
Month: 2018-10


Felipe 11:15:54
@phiven has joined the channel
dylan-philoreiser 12:05:57
@bohemianwind has joined the channel
ttcat 12:06:41
Remind: if you need interpretation, please open on your device and use your own headphone. :slightly_smiling_face:

g0v | auXala event streaming service

auXala event streaming service | <|>

ttcat 12:06:52
(for g0v Summit I mean)
Soizic 12:07:38
@soizic.penicaud has joined the channel
nany 12:08:10
@nany has joined the channel
oskarth 12:10:12
@me1 has joined the channel
kjcl 12:10:21
@kevinliao has joined the channel
allenlinli 12:13:26
@allenlinli has joined the channel
allenlinli 12:13:33
KIM 12:13:37
@rhkwj has joined the channel
NickWarm 12:17:42
@dawarmwisdom has joined the channel
Grace秀 12:17:53
@graceliutsui has joined the channel
clement.mabi 12:19:28
@clement.mabi has joined the channel
Aurora WM TSAI 12:23:45
@wmtsai has joined the channel
pofeng 13:03:18
Marcel 13:08:10
@mail has joined the channel
Quinn 13:51:27
@uwe.lamu has joined the channel
liuleecheetah 14:09:24
@liuleecheetah has joined the channel
Jason C 14:52:14
@reg has joined the channel
Mouse Kuo 15:07:10
@mousems has joined the channel
dlackty 17:39:36
@dlackty has joined the channel
mglee 19:25:10
@mglee has joined the channel
Superonion 22:36:08
@wy0425 has joined the channel
mrorz 23:07:55
Hi @mail, I have put my proposal “Run Cofacts on your laptop” on the unconference proposal wall. Feel free to vote for it tomorrow 😄
👍 1
Marcel 23:21:32
You'll have my vote @mrorz, and I'll be sure to advertise the session also. Have a good one!
👍 1
mrorz 23:25:27
I can show the material now: & `docker-compose up`



Deployment scripts for g0v rumors project. Contribute to cofacts/rumors-deploy development by creating an account on GitHub.

mrorz 23:25:40
mrorz 23:27:15
well I wish it can be that easy, actually there are quite a lot obstacles to get it running. I’ll try if I can sort that out.


Marcel 04:54:13
Haha, that would have been my guess, that it was just a little more then `docker compose up`
lilian0330 10:43:50
@lilian0330 has joined the channel


mrorz 09:35:41
Hi all,

10:00~11:00 @ R1 would be a technical workshop about how to get Cofacts up and running on your computer.

Here is the material:

cc/ @mail

Running Cofacts on Laptop: README - HackMD

🤗 1
Marcel 09:44:16
I'll be there @mrorz!
mrorz 09:47:37
But I may be late for a few minutes, still at Managing exhibition center station :p
caasi 10:18:14
I think it’s terrible to burnout and think it’s all your fault at the same time.
caasi 10:18:58
And you can’t find a proper view to explain it to make(lie) yourself feel better.
dylan-philoreiser 16:22:19
深坑(Shenkeng) - wiki

However… separate the words…
深(shen) ---> deep
坑(keng) ---> hole

So “深坑” means a town(district) in New-Taipei City, Taiwan, and also means a “deep hole”.

Shenkeng District

Shenkeng District (Chinese: 深坑區; pinyin: Shēnkēng Qū; Pe̍h-ōe-jī: Chhim-kheⁿ khu) is a rural district in central New Taipei City in northern Taiwan. Formerly an agricultural and mining town, it is now famous for its numerous tofu restaurants and vendors.

⛳ 1 5 🕳️ 1


Felipe 12:13:32
Hey everyone! I personally wanted to thank all the organizers and volunteers for all the hard work that made g0v summit possible. It was awesome to spend time sharing and learning with you all over the last couple of days. Thank you for inspiring me and I am looking forward to continue building with you. If you are ever in the Bay Area and want to grab coffee/need a place to stay please e-mail me
In solidarity, Felipe


ael 16:36:07
@patcon the next g0v hackathon is on Dec 15. My guess is quite precise, right?
amaaaaaaazing. right before i leave 🙂
in the calendar!
2 🙌 1


Leona 01:09:45
@leonayth has joined the channel
Felipe 06:12:17
can we participate virtually?
@phiven you can always watch live streaming online. And yes, as @chihao said, sometimes people propose through video call. The hackathon is every two months. BTW, you can propose any project anytime online.
👏 1 🙋‍♂️ 1
chihao 08:09:38
@phiven there has been examples of video proposals in the past. I think you need an agent who is physically present in the hackathon to set up the connection.
👍 3
allenlinli 09:09:40
Hi @phiven I think I can be the agency for the hackathon on Dec 15.
Hi @aelcenganda when will the location probably be?
yeah lets do it!
1 💯 1
chihao 09:34:42
@allenlinli It’s usually the Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica.
allenlinli 2018-10-11 09:42:07
Got it, thanks
ael 15:24:37
@phiven you can always watch live streaming online. And yes, as @chihao said, sometimes people propose through video call. The hackathon is every two months. BTW, you can propose any project anytime online.
fchin 17:22:22
@furushare has joined the channel
noneck 21:14:17
I'm planning on being in London from Monday, 22 October through Sunday, 28 October. I would love to meet with fellow open data and government advocates. Ideally, people who are working on the following topics:
* participatory budgeting / participatory policy making
* improving municipally focused datasets
* teaching community technology or open data curriculum
* teaching elected officials the value of data

At BetaNYC, we've just launched two massive reports on technology within NYC's government. You can read the executive summary and access the two reports at < >.


Executive Summary Report on Community Board Technology and Information Workflows

We have published two reports based on several years of research into the technical and information infrastructure supporting community boards. The first report, BetaNYC and Civic Innovations Fello…

See ya there!
@devin are you planning on coming to AMS?
Whats happening in London?
Mozfest! @noneck what's AMS? I should be London by the eve of Nov 23 or morning of Nov 24.
@devin AMS = Amsterdam. I'm heading there after London
Ah with tamas? I'd like to! I just need to be in Madrid by the 4th. :)
Send me deets??
💯 1


yitzu 10:10:38
@yitzu7 has joined the channel
Someone (across chat bridge) 16:17:00
@patrick.c.connolly_br has joined the channel
@null 16:27:10
Hope the final test: Test whether the one-way conversion bridge is working properly (from #general to #general -en) [translated by :google:]

⚡ 1
@null 16:32:39
Test test [translated by ]

@null 16:32:44

@null 16:34:07
What a wonderful black magic [translated by ]

@null 16:36:15
@wildjcrt Thank you @wildjcrt much! ! [translated by ]

@null 16:40:15
For the first time, I think I can speak Chinese, and I will hand it over to Gu Ge! [translated by ]

@null 16:41:31
I regret it soon after I finished. [translated by ]

For the first time, I think I can speak Chinese, and I will hand it over to Gu Ge! [translated by :google:]

@null 16:42:45
Black words will definitely turn very strange XD [translated by ]

@null 16:48:12
No one is talking about slang, and no one can understand it. [translated by ]

@null 16:49:14
But perhaps the number of foreign friends who enter the pit will grow rapidly. The translation results can be supplemented by the whispering database. Maybe it is better. What is the pit owner? [translated by ]

@null 16:49:46
Machine translation is still a bit weird... [translated by ]

@null 16:51:54
i think it’s @patcon

hinet60613 16:52:15
@hinet60613 has joined the channel
@null 16:56:07
yep, it's mine. and the translations are quite confusing, but it's truly much better than being completely in the dark and never having a clue what's being talked about 🙂

@null 16:56:30
at least with a bad translation, we know when to ask questions so that we can become less confused!

@null 16:58:15
turning on translation for english side now

patcon 16:59:02
ok, so now it should translate from #general-en as well 🎉
@null 16:59:28
Before I helped a movie, I couldn’t understand the language. I opened the google translate to the front of the speaker and translated it to him. At least I can understand the theme of the movie. [translated by ]

@null 17:01:10
Will I be translated if I add [translated by ] to my words? [translated by ] [translated by ]

@null 17:02:14
Well, it seems to be judging whether the speaker is a bot to avoid infinite translation reincarnation XD [translated by ]

Will I be translated if I add [translated by :google: ] to my words? [translated by :google: ] [translated by :google:]

@null 17:02:21
@patcon Could you put the source language side-by-side. If someone want to translate them by 🧠, they can do it without switching the channel.

patcon 17:08:19
what about a link to the source message? like this:
patcon 17:10:29
hm... links seem to break going into chinese, so i'll fix that first. that's a big bug (it works fine from chinese-to-english, oddly)
caasi 17:10:52
hmmm nvm
patcon 17:11:17
no no, i'm very happy to fix it
caasi 17:11:19
@patcon++ great work
patcon 17:11:30
haha thanks @caasi
caasi 17:11:46
oh i mean please ignore my idea
caasi 17:12:12
i think it’s important to keep the message clean too.
patcon 17:13:10
@null 17:35:25
welcome to the future!

@null 17:43:54
Omg, universal translator on irc!!!

fchin 17:52:55
Hello future ! From Japan : test
@patcon It seems we also need general-jp 🤩
heh we could do it, just ask 🙂
@null 17:53:10
XD [translated by ]

@null 17:53:52
The translation is the same before and after the string, you do not have special mark "Flag Inappropriate Content by " it 😄 [translated by ]

wow, this comes out like a typical bablefish joke
@gugod haha ok, let me get this correct: are you wondering if we can have a way to tell the translation bridge "don't translate this phrase"? :slightly_smiling_face:
thread is not working too well?
@clkao threads are not working at all, and unfortunately never will 😞

gugod 17:54:28
wow, this comes out like a typical bablefish joke
kevinphy 17:57:53
@kevinphy has joined the channel
patcon 18:04:01
@gugod haha ok, let me get this correct: are you wondering if we can have a way to tell the translation bridge "don't translate this phrase"? :slightly_smiling_face:
@null 19:01:11
@Taro has joined the channel

@null 19:40:36
@devin @noneck I will also go to mozfest... Maybe @irvin too? [translated by ]

@clkao that is going to be awesome. I'm looking forward to seeing you again. when do you get into town?
clkao 19:41:06
thread is not working too well?
@null 20:00:40
Splendid! Is there a g0v session planned?

ddio 21:06:52
@ddio has joined the channel
patcon 21:08:11
@clkao threads are not working at all, and unfortunately never will 😞


Slack Bridges: What are they? - HackMD

noneck 21:08:23
@clkao that is going to be awesome. I'm looking forward to seeing you again. when do you get into town?
acechen 21:10:49
Could the translation bot ignore "joined" system messages?
👍 2
patcon 21:11:53
yep, i kinda like them, because they tell you who's there on the other side, even when you can't be sure from the channel's "member list". In smaller rooms, it also let's you know when new people arrive, so you can say "hi" 🙂
patcon 21:12:35
@acechen but I'll turn it off for #general 🙂
acechen 21:13:12
somehow the translated messages don't pass thru irc bot?
wenchen.x 21:13:44
@wenchen.x has joined the channel
@null 21:14:18
"I don't know why"... well done Google! XD [translated by ]

howda 21:14:29
@howda has joined the channel
etienne 21:16:25
@etienne has joined the channel
patcon 21:16:33
@acechen hmmm... that's not acceptable. How do you suggest I investigate this more? is the bot yours?
I vaguely remember it happened to irc <-> telegram communication too. cc @caasi
acechen 21:17:39
Slack notifies you on both side if you're mentioned by '@' lol 💣
@acechen yeah, that parts a bit annoying. There are some tips related to that, which I'd put in a cheatsheet when I first started working with this:
@null 21:19:28
Hey Google Translate, yours != you 🤣

🙂 1
caasi 21:33:15
let me check the irc bridge
caasi 21:42:45
log some payloads before fixing them…
@null 21:43:19

caasi 21:45:40
test test
it works except the id is also missing
hm. it might be that it's a bot, and so doesn't have the field that your bot is expecting. it should be able to find something else in the payload though 🙂
looks like I can extract the id from the bot_name
should you hide the token XD
oops too late
@null 21:46:30
btw, id is missing via g0vtelegrambot -> #general -> #general-en

caasi 21:54:37
hello. world
👋 1
caasi 21:57:11
I’ll do some clean up later
🙌 1
@null 21:58:41
No, irvin will not go to mozfest. He will go to Mozilla All Hands.

patcon 22:08:18
is there a place to have bot-related conversations? I have some other things to say, but am worried about being too noisy in #general ...!
how about #infras ?
acechen 22:08:36
Bots are working fine now 🎉 we should clean up obsolete Slack apps later on.
patcon 22:09:25
baaaaaasically, we could move other stuff (irc / telegram) into matterbridge (the software that does the translation):



bridge between mattermost, IRC, gitter, xmpp, slack, discord, telegram,,hipchat (via xmpp), steam, twitch, ssh-chat, zulip and matrix with REST API (mattermost not required!) - 42wim/ma...

