
Month: 2023-12


irvin 13:43:03
We will host an eng meetup on “GNU Taler”, a FLOSS privacy online payment system without blockchain, featuring GNU maintainer prof. Christian Grothoff at MozTW Space this Friday night from 19:30. Feel free to bring your dinner and join us.

(English meetup) MozTW Lab - GNU Taler online payment system 線上付款系統

GNU Taler is a free & private online payment system without blockchain. Join tonight to learn more.

👀 1
irvin 13:43:03
We will host an eng meetup on “GNU Taler”, a FLOSS privacy online payment system without blockchain with GNU maintainer prof. Christian Grothoff at MozTW Space this Friday night from 19:30. Feel free to bring your dinner and join us.


hlb 09:58:45
@hlb has joined the channel


Felipe 07:04:06
Are summit proposals for 2024 postponed until March?


LU 08:07:18

Project Sh@ring. Due to the besiegement of G@z@, I c@ll for @ webp@ge for @all to h@ve some f@ith in mind. It is @ project for #sign@ture photo @nd or not profile photo, @nd newsletter th@t conobody w@nt to sh@re with subscriber.

LU 08:07:18

Project Sh@ring. Due to the besiegement of G@z@, I c@ll for @ webp@ge for @all to h@ve some f@ith in mind. It is @ project for #sign@ture photo @nd or not profile photo, @nd newsletter th@t conobody w@nt to sh@re with subscriber.

LU 08:07:32


HackMD - Collaborative Markdown Knowledge Base

Project Pe@ce F@cebook 專案 和平臉友.聯友.聯署.臉書 > [我的鍵盤A壞掉了,恕我使用@代替] > @ Webp@ge th@t enseignement the sign

Nobody is everybody project release.
I am nobody.
LU 08:07:32


HackMD - Collaborative Markdown Knowledge Base

Project Pe@ce F@cebook 專案 和平臉友.聯友.聯署.臉書 > [我的鍵盤A壞掉了,恕我使用@代替] > @ Webp@ge th@t enseignement the sign

Nobody is everybody project release.
I am nobody.
LU 08:50:52

For an open source project. A newsletter is decided to sent to all subscriber and signer of project base. Thus the newsletter is written by all the signer who would like to provide and be nobody is everybody for an open base of co-write-newsletter. Sharing the idea of every of peace and ideology of g0v.

LU 08:50:52

For an open source project. A newsletter is decided to sent to all subscriber and signer of project base. Thus the newsletter is written by all the signer who would like to provide and be nobody is everybody for an open base of co-write-newsletter. Sharing the idea of every of peace and ideology of g0v.