Heya! 👋🏽 We're just a few days away from the *
Code for All Summit 2022*! :fire: Our annual gathering bringing civic technologists together from around the world to deliberate and examine civic tech’s works, lessons, and impact on a global scale. It’s an opportunity to meet online, connect and share insights.
To get us all in the spirit, here are :five: reasons why our *
Summit 2022* is a must-attend event! 👇
> 5️⃣ Learn something new and interesting!
> 4️⃣ Be inspired by stories shared from around the world.
> 3️⃣ Access to expert and innovative speakers.
> 2️⃣ Sharpen your practical and problem-solving skills.
> 1️⃣ Make valuable connections with a diverse community.
📱 Check out the agenda and register for your favorite sessions at ➡️
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