
Month: 2020-07


github 01:41:36

Comment on #202 Convert GraphQL userArticleLinks to cursor-based pagination

Rebase and merge 看起來不會有 merge commit 呢囧 我還是用最傳統的 merge 好了,比較能從 commit 追 PR

github 01:56:59

Comment on #201 Feature/163 insert data

<|@godgunman> 你484改完忘記push

github 01:59:13

#206 Add google analytics to LIFF

• Google analytics setup for LIFF • sends pageview on page change • sends user timing on LIFF load • record redirect count as redirect event

github 02:14:49

Comment on #206 Add google analytics to LIFF

*Pull Request Test Coverage Report for <|Build 978>* • *0* of *0* changed or added relevant lines in *0* files are covered. • No unchanged relevant lines lost coverage. • Overall coverage remained the same at *98.379%* * * * * * * *:yellow_heart: - <|Coveralls>*

github 05:25:58

Comment on #270 Hotfix/minor bugs

user id is used to identify whether the current user added the category as well (so that they can remove those categories added by themselves)(in line 298), `disableVote` may be a bit confusing. it's good to extract the author check logic to upper component though

github 05:31:03

Comment on #270 Hotfix/minor bugs

as for the mutation part it's certainly difficult to put them in appropriate place, `useMutation` is a hook and it uses closure to get required params, this means that we should put the params and `useMutation` in the same function, and at the same time consist the calling order so that it won't break hook rules

mrorz 10:26:44

最近的會議主要會在追蹤收尾進度,以及盡量 release 已經做好且測過的東西唷
另外還有 Review 要做的新東西

- 追蹤結案進度
- 過趨勢圖表的 spec
- LINE bot release test
- Website release 複測 (上週 blocker 應該已經解了)
- LIFF API 變更討論
github 13:39:37

Comment on #269 Feature/reply editor toobar

1. `replyReference` does not look like a variable that is really needed. If we need this variable, please use `const` and replace `reply.text + '\n'` with `replyReference` instead. 2. Please remove unused comment. 3. Seems that we did not copy the reply reference to `ReferenceInput` yet?

啊 半夜迷糊把做到一半的 push 上去了 ==
github 13:39:37

Review on #269 Feature/reply editor toobar

The unit test looks clearer now :) Thanks! I think we are good to go after we implement reference copying on "Add this reply to my reply" button.

啊 半夜迷糊把做到一半的 push 上去了 ==
github 14:05:21

Review on #270 Hotfix/minor bugs

LGTM! I am seeing this warning when running `npm run dev`, not sure if it will cause errors: ``` Warning: fragment with name ArticleWithCategories already exists. graphql-tag enforces all fragment names across your application to be unique; read more about this in the docs: <> ``` Let's see it on staging.

github 14:26:03

#271 [Trivial] Fix trendline

*Before* <|image> *After* <|image>

只有一行,但修了很重要的東西 XD
github 15:30:21

Comment on #269 Feature/reply editor toobar

Thanks for adding `reference`. I think we should use `reply.reference` directly instead of composing from `reply.hyperlinks`. Sometimes the author of the reply may <|put some info in reply's reference field>, such as adding section title between hyperlinks, or provide description to URLs that is more concise to hyperlink titles.

現在 staging 上有新的回應 tool bar 囉,可以搜尋過去的回應加進現在正在撰寫的回應中,也可以插入 emoji~

感謝 @yanglin5689446 👏
因為 production 上會把 “add category” 按鈕藏起來,所以這個版本我還是在測完之後會先上 production~

把一個月來的 bugfix 以及 editor 先出出去
上 production 囉
Svelte 最近似乎有比較完整的 typescript 支援了,有機會用在 LIFF 上 ~
加 category 的功能在 editor-toolbar 那支上面還是好的欸
我有特別修掉因為沒更新 cache 所以會更新失敗的問題
不知道為什麼 dev branch 壞了
delete 的部分
我不確定是不是 API 問題耶
因為我就是打 `UpdateArticleCategoryStatus` API 而已

不知道之前為什麼會 work
不過打 `CreateArticleCategory` API 的時候要回傳 user id 才會更新前端的 cache
mrorz 15:52:20

- 追蹤結案進度
- 過趨勢圖表的 spec
- LINE bot release test
- Website release 複測 (上週 blocker 應該已經解了)
- LIFF API 變更討論
github 18:02:44

Review on #269 Feature/reply editor toobar

LGTM! Thanks for the fix, let's see it in staging :sunglasses:

github 19:03:55

#207 Feature/165 cron notify


github 19:06:55

Comment on #207 Feature/165 cron notify

*Pull Request Test Coverage Report for <|Build 984>* • *26* of *44* *(59.09%)* changed or added relevant lines in *4* files are covered. • No unchanged relevant lines lost coverage. • Overall coverage decreased (*-4.7%*) to *93.679%* * * * * * * *:yellow_heart: - <|Coveralls>*


mrorz 08:54:44 liff 可以用 npm 載入,還有 Typescript definition

Richard Lee

LIFF SDK 現在也可以用 NPM 安裝了。另外安裝 NPM SDK,開發環境還有型別跟自動補完支援,寫起來效率滿分!



mrorz 01:39:12
上 production 囉
github 13:48:20

Comment on #207 Feature/165 cron notify

If we put cron job and web server together, there may be a case that if we have multiple instances for web server, the cron job will be triggered once for each instance, causing the job be run multiple times. I would suggest we just prepare a standalone NodeJS script that can be invoked via command line. On other environments, people can use native cron tab to trigger the script; and on Heroku, we can use <|Heroku scheduler> to schedule a run.

github 13:48:20

Comment on #207 Feature/165 cron notify

Since we already use `date-fns` in our application, I think we should use <|`date-fns/add`> directly, instead of implementing our own function.

github 13:48:20

Review on #207 Feature/165 cron notify

I haven't reviewed the core logic in determine who to notify. Just to provide some thought on how cron job can be defined and how user can be notified. I love the test cases, they helped me a lot when understanding how each utility function works :nerd_face:

github 13:48:20

Comment on #207 Feature/165 cron notify

I wonder if `push` is used anywhere yet?

github 13:48:20

Comment on #207 Feature/165 cron notify

I would suggest we send flex message with button when doing multicast, so that we can hide complex LIFF URLs from users using a button with URI action.

github 13:48:20

Comment on #207 Feature/165 cron notify

If there are multiple instances running the web server, this may cause the cron job being run once for each instance / process. I would suggest we just implement a NodeJS script that can be run using command line. On normal production environment, the devOp can use ordinary cron tab to trigger the job; on our production environment on Heroku, we can use <|Heroku scheduler>. In this case, we won't need `CronJob` library; we just need to make sure the script works when run on CLI, just like the <|hyperlink cleaning job> in rumors-api.

github 13:51:42

Comment on #207 Feature/165 cron notify

no, currently we just use `multicast` and `notify`.

github 23:53:58

#272 hotfix: add category bug

Add user id field to CreateArticleCategory


mrorz 16:13:32
是說我在看 @ggm 時發現:
• PR207 cron job 會假設所有 `UserArticleLink` 都有 `lastViewedAt`
• PR201 則有兩種建立 `UserArticleLink` 的方式:建立全新 article 時 `UserArticleLink` 就不會有 `lastViewedAt`,但若是查到現有文章,無論該文章是否有 reply,都會建立或更新 `UserArticleLink` 並且寫入 `lastViewedAt`
我想討論的是:是否需要強制 `UserArticleLink` 一定要有 `lastViewedAt` 欄位呢? (Related spec

Note: 無論如何 `UserArticleLink.createdAt` 是一定會有而且一但寫入就不會修改的,所以不在討論範圍。

rumors-line-bot 過去傳過訊息 implementation - HackMD

我沒注意到!以為 lastViewedAt 會一起 create
其實我是贊成 `UserArticleLink` 一律有 `lastViewedAt` 的,因為我看不出需要分「有 `lastViewedAt` 」與「無 `lastViewedAt`」的必要性~
如果 `UserArticleLink` 一律有 `lastViewedAt` 的話,`UserArticleLink` 就只需要一種 create or update 的 method [註],cron job 讀取的時候也會稍微輕鬆一點,不用管 `createdAt`。

[註] 現在 `UserArticleLink` model 裡面有 3 個 method:`create` , `updateTimestamp` 跟完全沒人用的 `findOrInsertByUserIdAndArticleId` 都會 upsert `UserArticleLink`,我覺得太多了 XDD
updateTimestamp 變得有點多餘了,因為沒有那麼多 timestamp 了 😂😂
• 第一次 insert `UserArticleLink` 的時候 `createdAt` 與 `lastViewedAt` 都要寫
• 日後僅 update `lastViewedAt`
我會用這個當結論 review 兩位的 PR
感謝討論 m(_ _)m
欸那 createdAt 好像也有點多餘
但就是記著囉,第一次建立此 object 的 timestamp
有需要的話也可以 show 在 LIFF 裡
雖然有點沒空間 XD
我後來把 `updateTimestamp` 改名成 `upsertByUserIdAndArticleId` ,然後把 `findOrInsertByUserIdAndArticleId` 刪掉
我覺得 `upsertByUserIdAndArticleId` 用途比較廣
其他我都改好了,剩下一個要討論的我留著沒有按 resolve,我是覺得可以把 `find()` 搬過去 `Base` ,做為每個 Model 都與生俱來(?)的方法,這樣其實 `UserSettings` 也用得到
同意 `upsertByUserIdAndArticleId`
也支持刪掉 `updateTimestamp`
別忘了 `create` 應該也要刪掉,因為目前沒有不是 `upsertByUserIdAndArticleId` 的 create 需求

不過我看現在最新的 commit 好像還有 `updateTimestamp` ?

然後 `Base#find` 我覺得也 OK~
咦最新的 commit 已經沒有用到 `updateTimestamp` 了耶?我漏看了嗎
啊!XDD 原來我少推一個 commit 呀
使用 `create` 的話,你是在說這段嗎?

我覺得這段用 `create` 沒什麼問題呀,使用者創建的新文章 `` 一定會是新的不會重複的,一定會產生出一筆 `UserArticleLink` 所以用 `create` 很合理吧?
你是想把這段換成 `upsertByUserIdAndArticleId` 嗎?這樣雖然是可以,但是意圖會有點奇怪會混淆吧,upsert 的用意還是以 update 為主,你想要用來全面取代 create 嗎?

我以為「所有 user article link 一定會寫入 `lastViewedAt` 」是上一段討論的共識?