What should I do if I want to let your matterbridge to handle it? Or I can just run my own instance?
👍 1
yokinist 22:39:16 has joined the channel
ydl 23:37:33
@davisfreeman has joined the channel
ydl 23:38:36
Am i in future?
@null 23:39:17
I actually said: "Am i in future?" xd [translated by :google:]

😆 1


@null 01:45:05
The translation system does not know if it is used like this [translated by ] [translated by ]

@null 01:47:26
The translation system does not know if it is used like this [translated by ] [translated by ]

Shota(Japan) 02:09:39
@showta.0804 has joined the channel
@null 03:39:27
@ambra schillirò has joined the channel

@null 04:29:30
Someone reflected that the end of the film is too long, I re-cut a 10 second version [translated by ]


素材 TEST 02 片頭+片尾_02/10秒/

@null 05:04:54

@null 05:08:04
a smile, Wan Guchun [translated by ]

caasi 05:09:38
“I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate.”
caasi 05:10:28
“I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate.”
@null 07:03:18
@h.koichiro1987 has joined the channel

Michael_li 07:45:47
@l54happy has joined the channel
Michael_li 07:47:41
👋 1
@null 07:48:20
good Morning [translated by ]

Peace 08:05:57
@achemistd has joined the channel
Felipe 09:10:15
@null 10:18:25
@CYC has joined the channel

@null 12:12:59
May I ask which link is the LT of 2018 summit? I can't find orz after cutting into several files [translated by ]

@null 13:03:15
@kwangyin.liu has joined the channel

@null 14:18:16
@chrn has joined the channel

foucault 15:32:31
@foucault has joined the channel
@null 20:04:40
<patcon> /kick @hacklabto_bridgebot

😕 1
@null 20:16:27
<patcon> /invite g0v_bridgebot

@null 20:19:26
<patcon> .

@null 20:20:19
<patcon> @g0v_bridgebot .

yutin 21:40:11
@yutin has joined the channel
@null 21:41:13

stella 21:42:15
@stella has joined the channel
@null 21:43:36
I’m going 🙆‍♂️

stella 21:44:18
👋 1
@null 21:47:25
#general-jp #general-kr should appear [translated by ]

@null 21:48:04
I feel a little bit overwhelmed? Does anyone have a similar feeling? [translated by ]

@null 22:36:11
That's good to get the message. I have rewritten in the past few days. [translated by ]

@null 22:36:44
Mainly now that his information will eventually be sent to with a frequency of once a month (the previous information has been in the 2014 version XD) [translated by ]

@null 22:37:33
Then I rewrote the algorithm for climbing relationships, so now it's faster than before, and it's more complete than before (I used to add Cache, now I just unplug the Cache), then I give different colors according to the type of circle. [translated by ]

@null 22:38:15
There are "targets" (starting companies to see), "companies" (general companies), "legal persons" (corporate corporations), "foreign companies" (foreign companies), "governments" (government units) [translated by ]

@null 22:43:06
We discussed in the past two days and wanted to make a big database. Would you like to study it? [translated by ]

@null 22:43:42
Yes, this is a huge engineering 喔XD [translated by ]

@null 22:44:04
Not every legal person has a uniform number, so it is a big problem to know what is suitable for use as a unique identifier. [translated by ]

@null 22:44:20
Ronny is bursting! [translated by ]

@null 22:44:47
In fact, this is the summary that the Malaysian did, doing the relationship link. [translated by ]

ronnywang 22:44:53
@ronnywang has joined the channel
@null 22:45:25

@null 23:01:21
Impressive work by Libre Research Community.
Revealing historical archives of Hong Kong history!

@null 23:26:48
Also hope to have an open source that can be continuously updated [translated by ]

@null 23:33:59
In the system of the Department of Economic Affairs of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, there is a "National Army Retirement Officers and Mentoring Committee", "Executive Yuan National Army Retirement Officers and Mentoring Committee" and "National Army Retired Military Officers and Mentoring Committee". [translated by ]

@null 23:47:02
However, there seems to be no plan or incentive for the government to do this... [translated by ]

@null 23:50:18
Not surprisingly(?) [translated by ]


@null 00:10:09
Not accidentally +1 [translated by ]

@null 11:39:14
Retired Xu XD [translated by ]

@null 14:16:37
oh yea!!! let me know when is your flight schedule.

@null 14:17:06
also any of your friends coming? cus we are thinking to plan a party.

@null 14:24:51
@gj Me too 🙂

@null 14:25:31
oh wow! That’s great!

@null 14:25:47
perhaps Tty from Cambodia as well.

@null 19:05:13
@Montmasson has joined the channel

@null 22:12:17
@Ryan Liu has joined the channel


Peace 00:45:44
@achemistd has left the channel
@null 04:43:05
@桥bot-patcon has joined the channel[translated by ] [translated by ]

gj 07:19:35
@gj has joined the channel
fchin 08:08:35
HI, As I ordered to reprint the sticker which was sold out immediately in the g0v summit. So I’d like to ship for the g0v community . Could you tell me the address of g0v or OCF office in Taipei ?
Open Culture Foundation
4F, No 94, Bade Rd, Taipei 100, Taiwan
@mglee thx a lot. plz wait any day
@mglee tracking ID is EG649908870JP by EMS
👍 1 🖖 1 🙌 1
fchin 08:08:53
iOS の画像
@null 08:09:10
Your file was uploaded — it’s safe and sound in Slack. Unfortunately your workspace doesn’t have any storage space left. To get more space, you can or delete some of your older files.

@null 08:09:13
您的文件已上傳 - 它在Slack中安全可靠。不幸的是,您的工作區沒有任何存儲空間。要獲得更多空間,您可以 _element=5&ui_ step=70 或刪除一些舊文件。 [translated by ]

@null 08:09:14
您的文件已上傳 - 它在Slack中安全可靠。不幸的是,您的工作區沒有任何存儲空間。要獲得更多空間,您可以 _element=5&ui_ step=70 或刪除一些舊文件。 [translated by ]

@null 08:09:14
您的文件已上傳 - 它在Slack中安全可靠。不幸的是,您的工作區沒有任何存儲空間。要獲得更多空間,您可以 _element=5&ui_ step=70 或刪除一些舊文件。 [translated by ]

😬 1
thebestsophist 08:15:39
@patcon it’d be a good idea to set the translate bot to ignore anything from bots. i feel like it seems to be adding too much noise otherwise
@thebestsophist ok, slackbot is now ignored, so that should do it 🙂 also, I've turned off chinese translations for messages incoming into #general for now. messages will come in from #general-en in english, just as they were typed

was worried about overwhelming ppl (#general-tw has chinese translations though)
🙇‍♂️ 2 👌 1
@null 09:35:36
@patcon Thx a lot, welcome to the future!

@null 09:36:34
Hello everyone in Taiwan, English people. Do you hear it? Technology is amazing Thank you Patcon! [translated by ]

patcon 09:38:36
👋 @furushare
@null 09:46:04
In overseas it is a Universal Translator or Babel Fish, Japanese thinks this plugin is similar to this [translated by ]

@null 10:37:57
I can't see the difference between the first one and the third. [translated by ]

@null 10:38:27
s / divided / Xu / [translated by ]

@null 10:50:52
@pm5 also

@null 10:51:23
I’m from 3 to 8

@null 10:53:38
@gj I will arrive at Nov 2 and depart at 9

@null 11:26:42
I haven’t booked my flights yet omg

@null 11:32:42
So far @yutin @pm5 @chihao cool! [translated by ]

@null 14:01:05
It is amazing. The general channels of each country are translated [translated by ]

@null 14:02:38
Since there are also sentences which I do not know well whether it is suitable or not, I am very happy if I can see the original sentence. [translated by ]

the original sentence is in the originating channel (for example `general-ja`) … perhaps a permalink to the original message can be associated to the work `translated` within the bracket?
@patcon ↑?
@au @furushare 👍 re: link to original message. @caasi raised a similar point.

Oh wow, I didn't realize that app messages could have markdown-like links in them! But I see in this link that they can:

ok, then I feel that this is more doable than I'd supposed! 🙂
au 14:06:26
the original sentence is in the originating channel (for example `general-ja`) … perhaps a permalink to the original message can be associated to the work `translated` within the bracket?
👍 1
fchin 14:10:10
@patcon ↑?
hiroki 14:27:15
@sunasuna.8 has joined the channel
caasi 14:49:58
looks like I broke the bridge again 😂
caasi 14:52:41
ring ring
caasi 14:53:58
patcon 14:58:28
@caasi oh! broke the bridge? how so? (#general no longer receives translated messages, but rather, it receives all the untranslated messages from elsewhere. The hope was to have a minimally intrusive channel where the translator can "get out of the way" when people already speak english/chinese/etc.)

Visiting #general-tw has every messages translated into chinese. totally open to feedback on that choice!
👍 1
@null 14:59:06
Awesome people are speaking Japanese [translated by ]

caasi 14:59:42
@patcon I broke my IRC bridge. 😂 Now it’s fixed.
caasi 15:02:42
love the current decision. It keeps #general clean. @patcon++ “minimally intrusive”++
patcon 15:03:14
@au @furushare 👍 re: link to original message. @caasi raised a similar point.

Oh wow, I didn't realize that app messages could have markdown-like links in them! But I see in this link that they can:

ok, then I feel that this is more doable than I'd supposed! 🙂
patcon 15:04:13
@caasi ❤️
patcon 15:05:57
The one downside is that it won't be quite as evident to newcomvers that this channel's conversations are for them -- they will probably first assume that everyone simply speaks a bunch of languages and understands one another 😉 But we can figure out the most newcomer-friendly thing later!
caasi 15:12:26
I updated language channels to the #general topic.
patcon 15:15:30
@caasi 🎉 🙌
patcon 15:22:42
@patcon set the channel topic: Next jothon: mid-Dec | Sync'd with IRC | Note: This channel has public logs. | Self-invite: | English #general-en | 日本語 #general-ja | 한국어 #general-ko | 中文 #general-tw
4 🌈 2 3 2
@null 15:30:06
The second one is coming, it’s still very good to see, look at the gold stream! ! [translated by ]

@null 16:30:12

Nao.m 17:20:12
@naonaogo50 has joined the channel
@null 17:46:41
@hcchien The bottom of the 👍 👎 can not point, there is no JS error yeah [translated by ]

@null 18:14:55
I know, there should be no login relationship, I ask PM to add a hint. [translated by ]

@null 23:24:00
[translated by ]

Instagram 台灣零時政府 on Instagram: “其實我忘記這是哪一場短講了~ 當時只覺得。 介於講者跟聽者之間。這間小小的亭子很像電話亭。 . 雖然沒有#superman 來換衣服。 卻透過這裡面的每一個聲音。 拯救了年會中聽不懂的人們。 讓更多更多的人接收到他們原本或許無法接收到的那些。 .…”

1 Likes, 0 Comments - <|> 台灣零時政府 ( on Instagram: “其實我忘記這是哪一場短講了~ 當時只覺得。 介於講者跟聽者之間。這間小小的亭子很像電話亭。 . 雖然沒有#superman 來換衣服。 卻透過這裡面的每一個聲音。 拯救了年會中聽不懂的人們。…”


@null 11:27:19
Someone is going to go to the Oslo Freedom Forum in Taipei in November? [translated by ]

@null 11:30:28
@au Taihang's good-looking studio's howard sees you going to Tainan to participate in the "Artificial Wisdom Master Conversation, Tang Feng X Cheng Sega (free)", so I don't know if you have time to share "open government contacts." Human system." Place in : next to the Tainan train station.

