Comment on #202 Convert GraphQL userArticleLinks to cursor-based pagination
Rebase and merge 看起來不會有 merge commit 呢囧 我還是用最傳統的 merge 好了,比較能從 commit 追 PR
Comment on #201 Feature/163 insert data
<|@godgunman> 你484改完忘記push
#206 Add google analytics to LIFF
• Google analytics setup for LIFF • sends pageview on page change • sends user timing on LIFF load • record redirect count as redirect event
Comment on #206 Add google analytics to LIFF
*Pull Request Test Coverage Report for <|Build 978>* • *0* of *0* changed or added relevant lines in *0* files are covered. • No unchanged relevant lines lost coverage. • Overall coverage remained the same at *98.379%* * * * * * * *:yellow_heart: - <|Coveralls>*
Comment on #270 Hotfix/minor bugs
user id is used to identify whether the current user added the category as well (so that they can remove those categories added by themselves)(in line 298), `disableVote` may be a bit confusing. it's good to extract the author check logic to upper component though
Comment on #270 Hotfix/minor bugs
as for the mutation part it's certainly difficult to put them in appropriate place, `useMutation` is a hook and it uses closure to get required params, this means that we should put the params and `useMutation` in the same function, and at the same time consist the calling order so that it won't break hook rules
Comment on #269 Feature/reply editor toobar
1. `replyReference` does not look like a variable that is really needed. If we need this variable, please use `const` and replace `reply.text + '\n'` with `replyReference` instead. 2. Please remove unused comment. 3. Seems that we did not copy the reply reference to `ReferenceInput` yet?
Review on #269 Feature/reply editor toobar
The unit test looks clearer now :) Thanks! I think we are good to go after we implement reference copying on "Add this reply to my reply" button.
Review on #270 Hotfix/minor bugs
LGTM! I am seeing this warning when running `npm run dev`, not sure if it will cause errors: ``` Warning: fragment with name ArticleWithCategories already exists. graphql-tag enforces all fragment names across your application to be unique; read more about this in the docs: <> ``` Let's see it on staging.
*Before* <|image> *After* <|image>
Review on #271 [Trivial] Fix trendline
Comment on #269 Feature/reply editor toobar
Thanks for adding `reference`. I think we should use `reply.reference` directly instead of composing from `reply.hyperlinks`. Sometimes the author of the reply may <|put some info in reply's reference field>, such as adding section title between hyperlinks, or provide description to URLs that is more concise to hyperlink titles.
Review on #269 Feature/reply editor toobar
LGTM! Thanks for the fix, let's see it in staging :sunglasses:
Comment on #207 Feature/165 cron notify
*Pull Request Test Coverage Report for <|Build 984>* • *26* of *44* *(59.09%)* changed or added relevant lines in *4* files are covered. • No unchanged relevant lines lost coverage. • Overall coverage decreased (*-4.7%*) to *93.679%* * * * * * * *:yellow_heart: - <|Coveralls>*
LIFF SDK 現在也可以用 NPM 安裝了。另外安裝 NPM SDK,開發環境還有型別跟自動補完支援,寫起來效率滿分!
Comment on #207 Feature/165 cron notify
If we put cron job and web server together, there may be a case that if we have multiple instances for web server, the cron job will be triggered once for each instance, causing the job be run multiple times. I would suggest we just prepare a standalone NodeJS script that can be invoked via command line. On other environments, people can use native cron tab to trigger the script; and on Heroku, we can use <|Heroku scheduler> to schedule a run.
Comment on #207 Feature/165 cron notify
Since we already use `date-fns` in our application, I think we should use <|`date-fns/add`> directly, instead of implementing our own function.
Review on #207 Feature/165 cron notify
I haven't reviewed the core logic in determine who to notify. Just to provide some thought on how cron job can be defined and how user can be notified. I love the test cases, they helped me a lot when understanding how each utility function works :nerd_face:
Comment on #207 Feature/165 cron notify
I wonder if `push` is used anywhere yet?
Comment on #207 Feature/165 cron notify
I would suggest we send flex message with button when doing multicast, so that we can hide complex LIFF URLs from users using a button with URI action.
