
Month: 2019-03


@null 07:51:39 So it’s starting with a 1/11 target.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _<> 故且是先以 1/11 為目標開始倒數了 :slightly_smiling_face:_

@null 11:07:42
@gugod What kind of picture do you want?

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _<@U02G30WJT> 要什麼樣的圖啊?_

@null 11:16:10 I want to say that the background and color of this page are pretending to be a little... XD

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _<> 就想說把這頁的背景跟顏色什麼的弄得裝模..._

@null 11:16:53
XDDD a bot needs CI too!

@null 14:05:27
That is to say... :-)

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _就是說呀... :-) _


Someone (across chat bridge) 01:01:20
File from Michael_li (general@g0vtw)with comment: 我剛剛整理了兩個醫學資訊,給各位參考。



螢幕擷取畫面 2019-02-3 00-55-04


@null 14:02:38
Just whim, I want to make a "fake text encoder" on the weekend, and the content of the proposal is written in hackmd

<|source>: _剛剛突發奇想,想在週末大松提案做一個「假文字編碼器」,提案內容寫在 ..._

假文字編碼器 - HackMD

@null 14:03:10
To put it simply, I hope that I can make a set of encoders. I can code "I will gather in front of the Legislative Yuan at three o'clock tomorrow afternoon." I will allow you to enter my world. If you don't want to be good to you, you will die. People are shameless, I hope. One day I can double-click my wallet with my mouse, work, God, women must be better for themselves." Similar to this meaningless text, but can be decoded back

<|source>: _簡單說就是希望能做一套編碼器,可以把「明天下午三點在立法院前集合」�..._

@null 14:15:49
唔.. The text used is not the Great Wall Crossing Edition XD

<|source>: _唔.. 用的文字不是長城穿越版 XD_

@null 14:16:51
Great Wall Crossing Edition?

<|source>: _長城穿越版?_

@null 14:17:09
Saying that I think such a fake text encoding tool will have been done long ago...

<|source>: _話說我覺得這樣的假文字編碼工具會不會早就有人做過了啊…._

Most of the previous ones have been coded with a blank in Unicode ( or a zero-width character (
@null 14:25:40
Great Wall Crossing Edition.. #

<|source>: _長城穿越版.. # <>

@null 14:25:57
The Great Wall does not understand, but humans still understand XD.

<|source>: _長城看不懂, 但人類還是看得懂 XD_

@null 14:27:37
It used to be used in the army, but it should be artificial... Like on the radio, saying "Climbing a new peak, 2020" is an agreement to sneak attack on Pearl Harbor.

<|source>: _以前軍隊裡有人用, 但應該是人工的... 像是在廣播裡說「攀登新高峰, 一二��..._

@null 14:33:10
Most of the previous ones have been coded with a blank in Unicode ( or a zero-width character (

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _之前看過的大都是用 Unicode 裡的空白( <> )或零寬度��..._

@null 14:33:13 XD

<|source>: _&lt;gugod&gt; ? XD_

@null 14:35:26
In short, first find enough sentences to correspond to 0000-ffff .... ? (ultra wide character encoding)

<|source>: _&lt;gugod&gt; 總之先找出夠多句子,去對應到 0000-ffff .... ? (超寬的 character encoding )_

@null 14:36:18
This way even the words are saved.

<|source>: _這樣連斷詞都省了w_

@null 14:36:35
In fact, if you break the word, you can get it back.

<|source>: _其實斷個詞, 就算斷錯了也是解得回來_

@null 14:36:51
So you can take the dictionary and go to the first match.

<|source>: _所以可以拿辭典去對, first match 亂斷 XD_

@null 14:41:37
I would like to add part of the grammar, mainly to increase the difficulty of machine review.

<|source>: _我會想要加上文法的部份,主要是增加機器審查的難度_

@null 14:41:46
But maybe part of the grammar can be done in the next stage.

<|source>: _不過或許文法的部份可以下階段再做_

@null 14:42:46
If it comes out, every sentence seems to be a meaningful sentence, but the combination is not knowing what is being said. So the result is not difficult to say, even the manual review is difficult XD

<|source>: _如果出來是每一句話看起來都是有意義的句子,但是組合起來就是不知道在�..._

@null 15:14:51
Someone wants me to search for "the Buddha and Zen", so this thing really exists in China. XDDDDD

<|source>: _有人要我搜尋「與佛論禪」,所以這東西果然在中國已經存在了 XDDDDD_

@null 15:16:28
The grammar you said should be that the sentence after the generation seems to be fluent, rather than the original sentence needs to be dismantled by the grammar method?

<|source>: _你說的文法應該是生成以後的文句看起來通順, 而不是原本的句子需要被合��..._

@null 15:18:35
In fact, there are yeah, it seems that fluency is mainly to make it difficult to find abnormalities in machine review. After all, each sentence is a grammar used in daily speech, and no sensitive words are used in the words.

<|source>: _其實都有耶,看起來通順主要是讓機器審查很難發現異常,畢竟每一句分開�..._

@null 15:18:55
Then only the generated sentence needs a grammar.

<|source>: _那就只有生成的文句需要合文法啊_

@null 15:19:39
The original sentence does not have any restrictions, the original sentence should be able to handle even the binary.

<|source>: _原句不用任何限制,原句應該要連 binary 都要能處理_

Therefore, it is first to analyze the semantics of the original sentence, and then generate an extended article, but it must not be similar to the original sentence, otherwise it will be GG XDD
The original sentence does not need to do any analysis, the original sentence is treated as a binary string, and it can be pure text, URL or file content.
But the statement to be generated cannot be similar to the original sentence?! or keyword vocabulary, etc.!
The sentence that is born will be far worse than the original sentence, because in the process, the Chinese character will not be seen in the middle of the text, but the binary code behind him will be converted into another set of codes by the formula, and then corresponding to other Chinese characters. So it will be much worse, it is almost impossible to see the original meaning, a bit similar to base64 encoding, but base64 will only encode the text into 0-9a-f 16 symbols, but the encoding method will be compiled into a pile of waste
Just happen to read Taiwan, the bear is for you.....


@null 00:15:50
[Tainan smart city data visual hackathon] Event time: 3/23-24 (six-day) 09:00-18:00 @ Tainan Railway Station next to the historic site, the registration time: from now on Until the full amount @ pan-kea activity I am a pan-AJ, how long have you not come to Tainan to eat snacks (?), now the opportunity to come to Tainan City Government and Pan-Knowledge knowledge look forward to this hackathon, let the designer Have the opportunity to compete with the engineers. Whether you are using BI tools such as Tableau or Excel, or the designer who saves the world with mouse + PS & AI, or you are using R or Python or various JS with caffeine and fresh liver conversion code for the Siege Lion.. You are welcome to let everyone see your "Insight". If you don't care, you will get a bonus. Finally, next to this event is the famous studio of good thoughts. I haven’t played it yet (the cat over there), now you have a chance...

<|source>: _【臺南智慧城市資料視覺黑客松】 <> 活動時間:3/23-24(��..._

@null 00:59:17
So, does anyone want to hold Dasong in Tainan? Are there people in Tainan and want to stay in Tainan? !