"I want to work is a co-working space. At present, students can develop self-learning habits and problem-solving skills to solve many problems such as enterprise resource fluctuations, talent chain breaks, North-South gaps, and engineer growth." [translated by :google:]

@null 11:33:35
There is a co-working space that gives the sense of community. [translated by ]

@null 11:33:50
It was full on Friday (in the morning in the Hakka Culture Park, at the afternoon at the IOC, in the afternoon at the city government, at night in Chengda), this time may not be able to participate in the sharing. Perhaps you can ask the colleagues of the Tainan City Government (Research Institute, Wisdom Center). [translated by ]

@null 11:46:45
Say everyone is using HackMD
You can add a tag to the front, and the syntax is long. Tags : 平权Social dialogue project, cofacts

It is convenient for others to know that your focus and HackMD automatic classification can be grouped together~ [translated by :google:]

patcon 12:05:56
@chihao the forum looks interesting! I might go if they accept my Canadian student ID :)

You engaged in anything official related to "tech for good" part of interactive expo?
@null 13:43:40
Used in the text

###### tags: `平權社會對話工程` `cofacts`

It also has the same effect! [translated by :google:]

chihao 14:17:46
@patcon Not that I’m aware of 😉 Interested in doing something there?
@null 15:52:59
Some people also want to Summit Assembly handbook. 😳 ? [translated by ]

@null 15:53:41
And Grants Manual 😆 [translated by ]

@null 16:17:56
Curious to ask, was asked by a foreigner during the summary, is there an English version? [translated by ]

@null 16:34:42
@wildjcrt Chinese and English version parallel ~ [translated by ]

@null 19:07:15
I want to say that the staff did not get it, I want a copy to commemorate it.

But isn't the Workers Channel mentioned that the book is for fundraising purposes? [translated by ]

@null 19:11:07
At present, it is necessary to look at the demand to decide how much to stay, after all, storage space is limited. [translated by ]

@null 19:29:12
Understand, then I hope to take one or two books for commemoration, but there should be no way to get to OCF... Is there a remittance account? If you are convenient (?), I can send a convenience store to the store or the post office.

The premise is that it will not cause trouble to you. I am very tired afterwards. I am very clear. [translated by ]

@null 19:29:33
Let's talk about it, let's talk now, I guess it. [translated by ]

@null 19:29:36
Thank you bess! [translated by ]

patcon 20:05:15
@besslee @wildjcrt I am also interested in handbooks! Grants++
patcon 20:05:41
@chihao I could be, particularly if I had an accomplice :)
ael 21:22:03
Hi, I collect some #g0vSummit tweets to summarize the event. Take a look here


#g0vSummit 2018 on Twitter – – Medium

A quick throwback of g0v Summit 2018 on Oct. 5–7, a grass-root conference that focus on civic tech, open source collaboration and civic…


@null 11:42:58
Will the video of the annual meeting be sent to the online platform (youtube?)? Is there a scheduled time? [translated by ]

@null 11:58:22
@chihchun has been put on [translated by ]

@null 12:02:13
It’s very troublesome not to mark the day or add to the playlist. [translated by ]

@null 12:06:52
Hello ~~~~ I would like to ask if anyone remembers the gith of g0v, there is a introduction to the foreign guests (how to take the MRT, those places are fun, etc.), where is the page? [translated by ]

@null 12:38:48
This one? [translated by ]

@null 13:20:53
Hi, everyone, this summary has two experiences, and there is a welcome submission with a mood or opinion. [translated by ]

「開放了?然後咧!」當 g0v 零時政府走入後運動的冷卻期 –


fumi 13:38:49
@fumi571 has joined the channel
@null 14:11:28
This is relatively new [translated by ]

🙌 1
@null 16:32:33
@ronnywang @hcchien 2014 Member of the political contribution of the profit-making business, the first batch of @hcchien files came out, can help to see if the program can handle it? Thanks - [translated by ]

@null 16:41:20
Cutting, first upload some progress just cut [translated by ]

@null 16:42:09
Hey, a picture must be divided into upper and lower parts first... then I have to change the program to cut the picture up and down first. [translated by ]

@null 16:42:20
At present, a picture only captures one form. [translated by ]

@null 16:47:35
By the way, stick the position of the bean axe program here. [translated by ]

@null 16:48:07
Usage can refer to the README, but the previous program only processes png, so to process this batch of jpg, you need to change the part of the program that writes the dead png. [translated by ]

Kuan-Ting 18:14:07
@kting has joined the channel
@null 20:51:36 connected? [translated by ]

@null 21:16:45
Let me see [translated by ]

@null 21:17:35
Yes, although it seems really a bit slow [translated by ]

@null 21:34:04
Hello, this is the weekly column of the Open Culture Station, please support (Clap Clap Clap 👏 👏 ) @holokchen /cosmo1-9ee30cc76c3f?source=linkShare-c877a3bcd26a-1539771848 [translated by ]


Medium – a place to read and write big ideas and important stories

Welcome to Medium, a place where words matter. Medium taps into the brains of the world’s most insightful writers, thinkers, and storytellers to bring you the smartest takes on topics that matter. So whatever your interest, you can always find fresh thinking and unique perspectives.


@null 11:35:05
Some are not scanned? [translated by ]

@null 12:46:59
Has anyone recently gone to Tokyo? Summit has Japanese missing things [translated by ]

@null 12:47:58
@ronnywang That is even the blanks are swept in, because the whole batch is put into the transaction machine, and the one-sided one will go in with the blank. [translated by ]

@null 13:00:10
So what are the pages that are blank are normal? [translated by ]

@null 13:00:53
It seems that the beginning of 2734 is blank. [translated by ]

@null 13:01:10
2733 is also [translated by ]

@null 13:08:14
Yes, because many Members’ detailed information is only printed on one page, and only later, only one side is printed to avoid this situation. [translated by ]

@null 14:30:28
Where will the information be placed for identification? [translated by ]

@null 14:55:24
Ask the strong person who read this book [translated by ]

@null 14:58:43
Hello, share the information of the Hon Hai Scholarship, and hope that the doctoral students in the field of science and technology can join the application! [translated by ]

@null 15:00:46
@hcchien The basic idea is to import [translated by ]

@null 15:21:33
Then wait a second, we can help [translated by ]

@null 15:32:35
<Http://> This Saturday in Taichung monospace will be held in conjunction with the Taichung Free Software Enthusiast Community - TFC "How to Digitally Manage Taichung". It is basically an open and joyful form for everyone to discuss. Welcome friends from Taichung to attend. There will also be a 10/31 (three) evening in Tainan Good Thought Studio. [translated by :google:]

@null 15:48:41
Predict: Dasong time is still swinging at 12/8 and 12/15....(should be biased towards 12/8) [translated by :google:]

@null 16:28:16
Manually set the top, does the organizer have sent the invoice? [translated by ]

想請問一下主辦 今年g0v summit報名的時候如果有填公司統編的話 之後會收到電子發票嗎?

Someone (across chat bridge) 17:34:08
Screen Shot 2018-10-18 at 18.33.08
@null 17:34:08
Technical Help for a poor non-tech!
Seems this link doesn’t work for me…

@null 17:39:39
<system> file DSC_3969.JPG too big to download (2826011 > allowed size: 1000000)

@null 17:39:39
@fchin ❤️ 🙌 ❤️ 🙌 ❤️ 🙌

@null 18:17:18
‼ ️ Things are gone at the annual meeting and then oh? Please pick it up at the OCF office before 2018.11.30.
‼ ️[g0v Summit Lost and Found Table] [translated by ]

@null 18:26:25
<!channel> The next topic of the world column is also coming! This time, you can vote with the emoji. If you reply with this emoji in this PO article, you are welcome to vote together!

💪 when textile workers' rights victims, not only fashion company to be responsible for their investors have
✌️ lot of food is thrown away, but some people are not eating enough? This app lets the extra food find the person you need
👊 too much paper trash? South African App replaces paper strips with mobile phones
:i _love_ you _hand_ sign: The government has opened up information for 10 years. Are countries really improving?

Since June, the Open Cultural Foundation (OCF) project and the "World" magazine have collaborated in the name of "g0v column", and selected the reportable articles from the weekly news library to be compiled and compiled, published every two weeks. .

Based on g0v's consistent spirit of open collaboration, the writing process will be open to community members to participate in and comment, hoping that each manuscript with the name g0v will fully adopt the opinions of the g0v community. In the future, we will let the community select the topics to be published in this checklist two weeks before the manuscript is published.

For details, please see: [translated by :google:]

@null 18:36:13
I think I can change my practice next time. For example, when I use <!channel> for the first time, I will ask and collect a list of people who are interested in receiving the notification. The next time I send it to the general but only the tag, I will express interest. [translated by ]

@null 18:54:32
Put the information about the sense related paper and book here. Interested parties are welcome to join the public group. [translated by ]

@null 18:54:39
The list of electronic invoices is still being sorted out, and will be sent out next week~ [translated by ]

@null 19:27:23
Wow, it’s very fast from Hokkaido ✈️, please share “the god order” to everywhere 😁 @bess

@null 22:42:30
will do 😆👌 thank you so much


@null 00:33:05
Hello, ladies and Hong Kong civil society / scientific community friends (I know you're here, oh 😘 😘 ) If you want to citizen science and technology a part to play, you calling here Oh!

<Http://> Recruiting volunteers

Service date: October 27 (Saturday)
12 :00-19: 00
Venue: Yat Tung Hotel, 380 Nathan Road, Jordan 1/f

Volunteer Briefing :
Wednesday, October 24th
20 :00-21: 00
Same location as above

Contact: Chen Kele 68880652

The following volunteer vacancies are available:
Streaming X2 (with special instructions)
Text record / interview: 2
Photography: 1
Venue: 4 (mainly set up and keep run down beforehand, can also be grouped together)

Want to know about hackathon? Please go [translated by :google:]

@null 10:20:24
cc @lizbarry, who does citizen science with (and is in China several times throughout this fall related to that work)

wildjcrt 10:53:09
@wildjcrt has left the channel
@null 14:09:57
This is an entirely random question, but is there a Chinese version of the Wayback Machine?

@null 14:10:41
"completely" might be a "0", no gain no loss; but "less" might be a "increase or decrease" from "0". Get on to read English or Chinese "itself" is more practically useful. To develop an effective translation app, or spending years for still in the less dark to use such translation app, is generally longer than the time-space an ordinary pepole directly get on to understand the language itself. Set along to say "transaltion" is always a re-define, subject to particular algorithm set up by Google or others else. For fun transaltion is possibly acceptable while yet for a more a seriuos purpose. All is about sound and rhyme that is one most difficult to trnaslate from point of view either of practical use or phylosophy theory so that years ago people have given up such approach in certain serious purposes use. For business oriented purpose I wuldn't have more to say about this tranlation app, but for individual citizens I would recomand a bit better to put focus on a more efficient learning app directly hit on language itself. In particular Taiwan is going to change the algorithm (or structure) to have a dual languages policy so that a strong learning app, in particular with open source and free spirit and localization, would recieve a clear and practically existent demand from the market, with fun and commercial value as well. 🙂 ..

@null 14:11:39
You can use

@null 14:22:00
Never heard of. Personally I use way back machine and to do web archiving.

@null 14:22:37
Thank you! It worked.

@null 15:39:11
Novices ask a question, is there any way to deal with the data here is relatively low-cost? I will ask this because I tried the Google Cloud Vision API for OCR recognition, and the effect is not bad. For practical examples, please refer to ( #diff-74548219394ec96a90c0eb61554a4cfa ), the json file is also very convenient for subsequent processing, but the biggest disadvantage is that free quota only 1000 api calls per month, count The number of declared materials should exceed a lot. After the excess, each penny is not cheap, which is more expensive than the current crowd OCR. [translated by ]

@null 16:03:57
@ingress.huskytsai If you are interested in 😉 , we can discuss and look at the budget. It doesn’t look too expensive on a page-by-page basis. [translated by ]

@null 18:55:13
Ah that’s too bad. I was trying to look up some forum posts that have been taken down and was hoping I could pull it back up

theobass 19:12:17
In case of interest to anyone.... calling all artists, illustrators, designers, poets, creatives:


Call for pitches: Help us rethink the internet

Call for pitches: Help us rethink the internet

@null 23:49:51
@kirsten try


wataru 07:06:09
@wataru.oguchi.0to1 has joined the channel
@null 13:29:31
To g0vsummit_video_team, Thank you record and upload to youtube channel. So, could you rename these contents ? e.g. “Day2 AM R0, g0v summit 2018”, it is hard to check what contents recorded 😅

patcon 14:40:29

If someone were to give me (youtube: "manager" access to youtube, I'd be happy to update those titles today. I'd edit one video title/description as example, and wait a day or two for feedback before updating the rest 🙂
🙏 1
patcon 20:01:03
ok, just added a new feature to the translation bridge, which will hopefully: 1) make things a bit simpler for readers to check on original untranslated version, and 2) perhaps most importantly, jump to the original msg context (even within a thread)

We now add an "attachment" with a text preview of the original version, and clicking that preview text instantly direct-links to the original message. Feel free to try it out in #general-tw (#general currently doesn't do any translation)



🚀 3
@null 20:18:15
hi @開放文化站 可樂, great to hear from you! I just dropped off a DIY microscope at Good Lab HK, and would love to connect to more people working on science in HK. Your event looks great, wish i could be there.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|hi @開放文化站 可樂, great to hear from you! I just dropped off a DIY microscope at Good Lab ...>

@null 21:20:40
Would you like to ask what number of big pines will be in November?