Comment on #207 Feature/165 cron notify
If there are multiple instances running the web server, this may cause the cron job being run once for each instance / process. I would suggest we just implement a NodeJS script that can be run using command line. On normal production environment, the devOp can use ordinary cron tab to trigger the job; on our production environment on Heroku, we can use <|Heroku scheduler>. In this case, we won't need `CronJob` library; we just need to make sure the script works when run on CLI, just like the <|hyperlink cleaning job> in rumors-api.
Comment on #207 Feature/165 cron notify
no, currently we just use `multicast` and `notify`.
Add user id field to CreateArticleCategory
Comment on #201 Feature/163 insert data
Why don't we just use mongo client for a find query? (Also for L118) The main point of my previous comment was because `UserSetting.findOrInsertByUserId` will mutate the database to make the test pass, even when the function under test (`singleUserHandler`) does not work as expected. It did not mean we should avoid using `mongoClient` entirely ._.
Review on #201 Feature/163 insert data
Thanks for updating the PR accordingly! Named a few suggestions and added conclusion from the discussion <|on Slack> today.
Comment on #201 Feature/163 insert data
There is already a static method called `find` in `UserArticleLink`, which is used by GraphQL resolver for `Query.userArticleLinks`. `find` was added before this branch previously branched out and is now in the file after your rebase. I think we should only leave one endpoint that lists user-article links of a user. I like the naming `findByUserId` because it is more clear (and considering that we need also to find by article id in <|#207>). But the pagination mechanism is also required by the GraphQL API. Would you merge the implementation of the two find methods into `findByUserId()`, remove `find()` and update the resolver (`graphql/resolvers/Query.js`) accordingly?
Comment on #201 Feature/163 insert data
Since `choosingReply` does not involve `UserArticleLink`, I think we should not include these in test file, or it may confuse readers thinking that `choosingReply` has used `UserArticleLink`.
Comment on #201 Feature/163 insert data
As discussed in slack today, we should use an API that also writes `lastViewedAt`. Also, please add `lastViewedAt` as a required field in `userArticleLink.json` to ensure that `lastViewedAt` always exists in DB.
Comment on #201 Feature/163 insert data
Actually there is another method called `findOrInsertByUserIdAndArticleId` in `UserArticleLink` model, doing almost the same thing as `updateTimestamps` does, but it's not used anywhere. I suggest we should leave only one of such method in `UserArticleLink`.
Comment on #207 Feature/165 cron notify
1. Accepting inputting multiple `articleIds` and search by `{articleId: {$in: articleIds}}` can provide better flexibility. It should work more efficiently as well. 2. Since this API still returns `UserArticleLink`s instead of users, the `UserList` in its naming is a bit confusing. suggest using something like `findByArticleIds`.
Comment on #207 Feature/165 cron notify
According to <|our discussion on slack>, all `userArticleLink` should have `lastViewedAt`. We may need to update these fixtures to match that.
Comment on #207 Feature/165 cron notify
I suggest we move some of the `articleReply`'s `createdAt` outside of the queried time range because • `ListArticle(repliedAt)` includes an article as long as it has _one_ `articleReply` within the time range, thus it is possible for its results having _some_ article-replies outside the time range • Including such possibility in the test case can better cover all scenarios • Currently there are already plenty of `articleReplies` in the fixture, but all of them in the same time range. Moving some of them outside the time range can increase diversity of fixture combinations.
Review on #207 Feature/165 cron notify
I have viewed the logic of cron jobs. Thanks for the contribution! As our <|open data analytics> shows, sometimes there will be more than 100 articles replied in a day. I have made some suggestions to enhance robustness of cron jobs by processing in batches. Also there are some suggestions about diversity of test fixtures.
Comment on #207 Feature/165 cron notify
The combination of `Promise.all` and `` will cause `UserSettings.findOrInsertByUserId` being invoked in parallel. If there are `N` users to notify, this will trigger `N` queries to database _at once_. This can be dangerous when a very popular article (>100 user article links) receives a new reply. I would suggest • Divide `Object.keys(notificationList)` (user ids) into batches, size of each batch controlled by a constant. • Use for-loop with `await` in loop to make sure only 1 batch is processed at a time. • Create a new static method on `UserSettings` that reads user settings in batch and does not perform upsert. • use `findAll({userId: {$in: userIds}})` in the new method to receive batch of user settings • there is no point inserting `UserSettings` in cron jobs • skip a user when the user does not have `UserSettings` (it should never happen though, just in case)
Comment on #207 Feature/165 cron notify
Sending one notification for each user that receive notification may <|hit this quota> if there are more than 20 users to send notification: > Each gtag.js and analytics.js tracker object starts with 20 hits that are replenished at a rate of 2 hits per second I think for now we can just send one event to GA that records the number of notifications we sent this time (in <|event value> so that the number adds up when query for multiple days).