如果「所有 user article link 一定會寫入 `lastViewedAt` 」那就代表 create 跟 upsert 做的事情幾乎快一樣了>
至於 upsert 的語意問題

這就是為什麼我 rumors-api 類似的 API 會使用 “CreateOrUpdate” 做 API 開頭,而不是用比較常見但確實比較看重 update 的 upsert XD
嗯嗯,一定會寫入 `lastViewedAt` 是有共識的。但這跟所有的操作都用 `upsert` 應該是兩回事?我所謂的意圖有點混淆是指
當使用 `create` 的時候代表,這筆 `UserArticleLink` 一定是新的一筆出現
當使用 `upsert` 的時候代表,這筆 `UserArticleLink` 可能以前存在過,後來被刪掉,就像是我們再回溯資料的時候
但 view article 的 case 不是「以前存在過後來被刪掉」,使用者可能過去看過,也可能從來沒看過
卻也使用 `upsertByUserIdAndArticleId`
如果在意語意的話,我會建議用 createOrUpdate 代替 upsert
噢對啦,我要表達的意思就是,`upsert` 的用途是於我們不確定這筆東西在不在,不在的時候我們要插一筆,就我們的狀況是,以前曾經看過而沒有被記錄起來
如果只是單純做 `create` 那我覺得應該就用 `create` ,而不要用 `upsertByUserIdAndArticleId` ,因為 `upsertByUserIdAndArticleId` 隱含了更多的意思
1. 若 `create` 和 `upsertByUserIdAndArticleId` 都同時存在,好處是開發者在 `askingArticleSubmissionConsent` 裡面會知道,`UserArticleLink` 在這裡是第一次創建,而在 `choosingArticle` 裡面會知道, `UserArticleLink` 以前可能存在過,
2. 若統一使用 `upsertByUserIdAndArticleId` 則少了這個訊息,然後 code 比較簡短
我是覺得該 `create` 就 `create` ,該 `update` 就 `update` ,如果要 atomic 的操作 update + create 就做 `upsert`
嗯⋯⋯我想了想還是照你說的改好了,我想說你在別的地方可能也是這樣實作(譬如 API 之類的),那這樣我們整體的設計會比較整齊
Thanks. Did you push? @ggm
推哩 也 rebase 哩
我還是有保留 `UserSettings.create` 和 `UserArticleLink.create` 他們在 test 裡面都還有被用到,也不能被 createOrUpdate 取代
😮 2
github 16:36:23

Comment on #201 Feature/163 insert data

Why don't we just use mongo client for a find query? (Also for L118) The main point of my previous comment was because `UserSetting.findOrInsertByUserId` will mutate the database to make the test pass, even when the function under test (`singleUserHandler`) does not work as expected. It did not mean we should avoid using `mongoClient` entirely ._.

github 16:36:23

Review on #201 Feature/163 insert data

Thanks for updating the PR accordingly! Named a few suggestions and added conclusion from the discussion <|on Slack> today.

github 16:36:23

Comment on #201 Feature/163 insert data

There is already a static method called `find` in `UserArticleLink`, which is used by GraphQL resolver for `Query.userArticleLinks`. `find` was added before this branch previously branched out and is now in the file after your rebase. I think we should only leave one endpoint that lists user-article links of a user. I like the naming `findByUserId` because it is more clear (and considering that we need also to find by article id in <|#207>). But the pagination mechanism is also required by the GraphQL API. Would you merge the implementation of the two find methods into `findByUserId()`, remove `find()` and update the resolver (`graphql/resolvers/Query.js`) accordingly?

github 16:36:23

Comment on #201 Feature/163 insert data

Since `choosingReply` does not involve `UserArticleLink`, I think we should not include these in test file, or it may confuse readers thinking that `choosingReply` has used `UserArticleLink`.

github 16:36:23

Comment on #201 Feature/163 insert data

As discussed in slack today, we should use an API that also writes `lastViewedAt`. Also, please add `lastViewedAt` as a required field in `userArticleLink.json` to ensure that `lastViewedAt` always exists in DB.

github 16:36:23

Comment on #201 Feature/163 insert data

Actually there is another method called `findOrInsertByUserIdAndArticleId` in `UserArticleLink` model, doing almost the same thing as `updateTimestamps` does, but it's not used anywhere. I suggest we should leave only one of such method in `UserArticleLink`.

github 18:32:07

Comment on #207 Feature/165 cron notify

1. Accepting inputting multiple `articleIds` and search by `{articleId: {$in: articleIds}}` can provide better flexibility. It should work more efficiently as well. 2. Since this API still returns `UserArticleLink`s instead of users, the `UserList` in its naming is a bit confusing. suggest using something like `findByArticleIds`.

github 18:32:07

Comment on #207 Feature/165 cron notify

According to <|our discussion on slack>, all `userArticleLink` should have `lastViewedAt`. We may need to update these fixtures to match that.

github 18:32:07

Comment on #207 Feature/165 cron notify

I suggest we move some of the `articleReply`'s `createdAt` outside of the queried time range because • `ListArticle(repliedAt)` includes an article as long as it has _one_ `articleReply` within the time range, thus it is possible for its results having _some_ article-replies outside the time range • Including such possibility in the test case can better cover all scenarios • Currently there are already plenty of `articleReplies` in the fixture, but all of them in the same time range. Moving some of them outside the time range can increase diversity of fixture combinations.

github 18:32:07

Review on #207 Feature/165 cron notify

I have viewed the logic of cron jobs. Thanks for the contribution! As our <|open data analytics> shows, sometimes there will be more than 100 articles replied in a day. I have made some suggestions to enhance robustness of cron jobs by processing in batches. Also there are some suggestions about diversity of test fixtures.

github 18:32:07

Comment on #207 Feature/165 cron notify

The combination of `Promise.all` and `` will cause `UserSettings.findOrInsertByUserId` being invoked in parallel. If there are `N` users to notify, this will trigger `N` queries to database _at once_. This can be dangerous when a very popular article (&gt;100 user article links) receives a new reply. I would suggest • Divide `Object.keys(notificationList)` (user ids) into batches, size of each batch controlled by a constant. • Use for-loop with `await` in loop to make sure only 1 batch is processed at a time. • Create a new static method on `UserSettings` that reads user settings in batch and does not perform upsert. • use `findAll({userId: {$in: userIds}})` in the new method to receive batch of user settings • there is no point inserting `UserSettings` in cron jobs • skip a user when the user does not have `UserSettings` (it should never happen though, just in case)

github 18:32:07

Comment on #207 Feature/165 cron notify

Sending one notification for each user that receive notification may <|hit this quota> if there are more than 20 users to send notification: &gt; Each gtag.js and analytics.js tracker object starts with 20 hits that are replenished at a rate of 2 hits per second I think for now we can just send one event to GA that records the number of notifications we sent this time (in <|event value> so that the number adds up when query for multiple days).

github 18:32:07

Comment on #207 Feature/165 cron notify

These comments will be sent as part of GraphQL. I think we can remove these comments because the variable name already implies the same meaning.

github 18:32:07

Comment on #207 Feature/165 cron notify

Suggest adding `status:NORMAL` to exclude deleted replies

github 18:32:08

Comment on #207 Feature/165 cron notify

For processing the articles, I would suggest 1. Use pagination to get _all_ articles that match the filter, not just first `N` articles. 2. Sequentially process each batch of `N` articles. Design APIs so that it can handle multiple articles at once. ``` // Async generator that gets a batch of articles with articleReply between `from` and `to`. // The generator encapsulates complex pagination logic so that the function using it can focus on // batch processing logic without worrying pagination. // async function* getArticlesInBatch(from, to) { // Get pageInfo outside the loop since it's expensive for rumors-api const { data: { ListArticles: { pageInfo: {lastCursor} } } } = await gql`...`({from, to}); let after = undefined; while(lastCursor !== after) { // Actually loads `edges` and process. const { data: { ListArticles } } = await gql`...`({from, to, after}); yield{node}) =&gt; node); // next gql call should go after the last cursor of this page after = ListArticles.edges[ListArticles.edges.length - 1].cursor; } } async function getNotificationList(lastScannedAt, nowWithOffset) { const result = {}; // for loop ensures that only one batch will be processed at a time, so that we do not // make a bunch of queries to our MongoDB at once. // for await (const articles of getArticlesInBatch(lastScannedAt, nowWithOffset)) { // Process the batch // Make an API that processes a batch of articleIds, instead of only one ID at a time const userArticleLinks = await UserArticleLink.findByArticleIds({id}) =&gt; id)); userArticleLinks.forEach(/* Logic that populates result */) } return result; } ```

github 18:39:32

Comment on #201 Feature/163 insert data

Should we test if `unfollow` event changes `allowNewReplyUpdate` to false?

github 19:05:06

Comment on #272 hotfix: add category bug

Still can't remove a category added by myself from the article detail page. The category first seems to deleted, but re-appear after refresh. I am seeing this warning in console. Not sure if it is relevant. &gt; Warning: fragment with name ArticleWithCategories already exists. &gt; graphql-tag enforces all fragment names across your application to be unique; read more about &gt; this in the docs: <|> I found that • there is no `status` exist in fetched `articleCategories` in apollo cache. • when querying article's `articleCategories` we did not specify `(status: NORMAL)` in GraphQL. I guess that's probably why all `articleCategories` are fetched and displayed. Since the display logic actually do not involve `status`, I suggest specifying `(status: NORMAL)` when querying `articleCategories` in article detail page.


github 02:34:11

Comment on #201 Feature/163 insert data

Hmm, because you say `using MongoDb commands` :joy::joy: . It's a bit confusing for me, but doing mongo CLI is also quick, then I made it haha

github 03:35:50

Comment on #201 Feature/163 insert data

How about we move `find()` into `src/database/models/base.js` ? So that all models can use `find()` just like they already have `findOneAndUpdate`. As a result, `findByUserId()` is for listing user-article links in UserArticleLink, and `find()` is for general use in all models.

ggm 05:30:50
我後來把 `updateTimestamp` 改名成 `upsertByUserIdAndArticleId` ,然後把 `findOrInsertByUserIdAndArticleId` 刪掉
github 10:59:12

Comment on #201 Feature/163 insert data

But mongodb already have a method named `find()`. I would like to see `findXXX` methods directly invoking methods of mongodb client. Adding one more layer to `find()` is a bit over-engineered to me.

(這個 comment 後來從 github 刪掉囉)
github 11:10:22

Comment on #201 Feature/163 insert data

Agree adding `find()` to `Base` so that `Base` API is more consistent :woman-gesturing-ok:

ggm 12:53:18
是說我昨天犯蠢,我不小心 `git rebase master` 推上去,但我後來又有 `git rebase dev` 推回去,我有檢查一遍應該是沒有改壞,如果看到哪裡有怪異現象(?)可能就是我 rebase 沒改好
github 17:05:59

Review on #272 hotfix: add category bug

It's working properly now. Thanks for the fix!

github 17:24:38

#179 ClaimReview search API

Discussion: <|> &gt; orz: Google 有針對 ClaimReview 做一個專門的 search box 耶:<|> (預設只會顯示瀏覽器語言的 fact-check result) &gt; 好像也有 Search API: <|> &gt; Lucien: 要不要做在 API server &gt; 就能查完直接送進 DB &gt; 或者轉換為一種 reply

github 17:35:00

#273 Revamp deleted reply list in article page

Spec: <|> Directions: only show deleted article-reply to its author

mrorz 17:39:17
接下來我會把 Cofacts Next 上一階段的未竟事項開成票放在 issue 裡頭追蹤。

這裏希望麻煩 @stbb1025 把之前這份投影片裡提到的 enhancement 中,production 上已經達成的部份做上記號(綠色勾勾之類的),這樣比較方便我整理還沒做的東西 >“< 感謝感謝
也麻煩 @yanglin5689446 更新一下這裡唷

因為 note 沒有標 issue / PR 所以我不太確定哪些該移動 >“<

在你更新完之後,我再將 Todo item 開成票~

感謝感謝 🙏
🔮 1


mrorz 01:55:43
今天花了點時間把 Google data studio 跟 LINE 的 follower & demography API 串起來囉!