<|source>: _所以,請問有人想在臺南舉辦大松嗎?目前在台南和想留在台南的人有嗎?�..._

@null 01:07:40
Therefore, it is first to analyze the semantics of the original sentence, and then generate an extended article, but it must not be similar to the original sentence, otherwise it will be GG XDD

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _所以,是先對原句語意分析完後,再生成擴展文章,但絕對不能跟原句類似�..._

@null 01:08:55
The original sentence does not need to do any analysis, the original sentence is treated as a binary string, and it can be pure text, URL or file content.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _原句不需要做任何分析,原句就當作二進位字串看就行了,他可以是純文字�..._

@null 01:11:27
But the statement to be generated cannot be similar to the original sentence?! or keyword vocabulary, etc.!

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _可是要生成的語句,不能類似於原句啊?!或關鍵字辭彙等的!_

@null 01:14:20
The sentence that is born will be far worse than the original sentence, because in the process, the Chinese character will not be seen in the middle of the text, but the binary code behind him will be converted into another set of codes by the formula, and then corresponding to other Chinese characters. So it will be much worse, it is almost impossible to see the original meaning, a bit similar to base64 encoding, but base64 will only encode the text into 0-9a-f 16 symbols, but the encoding method will be compiled into a pile of waste

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _生出來的語句會跟原句天差地遠,因為這個過程中不會把中文字當中文字看�..._

@null 01:16:48
Just happen to read Taiwan, the bear is for you.....

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _剛好產生台讀、小熊為你....._

Someone (across chat bridge) 03:53:51
File from link (general@g0vtw)with comment:
@null 03:54:03
Socialist core values encoder (

<|source>: _社會主義核心價值觀編碼器(_

@null 08:28:58
@au au I have thought about an idea before, only once with a human being. I originally reserved this for myself to practice writing programs. Today I saw Ronny put forward almost the same concept, I will briefly describe it once.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _<@U02L29KSW> au 我以前有想過一個點子,只有跟一個人類提過一次,這個點子我原本保..._

@null 08:42:36
1. The concept of a replacement password. (Also known as a1z26 password) 2. Replace all Unicode characters with others, and the replacement process will become a "password book". 2.1. The unique password is automatically generated by the program. After generation, a series of characters like MD5 and SHA2 will be generated. 2.2. The "Password Book" is generated by a specific mode such as temperature, date, and GPS value. It is not necessary to transmit the "How to generate a password". The rules are agreed upon by the parties in a safe situation.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _1.替換式密碼的概念。(又稱a1z26密碼) 2.把所有Unicode所有文字都替換成別��..._

@null 09:41:29
On the new mountain / at 10:30 on December 2, 1941, the Tokyo Congress officially decided to declare the war. Nan Yun received the "Climb the New Mountain" (referring to Taiwan's Yushan) at 5:30 pm Japan time. "1208". If the code name is Tsukuba Mountain sunny, it means the attack is suspended.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _登上新高山 //1941年12月2日上午10點30分,東京國會正式做出宣戰決定,南雲..._

@null 10:26:41
This can be avoided because the generated words are generated from the thesaurus, and the thesaurus can be used without sensitive words.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _這個可以避免,因為產生出來的詞是從詞庫產生的,詞庫可以不要塞敏感詞_

@null 10:37:28

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _恩對唷~~XD_

@null 10:40:31
The original idea is more complicated, adding machine learning to automatically produce relevant vocabulary that cannot appear to prevent unnecessary trouble!

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _本來的想法是比較複雜的,加入機器學習自動產出相關不能出現的詞彙,來�..._

@null 12:09:33
There are Tainanese (lifting hands), Tainan is suitable for Komatsu.

<|source>: _有台南人啊 (舉手) ,台南適合辦小松_

@null 15:05:15
Just confirmed again, the hackpad is indeed affected by the google+ api abort and can't log in. I just took the time to change the program to Q_Q.

<|source>: _剛剛再確認了一下,hackpad 確實會受到 google+ api 中止的影響無法登入,剛花�..._

What to use: thinking_face:
Oh, the commit is not included in the plus part.
Some people who use google login email and user name will use the API, but this API 3/7 will be unplugged.
The original code of hackpad is to use this API to capture email and user name.
To use google oauth2 v4 to catch
@null 15:35:48
@Relax @kiang Super Invincible Support Komatsu in Tainan

<|source>: _@Relax <@U0381JNK8> 超級無敵支持在台南辦小松_

@null 22:31:36
Pushing Tainan, 9 can be supported by entities

<|source>: _推推台南,9越後可以實體支援_

@null 22:35:41
What to use: thinking_face:

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _改用什麼:thinking_face:_

@null 22:38:20
Oh, the commit is not included in the plus part.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _喔喔, commit 沒包含到 plus 的部份_

@null 22:39:29
Some people who use google login email and user name will use the API, but this API 3/7 will be unplugged.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _有些人抓 google 登入的 email 和 user name 會用 <>

@null 22:39:51
The original code of hackpad is to use this API to capture email and user name.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _hackpad 本來的程式碼就是用這個 API 抓 email 和 user name 的_

@null 22:40:45
To use google oauth2 v4 to catch

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _要改用 google oauth2 v4 來抓_


@null 00:20:26
Just suddenly thought: regardless of Beijing's opposition to anti-blocking African pigs, Taiwan pigs can not die, must eat braised pork rice to eat full and banana purchase price can not be less than 12 dollars 92 consensus Kaohsiung made a big money hackathon / / anyway Solitaire received the old days

<|source>: _剛剛突然想到:不顧北京反對防堵非洲豬瘟臺灣豬豬不能病死一定要吃滷肉�..._

@null 00:21:17
A low-key opening a translation pen, participate by yourself. NHK special report on the false news caused by the death of Osaka Director Su Qicheng

<|source>: _低調的開了一個翻譯共筆,自行參加。 NHK專題報導,探討假新聞造成大阪處..._

The latest news has found a ready-made full-text translation that requires proofreading and tagging time
@null 01:23:10
Recently fascinated Chatbot wrote a voice search toy, thought of integrating g0v classic, plus true and false (xxx true fake) / love Taiwanese (xxx Taiwanese) / Ami language Mengdian (xxx Ami) Https:// Welcome PR to add features. Friends who are interested in Chatbot are also invited to participate in Xiaoju

<|source>: _最近著迷 Chatbot 寫了一個語音搜尋玩具,想到能集成 g0v 經典,加了真的假��..._

@null 01:29:28
The latest news has found a ready-made full-text translation that requires proofreading and tagging time

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _最新消息 已經找到一個現成全文翻譯 需要校稿跟標記影片時間_

@null 09:44:29
Is there a Search api for the "Voting Guide"?

<|source>: _請教「投票指南」有Search api嗎?_

consult! @johnny greatly
@null 09:48:11
Is there a Search api for the "Central Government Total Budget"? <Http://>

<|source>: _請教「中央政府總預算」有Search api嗎? <>

@null 09:49:06
The central government's total budget does not have a search api, but his information is available at

<|source>: _中央政府總預算沒有 search api ,不過他的資料都放在 <>

Received, thanks to Ronny's quick meeting!
@null 09:50:16
<Https://> i64885 public interest lawyer call platform hangs, ranked first in the results

<|source>: _<> i64885公益律師呼叫平台 <> ��..._

@null 09:50:52
Received, thanks to Ronny's quick meeting!