Comment on #207 Feature/165 cron notify
These comments will be sent as part of GraphQL. I think we can remove these comments because the variable name already implies the same meaning.
Comment on #207 Feature/165 cron notify
Suggest adding `status:NORMAL` to exclude deleted replies
Comment on #207 Feature/165 cron notify
For processing the articles, I would suggest 1. Use pagination to get _all_ articles that match the filter, not just first `N` articles. 2. Sequentially process each batch of `N` articles. Design APIs so that it can handle multiple articles at once. ``` // Async generator that gets a batch of articles with articleReply between `from` and `to`. // The generator encapsulates complex pagination logic so that the function using it can focus on // batch processing logic without worrying pagination. // async function* getArticlesInBatch(from, to) { // Get pageInfo outside the loop since it's expensive for rumors-api const { data: { ListArticles: { pageInfo: {lastCursor} } } } = await gql`...`({from, to}); let after = undefined; while(lastCursor !== after) { // Actually loads `edges` and process. const { data: { ListArticles } } = await gql`...`({from, to, after}); yield{node}) => node); // next gql call should go after the last cursor of this page after = ListArticles.edges[ListArticles.edges.length - 1].cursor; } } async function getNotificationList(lastScannedAt, nowWithOffset) { const result = {}; // for loop ensures that only one batch will be processed at a time, so that we do not // make a bunch of queries to our MongoDB at once. // for await (const articles of getArticlesInBatch(lastScannedAt, nowWithOffset)) { // Process the batch // Make an API that processes a batch of articleIds, instead of only one ID at a time const userArticleLinks = await UserArticleLink.findByArticleIds({id}) => id)); userArticleLinks.forEach(/* Logic that populates result */) } return result; } ```
Comment on #201 Feature/163 insert data
Should we test if `unfollow` event changes `allowNewReplyUpdate` to false?
Comment on #272 hotfix: add category bug
Still can't remove a category added by myself from the article detail page. The category first seems to deleted, but re-appear after refresh. I am seeing this warning in console. Not sure if it is relevant. > Warning: fragment with name ArticleWithCategories already exists. > graphql-tag enforces all fragment names across your application to be unique; read more about > this in the docs: <|> I found that • there is no `status` exist in fetched `articleCategories` in apollo cache. • when querying article's `articleCategories` we did not specify `(status: NORMAL)` in GraphQL. I guess that's probably why all `articleCategories` are fetched and displayed. Since the display logic actually do not involve `status`, I suggest specifying `(status: NORMAL)` when querying `articleCategories` in article detail page.
Comment on #201 Feature/163 insert data
Hmm, because you say `using MongoDb commands` :joy::joy: . It's a bit confusing for me, but doing mongo CLI is also quick, then I made it haha
Comment on #201 Feature/163 insert data
How about we move `find()` into `src/database/models/base.js` ? So that all models can use `find()` just like they already have `findOneAndUpdate`. As a result, `findByUserId()` is for listing user-article links in UserArticleLink, and `find()` is for general use in all models.
Comment on #201 Feature/163 insert data
But mongodb already have a method named `find()`. I would like to see `findXXX` methods directly invoking methods of mongodb client. Adding one more layer to `find()` is a bit over-engineered to me.
Comment on #201 Feature/163 insert data
Agree adding `find()` to `Base` so that `Base` API is more consistent :woman-gesturing-ok:
Review on #272 hotfix: add category bug
It's working properly now. Thanks for the fix!
Discussion: <|> > orz: Google 有針對 ClaimReview 做一個專門的 search box 耶:<|> (預設只會顯示瀏覽器語言的 fact-check result) > 好像也有 Search API: <|> > Lucien: 要不要做在 API server > 就能查完直接送進 DB > 或者轉換為一種 reply
#273 Revamp deleted reply list in article page
Spec: <|> Directions: only show deleted article-reply to its author