any feedback on the crowd-sourced reply. In order to achieve that, I need to ask for your permission to "send your message to our chatroom". The permission will be used to send only this one message of yours back to this particular chatroom. You can still use Cofacts without granting me this permission. When we ask for feedback from you, the permission dialog will pop-up again. 當我把查到的闢謠回給你的時候,我會需要跟你對話確認才不會誤會你的意思,所以請幫我選擇許可「傳送訊息至聊天室」 。 一樣只會在 真的假的 的好友帳號裡面,讓你可以查新的謠言。 如果不同意的話,還是可以使用其他功能喔!如果我們需要你幫忙,這個「請求同意」的對話會再次出現。



github 00:11:52

#5 Decouple rumors-ai-bert from rumors-ai

To see <|> <|rumors-ai-bert/GPU_host/> Line 5 in &lt;/cofacts/rumors-ai-bert/commit/50705367faf152e6628fce705ab93a52e3a304ef|5070536&gt;

github 00:25:47

#6 Fix missing file

`` and `` <|rumors-ai-bert/CPU_host/Dockerfile> Lines 30 to 39 in &lt;/cofacts/rumors-ai-bert/commit/50705367faf152e6628fce705ab93a52e3a304ef|5070536&gt;

github 00:26:56

#7 Remove &amp;test=1

<|rumors-ai-bert/CPU_host/run-scripts/> Line 25 in &lt;/cofacts/rumors-ai-bert/commit/50705367faf152e6628fce705ab93a52e3a304ef|5070536&gt;

github 00:42:47

Comment on #347 SEO for Mandarin content

I have a bold idea: • Drop current `accept-language` detection mechanism: It's not supported by Google. • `<|>`, `<|>`, `<|>` always connects to Mandarin version; `<|>` always connects to English version. • On browser, when we detect the browser language did not match the currently viewed version, show a banner with a link to the version that their browser supports. • Implement `link` tag pointing to alternative languages In this way, • Google should be able to index Cofacts main site as Mandarin content • Existing URLs exists, so it does not loose page rank • Human users can be still directed to correct language when they follow the link in banner.

tmonk 11:34:48
自從用了這個 Line 之後,我就知道血多是什麼控了。
- YouTube 留言
可能是 pycon 或 hitcon 吧
github 18:19:16

Comment on #227 index user if not existed and log last active time for user accessing apis via backend apps

frontend users are tested with logging in from development frontend, and backend users are tested with ``` curl "<http://localhost:5000/graphql?userId=$USERID>" -H 'Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Accept: application/json' -H 'Connection: keep-alive' -H 'DNT: 1' -H 'Origin: <http://localhost:5000>' -H "x-app-secret:$SECRET" --data-binary '{"query":"query {\n GetUser{\n \tid\n \tname\n avatarUrl\n level\n }\n}"}' --compressed ```