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _收到,感謝 Ronny 神速會覆!_

@null 09:50:56
There should be a lot of XD hanging in the results.

<|source>: _成果裡面應該很多都掛了 XD_

@null 09:52:21
This is also a g0v domain want to add pits, for there is a service that hangs g0v domain, plus health check, if there is a hung, you can notify the original author

<|source>: _這也是一個 g0v domain 想要加的坑,針對在 <> 裡面有掛 g0..._

@null 09:52:37
Currently slack has #status channel

<|source>: _目前 slack 有 <#C433NEJSJ|status> channel_

@null 10:10:09
If you go to #general, you should restore XD soon.

<|source>: _如果整到 <#C02G2SXKX|general> 應該會很快恢覆 XD_

目前 slack 有 <#C433NEJSJ|status> channel

@null 10:15:32
When will the "Legislative Fund for the Legislative Council" be held for the tenth?

<|source>: _請教「立委政治獻金」何時會有第十屆的呢?<>

@null 10:23:51
Is the tenth edition not in 2020?

<|source>: _第十屆不是 2020 年的嗎?_

Ha, sorry I made a mistake! Thanks response
@null 10:28:14
In the ninth session of 2016, the Political Contributions Law was amended in 2018 last year. The details will be directly posted on the Internet. There is no need to rely on the masses OCR. However, since the political contribution law can be declared within three months after the election, The election of 2018/11/24 will not be closed until 2019/2/24, and the time limit for publicity to the Internet is "the acceptance reporting agency should be within six months after the deadline for acceptance of the application", so the latest 2019/8/24 I had the opportunity to see the information of the 9th 2016 election on the website of the Inspectorate.

<|source>: _2016 的第九屆的話,政治獻金法在去年 2018 年有修法,明細會直接上網公開��..._

@null 10:29:39
I don’t tell you the wrong XDDDD 2019/8/24 is the declaration of the election of the local councillors. The ninth session already has

<|source>: _ㄟ不對我講錯了 XDDDD 2019/8/24 是地方首長議員選舉的申報,第九屆已經有了_

@null 11:29:00
What's New 2 I checked YouTube's collaborative subtitles and it seems to have been completed. The only thing left is to get a subtitle text file. Just download it and notice that the time paragraph is correct. (Of course, you can also read Chinese translations.)

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _最新消息2 我檢查了 YouTube 協力字幕,看來已經完成了,剩下就是弄一個字..._

@null 14:21:28
We are indeed waiting for the "details of direct online access". There is no need to launch digital sputum again. It is too artificial.

<|source>: _我們的確在等「會直接上網公開的明細」,沒有要再發動數位化囉~實在太�..._

@null 14:22:32
Then the current legislators are up to the ninth. At the end of 2018, they are elected as members. The tenth legislators are indeed (not selected) until 2020.

<|source>: _然後目前立委最新是到第九屆,2018年底選的是議員,第十屆立委的確(還沒..._

@null 15:47:58
In the middle of the 9th and 10th sessions, there are 6 regional legislators to be elected, including He Zhiwei, Shen Zhihui, other Yu Tian, Xie Longjie and other districts. It is necessary to wait 3/16 to know who is elected. The release of political contributions was October 27 and December 16, respectively.

<|source>: _九、十屆中間還有6席區域立委要補選,包括就職的何志偉、沈智慧,其他余..._

Will the announcement be announced before the T_T?
Which kind of public office election is it?
I was lost for a while, now I am waiting for a member of Parliament, it’s okay.
@null 15:58:06
Will the announcement be announced before the T_T?

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _那補選之外的會先公布嗎T_T_

@null 16:30:07
Ha, sorry I made a mistake! Thanks response

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _哈,抱歉我搞錯!感謝回應_

@null 17:13:51
consult! @johnny greatly

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _請教! <@U03859W2Z> 大大_

@null 19:03:48
At 8 o'clock this evening, Ronny wants to go public and have something to say. The theme of today is fake news

<|source>: _今天晚上8點鐘 Ronny 要上公視有話好說節目 今天主題是假新聞 <https://ww>..._

Watching, Ronny on TV~
No wonder there is no time to come to the evening party.
@ronnywang The hair is very neat, I don’t know if there is any hair spray.
@null 20:05:06
Watching, Ronny on TV~

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _正在看, Ronny 上電視~_

@null 20:06:28
Which kind of public office election is it?

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _是指哪種公職選舉啊?qq_

@null 20:29:06
Words and beads - "Chinese multi-function font library" workshop

<|source>: _&lt;wrongside&gt; 字字珠璣――「漢語多功能字庫」工作坊 _

@null 20:29:08
Venue: LT8 Lecture Hall, Kangben International Academic Park, Chinese University (YIA LT8)

<|source>: _&lt;wrongside&gt; 地點:中文大學康本國際學術園樓LT8演講廳(YIA LT8)_

@null 20:29:10

@null 20:29:11
Time: 2:30pm - 4:30pm

<|source>: _&lt;wrongside&gt; 時間:2:30pm - 4:30pm_

@null 20:29:13
Date: March 30, 2019 (Saturday)

<|source>: _&lt;wrongside&gt; 日期:2019年3月30日(星期六)_

@null 20:29:15
Speaker: Professor Guan Ziyin Tze-wan Kwan

<|source>: _&lt;wrongside&gt; 講者:關子尹教授 Tze-wan Kwan_

@null 20:29:17

@null 20:54:54
Newly made reptiles for your reference. <Https://>

<|source>: _新做好的爬蟲,給大家參考。 <>

@null 21:07:35
I was lost for a while, now I am waiting for a member of Parliament, it’s okay.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _喔喔喔一時迷失,現在是在等議員的,沒事了:joy:_

@null 22:33:45
No wonder there is no time to come to the evening party.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _難怪沒空來晚上聚會_


@null 02:10:37
@ronnywang The hair is very neat, I don’t know if there is any hair spray.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _<@U038DCDRC> 頭髮梳得很整齊 不知道有沒有噴髮膠_

@null 10:36:50
Some people will help you to draw before playing.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _上場前會有人幫忙梳畫唷~_

@null 10:45:13
On-site makeup artist will help to absorb oil and rub the powder, avoiding facial reflections, and will comb the hair by the way, but I noticed that the head was combed like this after the show. Then I was pushed outside at two o'clock in the afternoon, no Law went home and changed clothes, so I had to put X on the hat.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _現場有化妝師會幫忙吸油擦粉,避免臉部反光,也會順便梳頭,不過我是節�..._

@null 12:37:08
Cap T like!

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _帽T讚!_

Someone (across chat bridge) 17:26:59
File from ronnywang (general@g0vtw)
@null 17:27:04
I invited him to participate in the Komatsu XD through the selection of the mirror.

<|source>: _我透過呱吉的選服魔鏡號邀他來參加大松 XD_

Their team signed up yesterday, please see the list of proposals.
See you tomorrow~
Welcome welcome~
Is hackathon not the day after tomorrow?
@null 18:48:25
I know that there are some make-up artists (except for me to go to the video editorial of PeoPo). The clothes are not bad. I use a bad example and the garments are very eye-catching on the TV.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _化妝師我知道是有的(除了我去錄影PeoPo客座總編輯是沒有的) 衣服還不��..._

@null 18:51:26
The television industry is an aircraft carrier, and hundreds of thousands of people can operate.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _電視業就是航空母艦,人員規模都上百上千人才能運作。_

@null 18:58:21
Their team signed up yesterday, please see the list of proposals.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _他們團隊昨天以前就報名囉,請見提案列表_

@null 19:35:06
See you tomorrow~

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _嗨明天見~_

@null 19:47:14
Welcome welcome~

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _歡迎歡迎~_

fly 21:33:07



@null 21:36:13
Is hackathon not the day after tomorrow?