<|想問一下 11月 小聚 會在幾號啊?>


@null 00:05:05
Random feelings: I have recently been concerned about the ambiguity of the word "we" :thinking_face:

<|隨機感想:最近很在意「我們」這個詞的歧義 :thinking_face:>

@null 00:05:37
who are we?


@null 00:07:31
When used in different places, there will be different meanings, and people who speak and listen will often have different imaginations. When switching languages, various restrictions increase the degree of ambiguity of "we" when time is limited.


@null 00:07:35
some type of


@null 00:07:37


@null 01:15:23
I am also very concerned about the word "you".


@null 01:25:34
They are all wrong.

<| 都是they的錯。>

@null 01:46:29
I don't know if you have used the easy image retrieval database? The requirements are as stated in the link:

&lt;|不知道大家有沒有用過好用的 image retrieval database 呢?需求如連結所述: htt...&gt;

@null 03:19:43


@null 07:33:55

&lt;<;Bernardine>&gt; <>&gt;

@null 08:07:21
Www good or bad

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|wwww 好壞>

@null 10:31:30
Invaded by the tg advertising bot..

<|遭 tg 廣告 bot 入侵了啊..>

Someone (across chat bridge) 13:50:50
Screen Shot 2018-10-21 at 1.44.49 PM
@null 13:50:50
G0v dark network is used with the latest Hidden Service Protocol v3.

<|用了最新的 Hidden Service Protocol v3 架了 g0v 暗網,哈>

@null 13:52:27
December 8th or 15th喔

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|12 月 8 號或是 15 號喔>

patcon 14:30:04
@davisfreeman re: dark web. Oh! Nice! Is there any place to read up more on g0v dark network project? :slightly_smiling_face:

Also, we could later brute-force a more custom onion url:

Information Security Stack Exchange

How do you get a specific .onion address for your hidden service?

.onion addresses normally should be made of a base32 string of the first 80 bits of the SHA1 hash of the private key of the server (see .onion address specification). Today I ran into a service wh...

@null 14:56:40
I just found that @ronnywang -slack-archive of @ronnywang not backed up to thread

<|剛剛發現 @ronnywang 架的 g0v-slack-archive 不會備份到 thread>

@null 15:03:42
Slack api has no way to get the latest thread updates, so my current backup is written in 48hr, all the statements will be checked to see if there is any thread, but if there is more than the part, there is no way.

<|slack api 沒有辦法取得最近有哪些 thread 有更新,所以我目前備份的寫法是 48h...>

@null 15:05:50
@ronnywang , thank you @ronnywang doubts.

<|噢噢噢,謝謝 @ronnywang 解惑>

patcon 15:24:37
@ronnywang in case any pieces of this are ever helpful (maybe CSS or importer or whatever):



Coding for fun. <>. Dutchcoders has 6 repositories available. Follow their code on GitHub.

@null 15:35:32
Thanks, I can try this.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|Thanks, I can try this.>

@null 15:59:18
I would like to ask you to visualize the music spectrum. Is there a recommended project for reference?


@null 16:15:30
Found this to do the opposite XD



Browser based synthesizer for turning images into sound.

@null 16:17:23


@null 16:18:09
Feeling is ushahidi + cbir... I don't know if anyone has done it.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|感覺是 ushahidi + cbir… 不知道有沒有人做過了>

@null 16:18:16


@null 16:32:44


@null 16:38:53


@null 16:46:13 it looks like this is what I want

<;cid=C02G2SXKX| 看起來這個是我想要的>

@null 16:47:42


@null 16:55:10


@null 17:04:41


@null 17:07:14


Record An Audio Track

Waveform Playlist experimental recording feature using MediaRecorder.

@null 17:14:44


@null 17:16:00


Virtual Oscilloscope

This online virtual oscilloscope allows you to visualise live sound input and get to grips with how to adjust the display. If you find this useful, our online spectrum analyser may also be of interest to you.

@null 17:29:19


@null 17:50:51 finally!!!

<;cid=C02G2SXKX| finally!!!>

@null 18:21:56
Hi, this project just starts recently so there is not a lot information in the repo yet (repo: And as you mention, generating a specific customize onion domain with brute force is also very needed!!!

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|Hi, this project just starts recently and I will upload the my code recently. And as you mention, ge...>

@null 18:45:26


普悠瑪號列車宜蘭出軌 已知17死逾30傷[更新] | 生活 | 重點新聞 | 中央社 CNA


@null 19:37:29
We can use this tool to check if we can find out a **readable** onion url with the following method together 🙂:

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|We can use this tool to check if we can find out a **readable** onion url with the following method ...>

@null 21:27:22
Puyuma train accident Yilan firefighting: can ask for a list of injuries

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|普悠瑪列車事故 宜蘭消防:可電詢傷患名單>

@null 21:29:19


@null 21:30:41
Want to make a search?


@null 21:30:53
What is the source of information?


@null 21:32:03
I saw two screenshots below the news.


@null 21:32:54
Wei Fu Department


@null 21:36:28
It’s not meaningful to make a search in the middle. Hahaha


@null 21:59:11
Still can


@null 22:00:50
How is the list updated? @ky


@null 22:02:31
According to the description of the FB of the Welfare Department, the URL is the same and is continuously updated.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|依衛福部 FB 的說明,是網址相同,持續更新>

@null 22:05:12
I changed it to CSV and hurry to write a react program for searching?

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|我把它改成CSV快點寫一個react程序 for searching有需要嗎>

@null 22:05:59


@null 22:06:04
Being in the set of materials


@null 22:06:12


@null 22:06:18
github repo?

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|github repo?>

@null 22:06:20
This is the previous format


@null 22:06:47
Can someone help me convert that xlsx into json and put it on github?

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|有人可以幫我把 那份 xlsx 轉成 json 放上 github 嗎?>

@null 22:06:59
yes I’m working on it

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|yes I’m working on it>

@null 22:07:09


@null 22:07:26
Add @kevinjcliao as contributor please

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|Add @kevinjcliao as contributor please>

@null 22:08:13


@null 22:09:10


@null 22:10:02
need a json format /people.json

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|need a json format /people.json>

@null 22:10:43
Can you put the JSON schema to help me screenshot below?


@null 22:10:54
It’s all garbled on my computer.


@null 22:11:03


@null 22:12:03
"lastmodify": "2015/08/27 13:00",
"license": "CC0",
"source": "台北市資訊局 (via 台北市衛生局 > 衛福部)",
"data": [
"編號": "H326339",
"縣市別": "台北市",
"收治單位": "聯醫仁愛",
"檢傷編號": "",
"姓名": "陳○彥",
"性別": "男",
"國籍": "本國籍",
"年齡": 29,
"醫療檢傷": "檢傷三級 ",
"救護檢傷": "中傷 ",
"即時動向": "出院 ",
"轉診要求": "",
"刪除註記": ""
"編號": "H326349",
"縣市別": "台北市",
"收治單位": "聯醫仁愛",
"檢傷編號": "",
"姓名": "吳○丘",
"性別": "男",
"國籍": "本國籍",
"年齡": 26,
"醫療檢傷": "檢傷三級 ",
"救護檢傷": "中傷 ",
"即時動向": "出院 ",
"轉診要求": "",
"刪除註記": ""

&lt;;cid=C02G2SXKX|``` { "lastmodify": "2015/08/27 13:00", "license": "CC0", "source": "台北市資訊局 (via...&gt;

@null 22:12:20
Thank you


@null 22:13:44
Has anyone ever written a parser or should I write about it?


@null 22:14:24
should not


@null 22:15:10
Need a xlsx to json in any language

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|需要一個 xlsx to json 任何語言都可>

@null 22:15:31
okay. i converted to CSV. I’m working on it.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|okay. i converted to CSV. I’m working on it.>

@null 22:15:43


@null 22:45:12

The blood donation station data update seems to hang up

&lt;;cid=C02G2SXKX| 捐血站資料更新看起來掛掉了&gt;

@null 22:47:02
I used python and it was a mistake. I hate UTF-8 support.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|I used python and it was a mistake. I hate UTF-8 support.>

@null 22:53:50
@pichuchen doesn't look right? I see the original material is

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|@pichuchen 看起來不是對的?我看原始資料是有的>

@null 22:58:39
The Blood Foundation's website is now HTTP 503: Service Unavailable


@null 22:59:43 #blood 喔

<;cid=C02G2SXKX| 還有喔>

@null 23:14:52
The information has gone up, manually update the teaching


@null 23:16:24
20181021 Pu Yuma train accident injury information source : Health and Welfare Department License : CC0
Manually update the data teaching:

&lt;|20181021 普悠瑪列車事故 傷患查詢 資料來源: 衛生福利部 License: CC0 網站: htt...&gt;

@null 23:21:02
Wrote Go parser

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|Wrote Go parser>

@null 23:21:06
JSON pushed

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|JSON pushed>

@null 23:25:24
@kjcl If you can fill in here, how to use go to update the data

&lt;;cid=C02G2SXKX|@kjcl 如果可以 可以在這邊補上 如何使用 go 更新資料;

@null 23:25:27


@null 23:25:34
okay sure.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|okay sure.>

@null 23:26:04
is live?

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|is live?>

@null 23:26:53
In short, first added to the pen

&lt;;cid=C02G2SXKX| 總之先加到共筆了&gt;

@null 23:27:15
Since the Blood Foundation’s website started 503 again, the blood information was added back.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|由於 血液基金會 的網站又開始 503 了,所以把血液資訊補回去>

@null 23:27:48
Ok, I put the hackfolder back in the top right corner of other platforms.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|ok 我把 hackfolder 補回右上角 其他平台>

@null 23:29:37
Thanks for sharing


@null 23:29:50
These URLs can't get in?

Check-in locations for blood donation sites and mobile blood donation services at the Taipei Blood Donation Center:

National blood donation points:

&lt;|這些網址都進不去耶? 台北捐血中心各捐血地點及流動捐血車服務時間地��...&gt;

@null 23:31:13
Because the Blood Donation Foundation’s website 503 has stopped serving.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|因為捐血基金會的網站 503 哩>

@null 23:31:32
The press release went out for DDoS for a while.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|新聞稿出去被 DDoS 好一陣子了>

@null 23:36:22
Because google drive is manually updated by Weifu from time to time, it is necessary to go to 🙂 and go to see the help update 🙂

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|因為 google drive 是衛福部不定時手動更新上去的,因此需要靠 g0ver 不定時上�...>

@null 23:38:15
Comparative lack of type A blood

&lt;| 比較缺A型血&gt;

@null 23:40:29


@null 23:42:40
I updated the URL to


@null 23:42:48
Thanks @yutin !!

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|感謝 @yutin!!>

@null 23:49:27
At present, there is no information about Yilan in the hospital information. Welcome PR #L780

&lt;;cid=C02G2SXKX|目前 醫院 資訊 尚未有 宜蘭的資料,歡迎 PR;

@null 23:50:29
I only have to write CSV -> JSON now. I am now changing to XLSX - "JSON"

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|我現在只有寫 CSV -> JSON. 我現在在更改為XLSX -》JSON&gt;


@null 00:18:40
How do I test locally?