Google Apps script 會把 Cofacts chatbot 的 LINE OA 資料透過開在 chatbot 上的 GraphQL endpoint 拉下來,然後寫進 Google spreadsheetGoogle data studio 再以上面的 spreadsheet 作為資料源來畫圖。

Follower count 每天凌晨更新,Demography 則每週三凌晨更新唷。
🚀 3 2
github 20:51:03

#180 Update

add troubleshooting section for an error encountered during setup

github 20:54:43

#43 Update

add configuration step

github 20:55:05

Comment on #180 Update

<|Coverage Status> Coverage remained the same at 86.826% when pulling *<|b65fd03> on readme_grpc* into *<|8ca66a9> on master*.

github 21:26:52

Review on #43 Update

Thanks for the info!

github 21:29:38

Review on #180 Update

Thank you for adding troubleshooting info!


ichieh 12:24:58
Hi Cofact 的大家~ 7 月大松終於回到實體中研院了,所以要找主持人~ 想問看看 Cofacts 這次能不能幫忙這個重要的任務!😆😆
這邊有前幾次的主持外包心得可以參考 😆
ichieh 16:19:31
這邊有前幾次的主持外包心得可以參考 😆


HackMD - Collaborative Markdown Knowledge Base

## 大松主持會議 - 各專案外包主持小心得 ### 源起 揪松團想成為更為多中心化的組織,因此將每次大松的「例行主持」外包給其他單位。 ### 例行主持工作內容 0. 松前哈拉 1. 介紹新手教

1 1 ❤️ 1 🦒 1 1
github 21:37:40

#44 add schema for analytics

added schema for analytics per spec at <|>

stbb1025 22:20:57
電腦版 top bar 我都加上了灰色分隔線
但是我覺得還是不加視覺上比較簡潔 一致 QQ

@lucien @mrorz @yanglin5689446
截圖 2020-07-07 下午10.17.30.png
截圖 2020-07-07 下午10.18.07.png
欸我覺得不錯耶 XD
我覺得因為我們 Filter UI 也有灰線,所以用類似的顏色感覺還行。
其實我覺得我們三連 filter 中間的灰線好像有點深,如果直接用底色區隔或許可能不錯


ba 09:37:03
@angel112811a has joined the channel
github 10:20:17

Review on #44 add schema for analytics

LGTM! Sorting imports and exports looks so organized. I think we can also include the `docUsrrId` as discussed in one of the comment <|>

github 15:55:31

#17 Move generated zip files to git-lfs instead

This should make pusing &amp; cloning this repo easier <|>

github 17:34:07

Review on #44 add schema for analytics

LGTM! Let's merge it

github 21:35:09

Comment on #166 Implement Google analytics stats field in Article

*Server side todo list* ☑︎ update schema <|cofacts/rumors-db#44> ☐ fetch data from google analytics and store in elasticsearch ☑︎ oAuth &amp; google API ☐ insert/upsert data to elasticsearch &amp; query to populate docUserId ☐ unit test ☐ data loader: (article ids) -&gt; stats ☐ unit test ☐ new API endpoint to query for stats of a particular article ☐ unit test


mrorz 02:26:30
LINE messaging API 現在連 ngrok 是不是怪怪的呀 @@
我的 ngrok HTTPS 可以用瀏覽器直連,但用 LINE 戳的時候連 request 都沒送進 ngrok⋯⋯
看來就是不穩 (攤手)
github 03:52:54

#208 Update translation to avoid interpolation error

Fix release blocker found in 20200708 meeting <|> *Typo fix* <|image> *Translation* The original variable collides with other occurrence. Fixed translation by choosing a different variable name. Note: actually there are some other places that has variable name collision, but ttag still works there. Not sure it does not work this time. <|image>

github 03:56:01

Comment on #208 Update translation to avoid interpolation error

*Pull Request Test Coverage Report for <|Build 1018>* • *1* of *1* *(100.0%)* changed or added relevant line in *1* file are covered. • No unchanged relevant lines lost coverage. • Overall coverage remained the same at *98.379%* * * * * * * *:yellow_heart: - <|Coveralls>*

mrorz 12:15:42
/github subscribe list features
github 12:15:42

Subscribed to the following accounts


mrorz 12:16:06
/github subscribe list features
github 12:16:06

Subscribed to the following accounts

<|cofacts> `issues`, `pulls`, `public`, `comments`, `reviews`

mrorz 12:16:56
/github unsubscribe cofacts public
github 12:16:56

This channel will get notifications from <|cofacts> for: `issues`, `pulls`, `comments`, `reviews`

github 13:42:49

#209 20200710 Release

New release scheduled for 2020/7/10 midnight. *Features* <|#185> User setting LIFF <|#197> Loads user article link <|#198> Lists user article link and data from Cofacts API <|#199> Styling user article link LIFF <|#200> Handle clicking user article link <|#203> user article link pagination *Refactor item* <|#194> LIFF auth check relaxed <|#195> Svelte eslint <|#196> unit test for svelte *Bugfix* <|#208> translation fix *Release test result* <|>

github 13:45:46

Comment on #209 20200710 Release

*Pull Request Test Coverage Report for <|Build 1020>* • *139* of *139* *(100.0%)* changed or added relevant lines in *12* files are covered. • No unchanged relevant lines lost coverage. • Overall coverage decreased (*-0.06%*) to *98.379%* * * * * * * *:yellow_heart: - <|Coveralls>*


github 02:04:19

#209 20200710 Release

凌晨已經 release 新版 chatbot 囉~

這次上的主要是跟「已讀訊息列表」以及 notification 設定相關的變更。不過,測試時就有發現設定上似乎有些問題、導致「已讀訊息列表」一直打不開。

所幸目前兩個功能都還沒開放讓使用者直接使用,先把這些 code 放上 production 看看是否會影響正常功能運作,就是這次觀察的重點了。
上面那個 gif 是怎麼回事...
因為是 release
mrorz 10:45:05
凌晨已經 release 新版 chatbot 囉~

這次上的主要是跟「已讀訊息列表」以及 notification 設定相關的變更。不過,測試時就有發現設定上似乎有些問題、導致「已讀訊息列表」一直打不開。

所幸目前兩個功能都還沒開放讓使用者直接使用,先把這些 code 放上 production 看看是否會影響正常功能運作,就是這次觀察的重點了。
mrorz 12:29:04
Thanks. Did you push? @ggm
github 12:58:08

Comment on #204 Feature/backtrack user

As <|we recently discussed>, we no longer need to populate `lastRepliedAt` :free:

github 14:13:40

#206 Add google analytics to LIFF

關於 `utm_source` 與 `utm_medium` 的部分,我覺得可以這樣做:

目前看起來只要 LIFF url 帶上 `utm_source`、`utm_medium` (如:
`<ID>/liff/index.html?p=articles&utm_source=rumors-line-bot&utm_medium=rich-menu` ),LIFF 裡頭的 google analytics 就會 pick it up。

目前還沒實作「點擊文章回到 chatbot」之後的追蹤,那個會改到 webhook,所以想分到下一個 PR 去。

Notification 部分的 `utm_` 就要麻煩 @acerxp511 更新 notification 相關的 code 惹
是說 LINE notify 的訊息應該會發在 Cofacts OA 之外的地方(如名為 `Line Notify` 的聊天視窗)。如果 push message 裡面放的是 LIFF 的 URL,那點擊 LIFF 內的文章連結,那好像會 send 訊息進名為 `Line Notify` 的聊天視窗 囧
github 18:17:10

#181 Integrate with google analytics reporting API

write a script to fetch page view stats from google analytics and store in elasticsearch ☑︎ oAuth &amp; google API ☐ query to populate docUserId ☐ insert/upsert data to elasticsearch ☐ unit test

github 18:20:09

#182 Implement data loader for analytics

implement a data loader that returns page view stats when given article ids ☐ data loader: (article ids) -&gt; stats ☐ unit test

github 18:23:24

#183 Implement API endpoint to query for analytics stats

☐ new API endpoint to query for stats of a particular article ☐ unit test

github 18:32:50

Comment on #206 Add google analytics to LIFF

I forgot to note the new GA event / pageview in README.


github 14:28:03

#274 Fold hyperlink previews in detail pages

Implement hyperlink folding when there are more than 4 hyperlinks. <|Visual spec> <|image> • 1~3 hyperlinks: show all • 4+ hyperlinks: fold to 2 hyperlinks and a "show" button • No "collapse" button after expansion

github 14:50:37

#275 Use SVG to implement ribbon tails

The ribbon tails are not aligned in narrower screen: <|image> (Actually the ribbon in the profile menu is not aligned either.) Since it's difficult calculating border-size to place these triangles, I would suggest using svg instead. It's shape is so simple that we can write the svg <|by hand>: ``` &lt;svg viewBox="0 0 1 2"&gt; &lt;path d="M0 0 H1 L0 1 L1 2 H0 Z" /&gt; &lt;/svg&gt; ``` And we get a ribbon tail that we can resize and recolor using CSS. _Originally posted by <|@MrOrz> in <|#264>_

github 14:59:35

#276 Markdown-like logic for list items in Cofacts editor

*As-is* <|image> *To-be* Interactions like this: <|interactions> This interaction should be achieved by • performing list processing logic (in <|lib/editor>) when "enter" is pressed and when toolbar button is pressed • when performing logic, find the line the cursor is in, then add / remove "- " or "N. " accordingly • [nice-to-have] support predefined set of list bullets `-`, `*`, or `•` in <|spec> and/or numbering `1.`, `1️⃣`, etc

github 17:58:50

Comment on #127 Hide articles with only 1 reply request &amp; its reason is too short

Closing because we now have better filter mechanism

github 18:10:41

#184 UpdateReply API and replyUpdateBlocker field for reply

As discussed in <|20200212 meeting>, we want to allow editor to edit their reply when • The reply is only used by the editor itself (the author should know the impact of the edit) • The reply has not yet received any feedback (the edit should now invalidate user's feedbacks) We plan to add 1 mutation API, and one new field to `Reply` type for this: ``` """ The reason why the editor cannot edit """ enum ReplyUpdateBlocker { NOT_AUTHORIZED # Not logged in or not the author of reply HAS_FEEDBACK USED_BY_OTHER_EDITORS } type Reply { """ The reason why the current user cannot edit this reply. null if the current user can edit. The blockers are determined in the following order: (1) current user is the author or not (2) `positiveFeedbackCount` and `negativeFeedbackCount` are both 0 or not (3) all normal article-reply to this article are by the current author or not """ updateBlocker: ReplyUpdateBlocker } mutation { """ Updates reply text, type &amp; reference when (1) current user is the author (2) `positiveFeedbackCount` and `negativeFeedbackCount` are both 0 (3) all normal article-reply to this article are by the current author """ UpdateReply( replyId: String! text: String type: ReplyTypeEnum reference: String waitForHyperlinks: Boolean = false ) { ""' The reply after update. `null` when update is not successful """ reply: Reply """ The reason why update fails. null when can update. """ blocker: ReplyUpdateBlocker } } ``` "all normal article-reply to this article are by the current author" can be achieved by loading article-reply of a reply using <|`articleRepliesByReplyIdLoader`> and check each article-reply's author ID.