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _黑客松不是後天嗎 (驚_


@null 00:01:49
Dasong, I am going to bring a table game to the past. "Catch the news". The media read the board game. I went to the Taipei Book Fair and bought it. I haven't had the chance to play it.

<|source>: _大松我打算帶一個桌遊過去 《抓誑新聞》媒體識讀桌遊 我去台北書展買�..._

@null 09:11:12
See you later~

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _嗨後天見~_

@null 09:11:22
The days are too tight

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _日子過得太緊湊_

@null 17:08:34
Regarding the fake news, I heard that (no) someone (?) wants to have a chat, is anyone interested in coming together to write a pen?

<|source>: _關於假消息,聽說(沒)有人(?)想來辦個聊聊天,有人有興趣一起來共�..._

假消息聊聊天 - HackMD

@mrorz @bil @isabelhou
In the past we interviewed may have touched on similar topics - 201812 Bloomberg Business Weekly Chinese interview interview - 201810 The Diplomat Interview note https:// - 201809 TNLi interview notes - 201807 The splice Newsroom interview note - 201807 Deutsche Welle Brasil interview note =drivesdk - 201806 Taipei Times interview note Interview - 201804 Vision Magazine Interview /1G5_v7fEF9D6qlXAJh0KyAwyPAw01Mnrbfk9UIBFnS_E/edit - 201804 Institute Interview
@null 17:13:05
heads up: meow!

> I need your brain power: have you come across a particularly interesting thing related to tech currently happening in Taiwan? I'd love to hear about it.

@patcon Replied.
@null 17:41:35
@mrorz @bil @isabelhou

@null 17:42:11
@patcon Replied.

@null 17:44:30
In the past we interviewed may have touched on similar topics - 201812 Bloomberg Business Weekly Chinese interview interview - 201810 The Diplomat Interview note https:// - 201809 TNLi interview notes - 201807 The splice Newsroom interview note - 201807 Deutsche Welle Brasil interview note =drivesdk - 201806 Taipei Times interview note Interview - 201804 Vision Magazine Interview /1G5_v7fEF9D6qlXAJh0KyAwyPAw01Mnrbfk9UIBFnS_E/edit - 201804 Institute Interview

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _過去我們接受的採訪可能有觸及到類似的主題 - 201812 彭博商業周刊中文版��..._

@null 17:53:07

@null 18:39:16
The first g0v 揪松团松前哈拉 file: Time: 3/8 Fri. 9pm - 10:00pm UTC +8 Location: g0v slack # Jothon Channel / Host: Small class (ael) No matter if you sign up for Dasong, you can come and talk together~

<|source>: _第玖次 g0v 揪松團 松前哈拉 文件:<>

@null 18:44:22
Everyone hurry to fill in what to talk about, or the host is very anxious XD

<|source>: _大家快點來填要聊什麼啊,不然主持人很焦慮 XD_

I didn't sleep for 30 hours, and then I worked for the marathon to help the guests this afternoon. (It’s time to sleep after eating)
@null 18:49:28
Hala, hahahaha

<|source>: _就哈拉 啊 哈哈哈哈:joy:_

@null 18:57:51
._./ Cofacts + I love my home. It should be difficult to report in 3 minutes, especially the latter is that the new project will need to talk more about it. I don't know if it can take up 2 proposal slots.

<|source>: _._./ Cofacts + 我愛家我解惑 應該很難在 3min 內報完,尤其是後者是新專案會需..._

9:40 There is still a vacancy. Do you want to go on stage twice?
@null 19:19:41
9:40 There is still a vacancy. Do you want to go on stage twice?

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _9:40 還有一個空位,你要不要上台兩次(?_

@null 20:02:22
I didn't sleep for 30 hours, and then I worked for the marathon to help the guests this afternoon. (It’s time to sleep after eating)

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _聊30個小時沒睡覺,接著今天下午幫客人上課的馬拉松工作。(吃飯完該睡��..._

@null 20:03:02
Why is Xiaoguang so much, the name of the vegetable market

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _小光為什麼那麼多,菜市場名_

@null 20:07:18
@yutin Do you want to play live table games? If anyone really wants to play.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _<@U03B2AB13> 要不要直播玩桌遊?如果真的有人想玩的話。_

@null 20:13:50
OAuth crying is dead

<|source>: _哭哭 <> 的 OAuth 死掉了_

Give me a try again.
@null 20:15:13
Hey, I have changed oauth code.

<|source>: _咦,我有改 oauth code 啊_

@null 20:16:02
what… The OAuth client was deleted.

@null 20:23:07
Ah, I deleted it a few days ago. I thought it was the oauth of the test. The result is the official XD.

<|source>: _啊啊,我前幾天刪掉的我以為是測試的 oauth 結果才是正式的 XD_

@null 20:24:36

@null 20:24:53
Ok, restore back, but fortunately google cloud platform can also save the deleted project

<|source>: _ok, 還原回來了,還好 google cloud platform 還可以把刪掉的 project 救回來_

@null 20:26:18
Give me a try again.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _再幫我試試看喔_

@null 20:37:10

<|source>: _感恩_

@null 20:39:55
@chihao Do you want to chat with fake news?

<|source>: _<@U03CX883V> 要不要把假消息聊聊天也帶來松前哈拉聊聊_

@null 20:40:06

<|source>: _好啊_

@null 20:40:11
Come to haha

<|source>: _來哈啦_

@null 20:46:50
Http:// Wanted Logo design, currently 6500 members, will be placed in the group Banner and major events, can represent the community image, can help the designer to expose reciprocity, welcome to @fly

<|source>: _<> 誠徵 Logo 設計,目前6500成員,將置於群組 Banner 與各大活動,�..._

@null 21:01:15
Matsumae Hara wants to start 啰~Welcome everyone to join us~

<|source>: _松前哈拉要開始囉~歡迎大家加入聊聊~_

@null 21:01:40
No special theme, very free, just talk, want to talk about what Tossatsu wants to do tomorrow, or the observation of recent events, what I can do recently.

<|source>: _沒特別主題,很自由,隨便聊,想聊聊明天大松想做的事,或是最近時事的�..._

@null 21:04:20
Come on~~~~

<|source>: _大家快來~~~~_

@null 21:12:41
@ky, connect from Japan.

<|source>: _@ky ,從日本連線啊_

@null 21:38:35
@clkao, @ipa: Let me talk about the name of the voting guide. They said that they have been talking to you. Do you also recommend using the burning point voting guide to let them continue on their own?

