
Month: 2023-07


吉樂 12:43:40
@govslack.diapason has joined the channel
Coleton 14:01:12
@colehast17 has joined the channel


Alex Gray 07:48:05
@a021 has joined the channel


Alex2002 18:19:34
@alex2002 has joined the channel


Sandra 12:21:59
@sundei88062 has joined the channel
Szu Hui Huang 18:10:58
*【Intersection:Exchange Activities for AI x Digital Rights】*
This exchange activities event will be on Aug. 1st (Tues), with international digital rights workers and Taiwanese company representatives, together focus on AI industry in Taiwan, seeing how digital rights can be involved in order to creating the more possibility of industry development that based on digital rights concerns.
Audrey Tang also will show up and give an opening speech!
It's free event but RSVP:
Szu Hui Huang 18:10:58
*【Intersection:Exchange Activities for AI x Digital Rights】*
This exchange activities event will be on Aug. 1st (Tues), with international digital rights workers and Taiwanese company representatives, together focus on AI industry in Taiwan, seeing how digital rights can be involved in order to creating the more possibility of industry development that based on digital rights concerns.
Audrey Tang also will show up and give an opening speech!
It's free event but RSVP:

交叉觀點:AI X 數位人權 亞洲契機交流會 Intersection:Exchange Activities for AI x Digital Rights

以 AI 產業作為主題,透過跨界對話,一同在亞太脈絡之下,暢談在商業之中納入數位人權的重要性和可能途徑。本次特邀數發部長 -唐鳳蒞臨,並由 LINE、Access Now 等各界領袖共襄盛舉。


Alex2002 11:39:47
Hi all,
While serving in the military, I found certain vulnerabilities in a homegrown iOS MDM application developed by the NCSIST for the Ministry of National Defense. These flaws could pose a threat if exploited, allowing soldiers on military installations to bypass measures set by the MDM app.
At this stage, I've done some research and reverse-engineering though decompiling the app, running static and dynamic analysis, and scrutinizing its security architecture.
I intend to compile my findings into a more comprehensive report that could be presented to the Ministry of Defense, and I'm considering to raise awareness on this and to propose a idea of a community-backed open-source project at the next g0v meetup to address these issues.
What I'm hoping is to develop a open-source alternative that not only improves security within the RoC military, but also serves as a on-premise solution for BYOD policies in companies.
Alex2002 11:39:47
Hi all,
While serving in the military, I found certain vulnerabilities in a homegrown iOS MDM application developed by the NCSIST for the Ministry of National Defense. These flaws could pose a threat if exploited, allowing soldiers on military installations to bypass measures set by the MDM app to steal military secrets.
At this stage, I've done some research and reverse-engineering though decompiling the app, running static and dynamic analysis, and scrutinizing its security architecture.
I intend to compile my findings into a more comprehensive report that could be presented to the Ministry of Defense, and I'm considering to raise awareness on this and to propose a idea of a community-backed open-source project at the next g0v meetup to address these issues.
What I'm hoping is to develop a open-source alternative that not only improves security within the RoC military, but also serves as a on-premise solution for BYOD policies in companies.
😵‍💫 1 😮 2 👀 1
Alex2002 11:40:24
What I'm seeking for are your thoughts, insights, or anyone who has experience in this to push this initiative.
Alex2002 11:40:24
What I'm seeking for are your thoughts, insights, or anyone who has experience in this to push this initiative.
Alex2002 11:40:38
If you're interested, we discuss in this thread below
Alex2002 11:40:38
If you're interested, we could discuss under this thread


sharmapreet.pune 09:32:58
@sharmapreet.pune has joined the channel