1. 放寬修改的限制我覺得很棒,但如果思考一下,如果改成,被引用的瞬間, duplicate 一份所有被引用的回應,讓所有引用都是對應到一個副本,是不是可以解決這個問題。
2. 我自己現在的 Graphql mutation 結果設計是用前 medium 的設計延伸的,所有的操作不是權限跟 input 格式問題的話,都統一回傳 <Mutation>Result 。 Result 是 錯誤 Type 跟 成功結果的 union。

```Type Reply {...}

interface UserError {
message: String!

Type IsBlockedError extend UserError {
message: String!
// other props you want to show

union UpdateReplyResult = Reply | IsBlockedError

Mutation {
updateReply(input: UpdateReplyInput!): UpdateReplyResult!
> 放寬修改的限制我覺得很棒,但如果思考一下,如果改成,被引用的瞬間, duplicate 一份所有被引用的回應,讓所有引用都是對應到一個副本,是不是可以解決這個問題。
這樣確實可以解決 article reply feedback 對應到 reply 文字的問題

但這也代表修改回應文字時,只會修改在一個 article reply 上這樣嗎?

如果是這樣的話,我想到會有下面兩個 issue:
> 放寬修改的限制我覺得很棒,但如果思考一下,如果改成,被引用的瞬間, duplicate 一份所有被引用的回應,讓所有引用都是對應到一個副本,是不是可以解決這個問題。
這樣確實可以解決 article reply feedback 對應到 reply 文字的問題

但這也代表修改回應文字時,只會修改在一個 article reply 上這樣嗎?

如果是這樣的話,我想到會有下面 issue:
1. 我自己的使用習慣是會蒐集 N 個類似訊息、寫一個回應,然後通通連結到同一個回應。如果我發現原始回應有錯字想改、或是想到更好的寫法或出處,我就要改 N 次。
2. duplicate 之後再進行修改,此 articleReply 的 id 仍然保留原本 reply,但 reply text 可能已經不同。在 text 不一樣的狀況下,我們還能說這個 reply id 有連結到此 article 嗎?
3. 承 2,目前「加入現有回應」搜尋結果,其實會過濾掉已經被加過的回應。如果現在某人加了回應 `R` 並且修改內容為 `R'`(但仍然使用 `R` 的 ID)。之後,另外一個編輯看到了,覺得應該要用 `R` 比較好,但他搜尋時就會很納悶怎麼沒有 `R` 。
把 success 的結果跟 error 的結構 union 起來很酷!感謝分享。

感覺這除了用在 `UpdateReply` 的結果之外,似乎還可以用在 `Reply` 回傳「此使用者是否可以更新這個 reply」的結果——此欄位可以回傳 `boolean | Error1 | Error 2 | Error3` 之類的東西
想問 @lucien 有沒有遇到某個 field return type 是個 list,但又想要幫他加個 error type 的狀況。

因為 GraphQL union 只支援 named object type,這樣要 union 的話,不是 error 也要放進 list 裡,就是 list 本人要包一個醜醜的 object type QQ
取決於你的 batch 操作是全有全無還是可以部分錯誤部分成功吧
喔喔以 search result 的語意上包一層 object type 是合理的,這是 gql 的必要之惡

我剛才想了一下,如果不用 union type,那 return type 最後還是會寫成
```type ReturnType {
data: [Data],
error: Error
所以其實還是會多一個 field “data” ,跟 union type 多包一層差不多意思;但若用了 union type,error 就不用多一層 `error` field XD
我的 case 有部分成功的,這樣的設計就很方面
不過 union 的代價是 client operation 會有點囉唆
自由就是囉唆 XD
client 可以不接沒興趣的 type 呀~
> 但這也代表修改回應文字時,只會修改在一個 article reply 上這樣嗎?
我的用意是,不想讓原作者修改自己的意見會被 Blocked ,目標是他可以改自己以及自己引用自己的結果,但其他已被引用的回覆,與原文隔離開,不受影響原作者修改影響
zoe 18:15:40
@ggm, yo, I have some questions regarding chat bot GA logging
mrorz 18:17:06
這邊有 chatbot GA 事件總表~


Line bot that checks if a message contains internet rumor.

🎉 1
zoe 18:17:11
I don't think event label is logging the article/reply id as specified in the spec ( under line inquiry)

最近每日被查詢次數圖表 - HackMD

mrorz 18:18:46
chatbot usage 要被 visualize 的是 production line bot 下的 All Web Site Data 的「User chooses a found article」的 event,此 event 的 `Event category` / `Event action` / `Event label` 分別是`Article` / `Selected` / `<selected article id>`
zoe 18:18:53
Screen Shot 2020-07-11 at 6.18.24 PM.png
這個是 website 的 view 吧
chatbot 是 “production line bot” (staging 是 “staging line bot”) 這個 property 下面的 view 唷
ohhh, got it
github 18:58:47

#277 Block anonymous user from clicking "Reply to this message" and "Comment" button

*As-is* *Desktop* *Reply to this message* Expands an empty section <|Jul-11-2020 18-54-42> *Comment section* Allows user to input long comments, but block on submission <|comment-click> *Mobile* Block the user from doing anything...... <|mobile> *To-be* <|Designers said>: <|image> Let's keep the buttons clickable, but add an `alert()` asking the user to login immediately after it's clicked. (Popping up login screen can be even better, but it's a bit more difficult to achieve.)

github 19:08:10

#278 Hint editors on mobile to fill in references

According to <|spec> <|Reference red dot> Please add a <|Material UI Dot Badge> on the "Reference" tab when the user did not enter reference yet.

github 20:05:27

#279 Keyboard on Android is covering up editing area too much

See recording <|> We should allow Android users to be able to scroll down to access full editing area

github 20:26:50

#280 iOS users cannot perform search

After iOS users finish input in top search bar, the search bar would disappear. Here is a simulation using Safari: <|ios search> On real iOS devices, as long as soft keyboard is dismissed, the search bar disappears. Replacing the current on-blur mechanism with Material-UI <|Click-away listener> should work.

github 20:45:13

#281 Search bar input should span multiple rows

*As-is* The search input in search page is only 1 line high <|search> *To-be* As <|in spec>, the search input should grow as input. <|image> This should be achievable using Material UI's <|Textarea autosize>.

github 20:47:24

#282 Font size adjustments

See items in read text in: <|> Spec: <|>

github 20:48:48

#283 Adjust avatar components

Should add icons &amp; levels. See p1, p5 in <|> Visual spec: <|>

github 20:54:14

#284 Fix logout in mobile menu

Clicking this button has no effect: <|截圖 2020-07-11 下午8 53 04> It should work the same as its desktop counterpart.

github 23:42:42

#285 “Add this reply to my reply” failed to copy reference

After clicking “Add this reply to my reply” on searched result in editor, the contents of the copied reply appears in text area, but references shows "undefined". <|image>


mrorz 00:59:11
想提醒一下我在兩週前有針對網站的 global style 以及 `ArticlePageLayout` 的重構發 PR

因為放得有點久,而且會卡到接下來的重構,所以如果大家沒異議的話我週三會議前就會全 merge 唷
放太久的兩個 PR 先 merge 了,目前上面的是一些比較 trivial 的整理與打包性質的東西,為第二階段 page list display 的 PR 鋪路(不然第二階段又會超大包)
github 01:14:04

Comment on #9 data visualization

A connector is no longer needed, the visualizations are connected to google cloud storage open data CSV files now. Closing.

github 01:16:34

#185 Generate User ID for each backend app user

Implement "Direction 2" in <|userId &amp; appId management proposal>. ☐ <|Migration script> • adds user for backend app articles, reply-requests &amp; article-reply feedbacks ☐ API change • organize auth &amp; login routes • create user when resolving user

github 01:22:38

#286 ArticlePageLayout refactor

*Related bugs* • Search page 應該 sort by relevance • Replied by me filter 目前是壞的 • Latest reply 頁面卻有沒回應過的訊息 *目標* • 不同頁面使用不同 filter • 不同頁面使用不同 sort • 不同頁面顯示不同 UI、載入不同資料 *進行* ArticlePageLayout (可疑訊息、最新查核、等你來答、搜尋頁面) 的 refactor 預計會這樣進行: <|> 1. 會影響列表的 controls (如 filter, search, more button) 直接對 URL param 讀寫。單純化的 component input / output 有利於在各個 page components 重用。 2. page components 管理 data loading,讀取 URL param 之後拼湊成 graphql query。各頁面有特殊 Query 需求,也是在這個階段對 graphql query 加蔥。 3. 將會分 3 個 pull request 進 code *進度* ☐ Packaging input components • <|#267> , <|#268> ☐ Packaging display components: Header, layouts, list items 抽成 component,檢視其 props 設計 ☐ Extract logic to page

mrorz 15:47:17
這些 PR 的內容已經重新佈上 Staging 囉

Component storybook

Cofacts - Connecting facts and instant messages

Cofacts is a collaborative system connecting instant messages and fact-check reports or different opinions together. It’s a grass-root effort fighting mis/disinformation in Taiwan.