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|How do I test locally?>

@null 00:20:22
Open index.html on my machine.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|在我機器上打開 index.html 一片空白>

@null 00:21:17
@ yutin


@null 00:24:21
Running the `serve` under the folder?

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|在資料夾下跑 `serve` 之類的?>

@null 00:26:24
I am directly `python -m SimpleHTTPServer`

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|我是直接 `python -m SimpleHTTPServer`>

@null 00:26:36
Start a web server in the project folder

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|起一個 web server 在專案的資料夾>

@null 00:33:11
oh I used Jekyll.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|oh I used Jekyll.>

@null 00:33:42


@null 00:36:13
Now turn it into English, then add a little context for english speakers

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|現在把它翻成英文,然後加一點context for english speakers>

@null 00:41:18


@null 00:42:25
After being hit by the gossip, let's see if hackmd can survive XD -

<|被八卦置底了,就看看 hackmd 能否撐過去 XD ->

@null 00:43:01
I first cue jacky provoke @jackymaxj Paris is still early?

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|我先 cue jacky 惹 @jackymaxj 巴黎現在還早?>

@null 00:48:20
Is @jackymaxj hackmd ready? @@

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|@jackymaxj hackmd準備好了嗎@@>

@null 00:51:39
At present, 200 people should be okay online, but may start to increase sharply tomorrow morning?

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|目前 200 人在線應該還好,但明早開始可能會暴增?>

@null 00:51:43
HackMD is fine, now more than half of the load limit

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|HackMD 沒問題,現在離負載上限還有一半以上>

@null 00:52:18
I originally wanted to say if I should direct the short URL to the publish page?

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|我原本想說是不是應該把短網址引導到 publish 頁?>

@null 00:52:21
G0v HackMD, let me have a look now.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|g0v HackMD 我現在看一下>

@null 00:52:33
I can help make a fixed URL.


@null 00:55:04
Ok, look at you, but the original URL hope is still there, because it has been widely spread.


@null 00:56:26
@kiang should be on this page:

&lt;;cid=C02G2SXKX|<@U0381JNK8> 應該是要到這一頁喔:;

@null 01:01:31
Discuss here 啰


@null 01:11:54
No problem, it will be automatically redirected. What do you want to use for the fixed URL?

&lt;;cid=C02G2SXKX|沒問題,目前都會自動轉址,請問固定網址想要用什麼? puyuma-incident-tw&gt;

@null 01:12:47
@jackymaxj puyumaCrash-tw ?

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|@jackymaxj puyumaCrash-tw ?>

@null 01:12:53


@null 01:14:06


@null 01:14:36
If you need to make a fixed URL, please respond here.


@null 01:14:59
Suspicious S: If it is capitalized, is it strange QQ?

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|疑對不起 C 如果是大寫是不是很怪 QQ>

@null 01:15:06
Can also change


@null 01:15:14


@null 01:15:15


@null 01:15:18
it is good


@null 01:15:34


@null 01:15:37


@null 01:17:51
Provide complete Chinese teaching here, I will update the book mode

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|這邊提供完整的中文教學,我等等更新上 book mode>

@null 01:17:52


@null 01:22:26
I will first change the homepage to static so that the user on the first page is not stuck.


@null 01:31:40
2340's information is online


@null 01:54:50
The culprit came to mOwOm

<|罪魁禍首來了 mOwOm>

@null 07:37:46
The information at 6:50 in the morning was online.


@null 08:24:36
Everyone ++

<|大家 ++>

@null 09:10:33
'It seems like an alien invasion?'


@null 09:19:48


@null 10:12:43
Is github strange?

<|github 是不是怪怪的?>

@null 10:21:10 red piece

<| 紅一片>

@null 10:32:45


Someone (across chat bridge) 10:33:53
@null 10:33:53

@null 10:55:23
@kjcl Last update time was not updated

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|@kjcl 最後更新時間 沒更新到>

@null 11:12:11
? "Lastmodify" : "2018/10/22 07:36",

&lt;;cid=C02G2SXKX|? “lastmodify”: “2018/10/22 07:36", ?&gt;

@null 11:13:44


@null 11:13:59
There are indeed updates, but they are not shown on the website. . .


@null 11:14:47
My Go parser will automatically add to json. This is a bit strange. I will try to update it again.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|我的Go parser會自動把datetime.now加到json的。這有一點奇怪耶。我試試看重新更...>

@null 11:22:47
The short URL starts from 喔, but I didn’t expect the number of people who came in would be the same (probably)

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|短網址一開始就是指向 了,只是沒想到進來的人一樣...>

@null 11:23:42

<|b l e u g h>

@null 11:25:01
With the first mention, I actually planned to put it at , but then I went to HackMD book mode after I was trouble editing the spreadsheet.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|附帶一提一開始我其實是打算放在 ,只�...>

idiotmax 11:37:43
@idiotmax has joined the channel
@null 12:25:35
In the fifth day of the translation, I found that there was already a sixth issue...


@null 13:26:12
Cofacts observed the information about the accommodation that the people passed to the families of the casualty passengers. The disaster integration platform has been attached to the response. Thank you for the m(_ _)m

<|Cofacts 觀測到民眾轉傳給傷亡乘客家屬的住宿資訊,已經在回應中附上災情��...>

@null 13:28:14
By the way, the number of people who might use a credit card to buy a ticket recently will increase, because the message is also passed. XD

&lt;|順道一提,最近可能用信用卡買車票的人會變多,因為訊息也在傳了⋯⋯ XD ...&gt;

@null 14:30:52
Oh, the book mode itself is not connected, but the notes connected to the book mode are in edit mode, which will take up the connection.

&lt;;cid=C02G2SXKX|摁摁對的,book mode 本身是不佔連線 但是 book mode 裡面連到的筆記如果是編輯...&gt;

@null 15:57:41


github 是不是怪怪的?

The GitHub Blog

October 21 Incident Report

At 10:52 pm Sunday UTC, multiple services on <|> were affected by a network partition and subsequent database failure resulting in inconsistent information being presented on our website.

@null 16:20:16


@null 18:01:51
Even in the "view" mode instead of the "double column" or "edit" mode?


@null 18:23:15
Yes, because the editable page will continue to update the content, so the URL that will keep the static content connected will be `/s` , `/p` , `/c`

&lt;;cid=C02G2SXKX|是的,因為可編輯頁面會持續更新內容,所以會保持連線 靜態內容的網址會...&gt;

Someone (across chat bridge) 20:09:16
螢幕快照 2018-10-22 20.08.06
@null 20:09:17
G0v is here!

<|g0v 在這!>

@null 20:09:29


@null 22:08:57
Did you see this full-page advertisement today? This is the first time in Taiwan’s history. Facebook has done civic education on false information to all Taiwanese people through the advertisements of major newspapers.


ttcat_OCF_jothon_staff 22:11:52
@ttcat971 has joined the channel
@null 22:25:47
Remedy the situation 🐑 🐑 🐑 🚧 🚨 🏃

<|亡羊補牢 :sheep: :sheep: :sheep: :construction::rotating_light::runner:>

@null 23:51:39
Well, will #general contents be automatically translated?

<|なるほど、#general の内容が自動翻訳されるのか。>

tw0517tw 23:53:16
@tw0517tw has joined the channel
@null 23:55:01
Can't translate Chinese in Japanese?



Someone (across chat bridge) 00:17:27
Screen Shot 2018-10-23 at 12.10.43 AM
@null 00:17:27
G0v's LOGO is very dark network XD
Use a pgp signature tomorrow!

&lt;|g0v 的 LOGO 根本很暗網 XD 明天來用一個pgp signature!&gt;

@null 00:27:22
Unable to update the Puyuma database because of Github's outage, but there is new information at 20:30.


@null 00:28:33
GitHub completed the repair of the GitHub page in about 15 minutes. If it can be updated, I will re-create the information of Parse Weifu.

<|GitHub約在15分鐘後完成修復GitHub page. 如果可以更新的話,我就那時候重新Pars...>

@null 00:48:39
I have compiled insurance and related compensation information. I hope that if you see the update in the past few days, you can help me to make up for it. Some of the IDA members need relevant friends to help with the verification. In addition, I always feel that the amount is not so good, but it seems to be Can't think of a better way to write 😰 (do not want to have a sense of price)

&lt;| 整理了...&gt;

@null 10:11:12
@hisa_x re: translation of japanese msgs in #general. #general doesn't have translation turned on, so that people who already understand other languages can be undisturbed by poorly translated text :) #general-tw is translated to Chinese

I'm still open to suggestions for the best way to use this, but a few people expressed frustration with auto-translation, so I tried to leave a place for people to opt out! Feedback welcome :)

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|#general doesn't have translation, so that people who understand other languages can be undisturbed ...>

@null 10:29:33
The translation bot seems to return the response in the thread to the outside of each language channel, but it seems that it is difficult to return to the corresponding translation thread, unless there is a translation of each message after the translation of the timestamp ...

<|翻譯 bot 好像會把 thread 裡面的回應回在各語言頻道的外面,不過好像也很難...>

patcon 10:41:36
@tw0517tw good point. We can add a link to the original for threaded messages :) thanks! Will work on it later
mrorz 12:10:16
@mrorz has left the channel
@null 14:17:28
Recently there is a "Religious Law Draft"! Let's set up g0v to teach it~~ XDDDDDDDDD
(lazy bag)

&lt;|最近有「宗教法草案」!我們來成立 g0v 教吧~~ XDDDDDDDDD (懶人包)https:...&gt;


這禮拜三立法院內政委員會 會審查由王金平等人提案的宗教法草案 那個法案內容之荒謬真的匪夷所思 基本上是讓宗教凌駕於法律與國家之上 請幫忙分享讓更多人看到 並對您選區立委施壓 要求他們退回連署 並且不得審查這個莫名其妙的宗教法案 #懶人包

@null 14:36:20
In the future, Dasong will shout: Thank you, the village chief! Marvel at the village head!

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|以後大松就要喊: 感恩村長! 讚嘆村長!>

@null 14:36:36
Or you can take more than 10,000 temples to see -

<|或是也可以把一萬多個寺廟抓出來看看 ->

@null 14:37:10
This topic is good


@null 14:43:50
I do feel that the belief of freedom and openness is still full of a religious doctrine. We are all advocates of doctrine. XD


patcon 14:44:17
@mrorz 💯
@null 14:45:15
Big pit teaching? (discourse)


@null 15:08:51
Predicting that there will be something to talk about in religion tomorrow.

<|預告 明天公視有話好說 要討論 宗教法>

@null 15:44:38
~ The believers have the freedom to release the code to Github~


@null 15:53:17
~ The believers have the freedom to dig holes~


@null 16:21:02
Hard work


@null 18:44:04
I am looking forward to the photo of the record group. Will it be uploaded to g0v Flickr?

<|好期待紀錄組的照片喔~到時候是會上傳到 g0v Flickr 嗎?>

@null 18:46:55
Yes, the hard-working leader @record group Daniel is picking the hell (?)

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|對的,苦命的組長 @紀錄組丹丹 (Daniel) 正在挑圖地獄中(?)>

@null 18:48:01
Have felt Hell ☠️ pick diagram it is not really no way to collaborate QQ

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|有感覺到地獄 :skull_and_crossbones: 挑圖這件事是不是真的沒辦法協作 QQ>

@null 19:28:08
Seriously think about it after two years? Picking a picture will really go crazy


@null 20:14:59
Hello everyone, the news helper has to announce the suspension of the service (although it has been no longer to modify the development status for several years in the past XD), the exact reason is long (it doesn't seem to be very long XD), I wrote it at here!


新聞小幫手暫停服務聲明 - HackMD

@null 20:19:19
Really, the hardest job is not homework. It’s the inexperienced person who doesn’t understand the hell and simply says “Hurry up”...
As a result, I have decided not to pick up an event again next year...


hisa_x 20:23:51
@hisa_x has left the channel
@null 20:37:49
also, the pictures a photographer releases are the ones people judge them professionally on, which can lead to more clients -- selecting and releasing a set of curated photos makes a good impression on others, and so makes the photographer more likely to find more clients to help them live well on their craft. This is a big part of the reward for volunteering or working at discount.

I don't think we can treat photos like code here, because code can be judged on how it works, whereas photos are judged quickly on gut instinct.

