
Month: 2019-09


Jason 09:24:32
@jasonwalks has joined the channel
@null 22:22:42
g0v-bridge's url: [GitHub - ckiplab/ckiptagger: CKIP Neural Chinese Word Segmentation, POS Tagging, and NER]

@null 22:22:45
Ckip finally open source

<|source>: _ckip 終於 open source 了_

@null 23:55:17
Can you promote this here? XD

<|source>: _這裡可以宣傳這個嗎XD <>

@null 23:55:21
G0v-bridge's url: [Calculation of the use of area tax - mention ideas - public policy network participation platform]

source: _g0v-bridge's url: [課徵累進制使用面積稅- 提點子-公共政策網路參與平臺]_


@null 17:06:32
<!here> Sorry to bother everyone, the new ID card will have a reading interface for RFID. Please let me know if you are interested in writing related articles.

<|source>: _<!here> 不好意思打擾一下大家, 新的身分證會有 RFID 的讀取介面, 請問一下大家..._

cocoredju222 17:07:29
@cocoredju222 has left the channel
@null 18:55:35
I'm sorry I can't go there, because I need to clean my house on Sunday. I'm sorry I hurt you so much.And using you so much.And thank you for opening so many channels.ヽ(● ́ ∀`●)ノ(*゚∀゚*)(* ́▽`*) I have something to do with the ticket at home on Saturday. Please contact me.

<|source>: _I'm sorry I can't go there, because I need to clean my house on Sunday. I'm sorry I hurt you so much..._

@fumi I want a friend for me!
@null 19:03:46
@fumi I want a friend for me!

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _<@U03CYSL86> 我幫我朋友要一張!_

@null 19:11:05
The current situation is: The detailed eID plan has not yet come out (the target of Guoju Lawyer's affairs) is expected to be announced in November, but the printing has been completed and completed

<|source>: _目前的狀況是 : 詳細的 eID 規劃案還沒出來 (國巨律師事務所得標) 預計 11 月..._

@null 19:11:12
G0v-bridge's url: [[new identity card has 诡1] weird! The public bidding screaming card 4.8 billion identity card is to give it]

source: _g0v-bridge's url: [【新身分證有詭1】怪怪的!公開招標急喊卡 48億身分證標案..._

@null 20:21:28
@ronnywang license Weird, jserv notes writing "Copyright 2019 CKIP under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0"

<|source>: _<@U038DCDRC> license 怪怪的, jserv 注意到寫 "Copyright 2019 CKIP under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0"_

Well, the program is really not XD with CC.
@null 22:00:24
I am sorry to have something at home on Saturday. Please contact me if you need a ticket.

<|source>: _不好意思禮拜六家裡有事,要讓票有需要票的人請跟我聯繫_

@null 22:21:27
If you want to get the ticket, you can cancel the registration directly, so the quota will be released directly.

<|source>: _如果要讓票的話可以直接取消報名喔,這樣名額會直接釋出_

@null 23:03:23
I personally oppose the ID card plus the RFID function, but if it really needs to be added, then the government can issue an ID card with an aluminum paper that is isolated from the RFID signal (can aluminum paper be isolated?)

<|source>: _我個人反對身份證加上 RFID 功能,但如果真的要加,那可以政府發身份證時�..._

Can this be processed with rubber crucibles or microwave ovens?
I don't know how the individual should do the isolation signal, but if the government wants to add this function to the ID card today, I think it is the government's own initiative to provide you with the means to close this function.
RFID? I thought it was a wafer? ?
<Https://> Oh There really is Jesus
@null 23:12:33
Can this be processed with rubber crucibles or microwave ovens?

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _請問這能不能用橡膠槌或微波爐加工?_

@null 23:12:55
Is it useful to have something similar to Faraday cage?

<|source>: _和法拉第籠有類似功效的東西才有用?_

@null 23:21:17
I don't know how the individual should do the isolation signal, but if the government wants to add this function to the ID card today, I think it is the government's own initiative to provide you with the means to close this function.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _我不知道個人要怎麼做隔絕訊號,但如果今天政府自己要在身份證加上這功�..._


@null 00:05:32
RFID? I thought it was a wafer? ?

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _RFID?我以為是晶片而已??_

@null 00:09:55
Well, the program is really not XD with CC.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _嗯程式用 CC 真的不常見 XD_

@null 00:16:27
<Https://> Oh There really is Jesus

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _<;permPage=..._>

@null 00:16:31
G0v-bridge's url: [Xu Yanren - Xu Haoren added a new photo. | Facebook]

source: _g0v-bridge's url: [許毓仁 - 許毓仁新增了 1 張相片。 | Facebook]_

@null 16:22:53
There are also corpus materials

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _裡面也有語料庫資料_

@null 16:28:07
I thought it was model ontology on 2G.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _我以為是 model 本體就 2G_

@null 17:10:23
I am wrong, is model is not a corpus

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _我錯了,是 model 不是語料庫_

@null 17:13:57
However, I don't know much about the issue of Copyright 2019 CKIP under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0. My understanding is that his license is non-commercial, and then you must mark "Copyright 2019 CKIP" and use the same type of authorization.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _不過我不太懂 Copyright 2019 CKIP under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 的問題在哪裡,我的理解是他..._

@null 17:14:56
Oh, it’s not open source to qualify for non-commercial.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _喔喔,限定非商業就不算 open source 了_

@null 17:36:17
Is CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 incompatible with CC0?