👍 1
lucien 20:19:26
1. 放寬修改的限制我覺得很棒,但如果思考一下,如果改成,被引用的瞬間, duplicate 一份所有被引用的回應,讓所有引用都是對應到一個副本,是不是可以解決這個問題。
👍 1
lucien 20:27:15
2. 我自己現在的 Graphql mutation 結果設計是用前 medium 的設計延伸的,所有的操作不是權限跟 input 格式問題的話,都統一回傳 <Mutation>Result 。 Result 是 錯誤 Type 跟 成功結果的 union。

```Type Reply {...}

interface UserError {
message: String!

Type IsBlockedError extend UserError {
message: String!
// other props you want to show

union UpdateReplyResult = Reply | IsBlockedError

Mutation {
updateReply(input: UpdateReplyInput!): UpdateReplyResult!


200 OK! Error Handling in GraphQL

We all know how great GraphQL is when things go well, but what happens when things don’t go well?

👍 2
github 22:15:33

#287 [Trivial] Cleanup makeStyle className serial numbers

`makeStyle`'s serial number in classnames often cause storyshots to change as we write new stories, resulting in irrelevant code changes in pull requests. This PR removes the serial number from snapshots so that the snapshots can be more independent from each other.


mrorz 00:35:07
> 放寬修改的限制我覺得很棒,但如果思考一下,如果改成,被引用的瞬間, duplicate 一份所有被引用的回應,讓所有引用都是對應到一個副本,是不是可以解決這個問題。
這樣確實可以解決 article reply feedback 對應到 reply 文字的問題

但這也代表修改回應文字時,只會修改在一個 article reply 上這樣嗎?

如果是這樣的話,我想到會有下面 issue:
1. 我自己的使用習慣是會蒐集 N 個類似訊息、寫一個回應,然後通通連結到同一個回應。如果我發現原始回應有錯字想改、或是想到更好的寫法或出處,我就要改 N 次。
2. duplicate 之後再進行修改,此 articleReply 的 id 仍然保留原本 reply,但 reply text 可能已經不同。在 text 不一樣的狀況下,我們還能說這個 reply id 有連結到此 article 嗎?
3. 承 2,目前「加入現有回應」搜尋結果,其實會過濾掉已經被加過的回應。如果現在某人加了回應 `R` 並且修改內容為 `R'`(但仍然使用 `R` 的 ID)。之後,另外一個編輯看到了,覺得應該要用 `R` 比較好,但他搜尋時就會很納悶怎麼沒有 `R` 。
mrorz 00:44:00
把 success 的結果跟 error 的結構 union 起來很酷!感謝分享。

感覺這除了用在 `UpdateReply` 的結果之外,似乎還可以用在 `Reply` 回傳「此使用者是否可以更新這個 reply」的結果——此欄位可以回傳 `boolean | Error1 | Error 2 | Error3` 之類的東西
👍 1 🙌 1
github 01:24:25

#288 [WIP] Page list display

2nd planned PR for `ArticleListPage` component revamp

github 01:39:12

#289 Reorganize files and extract common components

This is about cleaning up and pave way to the ArticlePageLayout refactor PR (<|#288> ) TBD

github 02:46:09

#290 Update ExpandableText and extract Tooltip

These are minor improvements made during implementation of main refactor <|#288> ; isolated as a new PR to make the main PR clean. *Features* • Extract `&lt;Tooltip&gt;` from `ArticleInfo`'s `CustomTooltip` • Fine-tune style so that font size, margin and padding matches <|the mockup> • Replaces all Material-UI `Tooltip` usage to the customized version *Refactors* • Updated `&lt;ExpandableText&gt;` to support background color other than white • This will be required when we implement `ArticleItem`'s "visited" state • Reads new CSS variable `--background` • Use `mask-image` to implement gradient background (because we cannot turn `var(--background)` transparent and put it in as a color stop in color gradient directly) • Add ellipsis in `wordCount` mode • Adjust button style

github 12:41:24

Comment on #201 Feature/163 insert data

Will this fill in `lastViewedAt`?

github 13:34:04

Comment on #207 Feature/165 cron notify

• nit: we can add `s` to function name (`findByUserIds`) to align with `UserArticleLink.findByArticleIds`

github 13:34:04

Review on #207 Feature/165 cron notify

Looks in a good shape! I have some trivial comments here, but in general we are good to go!

github 13:34:12

Comment on #207 Feature/165 cron notify

If this is for dev only, how about we use `babel-node` to run `src/scripts/scanRepliesAndNotify` instead of building the entire project?

github 14:41:54

#291 Feedbacks from LINE bot is not shown in "show more" button dialog

• Left: Current production website. When "show more" is clicked, many feedback are not shown. • Right: Old cofacts website, displaying all feedbacks (old websites don't differentiate upvote / downvote, though). <|image> API can correctly return all feedbacks, so it's UI issue. <|image> Bug found during <|20200708 release check>.

這些 feedback 寫「沒有」兩個字的,都是覺得回應有用的。

> 已經記下您的評價。很開心這則回應有幫助到您。
> 針對這則回應,有沒有想補充的呢?
這個提問導致使用者輸入「沒有」然後送出。但在 Cofacts 網站上,就會看到有一堆人 upvote 然後又表示「沒有」,有點沒頭沒尾。

這 copy 該怎麼改呢 🤔
鼓勵編輯 XD
可以用 place holder 寫「沒有其他意見」之類的,這樣使用者應該會直接按送出?


stbb1025 11:58:03
最新版的 landing page 出來囉,我把絕大多數的藍色省去,讓整個畫面的色系更單純。除此之外,所有線條都有重新順過,降低草稿感。上次提到的 icon 表情等等也都有做調整了。

另外我現在把整個頁面切成兩個大區塊(黃背景 & 紅背景),分別代表平台介紹及人才招募兩大主題。

再請大家過目,這頁確認後我這邊就可以進行後續的成就 & mobile Landing page 設計了。

@lucien @mrorz @bil


Cofacts website

Created with Figma

喜歡最右邊那版的背景顏色配置 ❤️
我跟 @bil @acerxp511 都覺得最新版本 OK 唷~
(今天 @lucien
我在板橋XD 需要線上討論麻煩跟我說一下唷
stbb1025 12:00:29
404 頁面的部份這邊也再做了四個版本,最後一個提案的線條也有再重繪過,我認為改灰階是個不錯的選擇~應該可以更融入?
@lucien @mrorz @bil


Cofacts website

Created with Figma

不過瀏海剪掉有點看不出是手機角色 XD
共識是先把第二個排除 XDDD
好XD 再麻煩幫我統整一下XD
🐳 1
mrorz 13:02:13
我自己在寫 Cofacts 回應的時候,有掌握到一些讓回應比較好讀好入口的小技巧,整理在這裡(草稿):

大家可以把看到覺得寫得很好的 Cofacts 回應提供給我唷,這份文件的每一個 tip 都需要案例 QQ

目前 hackfoldr 裡面,針對編輯的有 UI 操作說明,或者是涵蓋比較全面(從分析到撰寫)的奇幻旅程。此份文件聚焦在寫作技巧,希望讓編輯有不同的靈感。


撰寫回應小撇步 - HackMD

# 撰寫回應小撇步 :::danger - 狀態:草稿 - 撰寫要點 - 分不同 reply type,提供不同 tip 與範例 - 每個 tip 在兩段內,每段 100 字內 -

👄 1 1


mrorz 02:48:01
每週都有很多東西要討論 (抹臉
github 12:41:31

Comment on #201 Feature/163 insert data

Duplicate calling `findByUserId` .

github 12:41:34

Comment on #201 Feature/163 insert data

Duplicate calling `findByUserId` .

mrorz 12:46:23
@ggm @gary96302000.eecs96 @darkbtf
上週會議對新 category 的討論
請問過去的 category 有沒有相關的文件在釐清各個 category 之間的差異呢?
如果大松要準備開放讓大家體驗標記 category,那我們要在大松之前把這些文件資料備齊呢
gary96302000.eecs96 2020-07-15 13:01:54
歐歐 這部分資訊我不知道耶 看看 ggm和蝴蝶有沒有決定了 不然晚上我們開會可以討論一下
@mrorz 還沒公開耶,在我們的 google drive 裡面你搜搜看若水
請問過去的 category 有沒有相關的文件在釐清各個 category 之間的差異呢?這是意思啊?
mrorz 13:25:00
放太久的兩個 PR 先 merge 了,目前上面的是一些比較 trivial 的整理與打包性質的東西,為第二階段 page list display 的 PR 鋪路(不然第二階段又會超大包)
github 14:21:52

Comment on #184 UpdateReply API and replyUpdateBlocker field for reply

As discussed in <|> The return type of the API can leverage union type, <|as Medium suggested>.

mrorz 14:34:12
每週都有很多東西要討論 (抹臉
github 15:33:21

Comment on #191 Error: user doesn't grant required permissions yet

After testing, this error message only shows on iOS if user didn't allow `send messages to chat` permission but still try to trigger a button that will call `liff.sendMessages`. <|> Although Line will always ask for permission every time liff opening if user didn't grant, for better user experience, we should handle <|LiffError> returns from `liff.sendMessages`.

github 21:10:38

Comment on #184 UpdateReply API and replyUpdateBlocker field for reply

As discussed in <|> the priority of this item is set to `low`.


github 01:48:27

Comment on #191 Error: user doesn't grant required permissions yet

I have a bold idea. When we catch `liffError`, we can explain that we need "Send messages to chats" just because we want to send message back to Cofacts, then provide a button that reads "Go back and click 'send' by myself". The button is actually a link to a LINE URL scheme that <|sends text to an official account>, in this case, `@cofacts`. One example to such link is: <|> Then we can put the text previously in `sendMessage()` into the URL scheme, so that when the user clicks the button, the URL scheme will bring them back to `@cofacts` chat screen, with message to send inside their text dialog. When the user clicks "send" button, the chatbot receives the message (prefixed with LIFF prefixes), and then proceed the steps.

github 06:01:43

#292 Bump lodash from 4.17.15 to 4.17.19

Bumps <|lodash> from 4.17.15 to 4.17.19. Release notes _Sourced from <|lodash's releases>._ &gt; *4.17.16* Commits • <|`d7fbc52`> Bump to v4.17.19 • <|`2e1c0f2`> Add npm-package • <|`1b6c282`> Bump to v4.17.18 • <|`a370ac8`> Bump to v4.17.17 • <|`1144918`> Rebuild lodash and docs • <|`3a3b0fd`> Bump to v4.17.16 • <|`c84fe82`> fix(zipObjectDeep): prototype pollution (<|#4759>) • <|`e7b28ea`> Sanitize sourceURL so it cannot affect evaled code (<|#4518>) • <|`0cec225`> Fix lodash.isEqual for circular references (<|#4320>) (<|#4515>) • <|`94c3a81`> Document matches* shorthands for over* methods (<|#4510>) (<|#4514>) • Additional commits viewable in <|compare view> Maintainer changes This version was pushed to npm by <|mathias>, a new releaser for lodash since your current version. <|Dependabot compatibility score> Dependabot will resolve any conflicts with this PR as long as you don't alter it yourself. You can also trigger a rebase manually by commenting `@dependabot rebase`. * * * Dependabot commands and options You can trigger Dependabot actions by commenting on this PR: • `@dependabot rebase` will rebase this PR • `@dependabot recreate` will recreate this PR, overwriting any edits that have been made to it • `@dependabot merge` will merge this PR after your CI passes on it • `@dependabot squash and merge` will squash and merge this PR after your CI passes on it • `@dependabot cancel merge` will cancel a previously requested merge and block automerging • `@dependabot reopen` will reopen this PR if it is closed • `@dependabot close` will close this PR and stop Dependabot recreating it. You can achieve the same result by closing it manually • `@dependabot ignore this major version` will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this major version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself) • `@dependabot ignore this minor version` will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this minor version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself) • `@dependabot ignore this dependency` will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this dependency (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself) • `@dependabot use these labels` will set the current labels as the default for future PRs for this repo and language • `@dependabot use these reviewers` will set the current reviewers as the default for future PRs for this repo and language • `@dependabot use these assignees` will set the current assignees as the default for future PRs for this repo and language • `@dependabot use this milestone` will set the current milestone as the default for future PRs for this repo and language You can disable automated security fix PRs for this repo from the <|Security Alerts page>.

我們沒裝 depandabot 呀 .__. 為什麼他會叫
原來是自動的 ._.
但我們已經有 renovate 了
現在兩個 bot 都各開一個 PR 叫我升級 XD
github 06:46:23

#293 Update dependency lodash to v4.17.19 [SECURITY]

This PR contains the following updates: *GitHub Vulnerability Alerts* *<|GHSA-p6mc-m468-83gw>* Versions of lodash prior to 4.17.19 are vulnerable to Prototype Pollution. The function zipObjectDeep allows a malicious user to modify the prototype of Object if the property identifiers are user-supplied. Being affected by this issue requires zipping objects based on user-provided property arrays. This vulnerability causes the addition or modification of an existing property that will exist on all objects and may lead to Denial of Service or Code Execution under specific circumstances. * * * *Release Notes* lodash/lodash *<|`v4.17.16`>* <|Compare Source> * * * *Renovate configuration* :date: *Schedule*: "" (UTC). :vertical_traffic_light: *Automerge*: Disabled by config. Please merge this manually once you are satisfied. :recycle: *Rebasing*: Whenever PR becomes conflicted, or you tick the rebase/retry checkbox. :no_bell: *Ignore*: Close this PR and you won't be reminded about this update again. * * * ☐ If you want to rebase/retry this PR, check this box * * * This PR has been generated by <|WhiteSource Renovate>. View repository job log <|here>.

mrorz 12:46:40
我們沒裝 depandabot 呀 .__. 為什麼他會叫
mrorz 13:22:22
延續昨天開會時討論的,Google analytics 因為 fbclid 那些 query param 導致統計分散的問題

我試著撈出 URL 裡面被加料的那些 page view 放在這裡:

除了最大宗的 `fbclid` (Facebook) 之外,赫然發現有微信的 `?from=singlemessage` 或 `?from=timeline&from=singlemessage`
所以有人把 Cofacts 連結貼去微信讓人點開,或是放在自己的 timeline 上耶
github 13:54:17

Review on #201 Feature/163 insert data

Thanks for the fix, LGTM! I think we are ready to merge ~~

github 13:54:53

#201 Feature/163 insert data

@acerxp511 可以 rebase 你的 PR 囉~
@ggm 請問這個 ready for review 了嗎
阿還沒 我要 rebase 一下
好的麻煩惹 🙇‍♀️
github 16:49:40

#12 Bump lodash from 4.17.10 to 4.17.19