Similar consideration can apply to news imho. (ie. open source news can be a sacrifice of other things: see "cablegate" vs "panama papers", where a big one-time dump of cables had minimal effect compared to calculated releases on a timeline). I'm a big fan, but open source thinking can have trade-offs that need to be weighed :heart:

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|also, the pictures a photographer releases are the ones people judge them professionally on, which c...>

@null 21:23:57
The latest Schema has changed. I am modifying the parser.


@null 21:31:28
The passengers from the 1930 Weifu Department finished the parse and uploaded it to gh-pages.


@null 21:41:30
Scared me


@null 21:59:44
See if anyone wants to "get in the pit" and continue to operate the "news helper" host. I am the person who manages the Facebook fan group (and I am the only one who has previously recruited no one to sign up)

<|看看有沒有人要「接坑」 繼續營運「新聞小幫手」的主機 我是管理臉書�...>

@null 22:03:01
[Or refer to the idea that I thought about it last year but did not do it to open a new pit]

"False News Victims" No One Cares - X Media Plan

In the g0v big pine proposal, but it is not a case is #gid =1

— — — —
(made by Ronny Wang)

&lt;;cid=C02G2SXKX|[或者參考去年想過但是沒做到的想法 來開新的坑] 沒有人在乎的「假��...&gt;


X 媒體計劃(暫名)

Plan your projects and define important tasks and actions

@null 22:05:59
Push #cofacts really fake

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|推推 #cofacts 真的假的>


@null 00:04:21
Take it slowly (the post-Hell experience will pass to flickr, and the physical hard disk will be backed up to see where it is? (Remember to see someone who only put flickr back up the tragedy)

&lt;;cid=C02G2SXKX|慢慢來(後製地獄經驗人路過 應該會傳到 flickr 一份,另外實體硬碟再備份�...&gt;

@null 00:13:35
are you allright?

<|are you allright?>

@null 00:30:02
@ipa A copy of the team in the OCF?

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|@ipa 一份放到 OCF 的小組雲端上呢?>

@null 00:34:06
Curious host needs what kind of specifications


@null 01:06:17
Ask @ronnywang best

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|問 @ronnywang 最清楚>

@null 01:56:33
It turned out that I didn't see the previous post XD.


@null 08:49:43
This topic is good


@null 08:51:46
Not a deep pit?


@null 09:50:54
Flickr will definitely have to complete the file and I will put one more in my own NAS and G Suite account to see if OCF will also put a copy.

&lt;;cid=C02G2SXKX|flickr 一定會有 然後 完成檔案 我會多放一份在我自己的 NAS 和 G Suite 帳號下 ...&gt;

@null 10:01:24
Everyone’s world column this week has entered the community review stage. Please take a look at how this article is ____

The World Wide Web Consortium, the promoter of the Open Data Barometer, an internationally important open source indicator, recently launched the "Open Data Barometer - Leadership" report, which measures the performance of 30 government governments that are committed to open materials, including the world's top 20 industrial countries and The country of the "Open Information Charter". The report pointed out that the overall performance of these countries is indeed two to three times better than 2016. However, they also found three major doubts: First, less than one-fifth of the information in all government governments is open; The United Kingdom and the United States, which were the first to promote open information, did not retreat. The government finally regarded open information as a secondary plan rather than prioritizing it.

See the article for details:

&lt;|各位這週的天下專欄進入了社群審稿階段,請大家來看看這次的文章如何 _...&gt;

@null 11:05:55
The service of the news helper will not let him go offline. The return content in the past can still be seen by everyone. It is just to stop the return and I will remove the extension. Therefore, the news helper does not have the problem of "host operation".

If someone wants to run a small news helper, you can use the code of the news helper and another fork to operate separately. However, as far as my consideration is concerned, I think the news helper should cut it back. Now the news is a small helper. There are too many problems that cannot be solved, so I don't recommend copying a news helper without modifying the architecture line at all.


@null 11:07:48
In addition, instead of improving and improving the news helper, I would like to focus on assisting cofacts to make cofacts better. In addition to building tools, cofacts also have an editorial rumor process and a continuous small gathering.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|另外與其再把新聞小幫手改良改進,我更建議把心力花在協助 cofacts 讓 cofact...>

@null 11:10:05
I can really help to make cofacts better. I quite agree with this direction.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|確實可以多幫助讓 cofacts 更好 我還蠻同意這個方向>

@null 12:10:15
Good afternoon everyone, I just sorted out the contents of #PuyumaCrash and dug the following pit. I welcome your advice:
It’s good to be able to produce similar things in one click.

<|大家午安,我剛剛稍微整理了一下 #PuyumaCrash 的內容挖了下面這一個坑,歡��...>

@null 12:58:39
揪松团 is working on a new one-click version of the Dasong version with HackMD. The big pine will be used from the previous Hackfoldr to HackMD~ after the study, maybe you can use it.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|揪松團正在研究新的一鍵開大松版本 with HackMD,大松共筆會從之前使用的 Hac...>

aiong 13:46:37
@edward.greve has joined the channel
@null 13:46:54
What is g0v?

<|g0v 是什麼?>

patcon 13:48:13
@edward.greve 🙂
aiong 13:48:15
@edward.greve has left the channel
@null 13:50:24
Well, I have seen it but I don’t know much.


@null 14:24:44
No one believes in religion


最近有「宗教法草案」!我們來成立 g0v 教吧~~ XDDDDDDDDD (懶人包)<>

@null 14:27:51
In fact, it is very simple. If you feel that something in this society is not satisfactory or can be improved, you can discuss and implement some ideas through the people in the g0v community.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|其實很簡單 你覺得這個社會有什麼事情不滿意 或是 可以改善 就可以�...>

@null 14:30:24
Well, I feel concentrated in cofacts.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|恩, 感覺集中在 cofacts 好>

patcon 14:47:18
@l54happy ++

@edward.greve yep, it's partly trying to reimagine a more participatory culture, but also _performing_ that culture as an important action. So that other citizens, government employees, etc can see it and also imagine another way 🙂
@null 14:48:29
Hello, tell everyone about 3 things XD

1. OCF 10/28 invited CitizenLab, a citizenship laboratory at the University of Toronto, Canada, to speak on China Internet Censorship and Surveillance, a very powerful research community that developed a system to automate the detection of blocked keywords on wechat, and A lot of other research.
2. OCF 11/1 invited OONI to give a lecture on "The Internet Inspection Unscrupulous Tool - OONI Detector Workshop", OONI is the world's largest public measurement, research network review program, and The Tor Project's free software project under the Onion Router.
3. Next year 4/1~5 The Internet Freedom Festival will be held in Valencia, Spain. I was selected as the IFF's fellow this year. I am responsible for promoting IFF in East Asia and pushing the pit (?). I will also attend next year's event (there are many people going to OCF). If anyone is interested in playing or contributing, please contact me. I can help you with some comments or other assistance. The deadline for submission is 11/9, but it should be postponed (I have specifically reported to the organizers that there is not enough time). In addition, IFF also has a travel subsidy that can be applied (not necessarily). If you are a student and the submission is selected, you can also apply for OCF's international entanglement plan.

Please use email to contact me : mailto:pellaeon @ocf .tw

&lt;|哈囉,跟大家宣傳 3 件事情XD 1. OCF 10/28 邀請加拿大多倫多大學的公民實驗��...&gt;


Citizen Lab 是加拿大多倫多大學蒙克國際事務學院底下的跨領域研究單位,專注於在資訊科技與工具的研究、發展、法律等,以及人權和全球安全等議題。

Dennis 14:59:07
@tsai.dennis12 has joined the channel
patcon 15:06:16
@pellaeon Nice! Thoughts on a taipei side-project related to getting public libraries in taipei more into civic tech and protecting citizens? librarians are the coolest!

the toronto public library back home is really rad, and they are one of the our best partners in the city.

Toronto Public Library

Tor Browser Pilot

Toronto Public Library is pleased to offer the industry-leading, privacy-enabling Tor Browser on our Learning Centre computers at North York Central library, for a six-month pilot launching in September. Learn more about why we’re offering this pilot and how to use it to protect yourself online.


patcon 15:07:35
@pellaeon I'd be happy to help you introduce taipei public library people to the toronto public library folks who introduced Tor browsing at the library! Or other introductions if anyone else is interested in helping bring any library intitiatives to taipei (3d printing, cooking classes, video production, etc)
@null 15:20:02
According to this g0v dare to have the support of the thing is to support the Taiwanese language group?


@null 15:35:22


@null 15:37:57
also this:

&lt;;cid=C02G2SXKX|also this:;

@null 15:41:07


@null 16:17:31
I use the tooth cloth to shoot the word but it is really useful.


@null 16:18:27
Dictionary, no good word


@null 16:21:10
I recently thought that it would be better to write a tooth cloth for myself.


@null 19:22:16
Would you like to ask everyone interested in the group g0v gay parade?

<|想問大家有興趣組 g0v 同志大遊行團嗎>

@null 19:28:04
Slogan to be related to 0
`愛從零開始` how XD (inspired by the old (?) song dream wake up time series)

<|slogan 要跟 0 有關的話, #愛從零開始 如何>

@null 19:31:58
It seems that you only need a flag and so on.


@null 19:33:53
You can take the flag of g0v and give it to you.

<|你可以把 g0v 的旗子拿去批著>

@null 20:39:16
The hackpad just hangs out of memory, and now reopens the disease.

<|hackpad 剛剛 out of memory 掛了,現在重開治百病中>

@null 20:56:23
G0v summit The electronic invoice has been opened in full. If you have not received the electronic invoice system, please wait a day or two. If the invoice content is incorrect, please contact the organizer from KKTIX and attach the `姓名` at the time of registration. , `Email` and `手機` for inquiry~

<|g0v summit 電子發票已全數開立,如果還沒收到可能是電子發票系統塞車了,��...>

@null 21:07:04
Hackpad refuses to get up QQ

<|hackpad 不肯起床 QQ>

@null 21:25:27
"clone project taoyuan-chiang-872029 to node 10 failed"

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|"clone project taoyuan-chiang-872029 to node 10 failed">

@null 21:45:26
I recently wrote a report on the war on the Internet community and the "first ban" government - taking the information technology community and technology policy as an example. It is necessary to take all the news, policies, or Is the thread of the name of the ministry, would you like to ask if there are any tools available?

<|最近在寫「網路社群與「先禁」政府的戰爭研析報告 - 以資訊科技社群與科�...>

@null 21:52:26
Can't reopen, directly refill....but don't worry about the data, the data is in another host of mysql

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|沒法重開,直接重灌….不過不用擔心資料,資料在 mysql 的另一台主機>

@null 22:12:59
Oh, finally, okay.


@null 22:13:05
The result was refilled


@null 22:20:02
The hackpad has finally been fixed... Reopening can't cure all the diseases, just open a new host and refill it.

<|hackpad 終於修好了… 重開治不了百病,剛剛直接開一台新主機重灌了>

@null 22:45:16
@patcon just asked what is 小松 because Google translates it into Japanese family name, Komatsu.

<|@patcon just asked what is 小松 because Google translates it into Japanese family name, Komatsu.>

@null 22:46:08
small hackathon?

<|small hackathon?>

@null 22:46:20
I feel very funny because he is very puzzled by what is Komatsu. We explain that the slang of g0v is a small hacker.

<|我覺得很好笑,因為他很不解什麼是 Komatsu,我們解釋是 g0v 的黑話是小黑客...>

@null 22:56:22
@mrorz how does cofact manage images? at a very interesting workshop trying to deconstruct images in misinformation

<|@mrorz how does cofact maanging images? at a very interesting workshop trying to deconstruct images ...>

@null 23:01:59
Seeing that you are just focusing on the situation, you know that you are helping the host leaf film.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|看你剛剛專注的情況 就知道你正在幫主機葉克膜>

@null 23:10:07
<system> file Image from iOS.jpg too big to download (10425414 > allowed size: 1000000)

<|Code for Japan的貼紙到囉!>

@null 23:10:07
Code for Japan stickers to yo!

<|Code for Japan的貼紙到囉!>

@null 23:45:31


@null 23:54:17
This Friday (10/26) 10pm public theme night re-broadcasts the old documentary "80 Seconds Killing (2005 JR Fukuchiyama Line Derailment)" This documentary I have seen the conclusion is mainly the Japanese tram company "system Killing" caused heavy casualties!