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 是否跟 CC0 不相容呀_

@null 17:36:40
Completely incompatible, XD

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _完全不相容啊 XD_

@null 17:37:43
Therefore, if I use the CKIP tool to analyze the CC01 cofacts message and then analyze the data set, I must be CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 instead of CC0.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _所以說如果我利用 CKIP 的工具,把 CC0 的 cofacts 訊息做斷詞之後進行分析什��..._

@null 17:38:35
Seems to be

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _好像是_

@null 17:41:58
Haven't finished the research yet, where is the technical details of the package? ? ? Does the manufacturer give it to the central printing factory? (correct)

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _都還沒研究完,發包的技術細節哪裡出來的???廠商給中央印製廠的嗎?�..._

@null 17:43:54
Just found, this is written in 2015, it seems that the central printing factory has made specifications in 2015. Researched

<|source>: _剛找到 <> ,..._

@null 17:53:07
G0v-bridge's url: [Business Affairs Reporting Information Network - Details of Overseas Reports - Application of New Security Features]

source: _g0v-bridge's url: [公務出國報告資訊網-出國報告詳細資料-新式安全防偽特徵之�..._

@null 17:55:57
Therefore, in 2015, the Central Printing Factory sent Huang Shigang to Switzerland and the United Kingdom to conduct chip inspectors and internships. The central printing factory should have developed the specifications of the chip ID card at that time.

<|source>: _所以中央印製廠在 2015 年就派黃士剛到瑞士和英國做晶片身份證的公司考察�..._

@null 20:47:52
<Https://> Open the team for a limited time. It will be turned off tomorrow night and continue to repair the bug XD. If you need it, you can build it first.

<|source>: _<> 限時開放 team 建立功能,明天晚上會關掉繼續回去修 Bug XD,��..._

Because I haven't debugged XD yet.
@null 20:47:55
g0v-bridge's url: [HackMD - Collaborative markdown notes]

@null 20:56:02
Because I haven't debugged XD yet.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _因為還沒 debug 完XD_

@null 21:39:42
The upper limit is 3 teams.

<|source>: _上限3個team哦_

The team members seem to be three too (
@null 22:05:53
The team members seem to be three too (

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _團隊成員好像也是三個(_


@null 14:44:36
`G0V hackath36n | Taiwan's zero-hour government's participation in the opening of the Taipei City Council hackathon will be held this Saturday, before the pits are pitted, due to site restrictions, in order to maintain the quality of the event, there are some things that need all Participants should pay attention to: 📌 1. There is a maximum number of people in the venue. Please register with you to enter. If you are unable to attend, please cancel the registration. `Let the opportunity be given to someone who can actually be present.' :pushpin: 2. Please bring your own dishes, cups, and cutlery. If you need to use the disposable tableware at the venue, please donate 10 yuan in your pocket. :pushpin: 3. The power of the venue is limited. In order to avoid the power outage of the parliament, participants are required to fully charge the computer and use the socket in turn. :pushpin: 4. Please avoid using personal hotspots to avoid interference with the venue WiFi. :pushpin: 5. This hackathon time is 9:00 - 17:00, # one hour earlier than the previous one, please pay special attention. Notice of G0V hackath36n: 1. Space is finite. Those without a ticket shall NOT be admitted. 2. Free lunch and afternoon tea. $10 for disposable utensils. 3. Charge your laptop and phones before arrival. DO NOT charge more than 5 devices From the same outlet. 4. Please note that this hackathon starts at 9am and ends at 5pm, one hour earlier than usual. Thanks @chihao++

<|source>: _`G0V hackath36n | 台灣零時政府第參拾陸次開放台北市議會黑客松` 即將在本週��..._

@null 20:07:01
@bess++ jothon++ sorry the English translation sounds a bit mean. I was being playful 😛

A chill.....Hurry and see if there are any tickets in the pocket. . .
@null 23:45:42
<Https://> CKIP changed to GPL 3.0

<|source>: _<> CKIP 改成 GPL 3.0 了_

@null 23:45:46
g0v-bridge's url: [CC license not for software and source code · Issue #4 · ckiplab/ckiptagger · GitHub]

@null 23:49:09
A chill.....Hurry and see if there are any tickets in the pocket. . .

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _一陣寒意.....趕緊看看口袋裡有沒有票。。。_


@null 00:30:01
He is now GPL 3.0 ㄌ

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _他現在是 GPL 3.0 ㄌ_

@null 13:48:02
Thanks @ronnywang for fixing cchelper for XD to help you choose CC license!

<|source>: _感謝 <@U038DCDRC> 修好 cchelper 了XD <> 幫助你選擇 CC 授權��..._

@null 13:48:06
G0v-bridge's url: [CC authorized little helper]

source: _g0v-bridge's url: [CC授權小幫手]_

@null 14:26:10
<Http://> Because the place where Firebase is used to record is broken, I will turn off the logging function first, and now I can play it, but I can't save the record, let everyone recall XD.

<|source>: _<> 因為裡面用到 Firebase 存記錄的地方壞掉了,我先把記錄功能�..._

Resurrection! !
@null 14:26:16
g0v-bridge's url: [g0v 8bit]

@null 14:26:39
Resurrection! !

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _耶復活!!_

@null 14:55:50

<|source>: _:dig:_

這週六 COSCUP 我想要開個坑。寫在 <>

@null 16:44:27
Hey everyone~ Tomorrow is the parliamentary pine of g0v. At present, because of the venue relationship, I would like to ask if anyone can bring an HDMI cable of about 10 meters to facilitate the connection of the proposed computer to the projector.

<|source>: _嗨大家~ 明天就是 g0v 的議會松,目前因為場地關係,想問有沒有人可以帶 10..._

@null 16:44:54
In addition, because there are not many outlets, please use your computer to fully charge or bring your own extension cord to use.

<|source>: _另外因為插座不多,請大家電腦充飽飽或是自備延長線過來使用。_

@null 17:31:42
I have a few HDMI cables to help me. I have more than 10 meters (6m + 2m + 2m), so I use the relay method. The repeater needs to eat USB power. Please support one mobile power supply. Yes, I will bring a mobile power supply to it.