Bumps <|lodash> from 4.17.10 to 4.17.19. Release notes _Sourced from <|lodash's releases>._ &gt; *4.17.16* Commits • <|`d7fbc52`> Bump to v4.17.19 • <|`2e1c0f2`> Add npm-package • <|`1b6c282`> Bump to v4.17.18 • <|`a370ac8`> Bump to v4.17.17 • <|`1144918`> Rebuild lodash and docs • <|`3a3b0fd`> Bump to v4.17.16 • <|`c84fe82`> fix(zipObjectDeep): prototype pollution (<|#4759>) • <|`e7b28ea`> Sanitize sourceURL so it cannot affect evaled code (<|#4518>) • <|`0cec225`> Fix lodash.isEqual for circular references (<|#4320>) (<|#4515>) • <|`94c3a81`> Document matches* shorthands for over* methods (<|#4510>) (<|#4514>) • Additional commits viewable in <|compare view> Maintainer changes This version was pushed to npm by <|mathias>, a new releaser for lodash since your current version. <|Dependabot compatibility score> Dependabot will resolve any conflicts with this PR as long as you don't alter it yourself. You can also trigger a rebase manually by commenting `@dependabot rebase`. * * * Dependabot commands and options You can trigger Dependabot actions by commenting on this PR: • `@dependabot rebase` will rebase this PR • `@dependabot recreate` will recreate this PR, overwriting any edits that have been made to it • `@dependabot merge` will merge this PR after your CI passes on it • `@dependabot squash and merge` will squash and merge this PR after your CI passes on it • `@dependabot cancel merge` will cancel a previously requested merge and block automerging • `@dependabot reopen` will reopen this PR if it is closed • `@dependabot close` will close this PR and stop Dependabot recreating it. You can achieve the same result by closing it manually • `@dependabot ignore this major version` will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this major version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself) • `@dependabot ignore this minor version` will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this minor version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself) • `@dependabot ignore this dependency` will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this dependency (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself) • `@dependabot use these labels` will set the current labels as the default for future PRs for this repo and language • `@dependabot use these reviewers` will set the current reviewers as the default for future PRs for this repo and language • `@dependabot use these assignees` will set the current assignees as the default for future PRs for this repo and language • `@dependabot use this milestone` will set the current milestone as the default for future PRs for this repo and language You can disable automated security fix PRs for this repo from the <|Security Alerts page>.

mrorz 21:54:05
LIFF 再更新

看起來要開個 Module mode 不然使用者會按到把 LIFF URL 分享出去的功能

Evan Lin

【LIFF Header 新功能】 於七月初提到的 LIFF Header 新功能今日已正式推出囉! 以下再次整理提供給大家更新內容: :point_right: 於原本頁面左上角 LINE Login chanel 的圖示將會隱藏 :point_right: 分享(Share)按鈕:按下後會分享、重整的選項(僅支援 LIFF Full size) - 分享:可將目前頁面透過 LINE Message 分享給其他用戶 -...


mrorz 03:19:52
Emoji 選單很棒 <3

不過我連出處都想用 emoji,我現在是在回應視窗點出 emoji 之後在複製貼上下去 ._.
然後看來回應的 URL preview 可能也要折疊一下 ._.
stbb1025 16:18:48
Image from iOS
「曾經獲得過優秀回答者」(Good answer)是什麼呀
「回應 request」(個人總 reply Request)其實是這個人很會回報訊息給 Cofacts 的概念
> 「曾經獲得過優秀回答者」(Good answer)是什麼呀
stbb1025 16:19:48
Hi hi 這是成就的草稿,麻煩大家看看詮釋方式有沒有什麼問題,ok 的話我們就進行後續精稿跟上色唷,感恩~

@lucien @mrorz @bil @yanglin5689446



github 11:30:27

Comment on #190 LIFF trap source should guide user to other fact checkers

It's not a bug. This case is `ASKING_REPLY_REQUEST_REASON` state that means the article was already submitted.

github 17:19:32

Comment on #190 LIFF trap source should guide user to other fact checkers

I see, in that case the trap options like "我在 LINE 外頭看到的" should be hidden from the LIFF. If we can ensure the trap options are hidden, we can close the issue.

github 18:00:52

#210 Fix Issue 191 Error: user doesn't grant required permissions yet

Fixes <|#191>

github 18:03:48

Comment on #210 Fix Issue 191 Error: user doesn't grant required permissions yet

*Pull Request Test Coverage Report for <|Build 1040>* • *1* of *8* *(12.5%)* changed or added relevant lines in *1* file are covered. • No unchanged relevant lines lost coverage. • Overall coverage decreased (*-0.8%*) to *79.695%* * * * * * * *:yellow_heart: - <|Coveralls>*

mrorz 19:52:08
為了作報告,我又在 analytics 增加了 reply 在 chatbot 中被指名要閱讀的次數

Google Data Studio

Cofacts analytics

Google Data Studio turns your data into informative dashboards and reports that are easy to read, easy to share, and fully customizable.

mrorz 19:52:34
這樣可以看到在 Cofacts chatbot 被閱讀最多次的回應有哪些~
mrorz 21:16:29
補充功能被用來回應回應 ._.


github 12:02:34

#211 Fix error cannot read property 'sessionId' of undefined

Fixes <|#192> It’s because default reply `context` object doesn’t have `data` property, when the next message comes in, getting `` will have such error.

github 12:05:52

Comment on #211 Fix error cannot read property 'sessionId' of undefined

*Pull Request Test Coverage Report for <|Build 1044>* • *0* of *0* changed or added relevant lines in *0* files are covered. • No unchanged relevant lines lost coverage. • Overall coverage remained the same at *80.521%* * * * * * * *:yellow_heart: - <|Coveralls>*

github 13:25:51

Comment on #211 Fix error cannot read property 'sessionId' of undefined

<|@nonumpa> Nice catch! Thanks for debugging. I think we can have an unit test that reproduces the case when default reply is used. Another thing is, it seems that I cannot reproduce the bug on LINE -- sending sticker message triggers the default reply, but sending further message does not crash the chatbot. May I know the correct steps to reproduce <|#192> ? In this way we can verify the bug is really fixed within the chatbot.

github 13:29:33

Comment on #211 Fix error cannot read property 'sessionId' of undefined

Oh, the next message should be a postback, only postback messages will get ``.

github 13:45:18

Comment on #211 Fix error cannot read property 'sessionId' of undefined

&gt; Oh, the next message should be a postback, only postback messages will get Thanks! So the reproduction step is clear now. 1. Send any text that shows a button (ex: `1234`) 2. Send a sticker and get "I cannot understand messages ..." 3. Click the previously shown button I think we can have a snapshot test for the default reply (probably using sticker message as mock input) and we are good to go.

github 13:51:13

Review on #210 Fix Issue 191 Error: user doesn't grant required permissions yet

LGTM! Just curious, <|the documentation> actually lists many LIFF error codes that is in strings. So only 403 is used in practice?

github 14:16:34

Comment on #210 Fix Issue 191 Error: user doesn't grant required permissions yet

The document says that 403 is associated with authorization error. Actually I directly calls liff.sendMessages on desktop, the error message is not the same as the one on mobile (`user doesn't grant required permissions yet`). Since we've told user to use mobile version, dunno if we need also check the error message to match the condition precisely. Another thing is `LiffError` collects all errors together, I don't know which API will return `403`, which will return `UNAUTHORIZED`.

stbb1025 15:54:07
Image from iOS
stbb1025 15:55:16
@mrorz @lucien @bil @yanglin5689446
好奇它放進整個 UI 頁面的時候會是什麼感覺
擺上去看看 大家再來調整~
steam 的很讚
🐳 1


github 13:00:04

Comment on #210 Fix Issue 191 Error: user doesn't grant required permissions yet

Let's merge it first and see if we need to handle other errors in the future.

github 13:02:30

Comment on #211 Fix error cannot read property 'sessionId' of undefined

Nit: when invoking `toMatchSnapshot` multiple times in one `it` test, we can pass in snapshot names to make snapshots easier to read.

github 13:02:49

Review on #211 Fix error cannot read property 'sessionId' of undefined

LGTM! Thanks for the fix! Let's merge and see if <|#192> still happens.

github 13:12:03

Comment on #204 Feature/backtrack user

1. What does `USER_ID` do? I may have missed where it is used. 2. Since the backtrack will only be run once, I think we can just put a comment to indicate how to run this function instead of putting it in package.json. In reality we may be executing the script using `heroku exec`.

github 13:12:03

Comment on #204 Feature/backtrack user

Both branch in this if-else statement does exactly the same thing.

github 13:53:43

Comment on #206 Add google analytics to LIFF

Confirmed that the `LIFF` / `chooseArticle` event is working. Ready to review now. <|image>

mrorz 14:18:37
老 PR 求 review:
• 在 LIFF 加上 google analytics
• Trivial: 讓 snapshot 乾淨點
• component 大搬風,把 list page 的 control 與 display 分開
• 抽出 `Tooltip` component:
如果週三沒人看的話我也會 merge 唷。
mrorz 14:30:32
mLab 要關啦啊啊啊 😱 🙀 @ggm
ggm 14:30:48
mrorz 14:32:21
他們被 MongoDB 母公司買下來
所以 mLab 就不再提供 Heroku addon
要馬是直接用 MongoDB Atlas
至於 MongoDB Atlas 也有 free plan
但有 operation limit
100 operation per second

如果要跑 backtrack
可能跑在 local 環境,再 mongodump 出來、再 mongoimport 進去?
mrorz 14:36:50
本來想說 insert article merge 之後,明天開會來測新 chatbot 包含 viewed article 的功能
但如果要換資料庫,那還是下週再測 + 上線好了,今天來不及研究新資料庫服務 QQ
mLab free sandbox --> MongoDB Atlas M0 free quota 的搬家指南
github 14:57:08

#212 Handle empty reply text

Inputting this will break staging chatbot: ``` 📃 查看這篇的回應: <> ``` The error in console says: ``` { "message": "A message (messages[2]) in the request body is invalid", "details": [ { "message": "must be non-empty text", "property": "/contents/5/body/contents/0/text" }, { "message": "must be non-empty text", "property": "/contents/6/body/contents/0/text" }, { "message": "must be non-empty text", "property": "/contents/7/body/contents/0/text" } ] } ``` This is because there are some replies with empty text (probably caused by a previous bug.) The reply sending mechanism should prevent empty text from being sent as an option.

ggm 15:57:21
不對呀他是整個服務都不提供,還是只是不提供 addon 啊?
整個 mLab 都 subset,搬去 MongoDB Atlas
ggm 15:57:59
ggm 16:00:06
這些公司都一個個被買下來了 XD 之前 mongohq 也被 IBM 買下來
kiang 21:14:13
不知道是不是快取造成,剛剛試著送一個連結給 linebot ,也收到回應說感謝提供資訊,但再次送出同樣連結一樣會提示要我再次送進資料庫

在 LINE 外頭看到的訊息不會放進資料庫唷~
不過幾週以前 @bil 覺得可以拿掉了
Line 以外的也許以連結為主?之前新聞小幫手是以網址為主就是了
現在有 crawler 比對的話,我覺得可以拿掉
github 23:48:04

Comment on #204 Feature/backtrack user

1. Use in rumors-line-bot-log-parser to show userId, because we hide the userId by default <|> 2. okok

github 23:49:59

Comment on #204 Feature/backtrack user

Haha I just change the function name, not seeing this


mrorz 01:49:33
7/22 議程

然後我會完成 category 標籤定義


Cofacts 標籤定義 - HackMD

github 10:15:38

Review on #204 Feature/backtrack user

Looks great, thanks a million!

mrorz 12:37:25
不過幾週以前 @bil 覺得可以拿掉了
github 13:05:47

Comment on #281 Search bar input should span multiple rows

From discussions in <|> even though we can support multi-line, "enter" should still trigger search instead of new lines

github 13:25:38

#294 Send upvote / downvote at the same time button is pressed

From: <|> *As-is* <|image> • Clicking upvote / downvote shows reason dialog. • Upvote / downvote are sent along with its reason after clicking "Send". *To-be* • Upvote / downvote (without reason) is submitted as soon as the upvote / button button is clicked. • Clicking upvote / downvote still shows reason dialog, but with different prompt: "Thank you for the feedback." + "Do you have anything to add?" / "Why do you think it is not useful?" • "Send" --&gt; "Close" when no content, "Send" when inputted something • After clicking "Send", the vote is submitted again, this time with reason.

github 13:35:41

#213 Improve wording in reason feedback dialog

*As-is* From <|> &gt; 看來是因為我們在使用者回報一個回應有用時,會這樣問使用者: &gt; <|> &gt; 這個提問導致使用者輸入「沒有」然後送出。但在 Cofacts 網站上,就會看到有一堆人 upvote 然後又表示「沒有」,有點沒頭沒尾。 &gt; <|image> &gt; [name=MrOrz] &gt; &gt; 可以用 place holder 寫「沒有其他意見」之類的,這樣使用者應該會直接按送出? &gt; [name=stimim] *To-be* Change the wording so that: • The dialog still asks "Do you have anything to add" • Change the placeholder of text area to "Nothing to add". • If the dialog is empty, change text of the button to "Close"; reads "Submit" only after textarea has content

github 13:49:22

#295 UX improvements of search function in desktop editor

*As-is* <|image> • 搜尋框很不明顯 • 搜尋結果無法拉大,列表呈現在很小的地方 • 搜尋的當下沒有 loading state • Enter 搜尋不直觀,而且 iOS 上 enter 會顯示「換行」 • 有時候其實只是想看一看搜尋結果,按搜尋旁邊的 X 關掉實在太不直觀 • iOS 上點按「Add this reply to my reply」會直接送出回應! *To-be* Figma: <|> <|image> • 搜尋框加上「參考過往回應」的 placeholder • 使理由與來源的 input 能垂直拉大(水平方向則固定) • 搜尋時加上 loading indicator • 修正 iOS 點按「Add this reply to my reply」送出的問題

關於這張票下面這兩個 user feedback:
• Enter 搜尋不直觀,而且 iOS 上 enter 會顯示「換行」
• 有時候其實只是想看一看搜尋結果,按搜尋旁邊的 X 關掉實在太不直觀
在互動與設計上要怎麼改比較好呢? @lucien @stbb1025
1. 開始打字之後就即時顯示搜尋結果,這樣一樣維持按 X 關掉就不會很怪
2. 開始打字之後右邊除了顯示 X 之外也顯示 V 代表送出,或也可以變成「送出/取消」或「搜尋/取消」兩個按鈕

這種 case 下
LINE 或 messenger 裡面搜尋模式時會加上的 banner + 「完成」按鈕或許會有些用?

banner 可以
1. 還沒搜完前顯示搜尋進度
2. 搜完之後顯示關鍵字本人
3. 擺放「完成」按鈕
缺點則是 banner 會佔去已經很少了的空間 QQ
之前 的實作則是在 on blur 的時候搜尋,不失為一種懶惰的做法 (?

1. ios `<input type="search" />` 事實上只要他放進 form with action element 就可以讓 enter 變成 搜尋。
```<form action>
2. 搜尋目前會完全取代輸入 textarea ,但我覺得這裡應該是展開一個新的區塊
3. 快速看一下搜尋結果這件事,我認爲是要加上 esc reset 搜尋的功能, auto complete 類型的快速預覽我覺得要放更壓縮的內容,比如說 hit search 的 summary
4. 我覺得桌面版可以考慮在右側開一個搜尋的浮動視窗,增加顯示內容
5. 我認為至少搜尋結果要至少可以看到一個完整的內容,這裡的桌面版卡片我想設計地更 compact
mrorz 14:45:39