<|source>: _<@U02G2US2Z>, <@U02L0C4KF>: 燃點找我談投票指南名字的問題,他們說一直有在找你們談了,��..._

I will ask you to confirm it, but I also remind you that you should not agree to use the "voting guide". It is suggested that they be renamed, for example: voting for searchlights, voting for xxx, voting for yyy.
The code part is open source and is used in open source. This range is what the Songsong group can suggest.
Understand, I also hope that if I don't participate, I don't want to use the voting guide to avoid affecting me. On the other hand, I still reserve the possibility that someone will take over or the future I will continue to do. Of course, the open source data program and so on are welcome.
I have introduced other teams to them to know, and I recommend continuing to open source, but use other names instead. They are also welcome to come to g0v Dasong proposal to establish a project community to continue related issues. This is roughly the case.
Don't use the "voting guide" +1
@null 21:41:07
I will ask you to confirm it, but I also remind you that you should not agree to use the "voting guide". It is suggested that they be renamed, for example: voting for searchlights, voting for xxx, voting for yyy.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _我請燃點找你確認喔,但也提醒你應該不會同意燃點用「投票指南」。有建�..._

@null 21:43:02
The code part is open source and is used in open source. This range is what the Songsong group can suggest.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _程式碼部分是開源就按照開源方式使用。揪松團能建議的就是這個範圍。_

@null 21:43:08
Understand, I also hope that if I don't participate, I don't want to use the voting guide to avoid affecting me. On the other hand, I still reserve the possibility that someone will take over or the future I will continue to do. Of course, the open source data program and so on are welcome.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _了解,我這邊也希望我沒參與的話可以不要使用投票指南以免影響到我,另�..._

@null 21:46:12
I have introduced other teams to them to know, and I recommend continuing to open source, but use other names instead. They are also welcome to come to g0v Dasong proposal to establish a project community to continue related issues. This is roughly the case.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _有介紹其他團隊給他們認識,建議繼續開源,但改用其他名稱。也歡迎他們�..._

@null 22:20:40
Don't use the "voting guide" +1

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _不用「投票指南」+1_

@null 23:08:32
As a result, today Matsumae Hara originally booked until ten o'clock, and the result talked to eleven XD

<|source>: _結果今天松前哈拉原訂到十點,結果聊到十一點XD_

@null 23:08:54
In the future, it seems that I can fix it on Friday.

<|source>: _以後好像可以固定週五來個「沒松也哈拉」_

@null 23:10:48
You can participate in XD in different time zones one week, one week in the morning.

<|source>: _可以一週晚上,一週一大早,方便不同時區參加 XD_


@null 00:34:29
Dasong also has four pieces falling out.

<|source>: _大松還有四張掉出來_

@null 00:45:04
@dazyang Need support, discuss that part? It is necessary to tag it. Provide contact information. 3Q

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _@dazyang 需要支援、討論那一部份?有需要tag一下.提供連絡方式。3Q_

@null 07:46:50
Will there be a day in the early morning that is suitable for ha? Super curious. Come and try it, tomorrow morning, "Loss is also Hara?"

<|source>: _會有哪天的一大早是適合哈啦的啊?超好奇。趕快來試一下,明天早上「松�..._

Someone (across chat bridge) 07:54:50
File from jc (general@g0vtw)with comment: 大松是在這裡嗎? 這是我第一次去,有點不懂:scream:
Image from iOS
@null 08:01:00

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _對唷!_

@null 08:55:10
There is an information office inside.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _裡面有個資訊所_

@null 10:28:14
Later, it was reported in 3 minutes.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _後來在 3min 報完了_

@null 10:33:29
G0v database does not have edit permission QQ

<|source>: _g0v 資料庫沒有開編輯權限 QQ <>

@null 10:34:23
Taishen la!

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _太神la!_

@null 10:35:51

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _有了有了_

@null 11:11:37
The morning video file has been uploaded.

<|source>: _早上的錄影檔已經上傳了_

@null 11:16:07
Suppose someone wants to play a fake news board game. I am going to start early in the night, and it will take about 15 minutes to drive. Please wait.

<|source>: _假設有人要玩假新聞桌遊的人,我因為睡過頭晚出發,大概再15分鐘車程就��..._

@null 11:22:39
Cofacts and "I love my family, I am confused" are at the entrance to Room 101.

<|source>: _Cofacts 與「我愛家我解惑」都在 101 會議室入口處唷_

@null 12:26:15
<system> file Image from iOS.jpg too big to download (1194098 > allowed size: 1000000)

Has unlocked!
Thank you for reporting fake news.
@null 12:26:15
To play fake news board games, come to the table in the dining area to find me. 3 to 6 people, I am still waiting for Kaifeng!

<|source>: _要玩假新聞桌遊的人,來吃飯區域的桌子來找我。3~6人的遊戲,我還在等��..._

Has unlocked!
Thank you for reporting fake news.
@null 12:57:54
May I ask if there is a lot of money for the agricultural disaster?

<|source>: _請問 農業災損幾多錢 有在現場嗎?_

Found someone 3Q
@null 12:59:35

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _@偉誠 _

@null 13:16:54
Found someone 3Q

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _找到人了 3Q_

@null 13:23:45
Well~~How can I let the girl have nothing to eat??

<|source>: _恩~~怎麼可以讓妹子沒東西吃呢??(誤_

@null 13:27:31
Grass is the XD of the food group

<|source>: _小草是食物組的 XD_

@null 16:27:55
Welcome everyone's reference~

<|source>: _歡迎大家參考~_

@null 16:37:33
Has unlocked!

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _已成就解鎖!_

@null 16:42:10
Welcome everyone to #rand0m This channel chats nonsense, every sentence you say here (waste) will be released by CC0, help Common Voice get more humanized corpus~

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _歡迎大家到 <#CGU1SLHNH|rand0m> 這個頻道聊天說廢話,你在這裡說的每一句(廢)話都會以CC..._

Waste generator needs everyone
ji3x96gji ru3rm4cjo4cj84
I have a few nonsense words.
@null 16:53:15
Too waste of XD

<|source>: _太廢了 XD_

@null 17:00:17
Waste generator needs everyone

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _廢文產生器需要各位_

@null 17:01:21
Thank you for reporting fake news.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _謝謝有人來報導假新聞_

@null 17:36:32
ji3x96gji ru3rm4cjo4cj84

@null 17:36:53
I have a few nonsense words.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _我來說幾句廢話_

@null 17:38:18
Code for Japan Summit 2019 in 千葉

I will join it!
And I support participants by using UDTalk.. 🙂
@null 17:39:10
Spark joy!

@null 17:46:08
Face sea hackathon questionnaire

<|source>: _面海黑客松問卷 <>

@null 19:45:17
I will join it!
And I support participants by using UDTalk.. 🙂


@null 03:02:16
I read an article on the argument that Taiwan’s public opinion representatives are all people with land, so they will lead Taiwan to become a landlord with a very low-cost legal system. Perhaps it is open and transparent to sort out the inquiry mechanism for the holding of land by Taiwan legislators and county councilors (received to vote for the legislator) The root cause of the decline: the main body of the people is the landlord -21018.html?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=sm&utm_campaign=routine_F&fbclid=IwAR1rRyBJQsIvhqrlG7RCEAuHlNEhXK6exQElCTS_jnWMqZVaSRm91jzyVFs

<|source>: _看了一篇文章,論點是台灣的民意代表都是有土地的人,所以才會主導台灣�..._

@null 11:33:54
Yesterday, g0v hackers saw the results of the America dictionary. Today, it is rare for the media to open the full-text reading permission without paying, so they have to share the XD.