<|source>: _HDMI 線 我幫忙帶幾條,我有超多條,沒有10公尺(6m + 2m + 2m),所以我用中��..._

@null 17:33:12
6m should be enough! 10m is to say to give him a little buffer

<|source>: _6m 應該足夠! 10m 是想說給他一點緩衝_

@null 17:33:34
Please, please!

<|source>: _再拜託你了!_

@null 17:34:16
@ichieh Can the venue use the dual projection screen for briefing? Separate the video and briefing files

<|source>: _@ichieh 會場可以用雙投影幕進行簡報嗎?分別投放影片跟簡報檔_

@null 17:34:51
We will have two projectors, but there is only one screen, so there should be no way.

<|source>: _我們會備有兩台投影機,但投螢幕只有一個,所以應該沒辦法_

@null 17:35:15

@null 18:37:29
Help: Nga'ayho, salikaka mapolong! Hello everyone! This Saturday is a two-month g0v Dasong, this time the venue is in the Taipei City Council, so the name is very natural [the first time to open the Taipei City Council hackathon]. This time, due to the host's handing over to the Amy language team, everyone can come to us with us on Friday night, talk about the project, discuss the proposal, exchange feelings, and learn a few words in the Ami language. The online conference platform is broadcast live. Let me teach you Malaholol kami. It means everyone is chatting~ Time: 9/6 Fri. 9pm - 10pm UTC +8 Location: slack #jothon Channel / Host: g0v jothon Zero When the government was hosted by the Songsong Group: Ami language germination code: by Kalang, Lafin, Weiting, Yi-ping

<|source>: _幫貼: Nga'ayho,salikaka mapolong! 大家好!本週六就是兩個月一次的 g0v 大松啦��..._

@null 18:37:46
g0v-bridge's url: [Jitsi Meet]

@null 18:37:51
G0v-bridge's url: [pickup g0v 揪松团松前哈拉- HackMD]

source: _g0v-bridge's url: [第拾貳次 g0v 揪松團 松前哈拉 - HackMD]_

@null 20:54:17
It should be fine after switching to

source: _&lt;gugod&gt; 換成去連 <|> 之後應該好了。_

@null 21:34:07
Digging is @

<|source>: _挖是 @_

Also in Matsumae Hara
I just stayed outside XDD
@null 21:42:30
Also in Matsumae Hara

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _也正在松前哈拉中_

@null 23:08:04
I just stayed outside XDD

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _我剛剛在還在外面XDD_


@null 08:58:16
Are you all here? (also too quiet)

<|source>: _大家都到了嗎?(也太安靜)_

@null 09:24:24
Does anyone have a line of type-c to type-c that supports photography? thank

<|source>: _有人有 type-c to type-c 的線可以支援攝影嗎? 感謝_

@null 09:31:35
嗨~We are the 2020 voting guide, the lazy package voted by the legislator! Examine the position and actual behavior of the candidate, so that you no longer look at the face to vote, cast a vote that really helps the society! Slack channel: #2020voting-guide A few days ago, the v1 design was fixed. It is expected to be on the first board at the end of September, and then follow up and change the board E7%A5%A8%E6%8C%87%E6%8C%87%E5%8D%97?node-id=0%3A1 I want to refer to the progress of the project, repo is here: /2020voting-guide To half of the mobile phone board pages, the back end part is relatively complete, CICD is also good: PS. We did not participate in this big pine, but need interested people Join us to be a long-term project, or provide advice and direction

<|source>: _嗨~我們是2020投票指南,立委投票的懶人包! 檢視候選人的立場和實際作��..._

@null 09:31:49
g0v-bridge's url: [Figma]

@null 09:31:52
G0v-bridge's url: [GitHub - g0v/2020voting-guide: Collecting candidate information to help as a basis for voting]

source: _g0v-bridge's url: [GitHub - g0v/2020voting-guide: 收集候選人資料,幫助作為投票的判��..._

@null 09:31:55
g0v-bridge's url: [2020 Voting Guide]

@null 09:34:26
g0v-bridge's url: [Figma]

@null 09:34:29
G0v-bridge's url: [GitHub - g0v/2020voting-guide: Collecting candidate information to help as a basis for voting]

source: _g0v-bridge's url: [GitHub - g0v/2020voting-guide: 收集候選人資料,幫助作為投票的判��..._

@null 09:34:32
g0v-bridge's url: [2020 Voting Guide]

@null 09:37:15
Live stream:

<|source>: _直播網址:<>

@null 09:37:20
G0v-bridge's url: [g0v hackath36n | Taiwan's zero-hour government's participation in the opening of the Taipei City Council hackathon - YouTube]

source: _g0v-bridge's url: [g0v hackath36n | 台灣零時政府第參拾陸次開放台北市議會黑客松 ..._

@null 09:46:06
Decided to fully charge at home and then...

<|source>: _決定在家裡充飽電再過去..._

@null 09:50:50
Secretly resurrected the list of villagers! If you need something, you can leave a good thing and contact information. OOW//

<|source>: _偷偷復活了鄉民列表! 大家需要的話可以留一下擅長的事情跟聯絡方式OWO// ..._

@null 09:50:59
G0v-bridge's url: [hackath36n | The first time to open the Taipei City Council hackathon project list - Google Trial Balance]

source: _g0v-bridge's url: [hackath36n | 第參拾陸次開放台北市議會黑客松 專案列表 - Google ..._

@null 09:53:45 g0v Hacker Song live here!