• 「目標編輯」就是想像目標會看、會回這類訊息的人是誰,是分類的重要依據
• 相關內容寫後面
@ggm @darkbtf @gary96302000.eecs96 看一下我對各個分類的認知是否跟你們一致唷

另外,現在分出來的感覺好像跟這份文件也滿不同的,不知道週六的協作場合下要怎麼進行 clean up 會比較好 QQ


Cofacts 標籤定義 - HackMD

lucien 20:07:14

Steam Community :: Metaverse Keeper :: Achievements

github 21:03:31

Comment on #206 Add google analytics to LIFF

According to <|discussion>, we don't open articles page via LINE Notify anymore.

github 21:11:01

Comment on #170 Support RSS for all lists on website

Done in <|#210>, will continue tracking in <|#262>

github 21:28:27

Comment on #190 LIFF trap source should guide user to other fact checkers

As discussed on Slack in 7/22 we plan to remove the step that asks source. Closing this issue.


mrorz 02:27:05

我覺得重整性別議題 / 愛滋病的工作
1. 有滿明確的範圍(就是處理原「性少數與愛滋病」標籤)
2. 時效性比 COVID-19 低
3. 比較適合直接在 excel 處理掉
所以我覺得大松集中在 `COVID-19 疫情` 與 `跨國互動` 新標籤比較重要
不知道有沒有合適作業的範圍呢?(如:優先標記最新的文章?或拿特定分類來標就好?要先開 `醫藥` parent category 嗎?直接開網站標、還是像小聚開好 tab 讓人認領好?)

20200722 會議記錄 - HackMD

ichieh 17:38:32
Hi all,感謝大家年初的時候幫忙揪松撰寫的 Impact Report,終於在經過半年要準備印製了,在出版前希望請大家再確認內容,也歡迎有幫忙撰寫的專案可以再加上 2020 上半年的成果,審閱期至 7/27(一)中午 12:00,再麻煩大家了!


github 02:36:33

#186 Cannot login to local dev server

*How to Reproduce* • `npm run dev` to start a dev server. • Open <http://localhost:3000/article/1fi7dla9wtwjn|http://localhost:3000/article/1fi7dla9wtwjn> with Google Chrome or Safari. • Click the `Login` button in top right corner. • You should be redirected to <|> • Go back to <http://localhost:3000/article/1fi7dla9wtwjn|http://localhost:3000/article/1fi7dla9wtwjn> • *What is expected*: You should be logged in, and your account should be shown in top right corner. • *What actually happened*: Not logged in, `Login` button is still shown in top right corner. *Additional Info* In both browser, there is no cookie from cofacts domain. *Google Chrome* Found the following message in developer console: ``` A cookie associated with a cross-site resource at <> was set without the `SameSite` attribute. It has been blocked, as Chrome now only delivers cookies with cross-site requests if they are set with `SameSite=None` and `Secure`. You can review cookies in developer tools under Application&gt;Storage&gt;Cookies and see more details at <> and <>. ``` *Safari* Found the following message in javascript console: ``` [Error] The source list for Content Security Policy directive 'script-src' contains an invalid source: ''report-sample''. It will be ignored. ```

我昨天用了 move issue 的功能
把這張處理 sameSite cookie 的票,從 rumors-site 移動到 rumors-api 囉
主要是現在越來越多人會踩到這個問題 >< 也有可能是因為這個問題而無法運作
github 04:04:15

Comment on #186 Cannot login to local dev server

Working on a <|branch> to mitigate this, but blocked by `secure` detection issue: • <|pillarjs/cookies#51> • <|koajs/koa#974>

github 13:50:40

#296 Add line breaks to category description

As discussed in 0722, we are going to let collaborators try out our category UI in the hackathon tomorrow. In order to properly display the <|category definition>, we add line breaks to make descriptions more readable. <|image>

這個今晚想進,請大家協助 review m(_ _)m
mrorz 13:57:49
@ggm 請問之前 category 是怎麼從 staging sync 到 production 的呢
我現在在做類似的事情 ._.
應該是跑個 script @darkbtf
mrorz 22:36:10
我發現禮拜三 merge 進 dev 的我的 rumors-site refactor 會把整個 dev 弄壞 QQ
mrorz 23:25:46
明日大松用的 category 已經上線囉
👍 1 1
mrorz 23:25:56
但新的 category 還沒放
bil 23:26:50


mrorz 02:15:34
新 category 也放囉
mrorz 08:59:55
@ggm @bil 我更新大松頁面,把想請大家做的事情更新囉
bil 09:00:32
dang 09:28:20
@vulxj0j8j8 has joined the channel
fly 10:30:30
AI 自動分類好帥啊啊啊,想訂閱主題但出現 Internal Server Error
修復 RSS 是正在追蹤的事項唷,之後 @acerxp511 會修好它 ~
swind 12:10:10
@swind has joined the channel
github 14:23:20

#297 Add search icon, placeholder, and enablef height adjustment

Done 搜尋框加上「參考過往回應」的 placeholder 使理由與來源的 input 能垂直拉大 增加搜尋圖示提供搜尋功能,而不是只能用 Enter TODOs 使理由與來源的 input 水平方向則固定 搜尋時加上 loading indicator 修正 iOS 點按「Add this reply to my reply」送出的問題

ggm 15:49:58
@darkbtf AI-master 的 production 的 cron job 有開嗎?沒開的話把他跑起來吧
github 16:41:11

#298 Fix dev "cannot invoke map of undefined" bug

ArticleInfo should query for articleReplies as it is using articleReply data. *Before* <|image> *After* Detail page can load without problem *Analysis* `&lt;ArticleInfo&gt;` in `ArticleDetail` page actually uses `articleReplies` field. However, It's not declared in its fragment, thus `articleReplies` fields are not populated properly in detail page. This PR adds the field in loading sequence so that the field exists no matter where `&lt;ArticleInfo&gt;` is used.

github 17:07:29

Comment on #297 Add search icon, placeholder, and enablef height adjustment

Thank you for locating the root cause! After trying the UI out, I found that `flex: 1` is actually required on mobile to enlarge the textarea. I suggest leaving `flex: 1` as-is and adding the following in `[theme.breakpoints.up('md')]`: ``` flex: 'none', // Disable flex so that user can enlarge textarea by themselves minHeight: 144, ```

github 17:13:37

Comment on #297 Add search icon, placeholder, and enablef height adjustment

Thanks for your review. I had applied the suggestions.