<|source>: _&lt;shangkuanlc&gt; 昨天g0v黑客松看到阿美語詞典成果,今天難得端傳媒開不用付費��..._

@null 11:33:59
It turns out that this road in Hokkaido has something to do with the Ainu people. There are still many hidden history. I have always thought that Japan should also have an aboriginal people? Is the croquet language in Okinawa really the same as the Yamato nation? Read this today and get some answers哩

<|source>: _&lt;shangkuanlc&gt; 原來北海道這個道跟愛努族人有關係啊⋯這些隱藏的歷史還有很��..._

@null 11:34:02

@null 14:39:54
I opened a #junk-encoder to discuss the scrap encoder project. Welcome everyone to join the discussion.

<|source>: _我開了一個 <#CGU19K36W|junk-encoder> 來討論廢文編碼器這專案,歡迎大家可以加入討論_

Someone (across chat bridge) 22:55:25
File from Lulu Keng (general@g0vtw)with comment: 週日深夜吶喊~~來吧新同事,來 OCF 挖掘科技與社會的各類方案吧!!
facebook 1552229426944


@null 10:50:16
Hey everyone, welcome to have a look, go to the centralized communication software PTTai Github, there is an installation introduction, I want everyone to come together #pttai 抓虫,打打聊聊 If you have decentralized communication software, I will think What to do with it? 😎 :dig:Technical Edition Introduction (Chinese) Technology Introduction (English) :ocean:Application Introduction (Chinese) =1p84VUW7dsWIvf_QBrmCVOYS_SQ6F0tkt5zG0vuMYnUA

<|source>: _嗨嗨大家,歡迎來玩看看,去中心化的通訊軟體 PTTai  Github上有安裝介紹,..._

The last document does not seem to be publicly viewable.
Hello~ Just adjusted the permissions! Can see 啰
@null 11:25:34
The last document does not seem to be publicly viewable.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _最後一份文件似乎並不能被公開閱覽_

@null 11:53:14
Hey, I am Maya of ADCT/NPOst, sorry for the sudden emergence of XD.

<|source>: _嗨我是 ADCT/NPOst 的 Maya,抱歉突然冒出頭XD_

@null 11:54:57
I would like to ask a question. At last year's g0V annual meeting, I saw the way of interpreting. The audience used their own headphones to connect to a website to listen to the translation. How is this achieved? I have recently helped Global Voice to host the Asian Annual Meeting. I think this is a great way. XD would like to ask which companion can I ask? thanksgiving!

<|source>: _想請教一個問題,去年的g0V年會上,我看到口譯的方式是觀眾用自己的耳機�..._

Can ask @yutin
Hi @Maya K can talk directly to, or it can be handled by my company, including system construction and other matters.
Well, I don't know how to do it well. I can directly let the translation open youtube live, then the translation will be directly broadcast there, and it is also a link to complete!
@Relax Early rtmp version, probably this architecture, the problem is that the delay problem will make the congregation unable to respond immediately to the newsletter content
@yutin Is it?! I was recently playing the live system software and found that there was a short delay at the beginning, but it was very smooth after a few seconds, just like the live broadcast on TV. The benefits are free and not difficult to use. ), and then when I used WEBRTC to write live chat software, it feels good, it is quite instant! Now there are quite a lot of similar systems like this! XDDD
YouTube is taking the CDN architecture delay generation from the buffer, compared to rtmp can have a smoother experience, but the delay is serious compared to rtmp (delay is not lag 喔! !!) And the delay of rtmp will be extended over time, usually from packet loss. And webrtc is the conference system used by most companies today. In theory, the delay can be reduced to <1s. The reason is that when the packet is lost, it will be ignored. However, the current technical problems, most conference systems only provide a connection of 100 people, and auXala has a way to provide 500 people or more.
Of course, using webrtc to set up a multi-person conference system is not a new technology. The use of webrtc to set up a translation system is not only auXala. auXala is just a service that I have used the UI relatively completely and has not had a big package.
@yutin Thanks! Let me study it.
In fact, I did consider the way to let the translation live (because of the cost relationship XD), and I want to let the 200 people on the spot listen to the live broadcast, but I always feel that I am afraid of which package.
@null 13:59:54
Can ask @yutin

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _可以問 @yutin_

@null 14:02:42
Hi @Maya K can talk directly to, or it can be handled by my company, including system construction and other matters.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _hi @Maya K 可以直接 跟 <> 談,又或者可由我的公司去處理,包..._

@null 15:54:27

@null 16:03:52
Hello~ Just adjusted the permissions! Can see 啰

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _哈囉~ 剛調整權限了!可以看囉_

@null 17:12:57
Want to ask google taiwan Is there any government cooperation related department? Like the exchange of standardized materials, etc., it seems that no window can be found at present.

<|source>: _想要請問 google taiwan 有沒有政府合作相關部門呢?像是標準化資料的交換等�..._

@null 18:03:41
Well, I don't know how to do it well. I can directly let the translation open youtube live, then the translation will be directly broadcast there, and it is also a link to complete!

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _恩,我不知道作好不好,可以直接讓翻譯開youtube直播,然後翻譯就直接在那..._

@null 18:08:25
There is a special person to talk to the government unit, but it seems to be a general affairs/policy. I don’t know if I have a data exchange.

<|source>: _是有專人跟政府單位對口, 可是好像比較是一般事務/政策方面的. 是不是包��..._

@null 18:29:38
@Relax Early rtmp version, probably this architecture, the problem is that the delay problem will make the congregation unable to respond immediately to the newsletter content

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _@Relax 早期 rtmp 版本時,大概就是這個架構,問題在於延遲問題會讓會眾 無��..._

@null 19:18:17
@yutin Is it?! I was recently playing the live system software and found that there was a short delay at the beginning, but it was very smooth after a few seconds, just like the live broadcast on TV. The benefits are free and not difficult to use. ), and then when I used WEBRTC to write live chat software, it feels good, it is quite instant! Now there are quite a lot of similar systems like this! XDDD

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _<@U03B2AB13> 是唷?!我是最近在玩直播系統軟體時,發覺一開始有短暫的延遲,但幾�..._

@null 19:34:21
YouTube is taking the CDN architecture delay generation from the buffer, compared to rtmp can have a smoother experience, but the delay is serious compared to rtmp (delay is not lag 喔! !!) And the delay of rtmp will be extended over time, usually from packet loss. And webrtc is the conference system used by most companies today. In theory, the delay can be reduced to <1s. The reason is that when the packet is lost, it will be ignored. However, the current technical problems, most conference systems only provide a connection of 100 people, and auXala has a way to provide 500 people or more.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _YouTube 走的是 CDN 架構 <> 延遲的產生來至..._

@null 19:35:41
Of course, using webrtc to set up a multi-person conference system is not a new technology. The use of webrtc to set up a translation system is not only auXala. auXala is just a service that I have used the UI relatively completely and has not had a big package.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _當然 使用 webrtc 架設多人的會議系統,不是什麼新技術,而 使用 webrtc 架設�..._

@null 21:09:18
@kcwu Have contact information? Or my business card Mingzong-kiang/new job-Taiwan City Government Mayor Room Secretary-3faa93e50ec7