<|source>: _<> g0v 黑客松直播在這邊!_

@null 09:53:48
G0v-bridge's url: [g0v hackath36n | Taiwan's zero-hour government's participation in the opening of the Taipei City Council hackathon - YouTube]

source: _g0v-bridge's url: [g0v hackath36n | 台灣零時政府第參拾陸次開放台北市議會黑客松 ..._

@null 10:06:37
Member's proposal, OWO

<|source>: _議員提案啦OWO_

@null 10:09:25
Hi, Is there any interest in the PTT Mobile development project~~

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _Hi, 請問對於 PTT Mobile 開發專案有興趣嗎~~ <>

@null 10:09:28
G0v-bridge's url: [Ptt can't die: community mechanism refactoring and lowering user entry threshold -]

source: _g0v-bridge's url: [Ptt 不能亡:社群機制重構與降低使用者進入門檻 -

@null 10:13:11
Hello everyone.

<|source>: _大家好 :heart:_

@null 10:13:51
Everyone An An._.

<|source>: _大家安安 ._._

@null 10:21:15
I am the main man chihao of today's proposal #17. The theme is "How can we support Hong Kong outside the wall?" It is here, welcome to contribute!

<|source>: _我是今天提案 #17 的坑主 chihao,主題是「連儂牆之外,我們還能怎麼撐香港�..._

@null 10:21:19
G0v-bridge's url: [Without the wall, how can we support Hong Kong? - HackMD]

source: _g0v-bridge's url: [連儂牆之外,我們還能怎麼撐香港? - HackMD]_

@null 10:24:44
@fly ++ `A #general person`

:you: !!!
@null 10:25:16
Didn't take a slide from g0v to durana

<|source>: _沒拍到從 g0v 到都蘭那張投影片_

@null 10:32:11
If you want to draw a picture for allen, it should be 8bit? Looks more structured

<|source>: _如果要給 allen 畫頭像,應該是 8bit 的吧?看起來比較結構化_

@null 10:36:47
The pronoun sticker description and the original file provided at the registration office

<|source>: _報到處提供的代名詞貼紙 說明與原始檔 <>

@null 10:36:50
G0v-bridge's url: [pronoun Stickers - Mozilla related - Medium]

source: _g0v-bridge's url: [代名詞貼紙 Pronoun Stickers - Mozilla related - Medium]_

irvin 10:50:36
@irvin has left the channel
@null 11:01:44
G0v Archaeological examination, just opened the briefing results found that there is no speaker mode, can not see their own memo have forgotten to talk about the whole mess 呜呜 Slide=id.p

<|source>: _g0v 考古考起來,剛剛開簡報結果發現沒跳講者模式,看不到自己的備忘錄都..._

@null 11:01:53
G0v-bridge's url: [g0v Archaeologists and Infrastructure Special Forces - Google Newsletter]

source: _g0v-bridge's url: [g0v 考古學家暨基礎建設特攻隊 - Google 簡報]_

@null 11:03:38
Should the hydrant position be marked on the Open Street Map to be perfect?

<|source>: _消防栓位置應該要標在 Open Street Map 就完美了吧?_

If you have existing information, you can also find the community to help you import.
Just next month, just gather
Which is the information?
Now started at the left front table facing the screen.
@null 11:05:38
If you have existing information, you can also find the community to help you import.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _有現有的資料還可以找社群幫忙匯入 _

@null 11:05:50
Just next month, just gather

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _下週剛好月聚 <>

@null 11:05:53
G0v-bridge's url: [OpenStreetMap Taiwan Open Street Map Taiwan | About Us]

source: _g0v-bridge's url: [OpenStreetMap Taiwan 開放街圖台灣 | 關於我們]_

@null 11:20:42
Which is the information?

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _資料是哪一份?_

@null 11:23:17
I am the host Xiao XD. Tonight at 19:00, there is a ticket for a concert at the TICC next to me. If you want to go there, you can come to me~~~

<|source>: _我是主持人小蟹 XD 今晚 19:00 在旁邊的 TICC 有多一張家家演唱會的票,有想��..._

@null 11:32:19
@hsiao-a now crawling illegal materials

<|source>: _<@U0388LH6C> <> 現在爬的違建資料_

@null 11:32:24
g0v-bridge's url: [GitHub - ronnywang/illegal-build-data]

@null 11:32:45
Result.json is the output json file, outputs/ inside is HTML

<|source>: _result.json 是輸出的 json 檔, outputs/ 裡面是 HTML_

@null 11:33:03
Now started at the left front table facing the screen.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _現在在面對螢幕的左前方桌開始了_

@null 11:41:35
G0v-bridge's url: [ hackath36n - Opening opening, proposal, levy - YouTube]

source: _g0v-bridge's url: [<|> hackath36n - Opening 開幕、提案、徵人 - YouTube]_

@null 11:48:09
I think that next time Dasong can pull a small area of the children directly, as long as there are a large number of wild napkins (every time to go back to wash and wash) and prepare some ready-made toys. < Interest in donating bricks.

<|source>: _我覺得下次大松可以直接拉一個小朋友區誒,只要有很大片的野餐巾(每次�..._

But you still have to take care of yourself. If you want to provide official responsibility, you may not be able to get it in the name of the organizer.
Can't be sent directly like COSCUP, people can leave the scene
@null 12:15:49
But you still have to take care of yourself. If you want to provide official responsibility, you may not be able to get it in the name of the organizer.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _但是還是要自己顧就是了,如果要官方提供會有責任問題,可能無法以主辦�..._

@null 12:17:32
Can't be sent directly like COSCUP, people can leave the scene

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _無法像 COSCUP 可以做到直接寄著,人可離開現場_

@null 12:23:59
Should you look at the needs of each proposal? After all, not all project participants are used to slack, and they don't have to use g0v slack. If there is only a unified explanation and discussion pipeline, there are related fields on the template of the proposal file.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _應該要看每個提案的需求吧?畢竟不是所有專案參與者都習慣 slack ,也不一..._

@null 12:28:56
#rand0m Welcome to the various projects to discuss, and will not be noisy to the general too many people

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _<#CGU1SLHNH|rand0m> 歡迎各專案來討論,也不會吵到 general 太多人_

@null 12:31:43
If the proposal discussion is not very intensive, it is not bad to discuss in #general, so if there is some water in the case, the new participants will not feel cold here.

