
Month: 2022-09


Benji 20:26:37
Hi, I’m a researcher looking to pay $100 for an hour an interview with anyone who was active inside to Legislature Yuan during the Sunflower Movement Occupancy. Please could you send this on to anyone would be interested. I’m focused on the organisational structure and patterns of the movement.
Benji 20:26:37
Hi, I’m a researcher looking to pay $100 for an hour an interview with anyone who was active inside to Legislature Yuan during the Sunflower Movement Occupancy. Please could you send this on to anyone would be interested. I’m focused on the organisational structure and patterns of the movement.


Steward 22:00:59
@steward has joined the channel


Jonathan Levin 11:21:50
@nonononono has joined the channel


Mar Marín 08:00:00
Heya! 👋🏽 We're just a few days away from the *Code for All Summit 2022*! :fire: Our annual gathering bringing civic technologists together from around the world to deliberate and examine civic tech’s works, lessons, and impact on a global scale. It’s an opportunity to meet online, connect and share insights.

To get us all in the spirit, here are :five: reasons why our *Summit 2022* is a must-attend event! 👇

> 5️⃣ Learn something new and interesting!
> 4️⃣ Be inspired by stories shared from around the world.
> 3️⃣ Access to expert and innovative speakers.
> 2️⃣ Sharpen your practical and problem-solving skills.
> 1️⃣ Make valuable connections with a diverse community.
📱 Check out the agenda and register for your favorite sessions at ➡️
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