<|本周五(10/26)晚上10點 公視主題之夜 重新播出舊的紀錄片《八十秒殺人...>


@null 01:11:02
cofacts does collect images from users but that’s all

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|cofacts does collect images from users but that’s all>

@null 01:15:05 - a framework to deconstruct images used in misinformation, inspired by something used by art historian

<;cid=C02G2SXKX| - a framework...>

@null 07:13:41
Can't open QQ

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|開不了 QQ>

@null 07:32:30
[Award money] Some civil servants want to ask:

The award subsidy fee set by the agency often gives only one or two thousand yuan to each case of the civil society, which is nothing. When the private project raises money, it is very inconvenient to go to the sponsorship everywhere.

Is there a possibility that government agencies can directly provide grants to the “civil technology grants” (or similar concepts, which may be small or not, or a platform for grants), so that these folk projects can How much does it cost?

If the problem is made more specific, it is probably when the government agencies have the opportunity to revise their own awards and subsidies, and they want to include some aspects that are more suitable for the community, but it is not clear that the pattern that the people need may be I can grow up, so I hope that you can apply for the grants, and you will not be able to provide your opinions. Thank you!

I was asked this question, but I was very unruly. Everyone has to whip, please take it...

&lt;|[獎助金] 有公務員想問: 機關編列的獎補助費用,往往給民間每案只有一��...&gt;

hinet60613 08:51:04
@hinet60613 has left the channel
@null 09:40:10
Germany has a Prototype Fund, it seems that the German Ministry of Education paid for OKF Germany.

<|德國有個 Prototype Fund ,好像就是德國教育部出錢給 OKF Germany 當評審來資助��...>

@null 09:43:36
However, my personal prejudice against the government is that the government is too focused on quantifying KPIs and closing reports. It is possible that the government's grants may be a high percentage of the numbers and essay competitions, rather than really solving the problem. If you encounter a failure, there is no way to really record the failure as a case for everyone to refer to, but to fail to write a successful one.


@null 10:33:52
That's interesting...! Just like how civic tech projects work well as prototypes that government can later expand on, maybe a grantmaking project (like g0v grant program) is best perfected outside gov. The maybe once a good formula is discovered, then government cam be encouraged to steal the model? :)

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|That's interesting...! Just like how civic tech projects work well as prototypes that government can...>

冠陞 10:55:20
@can has joined the channel
@null 11:09:50
The biggest problem has always been that the government pays attention to KPIs and processes in order to comply with the norms or facilitate the operation of the agency. Is there a lot of troublesome things?

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|感覺最大的問題一直都在政府注重 KPI 以及流程上為了符合規範或方便機關��...>

@null 11:10:21
The reward is not to use so many KPIs, at least simpler than the subsidy

<|獎勵倒是不用那麼多 KPI,至少比補助的作業簡單>

@null 11:10:41
Please refer to the "Key Points of the Ministry of Culture's 107th Youth Village Cultural Action Plan Awards"


@null 13:05:48
Re: KPI's. maybe the response to that predisposition of government grants is to build a case for all the KPI's to be based on social outcomes. Like building community and peer networks around each project, rather than technical deliverables. Social outcomes don't necessarily indicate actual progress, but if the group is healthy and has shared goals, then outcomes and progress toward goals will follow. Plus, building social structures ensures that the progress will continue after funding goes away, since they've built culture, not just product.

A friend is an active member and grantee related to work on the Secure Scuttlebutt project (decentralised social networks). They have a really unique granting program (with money from that prioritizes social outcomes. Its been a real success. Would be happy to introduce people btw :)

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|Re: KPI's. maybe the response to that predisposition of government grants is to build a case for all...>

@null 13:17:38
[In terms of g0v grants] In the beginning of the establishment of the grants, the Songsong group discussed the option of “government units provide grants to g0v grants”. The main consideration is that some projects criticize the government and do not want to have doubts about position conflicts (because they want to get bonuses and change the orientation of submissions?)

I remember that there were government units that wished to be able to fork a version, but the whole process of running the prize money was not to pay for the money. Just look at what kind of model the government wants, and refer to the folk version? So it is also necessary to see that the team that wants to apply for the grant is asking for money, or something else.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|[就 g0v grants 角度來說] 在設定獎助金一開始揪松團討論過,就先排除了「政�...>

@null 13:24:22
At present, g0v grants provides: $$$, open source culture, deadline, someone will kill the progress, some people will push the project to participate in the community, the pressure to report on the results, the possibility of media reports

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|目前 g0v grants 提供的大概是:$$$、開源的文化、deadline、有人會追殺進度、��...>

@null 14:03:24
ssbc \ o /

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|ssbc \o/>

@null 14:38:12
I have seen a speaker at this year's g0v summit to talk about this topic.

G0v Summit 2018 _Day2_ R1_2. [After the community passion] Cultural collision? Citizen Technology and Government Grants [Translation]/[Community building:when passion fades] Culture clash? Civic tech and public funding

The video is still uploading you first lock this list

&lt;;cid=C02G2SXKX|我有看到今年 g0v summit 有一位講者講這個議題 g0v Summit 2018_Day2_R1_2.【社群激...&gt;

✔️ 1
@null 14:42:34
It is said that the reviewers who rewarded the outstanding public servants and the team at the beginning of last month showed me two thick "competition materials". I really admire the competition of these public servants.

<|話說我上個月初透過 獎勵優秀公務人員與團隊比賽 的審查人 給我看了�...>


@null 14:56:09
I think it is more likely that the government/hosting unit's mentality needs to be transformed into a similar registration study (but for the government's established traits, this will require a very large/long length of pivotal energy...)

> Journal editors and reviewers decide whether to accept this article by reviewing the experimental design (rather than the significance of the experimental results). To put it simply, registration research is to submit a journal after writing a research project. After the journal is passed, data collection begins. After analyzing the data, the journal accepts whether the data is not significant (or does not support the research hypothesis).
> ref:


mitsunchieh 14:58:22
Registered Research or Registered Study

No Evidence of the Ego-Depletion Effect across Task Characteristics and Individual Differences: A Pre-Registered Study

Ego-depletion, a psychological phenomenon in which participants are less able to engage in self-control after prior exertion of self-control, has become widely popular in the scientific community as well as in the media. However, considerable debate exists among researchers as to the nature of the ego-depletion effect, and growing evidence suggests the effect may not be as strong or robust as the extant literature suggests. We examined the robustness of the ego-depletion effect and aimed to maximize the likelihood of detecting the effect by using one of the most widely used depletion tasks (video-viewing attention control task) and by considering task characteristics and individual differences that potentially moderate the effect. We also sought to make our research plan transparent by pre-registering our hypotheses, procedure, and planned analyses prior to data collection. Contrary to the ego-depletion hypothesis, participants in the depletion condition did not perform worse than control participants on the subsequent self-control task, even after considering moderator variables. These findings add to a growing body of evidence suggesting ego-depletion is not a reliable phenomenon, though more research is needed that uses large sample sizes, considers moderator variables, and pre-registers prior to data collection.

@null 15:24:58
Help link

They themselves said that this may be the first time the German government has subsidized individuals and small teams for so much money. Then their team determined that Germany has a special entity, and several people can set up a similar studio but not a company.

&lt;;cid=C02G2SXKX|幫補連結 他們自己也說這可能是德國政府第一次補助�...&gt;

🤔 1
@null 16:02:41
Does this mean that the definition of KPI is biased "behavior" instead of "effect"? 😛

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|這是否表示 KPI 的定義是偏向「行為」而非「效果」 ? :stuck_out_tongue:>

@null 17:08:30
Sometimes the effect is somewhat indistinguishable from the KPI of the behavior, such as "How many people see this information." The result is a KPI that is the number of participants or clicks. The result is to attract people to the meeting with food or gift for KPI. Is to find a colleague to help increase the rate of reading, but there is no effect can not be separated

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|有時候效果跟行為的 KPI 有點難分,例如「這資訊被多少人看到」,結果訂��...>

@null 18:26:39
It is said that there are successive members of the Basic Law of Religion to withdraw the case. Will this withdrawal be recorded in the official documents of the Legislative Yuan?


@null 18:28:17
I should correct it. It’s not a member’s withdrawal, it’s a member’s withdrawal.


@null 18:42:15
Does Hackpad have a plan to stop work after migrating to hackmd? 🤔

<|Hackpad 有預定遷移到 hackmd 之後停工的計劃嗎? :thinking_face:>

@null 18:44:17
The hackpad keeps no program changes and encounters a state of reopening. If it is a program problem that I have, I will ignore it (if someone sends a PR)

<|hackpad 就保持不做程式變更,遇到狀況重開治百病的狀態。如果是原來就有��...>

@null 18:44:42
But should not stop or switch to read-only state.

<|但 應該不會整個停掉或是切換至唯讀狀態>

@null 18:53:48
Unless I have a very clear hackpad with serious system security issues, if I don't fix it, it may cause serious problems for my system and it will be difficult to fix it. I will consider stopping the hackpad.

<|除非遇到很明確的 hackpad 有嚴重的系統安全性問題,不修復他可能會對我系�...>

@null 18:54:59
If you remember correctly, at least one trial (with) will have a record of withdrawal/withdrawal; there is no official record of the previous court before the first trial


@null 18:55:47
Therefore, except for the fact that some people have passed the word-of-mouth withdrawal in the court (like the case of this religious basic law), it is impossible to obtain such information from official records.


@null 19:16:27
Yes, it can only be recorded from the messages sent by the various groups.


@null 22:25:09
@patcon so do u have interest to start g0v hidden service with me? 🙂

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|@patcon so do u have interest to start g0v hidden service with me? :slightly_smiling_face:>

@null 22:29:01
I wish! I'm eager to assist, but i'm overburdened with other projects, so I think i'm limited to being a people-connector and maybe PR reviewer? (and i still need to complete my research interviews before I go back to Canada on dec 17...!)

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|I wish! I'm eager to assist, but i'm overburdened with other projects, so I think i'm limited to bei...>

@null 22:35:29
It’s not in hurry 🙂 We can keep in touch anytime ~

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|It’s not in hurry :slightly_smiling_face: We can keep in touch anytime ~>

@null 22:46:33 Does anyone want to practice writing reptiles? XD

<| 有人想練習寫爬蟲嗎? XD>

@null 23:06:58
Why do people live well with post form for pagination...

<|人活得好好的為什麼要用 post form 做 pagination....>

@null 23:10:01
Hey, it seems that its server side will still eat the query parameter in the url.

<|喔,看來它的 server 端還是會吃 url 裡的 query parameter 嘛>

@null 23:15:42
I came to ask the stupid question hackpad is open source original team is not maintained how no one wants to say to continue to maintain this program system?

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|我來請教笨問題 hackpad 是開源 原始團隊沒有維護了 怎麼沒有人想說來...>

@null 23:19:17
(107) Key points of the Ministry of Culture's 107th Youth Village Cultural Action Plan Awards

&lt;;cid=C02G2SXKX|幫補 (107)文化部一百零七年青年村落文化行動計畫獎勵作業要點 https://grants....&gt;

@null 23:23:24
L54happy : hackpad code About 500 branches on github. From the picture, it seems to be somewhat maintenance and update.

<|l54happy: hackpad code 在 github 上約 500 份分支。...>

@null 23:26:25
Hey, it seems that there is already a community version:

<|喔,看來已經有社群版了: >

@null 23:38:35
First of all, the hackpad's program architecture is not simple. He was developed by a team of engineers of a company for several years, so it is easy for one or two volunteers to take over and continue to expand development. There is more than one programming language in it. I also studied the program inside for a long time at

If there is no volunteer, then change whether it is for the sake of profit, and want to make another service to make money. But the first hackpad to do this has been bought by the dropbox, and those who follow the hackpad copy should have a hard time meeting this opportunity.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|首先 hackpad 的程式架構並不單純,他是一個公司一群工程師的團隊數年開發�...>

@null 23:42:34
Setting up is not zero cost, because I am attached to middle2, the hackpad resource is particularly fierce. I give him another host. I have to spend 600NTD for hackpad in a month. If you are not tied to middle2, there may be two hosts plus backup mechanism. At least 1500NTD can't run for one month, and the cost of setting up 18000 NTD for one year.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|架設 也不是零成本,因為我是附在 middle2 上,hackpad 資源吃特�...>

@null 23:49:52
Not whackpad?