<|source>: _如果提案討論不是很密集的話,在 <#C02G2SXKX|general> 討論也不錯,這樣子 <#C02G2SXKX|general> 有些��..._

@null 12:42:38
#general #general #general Remote watering

<|source>: _<#C02G2SXKX|general> <#C02G2SXKX|general> <#C02G2SXKX|general> 遠端澆水_

@null 13:08:25
It’s not cold to wear a pit vest (cold)

<|source>: _穿坑主背心就不冷了(冷)_

@null 13:09:49
G0v-bridge's url: [Location and location information]

source: _g0v-bridge's url: [場所位置資訊]_

@null 13:31:41
欸 was skipped

source: _&lt;caasih&gt; 欸被略過了_

@null 13:31:56
Then each effort

source: _&lt;caasih&gt; 那就各自努力囉:wave:_

@null 13:36:12
g0v-bridge's url: [MOG - HackMD]

@null 13:48:24
G0v-bridge's url: [three keywords for g0v - HackMD]

source: _g0v-bridge's url: [g0v 的三個關鍵字 - HackMD]_

@null 13:50:07
Three keywords for g0v

<|source>: _g0v 的三個關鍵字 <>

g0v 的三個關鍵字 - HackMD

@null 14:32:29
Let me dig a pit: Here is a Telegram channel dedicated to forwarding government press releases:

source: _&lt;gugod&gt; 容我挖個坑:這裡有個專門轉發政府新聞稿的 Telegram 頻道: <>..._

@null 14:32:32
I hope someone can help me with the InstantView[1] of *

source: _&lt;gugod&gt; 希望可以有人來幫忙做一下 *.<|> 的 InstantView[1] 。_

@null 14:32:34
Thank you 🙇‍♂️

source: _&lt;gugod&gt; 感謝 :man-bowing:_

@null 14:32:37
G0vtelegrambot's url: [Taiwan Government News Forwarding – Telegram]

source: _g0vtelegrambot's url: [台灣政府新聞轉發 – Telegram]_

@null 14:32:38
g0vtelegrambot's url: [Instant View]

@null 15:11:50
The one just mentioned

<|source>: _剛剛說的那一個故事 <>

@null 15:11:55
G0v-bridge's url: [I heard that the government released 400 hours of voice data]

source: _g0v-bridge's url: [聽說政府釋出了400小時語音資料]_

@null 15:20:49
Is there a shortage of front-end engineers for temporary workers? (although only one hour left)

<|source>: _有坑缺前端工程師臨時工嗎?(雖然只剩一小時 :sweat_smile: )_

@null 15:26:03
G0v-bridge's url: [ hackath36n - midfielder - YouTube]

source: _g0v-bridge's url: [<|> hackath36n - 中場短講 - YouTube]_

@null 15:30:42
<Https://> Cast!

<|source>: _<> 投影片!_

沒拍到從 g0v 到都蘭那張投影片

@null 15:30:43
G0v-bridge's url: [open in the home medical community - HackMD]

source: _g0v-bridge's url: [開放在宅醫療社群 - HackMD]_

@null 15:30:50
:you: !!!

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _:dig: !!!_

@null 15:32:07
Just got this qr code at the venue, please fill in the pit

<|source>: _剛在會場拿這個的 qr code 請大家填坑_

<@U02TNG5TP> <>

@null 15:51:52
Everyone has to remember what they want to take away.

<|source>: _大家要記得自己的東西要帶走喔_

@null 15:52:17
There are garbage around, please throw the trash can

<|source>: _身邊有垃圾請丟垃圾桶_

@null 16:02:01
@daisuke If you want to open an archaeological pine, the g0v declaration constitution seems to be +1

<|source>: _<@U0TKSE36J> 如果要開考古松的話,g0v 宣言修憲好像可以 +1_

@null 16:05:21
Actually, I didn’t want to say that he would become such a big pit.

<|source>: _其實我本來沒有想說他會變成一個這麼大的坑_

@null 16:05:30
I just want to say that I saw a lot of interesting things in the process of finishing.

<|source>: _我只是要說我在整理的過程中看到很多有趣的東西_

@null 16:05:39

@null 16:05:53
Everyone writes history

<|source>: _大家寫歷史_

@null 16:06:00
Feeling quite interesting

<|source>: _感覺蠻有趣的_

@null 16:07:11
The reaction of today’s reaction is a little unexpected.

<|source>: _今天反應之踴躍有點出乎我的意料_

@null 16:08:10
It turns out that 4 pits are connected to the horizon.

<|source>: _原來4坑坑相連到天邊_

@null 16:08:27
Found that there is #infras

<|source>: _發現原來有 #infras_

@null 16:09:10
In the future, it is not called the basic pine, called the archaeological pine (X

<|source>: _以後不叫基礎松了,叫考古松(X_

@null 16:16:58
Two in one turns into roast chicken (?

source: _&lt;gugod&gt; 二合一變成烤雞松 (?_

@null 16:22:24
Will not use hackmd.... Directly use notion to succeed? (by jacky)

<|source>: _不會用 hackmd…. 直接改用 notion 就成功了?(被 jacky 打)_

@null 17:29:04
#历年专案 Use Sheet2Site to simply make a web page

<|source>: _#歷年專案 用 Sheet2Site 簡單做一個網頁 <>

The webpage provides filtering. Welcome to the hackmd~
@null 17:29:11
g0v-bridge's url: [Projects]

@null 19:37:09
<system> file 錄製_2019_09_07_19_34_21_143.mp4 too big to download (7221866 > allowed size: 1000000)

@null 19:37:09
The webpage provides filtering. Welcome to the hackmd~

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _網頁有提供 篩選功能,歡迎提供標籤至 hackmd~ <>

@null 19:37:15
G0v-bridge's url: [g0v database library description - HackMD]

source: _g0v-bridge's url: [g0v database 資料庫說明 - HackMD]_

@null 20:47:01
Is there a photo released today?