<|source>: _<@U3GGBH8PN> 有聯絡資訊?或是我的名片 <江明宗-kiang/新工作-台南市政..._>


@null 10:10:03
@yutin Thanks! Let me study it.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _<@U03B2AB13> 感謝!我來研究看看_

@null 10:20:45
In fact, I did consider the way to let the translation live (because of the cost relationship XD), and I want to let the 200 people on the spot listen to the live broadcast, but I always feel that I am afraid of which package.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _其實也確實有考慮過讓翻譯直播的方式(因為成本的關係XD),而且在想讓��..._

@null 11:22:23
Japanese GitHub trending repo seen from Silvia. "It's rare to see the repo from Japan crowded on github's trending list top 10 (finally not only the Chinese program's interview code, Hangzhou home buying strategy...), I went to see it, it was a Japanese netizen to protest against the Japanese police. Some kind of collective action art (?). Repo is less than a week old, and all language versions have appeared:

<|source>: _從 Silvia 處看到的日本 GitHub trending repo。 「 難得看到來自日本的repo擠上githu..._

Go to the police station and surrender ww
@null 11:24:11
The police may arrest the contributor mattn XDDDDDDD because they cannot close vim

<|source>: _警察可能會因為無法關閉 vim 而逮捕貢獻者 mattn XDDDDDDD <>

@null 14:34:45

Semicolon wwwwwww
I have `nnoremap ; :` ... XD
@null 14:34:53

@null 15:10:24
Semicolon wwwwwww

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _分號 wwwwwww_

@null 15:12:49
This is interesting

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _這有趣_

@null 15:28:56
Kiang: Let me email you two

<|source>: _kiang: 讓我 email 你們兩個_

@null 16:37:47
May I ask @shuchen @chewei Is there any experience in the application of the Ministry of the Interior that can be shared? Some people in the past want to ask for information, it seems reasonable, but there is no need to succeed? (I was invited to the Ministry of the Interior to have a meeting. I wanted to escape but I was asked by @ronnywang to find the information and apply for a little helper.)

<|source>: _請問 @shuchen <@U06UW137G> 有沒有一些內政部相關的申請資料經驗可以分享? 一些過..._

1300 new applications, about 200 of which are applied to the new data collection of the Ministry of the Interior. We havetened to Tagging!! The status of the application, the status of the opening, etc.!!
What is the meeting? Can you give more information?
@null 18:44:50

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _感謝_

@null 20:19:08
I have `nnoremap ; :` ... XD

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _我有 `nnoremap ; :` ... XD_

@null 20:38:39
1300 new applications, about 200 of which are applied to the new data collection of the Ministry of the Interior. We havetened to Tagging!! The status of the application, the status of the opening, etc.!!

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _1300筆新資料申請,其中約有200則針對內政部的新資料集申請,我們趕緊來 Ta..._


@null 00:23:13
The original open collective has a detailed list of income and expenditure

<|source>: _原來 open collective 有詳細的收支列表 <>

It takes 100 stars to start 😂
@null 00:31:14
It takes 100 stars to start 😂

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _要 100 顆星星才能開始:joy:_

@null 03:10:54
Really the first sentence like XD

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _真的欸第一句一樣XD_

@null 08:16:11
What is the meeting? Can you give more information?

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _請問是什麼會議?可以多給一些訊息嗎?_

@null 08:24:27
Go to the police station and surrender ww

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _去警察局自首ww_

@null 10:23:58
😎: you :: you: 🌊

<|source>: _:sunglasses: :dig::dig::ocean:_

Come play PTTai~
@null 10:35:17
Come play PTTai~

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _來玩PTTai~_

@null 10:36:06
Can go to #pttai to Hara

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _可以到 <#CGVP7Q1P0|pttai> 來哈拉_

@null 12:44:44
If you don't know what the theme is, let's respond quickly. I am familiar with the Ministry of the Interior, which is related to land administration, land planning and construction management. In fact, most of their information is public, can be inquired, but not open. This is the case with urban and non-urban land compilation results. However, applicants with open demand apply, but only for government and academic units, and civil society cannot apply. In addition, what is also needed by the people is the results of the national land survey, which has the current situation of the use of each land. The same is public but not open. I want to pay for the information. One picture is one or two, the price is about 100-200, there may be hundreds of light in a county, not to mention the group that supervises the national agricultural and urban and rural development zones. . The part of the construction is mainly the investigation and punishment of illegal buildings in the whole Taiwan. More than 600,000 illegal constructions currently have monthly statistics, but no individual or open materials are disclosed. Someone has applied for the government information open platform ( The Ministry of the Interior has only responded briefly: "The matter involves local self-government matters. The information is in local governments and it is recommended to consult local governments." . Hey, the central authorities have the heart to do. Even if it is a local self-government issue, you can still do something. You can see the results of the agricultural farmland resources consolidation of the People’s Agricultural Committee.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _不知道是什麼主題的會議,先很快回應一下。 內政部我比較熟的是地政、��..._

@null 12:55:48
It’s an open-relevant conference, but I’m also thinking about my time and understanding, so I’m going to ask questions first.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _是開放資料相關的會議,但我也在考量我的時間和理解,所以先很模糊的先�..._

@null 13:04:17
The little helper will first mark the results of the application from the Ministry of the Interior. There are more than 200 pens. Some of them are old and have to be checked for openness. I am not sure if I can give you before the meeting.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _小幫手這邊會先從內政部的資料申請結果做標記,有200多筆,有些年代久遠�..._

@null 13:40:22
It doesn't matter, I know that this is good.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _沒關係,我先知道這樣就好_


@null 13:35:25
Presidential Cup hackathon wishing pool -

<|source>: _總統盃黑客松許願池 - <>

@null 13:36:49 Channel Turntable Sports-350361322246408/ When dining at a snack bar, common stores fix the TV on a specific news channel and the appetite and mood are hard to be affected. The community took the initiative to launch a "TV channel big turntable - the national survey moved", calling on citizens to assist in the investigation; more people in Tainan took the initiative to conduct "Anping District Food Restaurant Survey" and made the results into a Google My Maps network map. Everyone's reference. I feel that this citizen-initiated event is great! Unfortunately, people are not able to participate in Tainan.

<|source>: _<新聞頻道轉台運動-350361322246408/> 在小吃店用餐時,常見店..._ This is the form link currently open to number 24喔
@null 20:56:50
Just saw the news report