<|不是 whackpad 嗎>

@null 23:50:38
I just saw that whackpad/whackpad was renamed to hackpad/hackpad. XD

<|剛剛看才發現 whackpad/whackpad 改名成 hackpad/hackpad 了 XD>

@null 23:51:04
It’s only been updated for more than a year.



@null 01:02:02


@null 01:02:28
How to save the Taiwanese air?


@null 09:05:04
It seems that the key issue is still in terms of cost, whether it is personnel costs or equipment costs.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|看來關鍵問題還是在成本上 不管是 人事成本 還是 設備成本>

@null 11:01:30
After reading the general record of the Puyuma derailment event, I made this one


@null 11:02:10
Source code and structured communication record JSON is here

<|原始碼和結構化的通聯紀錄 JSON 在這裡>

@null 12:12:35
Please feel free to drop by! 1/f Eaton HK, 380 Nathan Road.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|Please feel free to drop by! 1/f Eaton HK, 380 Nathan Road. >

@null 15:08:43


@null 15:11:12
Has anyone applied for a google map non-profit program? The traffic of the g0v air pollution observation network exceeds the free traffic quota, and the transfer to openstreetmap is a big project Orz.

<|有人申請過google map非營利的方案嗎? g0v空汙觀測網的流量超過免費流量額度�...>

@null 15:14:15
Our company recently had an openstreetmap server, and our company is going to discuss how the community can use the ready-made OSM WMS for free.

<|我們公司最近有架 openstreetmap server ,我們公司來討論一下讓社群可以免費用...>

@null 15:17:34
Listening to asper said that if you want to transfer to openstreetmap, it is almost cut off and reworked. It is a little difficult in a short time, so you are looking for a free solution for google.


@null 15:19:40
I saw that Google has a free program for non-profit organizations. I want to ask if there is any experience here. He seems to have a legal person registration.


@null 15:54:51
I can provide web-maptiles which covered Taiwan area also. it based OpenStreetMap under CCBY, OdbL license. it is free for CivicTech projects.
if you have any interesting, please touch me

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|I can provide web-maptiles which covered Taiwan area also. it based OpenStreetMap unde CCBY, Odbl l...>

@null 15:58:20
You could use an API proxy to roundrobin between two google credentials/accounts? You could move complicated google auth to the API proxy itself and just use simple tokens for talking to the proxy from the app (or something else like that).

I heard about a great proxy from a presentation by an employee. They seem to not publicize this, but he claimed its what does the heavy lifting in parts of their product offering:

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|You could use an API proxy to roundrobin between two google credentials/accounts? You could move com...>

@null 17:13:17
I think you can consider turning off the new and editing the old pad to maintain a static.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|覺得可以考慮先關掉新增跟編輯舊有的 pad 維持一個靜態>

@null 17:40:07
Really want


@null 18:01:38
May the OpenData with you… ; )

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|May the OpenData with you… ; )>

@null 20:05:34
Climb over the end -

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|爬完惹 ->


@null 01:15:51
I tried to deal with the Legislative Yuan’s motion record tonight. I will only deal with the ninth (now this session), and the program I write will be written in a stricter way (first consider what is expected to be a restricted condition, as long as there is more than expected Something directly stops the program). I was just interrupted by "Cai Yijin" and I laughed XD.


@null 01:19:43
By the way, the g0v grants in 2019 is about to start. I want to add a mechanism this year. In addition to the proposal that the team with its own ideas can propose, it also wants to add a "willing area", that is, "you have ideas but you don't have time or You are too lazy to do it, but you are willing to throw your thoughts into the public domain and let anyone help him to get rid of it." So there may be several levels in the wishing area, like "1. I have a very complete idea, but I can't do it. I am willing to write the idea completely, anyone can do this idea" or "2. I have Rough ideas, people are welcome to take over the idea to complete the idea or "3. I have found very serious problems, welcome people to help write solutions and let people implement solutions."

<|順帶一提,2019 年的 g0v grants 即將開跑,今年想增加一個機制,就是除了以��...>

@null 01:20:39
The main thing is to let some people have time and leisure but don't know what to do. You can come to this wishing area to find things to do, and then get the money through g0v grants. If you have money, you can solve the problem!


@null 01:22:51
I have a wish for myself. I did the most in-depth level one. I wrote the proposal for g0v grants and wrote it at

<|我自己有許一個願,我是做了最深入的等級一,就是我把 g0v grants 的提案都�...>

@null 01:23:55
If any person or team is free and do not know what to do, please take this proposal as your team's proposal to go to the g0v grants proposal to apply for the grant. My proposal is based on CC-By. Type open authorization.


@null 01:25:37
Then, if anyone has an idea but they are too lazy to do it or have no time to do it, they are welcome to develop a "complete proposal content" or "rough proposal content." In a week or two, there will be a g0v grants opening area, which can be thrown away so that teams with free time and ideas can come and take part in the g0v grants.


@null 10:13:32
@ronnywang ++!

<|@ronnywang ++!>

@null 11:16:46
[ :grants : By the way] g0v grant 2019 will be submitted in `十二月上旬` , the deadline should be early January. The new rules are still being revised, and the community will be asked to open the review.

<|[順便預告] g0v grant 2019 將在 `十二月上旬` 開始投稿,截止應該是一月上旬。...>

@null 14:26:16
Hong Kong's second hackathon


@null 14:51:23
This is not bad, there are ideas, but when the pit owners also recruited no technicians, I will encounter this situation, I willing to throw ideas and practices.


@null 15:33:18 _090401_ 00091.pdf PDF Really magical things, the eyes see "Zhao Zhengyu" and "Wang Dingyu" However, the copy was posted as "Zhao Zhengsun" and "Wang Dingsun"

<| PDF 真的神奇的��...>

@null 19:46:16
The actual operation is really amazing.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|實際操作一次 果然很奇妙>

@null 19:53:09
@lafudoci Yes, to have a legal person status, apply for Google for NPO first, then apply for the Google Maps Platform quota. If you are not too troublesome, you can use OCF's free credit, but it is very strange, just can't find the free quota limit.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|@lafudoci 對, 要有法人身分, 先申請 Google for NPO , 再申請 Google Maps Platform 額度,...>

@null 19:54:44
Today, I encountered a staff member of the Taiwan Railway staff who was responsible for cleaning the accident. Some people were afraid to stay close to the inside and there was bleeding. Recently, the logistics unit worked overtime to 13 hours. The other laboratory inspector was busy checking the report because it was in every batch. To test

<|今天遇到台鐵員工 負責清洗事故的車廂 有人有忌諱不敢靠近 裡頭還有�...>

@null 19:56:24
It’s really hard for these grassroots employees.


@null 19:59:21
<system> file Image from iOS.jpg too big to download (7781390 > allowed size: 1000000)


@null 19:59:22
Huang Haohua Report



@null 16:00:30
Parliamentary platform (X


@null 18:19:48
@hcchien @ronnywang last batch was also scanned - , and then @ronnywang would like to see if you can import , or anyone can take over XD

<|@hcchien @ronnywang 最後一批也掃描好了 - ,再�...>

@null 18:34:40
I simply cannot understand the arguments of everyone discussing Taiwan Railway. Taiwan Railway has suffered 18 major accidents in several years. The roads in Taiwan are more than 30 million injured each year, and 3,000 deaths include hundreds of completely innocent pedestrians. What do I say nothing?


@null 18:54:38
Because of the concentration of responsibility? The road is completely unclear, so I have to increase the speed camera and the promotion to slowly open XDD.


@null 19:00:23


@null 19:02:40
Road responsibility is clear, and building a safe, disciplined culture is easy


@null 19:12:19
> Always increase speed photography
> Unless the government is doing similar research, this is not necessarily an efficient way.

<|> 一直增加測速照相 <> 除非政府有在�...&gt;

@null 22:23:40
Hello, we will post a g0vhk activity record, would you like to ask g0vnews to want to board?

<|Hello, 我們將會出一篇g0vhk 活動記錄,想請問g0vnews 想要登嗎?>


@null 08:56:37


@null 09:55:52
Benjamin Zhou of Hong Kong wants to be the open data index of Hong Kong. He left Taiwan on Wednesday afternoon. Is anyone interested in talking to him? Although I think the time is very fast, it can be done on the other line.

<|香港的 Benjamin Zhou 想要做香港的 open data index,週三下午離開台灣,有人有興...>

@null 10:58:59
I would like to ask a page, which channel is the project of "kanban chasing after chasing"? Or is there a developer also on this channel?

<|借個版面請問一下,“看板追追追“的專案是哪一個channel? 或者有開發者��...>

@null 11:00:09
_Raise your hand_


@null 11:00:14
But no channel

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|不過沒有 channel>

@null 11:13:42
Oh~ Great. I have some small questions to return, I want to say first at Slack to see if there are any participants.

The first problem is : I use the iPhone-5s / system version iOS 12.0 / browser with Chrome, yesterday use up properly, fairly smooth web pages, upload photos of election billboards functions and processes are also normal, but today Kaka All failed, or the candidate list did not show the candidate list.

Not sure whether it is a client or a server. Would you like to ask if there are any suggestions for troubleshooting?

The second question : so I use a computer (Macbook Pro) to operate, and can successfully complete the upload process. However, entering the function of “helping to verify”, I found that every kanban information that I want to help verify has the name “Lin Zhicong”. I don’t know if the original data is originally there or is there a problem with the server?

<;cid=CDF98K1EJ|喔~ 太好了。我有些小問題要回報,我想說先在Slack問看看有沒有參與者也在...>

@null 11:15:01
It seems that I should send an issue to GitHub? 😅

<;cid=CDF98K1EJ|好像應該到GitHub發個issue? :sweat_smile:>

@null 11:17:34
Ok, this is easier to 😄

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|好喔,這樣比較容易討論 :smile:>

@null 12:56:21
what is "看板追追追"? Google Translation converts it to "kanban chasing after chasing" 🙂

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|what is "看板追追追"? Google Translation converts it to "kanban chasing after chasing" :slightly_smiling_face:>

@null 13:28:46


@null 13:34:33
a crowdsourcing web site that we can upload the photos of the councilor candidates' billboards ( which are usually very expensive and usually not seen at their public financial report )

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|a crowdsourcing web site that we can upload the photos of the councilor candidates' billboards ( whi...>

@null 13:45:31
Ok, please pass the manuscript to me.


@null 16:27:11
Hello, I am Cai Chengyu.


@null 16:30:44
Initially rule out the problem. 😊

iPhone users who have encountered similar problems should be able to resolve after rebooting (the root cause may be many, not necessarily related to this web app, to be confirmed)

&lt;;cid=C02G2SXKX|初步自行排除問題了。:blush: iPhone 使用者如果有碰到類似問題,重新開機後應...&gt;

@null 16:36:03
The election is coming soon~ Holding the feeling of catching the treasure, participate in the project as User: rolling _on_ the _floor_ laughing:

The election is coming soon. Participate in the project as an end-user, with sense of playing Pokemon! XD (the google translation is good and however sometimes not least enough)

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|選舉快到了~ 抱持著抓寶的心情,以User的身份參與專案 :rolling_on_the_floor_laugh...>

@null 20:22:02
Is there a comparison table for each member on your side? Because I have to first cut the record after cutting the tofu to need to have a comparison table


@null 21:47:53
Is there no further finishing, can I identify post-processing relationships? Probably need to be manually organized



@null 22:44:36
Hi, everyone.

G0v The first foundation will be held at Tmot Space on the 11/11 pm. Welcome everyone to dig the pit and build the foundation OWO//, please participate!

The current proposals are:
Community governance
<Http://> Reconstruction plan Dasong onebutton update (use HackMD)

Registration address 👇 👇

You are no one The first base

&lt;|Hi 大家好 g0v 第拾參次基礎松會在 11/11 下午於 Tmot Space 舉辦,歡迎大家一起...&gt;

11/11 g0v 第拾參次基礎建設松

g0v 第拾參次基礎建設松將於 11/11(日)14:00 舉行,歡迎自由登記提案,一起交流、開幹、喝啤酒!

Someone (across chat bridge) 23:02:35
螢幕快照 2018-10-31 下午10.59.32
@null 23:02:35
Reminder!!! The name of the place has been renamed "Cymking Space". Just above the Bank of South China, there are lanes and gates on the right side of the bank. If you go ahead, you will see an elevator on the left.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|提醒!!! 地點名稱已更名叫『Cymking Space』,在華南銀行的正上方,面對銀行��...>