<|source>: _今天的連儂牆有釋出照片嗎_

@null 20:57:10
Shsiao-a: @allenwang6212 Link to Wikimedia Commons? (not searchable)

source: _&lt;Irvin&gt; ⓢhsiao-a: @allenwang6212 維基共享資源的連結?(搜索不到)_

@null 20:58:56
SEO is weak

source: _&lt;allenwang6212&gt; SEO很弱_

@null 21:00:41
Allenwang6212: Mark Chinese, then this can also be placed

source: _&lt;Irvin&gt; allenwang6212: 標一下中文吧,然後這篇也可以放_

@null 21:00:46
G0vtelegrambot's url: [After the draft revision of the Fugitive Offenders Regulations during the campaign, the list of walls in the world - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia]

source: _g0vtelegrambot's url: [反對逃犯條例修訂草案運動期間各地連儂牆列表 - 维基百��..._

@null 21:01:11
Irvin: The head candle burns and can't do that QAQ.

source: _&lt;allenwang6212&gt; Irvin: 多頭蠟燭燒 還做不到那QAQ_

@null 21:01:40
In fact, the relevant structural information has been marked Chinese qq

source: _&lt;allenwang6212&gt; 其實相關結構資料都有標中文了qq_

@null 21:01:42
No one can help 😘

source: _&lt;Irvin&gt; 沒有人可以幫忙 :kissing_heart:_

@null 21:02:35
Since this radio reception is better, today's proposal is less than 3 minutes, please ask Google Voice to recognize the subtitles. Interested people can go to yuotube to fix subtitles and correct time. (Short talk and results report have not been processed)

<|source>: _由於這次收音效果比較好,今天提案部分少於3分鐘的,都請Google語音辨識字..._

@null 21:02:40
Allenwang6212: CC0 can be used by everyone.

source: _&lt;allenwang6212&gt; allenwang6212: CC0的咚咚 大家可以各種撿去用_

@null 21:02:43
Allenwang6212: The emphasis on this picture is CC0

source: _&lt;allenwang6212&gt; allenwang6212: 在次強調這張圖是CC0的_

@null 21:08:12
I would like to ask #libot channel want to add g0v slack archive How to proceed?

<|source>: _請問 <#CN6CT9QG6|libot> 頻道想要加 g0v slack archive 如何進行?_

@null 21:10:00
Ah, it seems that the public channel will log

<|source>: _啊,好像公開頻道都會 log <>_

@null 21:10:03
g0v-bridge's url: [ | slack archive]

@null 21:19:42
Today's closing report heard the tools shared by @chewei! Feel more flexible than My Map! Thanks for sharing

<|source>: _今天結案報告聽到 <@U06UW137G> 分享的工具!覺得比 My Map 更靈活!感謝分享 https:/..._

I put the field instructions on this page. • Intersection or union in the same field. Whether the content of the field is displayed in the table below
Thanks for your thanks, I will study and use this!
@null 21:19:46
g0v-bridge's url: [Awesome Table]

@null 21:42:08
I put the field instructions on this page. • Intersection or union in the same field. Whether the content of the field is displayed in the table below

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _我把欄位指令 整理在 這個頁面中 ・同欄位內的交集或聯集 ・該欄位資料內..._

@null 21:42:14
G0v-bridge's url: [Awesome-Table Common Details Notes - Google Trial Balance]

source: _g0v-bridge's url: [Awesome-Table 常用細節筆記 - Google 試算表]_

@null 22:10:33
Thanks for your thanks, I will study and use this!

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _感謝感謝,我就這來研究並使用!_


@null 01:47:12
G0v-bridge's url: [I heard that the government released 400 hours of voice data]

source: _g0v-bridge's url: [聽說政府釋出了400小時語音資料]_

@null 07:39:16
Yesterday I saw @irvin shared privacy tracking visualization tool I should open it and die for a while XD

<|source>: _昨天看到<@U03926ALC> 分享的隱私追蹤視覺化工具 <>

@null 07:39:19
G0v-bridge's url: [Lightbeam - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia]

source: _g0v-bridge's url: [Lightbeam - 维基百科,自由的百科全书]_

@null 16:21:02
@macpaul Is the video still uploading? Because I didn't find my own proposal film, let's ask.

<|source>: _<@U02QD0S9M> 請問影片還在上傳吧?因為我沒找到我自己的提案影片所以來問問看�..._

@null 16:21:37
Yes, the proposal movie is the same file as the other group.

<|source>: _有啊提案影片跟另外一組是同一個檔案_

Ok, I understand.
@null 16:21:50
Flv format editing is not convenient, I have no editing flv software here.