github 17:14:38

Review on #297 Add search icon, placeholder, and enablef height adjustment

LGTM! Thank you <|@AJua> ! 17:33:59 has joined the channel
github 17:44:20

#299 Prevent search input from being hided

Fix issue <|#280>

github 18:01:38

Comment on #299 Prevent search input from being hided

Personally I would prefer `onExpanded` or `onToggle` because this is the scenario that a child component component notifies parent component about something happening. Parent component can determine how to react to such event. ``` &lt;GlobalSearch onExpand={expanded =&gt; setDisplayLogo(!expanded)} /&gt; ```

github 23:16:36

Comment on #299 Prevent search input from being hided

I've refactor the relation between the parent and the child component so that parent listen to child's change rather then the child change the parent directly


github 13:57:06

Review on #299 Prevent search input from being hided

It is looking good. Thank you very much!

lucien 22:40:25

1. ios `<input type="search" />` 事實上只要他放進 form with action element 就可以讓 enter 變成 搜尋。
```<form action>
2. 搜尋目前會完全取代輸入 textarea ,但我覺得這裡應該是展開一個新的區塊
3. 快速看一下搜尋結果這件事,我認爲是要加上 esc reset 搜尋的功能, auto complete 類型的快速預覽我覺得要放更壓縮的內容,比如說 hit search 的 summary
4. 我覺得桌面版可以考慮在右側開一個搜尋的浮動視窗,增加顯示內容
5. 我認為至少搜尋結果要至少可以看到一個完整的內容,這裡的桌面版卡片我想設計地更 compact


github 02:05:49

#187 Load more reply request at once

This fixes <|#164> Test TBD

stbb1025 10:35:58

成就部分我請插畫家先針對首次闢謠上了色,我放在 UI 裡給大家看看
有三種風格,其中最右邊應該是最接近 Lucien 提的 steam 樣式

@lucien @mrorz @bil


Cofacts website

Created with Figma

讓我們多多為這個提供看法,有看法請在接下來兩小時內提出來=D@ggm @lucien @acerxp511
badge 是個滿值得色彩繽紛的地方

然後現在縮放比例到 100 %的時候,細節已經看不清楚了,單色版之後調整可以參考 Metaverse Keeper 的效果線,跟負空間畫法
凹版印刷變凸版印刷的感覺 (?
如果要白色作圖的話,底色可能要選得像是 landing page 闢謠者聯盟招手那塊那麼深
🐳 1 🦒 1
mrorz 12:36:50 這個是個小小 fix
但可以早日 merge,否則 dev 會是壞的 QQ

#298 Fix dev "cannot invoke map of undefined" bug

ArticleInfo should query for articleReplies as it is using articleReply data. *Before* Staging: <|image> Localhost: <|image> *After* Detail page can load without problem *Analysis* `&lt;ArticleInfo&gt;` in `ArticleDetail` page actually uses `articleReplies` field. However, It's not declared in its fragment, thus `articleReplies` fields are not populated properly in detail page. This PR adds the field in loading sequence so that the field exists no matter where `&lt;ArticleInfo&gt;` is used.

github 13:23:34

Review on #207 Feature/165 cron notify

LGTM! Thanks for the fix. Added two nice-to-have comments below.

github 13:23:34

Comment on #207 Feature/165 cron notify

We can use === for numeric comparison (Also in L89)

github 13:23:45

Comment on #207 Feature/165 cron notify

When using `babel-node`, we should be able to run from `src/script` directly, or there may be error when it's not built yet

github 13:48:50

Comment on #187 Load more reply request at once

<|Coverage Status> Coverage increased (+0.02%) to 86.849% when pulling *<|ed6b99a> on replyrequests* into *<|236152b> on master*.

mrorz 14:15:23
rumors-line-bot staging 成功連線到 MongoDB Atlas 囉!
@acerxp511 @ggm 把自己的 MongoDB Atlas 帳號私訊給我,我把大家加到 Cofacts organization 來
👌 1
github 15:35:20

Comment on #207 Feature/165 cron notify

Sorry, I forgot to change the script path..


github 00:50:13

Review on #207 Feature/165 cron notify

Thanks for the fix :pray:

github 13:36:44

#300 Add back progress bar and info in menu

*As-is* *Desktop* <|image> *Mobile* <|image> *To-be* • Add progress bar in desktop menu • Add "仍須 N 篇闢謠升級" / "N replies left to next level" (無需如圖般左右對齊,直接置中對齊也可以) • Clicking name should allow user to change their name using <|`window.prompt()`>. *Desktop* <|> <|image> *Mobile* <|> <|image>


github 14:29:08

#301 Introduce &lt;Infos&gt; and &lt;TimeInfo&gt; for as a flexible info display

This PR implements `&lt;Infos&gt;` and `&lt;TimeInfo&gt;` and reuse them in `&lt;ArticleInfo&gt;` and `&lt;ReplyInfo&gt;` temporarily. Actually, in the mockup the info lines are very diverse and has different info to display in each place. In the future, `&lt;ArticleInfo&gt;` and `&lt;ReplyInfo&gt;` will be removed, and `&lt;Infos&gt;` and `&lt;TimeInfo&gt;` will be directly used in article items instead. *Storybook* <|info optional> <|TimeINfo> *Reply list* <|image> *Article detail* <|image>

這也是 article list refactor 的副產品
就是把 Cofacts UI 裡常見的 `A| B | C` 這個東西包成 component

由於 UI 裡面用到滿多這種外觀的東西,它們外觀上一致,但內容很多樣,所以想說包成外觀 component。

現有的 `ArticleInfo` 與 `ReplyInfo` 兩個 component,暫時先在內部實作改用 `Infos`。未來這兩者會直接被內容自由度更高的 `Infos` 完全取代。
fly 14:53:29
This is an effort to compile projects and initiatives that aim to improve information quality. We are collecting information on fact-checking groups, technology tools, academic research institutions and so much more. Explore our growing list of entries by geography, language, funders and solutions categories.

Credibility Coalition

Projects – CredCatalog

Welcome to CredCatalog. This is an effort to compile projects and initiatives that aim to improve information quality. We are collecting information on fact-checking groups, technology tools, academic research institutions and so much more. Explore our growing list of entries by geography, language, funders and solutions categories.


所以我就送了一份 XD
MyGoPen 好像也可以送一份?
W3C 的 Credible Web Community Group 看起來滿 active 的耶,開會記錄也都會上網
已推坑 MyGoPen Rob~
bil 20:03:57
讓我們多多為這個提供看法,有看法請在接下來兩小時內提出來=D@ggm @lucien @acerxp511
bil 20:06:00
比鄰喜歡style 1,這樣在很遠的地方也可以看得很清楚
bil 20:12:10


github 05:33:32

#302 Bump elliptic from 6.5.1 to 6.5.3

Bumps <|elliptic> from 6.5.1 to 6.5.3. Commits • <|`8647803`> 6.5.3 • <|`856fe4d`> signature: prevent malleability and overflows • <|`6048941`> 6.5.2 • <|`9984964`> package: bump dependencies • <|`ec735ed`> utils: leak less information in `getNAF()` • See full diff in <|compare view> <|Dependabot compatibility score> Dependabot will resolve any conflicts with this PR as long as you don't alter it yourself. You can also trigger a rebase manually by commenting `@dependabot rebase`. * * * Dependabot commands and options You can trigger Dependabot actions by commenting on this PR: • `@dependabot rebase` will rebase this PR • `@dependabot recreate` will recreate this PR, overwriting any edits that have been made to it • `@dependabot merge` will merge this PR after your CI passes on it • `@dependabot squash and merge` will squash and merge this PR after your CI passes on it • `@dependabot cancel merge` will cancel a previously requested merge and block automerging • `@dependabot reopen` will reopen this PR if it is closed • `@dependabot close` will close this PR and stop Dependabot recreating it. You can achieve the same result by closing it manually • `@dependabot ignore this major version` will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this major version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself) • `@dependabot ignore this minor version` will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this minor version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself) • `@dependabot ignore this dependency` will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this dependency (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself) • `@dependabot use these labels` will set the current labels as the default for future PRs for this repo and language • `@dependabot use these reviewers` will set the current reviewers as the default for future PRs for this repo and language • `@dependabot use these assignees` will set the current assignees as the default for future PRs for this repo and language • `@dependabot use this milestone` will set the current milestone as the default for future PRs for this repo and language You can disable automated security fix PRs for this repo from the <|Security Alerts page>.

github 12:56:36

#303 Fix reply search release blocker

Fix <|20200729 release blocker>. *Screenshot* <|image>

這是今晚預計 release 的 release blocker 的 fix 唷
mrorz 12:56:58
這是今晚預計 release 的 release blocker 的 fix 唷
github 18:23:28

#188 script to fetch google analytics stats

There's an edge case when the cron job runs at midnight, the first cron job of the day should also update the value for yesterday ie. if the last cron job of the day runs at 23:00, and the next one runs at 0:00, any activities between the last cron job till midnight won't be accounted for. I'm not sure if this should be handled by the script itself (i.e. check if current time is near midnight), or just set another cron job to run it once a day. The former is kinda weird and needs to watch out for the timezone setting of the server and GA. The later has a catch, that is, to run the script for any dates other than today would be ran in migration setting, which would use url path to determine doc id instead of content grouping. It shouldn't be that big of a day since there aren't that many entries per day...

如果我們跟 Google analytics 要以小時為精度的資料
寫進 elasticsearch 的時候也是小時為精度
只有在 rumors-api 吐給 UI 時使用 elasticsearch 的 date histogram aggregation 弄成一天天 (可能在這裡才處理時區問題)
GA 那邊可以設時區,我有去看cofacts設定的時區是台北,所以他的「當日」流量是看台北時間的當日
我是覺得好像沒有必要在db存到每個小時的流量,如果要往前回朔抓資料的話也等於要花24倍的的 quota
除非之後有應用需要到那麼細的資料,不然我覺得好像確定 server 跟GA那邊的時區是一致的可能會比較簡單,或是不要依賴server設定的話也是可以記錄GA的時區用moment timezone之類的調一下
我也有想過目前我是用是cronjob查 contentgroup 不然查 url的分辨方法,也可以改成 2020/7/xx 之後的資料查 contentgroup 之前再看 url
_Time zone country or territory_: The country or territory and the time zone you want to use as the day boundary for your reports, regardless of where the data originates. For example, if you choose _United States, Los Angeles Time_, then the beginning and end of each day is calculated based on Los Angeles Time, even if the hit comes from New York, London, or Moscow.
補一下來源 XD
github 18:27:49

Comment on #188 script to fetch google analytics stats

<|Coverage Status> Coverage increased (+0.8%) to 87.593% when pulling *<|7dc4506> on fetchGA* into *<|236152b> on master*.


mrorz 14:38:55
最近剛好在重整 article list
週日 4000 提到,文章列表裡面希望可以放文章超連結的 title。

下面是我用志超 search result 的 UI,拿掉 URL description 之後試排的結果。我比較喜歡沒有 URL 的版本 XD


Cofacts website (MrOrz's copy)

Created with Figma

github 19:04:06

#304 Fix 262 rss function

Fixes <|#262> feedUrl cannot handle options passed by ArticlePageLayout, so put option into query.