
Month: 2021-08


小六加一 00:47:43
@cosine1453476 has joined the channel


eric 18:43:03
Hi, is there any metrics on how many business closed because of covid in Taiwan ?
I was thinking something like an historical count of business closure since 2018 to today
This may help
It’s the statistics for survived / closed business count within the selected month, by cities
Data in XLS format is available here
Number of dismissed businesses per month by district
really appreciate @mrorz
i think the impact of pandemic may reflect in July & August 2021, which is not available in the system yet.
yes I agree, looking forward to see that data
Hmm instead of companies, I think business registrations would be more accurate. Most restaurants and independent shops won’t have a company
Quentin Brasseur 2021-08-04 09:57:10
Do you know more about the business registration without forming a company? You can register the business as a natural person? This option is available to foreigners?

I'm registered as a natural person in another country but I never saw info on that topic here. All the articles I read always refer to forming a company. (I supposed) the closest way to open a business with the minimum costs was to set up a sole proprietorship (unlimited liability transparent for tax purposes). It seemed a bit complicated to me for a simple freelancer :)
I am not sure if foreigners can register a business.

But it seems that business (商號, sole proprietorship) and company (公司) are different.
Quentin Brasseur 2021-08-04 11:14:01
Thanks. Yes, that's the sole proprietorship thing. Lowtax says you can do it as a foreigner.

When I was considering setting-up activities in Taiwan (before finding out it's not the best idea), it seemed like the cheapest thing to do and the closest status to a "freelancer status" or a "business in as a natural person", but I never found anyone who set-up a sole proprietorship, nor had information/costs about that from services providers.

If people here made a sole proprietorship, I'd be curious to hear about their experience, incl. admin costs.
😮 2 🤔 2



irvin 15:15:18
english UI of 1922 vaccine system is up

英文版上線了 <>

irvin 15:24:14
this round of vaccine is open to age 65 up and age 55 up with certain health status


irvin 19:47:02
CECC had announced today that next round of vaccine will be domestic produced MVC vaccine,
There will be 0.6-0.8 million of vaccines available.
The pre-register will close on 8/13 12:00pm on Reservation begin from 8/16-18 and injection on 8/23-29
Image from iOS
irvin 19:58:35
guess that this time could eventually lower the age limit to around 30 or so, based on current opt-in numbers of MVC vaccine, about 1.1M people so far, according to the this afternoon news
the age limit is lower to age 20+, you can make reservation at now.
Additional round of MVC vaccine is open to age 20-35 from today 1600 to 8/20 12:00. you can make reservation at now.


犬良 15:48:21
@birthtago has joined the channel


Jason Hsu 17:15:45
@jasonhsu2013 has joined the channel


deeper 11:26:25
@cstsai has left the channel
irvin 16:32:00
Additional round of MVC vaccine is open to age 20-35 from today 1600 to 8/20 12:00. you can make reservation at now.
👍 2


bess 15:45:46
The “Sch001 Demo Day 2020” awardee John Huang (with his project “Happiness Bankbook”) will share the “Create an Operating Model for Community through a Serverless Architecture” at AWS Summit Online Taiwan 2021.
The projects that he will share as example:
```ARAY (Amplify+ReactJS)
Happiness Bankbook (Amplify+ReactNative)
Sliver Gate (Amplify+ReactNative)
GoToll (Serverless+AWS)```
ARAY is a new project (started from March 2021) that John co-operated with the g0v Sch001, Code for Japan & Code for Korea. If you are interested in this project, you’re welcome to join g0v Slack #edu-aray, and please join us at hacking time of g0v Hackathon tomorrow.

g0v hackath45n | 台灣零時政府第肆拾伍次原本在台中黑客松

g0v 第肆拾伍次大黑客松將在 2021.08.21(六)於線上舉辦,歡迎公民、鄉民、憤青等諸眾,帶著熱血來盡一己之力,開源協作參與社會。

以「幸福存摺」專案成為「零時小學校 Demo Day 2020」獲獎人的 John Huang 將在 9/2 的 AWS Summit Online Taiwan 2021 以「透過無伺服器架構為社群打造量入為出營運模式」為題進行分享(在 *開發者專區* 沒有特定議程時間,全天都可以進去觀看影片),介紹案例包括: ```ARAY (Amplify+ReactJS) <> 幸福存摺 (Amplify+ReactNative) <> 銀色大門 (Amplify+ReactNative) <> GoToll (Serverless+AWS) <>``` 其中 #ARAY 也是 John 今年跟零時小學校合作的專案,有興趣的朋友歡迎到 g0v Slack <#C0250L50324|edu-aray>,在明天大松,John 除了會提案,也會待一下下跟大家一起協作(因為在美國有時差,無法待太久),歡迎大家來 #ARAY 專案玩! 順便打個廣告: • 零時小學校 Demo Day 2021-22 現正開放提案中! 9/28 上傳提案就可以持續修改到 11/1! <> • 也歡迎大家報名 AWS Summit Online Taiwan 2021: <>

🎉 1
Anna M 18:55:56
Hello everybody, I hope it is okay to share this here: Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom’s Taiwan Office (Global Innovation Hub) is recruiting! The first position we are looking to fill at this point in time is that of a Financial Assistant or Accountant If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out. The application deadline is 29 August.


2021-08-17_Jobposting_Financial Assistant.pdf

FNF-Cloud - Stiftung für die Freiheit



FNF-Cloud - Stiftung für die Freiheit

3 🌟 1


bess 16:25:38
set the channel topic: Next hackathon: OCT | Sync’d with IRC | Note: This channel has public logs. | Self-invite: | 日本語 #general-ja | 한국어 #general-ko


bess 23:31:09
\ Taiwan +0 /

the Guardian

Taiwan hits zero Covid cases for first time since outbreak in May

Acceleration of vaccine rollout and test-and-trace improvements credited for turnaround

0️⃣ 3


carl 21:04:21
@carl.puchner has joined the channel


mr.changyuheng 14:25:32
@mr.changyuheng has joined the channel