<|source>: _Flv個格式剪接不方便,我這邊沒有剪接flv軟體_

@null 16:58:33
Go and try the "Format Factory" software

<|source>: _你去試試看「格式工廠」轉檔軟體_

@null 17:58:32
Ok, I understand.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _好,暸解了_

@null 22:40:49
#历年专案 Use Sheet2Site to simply make a web page

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _#歷年專案 用 Sheet2Site 簡單做一個網頁 <>

@null 22:40:55
g0v-bridge's url: [Projects]


@null 10:11:12

@null 10:12:51
any here

@null 10:13:35
any one here

@null 10:47:44
Li wen peng. Look here

source: _li wen peng. 看这里_

@null 10:50:42

@null 10:50:57

@null 11:20:27
try try

@null 11:23:00
Chain home

source: _链家地产_

@null 11:36:26
@yutin @macpaul OBS video archive format, I suggest to use mov format to package, do not use FLV is not convenient to enter the splicing operation, the process has to be transferred once, trouble. MOV, MP4, AVI, more common formats, editing software will support

<|source>: _<@U03B2AB13> <@U02QD0S9M> OBS 錄影存檔格式,我建議用 mov 格式來封裝,不要用 FLV 不方便�..._

Obs presets to use flv because the file is broken or can be read.
I can understand
@null 11:42:03
That... I just seemed to have done something bad about the g0v website. The XD thing is like this. The website also sees the entrance of the 2018 Summit ``. I wonder if there is an annual meeting this year but I don’t see any new news. I just tried it. URL: `` (The result is no picture), then the browser will start running indefinitely, the URL column can be seen (always automatically reload): `https://summit. q=p=/~and~q=p=/~and~q=p=/~and~q=p=/~and~q=p=/~and~q=p=/~and~q= p=/~and~q=p=/~and~q=p=/~and~q=p=/~and~q=p=/~and~q=p=/~and~q=p= /~and~q=p=/~and~q=p=/~and~q=p=/~and~q=p=/~and~q=p=/~and~q=p=/~ And~q=p=/~and~q=p=/~and~q=p=/~and~q=p=/~and~q=p=/~and~q=p=/~and~ q=p=/~and~q=p=/~and~q=p=/~and~q=p=/~and~q=p=/~and~q=p=/~and~q= p=/~and~q=p=/~and~q=p=/~and~q=p=/~and~q=p=/~and~q=p=/~and~q=p= /~and~q=p=/~and~q=p=/~and~q=p=/~and~q=p=/~and~q=p=/~and~q=p=/~ And~q=p=/~and~q=p=/~and~q=p=/~and~q=p=/ ............ ` I will press stop to read Take the page... XD

<|source>: _那個... 我剛剛好像差點對g0v網站做了不好的事情。XD 事情是這樣的,網站上..._

@null 11:44:59
It doesn't matter, is placed on the github page, so you are attacking github XD

<|source>: _沒關係, <> 是放在 github page 上,所以你攻擊的是 github XD_

@null 11:45:00
G0v-bridge's url: [g0v Summit | Zero Time Government Summit]

source: _g0v-bridge's url: [g0v Summit | 零時政府高峰會]_

@null 11:53:01
g0v-bridge's url: [Tohoku City Unusual Materials 20190909-Google Trial Table]

source: _g0v-bridge's url: [臺北市違建資料 20190909 - Google 試算表]_

@null 11:54:00
After hanging the website of the Taipei City Construction Management Bureau several times, I finally climbed the data and XD.

<|source>: _在打掛了好幾次台北市建管處違建網站後,終於把資料都爬完了 XD_

Does the Information Bureau support the on-line line to reopen the server? (error)
Hanging up and waking up by myself, is also quite powerful? (There are still hard-working back-ends that have been receiving newsletters these days)
I guess his website memory leak is very serious, so there are settings to reopen daily.
@null 12:01:48
Does the Information Bureau support the on-line line to reopen the server? (error)

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _資訊局支援現場line重開server嗎?(誤)_

@null 12:03:21
Obs presets to use flv because the file is broken or can be read.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _Obs預設使用flv是因為檔案壞了還是可以讀取_

@null 12:21:44
醬用 CKIP 斷出來的東西可以標 CC0 ㄇ

However if any work is based upon this Work and hence constitutes a Derivative Work, the GPL-3.0 license requires distributions of the Work and the Derivative Work to remain under the same license or a similar license with the Source Code provision obligation.
Yay 看起來有 Public Domain

@null 12:21:54
g0v-bridge's url: [Various Licenses and Comments about Them - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation]

@null 14:47:10
What is this place?

@null 15:08:25

@null 15:26:46
anybody here

@null 15:27:44

@null 15:57:46
anybody can hear me?

@null 16:02:11

@null 16:03:28
This is the general chat channel of a civic tech group called 'g0v'.

@null 16:03:42
Check for more information.

@null 16:04:40
O understood

@null 17:10:23
Hanging up and waking up by myself, is also quite powerful? (There are still hard-working back-ends that have been receiving newsletters these days)

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _掛了還會自己醒來,也是蠻厲害的?(還是有苦命後端這幾天一直收到簡訊�..._

@null 17:11:13
I guess his website memory leak is very serious, so there are settings to reopen daily.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _我猜是他網站 memory leak 很嚴重,所以有設定每日定期重開_

@null 17:16:44
I can understand

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _我能理解_


@null 09:46:27
I have a hackathon a few times ago. I have three children to open a g0v nursery project.. XD

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _前幾次有一次黑客松我有帶三隻小朋友來開了一個 g0v 托兒所專案.. XD_

@null 21:14:40
COSCon (Shanghai) and OSC Tokyo (Japan) Call for Papers ~ `All to 9/30 Ends? There is travel subsidy

<|source>: _COSCon(上海)與 OSC Tokyo(日本)徵稿中~ `都到 9/30 截止` 有旅費補助 https:/..._

@null 21:14:48
G0v-bridge's url: [Come to Shanghai, come to Tokyo! COSCon and OSC Tokyo "COSCUP Special Track" call for papers! ]

source: _g0v-bridge's url: [來去上海、來去東京!COSCon 與 OSC Tokyo「COSCUP 特別軌」徵稿開..._


@null 00:03:46
I just wanted to try to correct the subtitles of the youtube video and found that Chinese is locked. There is no way to edit it. I still can't find which side can be modified.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _剛剛想嘗試修正 youtube 影片的字幕,發現中文被鎖定,沒有辦法編輯欸,還�..._