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _剛剛看到新聞報導 <>

@null 23:45:12 This is the form link currently open to number 24喔

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _ <> 這個是表單連結目前開到24號喔 _

Google Docs


電視頻道大轉台-全民調查動起來 新聞頻道轉台運動 3/11-24(時間已延長)   大家好!這是關於 #台灣各地小吃店電視是否有被某集團限定頻道之非正式普查活動,歡迎參加。 *臉書活動頁面: <>   一、活動緣起:   鑑於先前媒體報導(參見以下相關文章及新聞)、以及眾多台灣民眾的真實經驗,全台各地小吃店、自助餐、飲食店似乎大多都將電視鎖定在中天和TVBS新聞頻道,而且無法轉台,#我們懷疑這個普遍現象背後是否有某集團或組織在操作,目的在透過現有密集分布於街頭巷尾的小吃店電視此一途徑,#對台灣民眾散布特定意識形態的新聞內容,#洗腦及愚化台灣民眾,甚至影響台灣民眾的選舉投票行為,危及台灣存續安全。為了解這個現象可能的原因、解決疑惑,我們決定 #集合全台灣人民的力量,在臉書進行一項 #非正式的普查活動,誠摯邀請大家共同參與,保護台灣這塊土地。   *相關文章及新聞:   1.芋傳媒: <> 2.自由時報: <> 3.PTT討論板[問卦] 一月500買小吃店電視轉檯權是真的還謠言 <>   二、活動方法:   活動方法非常簡單,就是在活動期間內進入有播放電視的小吃店(或各種飲食店家),進行觀察,然後 #回到臉書活動頁面填寫表單回報即可。(表單填寫:<> )   *觀察項目已做成備忘表格,大家可將檔案(pdf、execel、numbers、純文字檔等格式)下載到手機或列印出來(檔案下載網址: <> ),作為本活動期間內的觀察備忘,表格不需要繳回,只要當作你個人在店家現場觀察的私人記錄即可。因為是非正式調查,活動發起者個人無法跑正式的統計數字,只能依據大家回報的內容,做出概約的人工統計。   三、活動內容:   1.#時間:自本活動發布日起,為期 2 週(3/11-3/24)。觀察時間全日24小時均可。   2.#參與對象:全民。全台灣各地有共同疑惑、願意自發性協助進行非正式普查活動的人,皆歡迎參加,並請幫忙將活動分享給你的家人和朋友,邀請全民一起來運動。(欲參加者請在活動頁面按「參加」)   3.#活動地點:全台灣島願意參加活動者的住家或辦公場所附近,有播放電視節目的小吃店、自助餐店、咖啡館飲料店、或其他商家(可在備忘表中自行記錄)。   4.#進行方式:進入小吃店消費(或是選擇不消費,如果店家允許的話),並開始進行觀察、主動要求轉台(或自行使用遙控器轉台)到運動頻道或地裡、生活頻道(比如Discovery)。   5.#記錄店家反應:如果店家拒絕轉台,請務必詢問原因,填寫於表單中。或在店家拍照、錄影,私訊到活動舉辦者的臉書專頁。   6.#回到臉書活動頁面填寫表單回報調查結果: 表單填寫:<>   四、關於表單調查結果之用途   目前我們個人想法是,這些來自全台各地回報的統計數字,應該有某程度的代表性,也許可以把最後統計結果交給有權責處理的單位去研究和解讀。這也是當初我們想要進行這份全台非正式訪查的原因。或者,大家有其他意見,對於這份調查結果該如何運用,也歡迎在粉絲頁留言或私訊。(大家請放心,表單裡面因為沒有放入任何關於個人資料揭露的題目,所以也不會有任何個人資料露出)   五、今天開始,運動到你家巷口的小吃店 :ramen:   回報表單,不需填寫任何個人資料~趕快分享給你的家人朋友!:smiley: LINE群組 或 Twitter 的使用者,不需要進入臉書系統也可以直接分享表單!   以上,感謝大家的協助!希望台灣更好!GO!GO!GO!  

@null 23:45:37
Saying that Ya Ting verbatim manuscript can finally upload audio files, tears

<|source>: _話說雅婷逐字稿終於可以上傳音檔了,淚目_

@null 23:49:04
When I talked about Yating, I was sad. PTT’s Yijun vs Yating became a perfect sounder in 2013...

<|source>: _講到雅婷就難過,PTT 就可板的怡君 vs 雅婷在 2013 年成為絕響…_


@null 00:01:23
I am doing a research. I want to count the number of minutes of the Zhongtian News Station in minutes. The exact proportion is about the news related to Korean Yu. Related technical research I will record at

<|source>: _我正在做一個研究,想統計中天新聞台一天以分鐘為單位的話,確切有多少�..._

透過 YouTube 新聞頻道 Stream 抓取新聞出現頻率 - HackMD

Cool, but this increases the ratings and provokes QQ.
Only +1 but XD and I am not looking at the web, I am from the program, it will not necessarily increase, see how Youtube counts, usually calculated on the JS side of the webpage
Hey, so after the ocr, use the keyword comparison. Just a moment in the brain, a person sitting in front of the TV to watch an afternoon @@
Looking for a work student to watch the TV in front of the TV will not increase the ratings.. Because the audience survey method can not find such people XD
@null 00:07:20
Cool, but this increases the ratings and provokes QQ.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _酷欸,可是這樣就增加收視率惹QQ_

@null 00:07:59
Only +1 but XD and I am not looking at the web, I am from the program, it will not necessarily increase, see how Youtube counts, usually calculated on the JS side of the webpage

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _才 +1 而已 XD 而且我不是從 web 上看,我是從程式看,不一定會增加到,看 Yo..._

@null 00:12:29
Hey, so after the ocr, use the keyword comparison. Just a moment in the brain, a person sitting in front of the TV to watch an afternoon @@

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _喔喔,所以是ocr 之後再用關鍵字比對喔。剛剛腦中一瞬間出現一個人坐在電..._

@null 00:13:22
Looking for a work student to watch the TV in front of the TV will not increase the ratings.. Because the audience survey method can not find such people XD

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _找工讀生在電視前面看一下午不會增加收視率喔..因為現在收視率調查方式��..._

@null 00:30:50
I would like to ask 喔 to see if there is a link failure is directly modified to pay the revision reason, or add a correction below?

<|source>: _想請問喔 <> 看到有連結失效是直接修改付��..._

@null 10:53:55
I think the news, the sound of google cloud speech to text is better, so the anchor can also go in.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _我覺得新聞的話,抽聲音丟去 google cloud speech to text 比較好,這樣主播的話��..._

@null 10:55:25
On the other hand, google cloud speech to text has a timestamp that can be used to calculate the time coverage of the relevant paragraph.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _另一方面是 google cloud speech to text 有 timestamp,可以用來計算相關段落的 time c..._

@null 10:57:53
Recently I have received a PDF of the withholding voucher that appears to be forged... I am asked to enter my ID number to open. May be to receive information.

<|source>: _最近開始收到看起來是偽造的扣繳憑單 PDF 檔了... 要求輸入身份證字號才能�..._

is the pdf attachment? or some dodgy online fake pdf? for attachment i think it's hard for the sender to obtain password userd by user to decrypt?
it was an attachment. the pdf is legit. turns out the logistics of some of my work last year was handled by some studio that i haven’t heard of which uses free gmail accounts for communication.
@null 10:58:47
Great! I just found out that the Zhongtian Ethics Committee decided to reduce the coverage of Korean Yu, so that we can see if they have done it /01/4465?fbclid=IwAR3QH9NOkKfhRK0ZezH0msisFS8fDgJaUL2HDoXHTBEoTRiBgurIA9ioNlo

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _太好了!才剛查到中天倫理委員會上決議說要減少報導韓國瑜,這樣就可以�..._

@null 11:03:34
Praise, but I look at the practice picture in detail, there is a way to distinguish the text of the big standard??

<;cid=CDF98K1EJ|source>: _讚讚欸 可是我詳細看做法 圖片比對 有辦法分辨大標小標的文字??_

@null 12:36:16
is the pdf attachment? or some dodgy online fake pdf? for attachment i think it's hard for the sender to obtain password userd by user to decrypt?