@null 13:06:08
Rentea September is scheduled to be held in the next Tuesday (09/24) 啰~ This time I will live in the g0v Correction Group. To participate, please go to the small group to sign in 👽 /5Ks_2eHQT_Scnb8UCDayTg

<|source>: _Rentea 九月小聚時間確定在下週二(09/24)晚上囉~ 這次會寄居在 g0v 糾松團�..._

@null 13:06:16
g0v-bridge's url: [Rentea 1st Primary Kyushu-HackMD]

source: _g0v-bridge's url: [Rentea 第 1 次小聚 - HackMD]_

@null 15:31:54
Regarding the Kuomintang camp and the DPP camp, they are focusing on the sale of mangoes (the feeling of ruining the country) and vying for the president to go to the court. I recommend a well-known article on Neutral: The Last Lesson (French: La Dernière Classe) is a masterpiece published by the French novelist Alfons Dude in 1873 and translated into many languages. A classic novel of patriotism education worldwide.

<|source>: _關於國民黨陣營跟民進黨陣營都在以「芒果乾(亡國感)」為販賣重點,爭�..._

The Japanese’s sense of nationalism is a low birth rate. The state wants to help raise children, and Taiwan’s party is ruling. There is no need to discuss a thorough solution to the problem of declining birth. The country is raised before the age of 16! Tuition and medical expenses are free + monthly subsidies for Japanese medicine to save fertility" The new policy is aimed at all Japanese citizens and foreign taxpayers in Japan, regardless of income, as long as there are children in the family, from 3 years old to 16 years old Until the middle school graduates, the tuition fees are borne by the government, and the medical expenses are all free. On the other hand, children under the age of 16 have monthly subsidies, 15,000 yen for 1 to 3 years old, and 3 to 16 years old. 10,000 yen, almost equal to "children's wages""
@null 15:32:04
G0v-bridge's url: [Last Lesson - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia]

source: _g0v-bridge's url: [最后一课 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书]_

@null 15:43:49
The Japanese’s sense of nationalism is a low birth rate. The state wants to help raise children, and Taiwan’s party is ruling. There is no need to discuss a thorough solution to the problem of declining birth. The country is raised before the age of 16! Tuition and medical expenses are free + monthly subsidies for Japanese medicine to save fertility" The new policy is aimed at all Japanese citizens and foreign taxpayers in Japan, regardless of income, as long as there are children in the family, from 3 years old to 16 years old Until the middle school graduates, the tuition fees are borne by the government, and the medical expenses are all free. On the other hand, children under the age of 16 have monthly subsidies, 15,000 yen for 1 to 3 years old, and 3 to 16 years old. 10,000 yen, almost equal to "children's wages""

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _日本人的亡國感是出生率低,國家想辦法協助養小孩,而台灣的是那個政黨�..._

@null 15:44:00
G0v-bridge's url: [Country raised before the age of 16! Tuition, medical expenses free + monthly 10,000 yuan to subsidize Japan's drug to save fertility | ETtoday International | ETtoday News Cloud]

source: _g0v-bridge's url: [16歲前國家養!學費、醫療費全免+每月萬元補助 日本猛藥�..._


@null 22:26:03
US Congress "Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act" Hearings

<|source>: _美國國會『香港人權與民主法案』聽證會 <>

@null 22:26:09
G0v-bridge's url: [[Live] (Chinese simultaneous translation) The US Congress held a hearing on the situation in Hong Kong, and Huang Zhifeng and He Yunshi will attend! ... - The Epoch Times - Taiwan)

source: _g0v-bridge's url: [【直播】(中文同步翻譯)美國國會就香港局勢舉行聽證會,..._


@null 12:00:17
Hello everyone, would you like to go to Berlin to bring a workshop? Welcome to #intl to join the discussion!

<|source>: _大家好,想去柏林帶工作坊嗎?歡迎到 <#C084CU74J|intl> 加入討論!_

大家好,g0v-talks 收到來自柏林的邀請,請 g0vers 去參與名為 `United Nations of Innovation` 的會議,詳細的邀請內容 `g0v-intl` 已經列在這裡,請大家參考 <> 如果有興趣參與,歡迎把自己的 id 加入文件,這幾天會在這裡討論,希望週五能給對方回覆。

ericwu 12:02:59
@smart032410 has joined the channel


Someone (across chat bridge) 18:54:32
File from fumi (general@g0vtw)
20190919 164430
Someone (across chat bridge) 18:59:48
File from fumi (general@g0vtw)
20190919 164509


Someone (across chat bridge) 20:32:08
File from ronnywang (general@g0vtw)


Someone (across chat bridge) 16:48:03
File from bess (general@g0vtw)
螢幕快照 2019-09-23 16.46.49


Someone (across chat bridge) 06:55:54
File from chewei (general@g0vtw)with comment: 10/4 台灣河溪網,針對 前瞻水環境計畫 進行自主踏查與評分,也算是一種標案資訊的具體運用
Someone (across chat bridge) 06:55:54
File from chewei (general@g0vtw)
Someone (across chat bridge) 06:55:55
File from chewei (general@g0vtw)
Someone (across chat bridge) 06:55:56
File from Someone (across chat bridge) (general-ja@g0vtw)with comment: File from chewei (general@g0vtw)with comment: 10/4 台灣河溪網,針對 前瞻水環境計畫 進行自主踏查與評分,也算是一種標案資訊的具體運用
Someone (across chat bridge) 12:45:40
File from fumi (general@g0vtw)
20190926 123701


csethna 07:21:20
@csethna has joined the channel