
Month: 2025-02


Scott 03:20:23
@mmm90415 has left the channel


Emily Saltz 04:16:06
@emilysaltz has joined the channel
Emily Saltz 04:22:09
Hi all! I'm Emily, a user experience researcher at Jigsaw, a small unit within Google that conducts research and builds tools for the common good. My current research focuses on ways to improve online conversations and tools for scaling and making sense of public input from deliberations/deliberations, for example in our open sources sensemaking library, which vTaiwan leaders like Audrey Tang and others in the community have been experimenting with, as well as Polis (hi to @darshana who recommended this space!)

I'll be in Taipei at the end of the month for RightsCon and hoping to connect with some folks in the community while there. Will any of you all be there, or have any events/happenings to recommend? Thank you!
Event Date: 2025/02/22(六) 09:30 - 17:30 (Check-in starts at 09:00 AM, Opening at 09:30 AM)
Event Venue:
National Taiwan University Innovation Hall (SPACE M) (國立臺灣大學 學新館 SPACE M) / 2F, No. 1, Section 4, Roosevelt Rd, Da’an District, Taipei City (台北市大安區舟山路10巷1弄4號)
Hi Emily, I am peter from vTaiwan community. Glad to know that you will be in Taiwan! I wonder if there is any chance to have a meetup with you on 2/24-2/26, discussing our works and explore the chance to apply sensemaking tools into the deliberative discussion we are about to hold afterwards~
Emily Saltz 2025-02-19 02:13:54
Thanks all, this all sounds so exciting!! Unfortunately I'll get there after the hackathon but will try to make it to the pre-event. And messaging with you Peter to meet up 😄
Emily Saltz 04:22:09
Hi all! I'm Emily, a user experience researcher at Jigsaw, a small unit within Google that conducts research and builds tools for the common good. My current research focuses on ways to improve online conversations and tools for scaling and making sense of public input from deliberations/deliberations, for example in our open sources sensemaking library, which vTaiwan leaders like Audrey Tang and others in the community have been experimenting with, as well as Polis (hi to @darshana who recommended this space!)

I'll be in Taipei at the end of the month for RightsCon and hoping to connect with some folks in the community while there. Will any of you all be there, or have any events/happenings to recommend? Thank you!
Event Date: 2025/02/22(六) 09:30 - 17:30 (Check-in starts at 09:00 AM, Opening at 09:30 AM)
Event Venue:
National Taiwan University Innovation Hall (SPACE M) (國立臺灣大學 學新館 SPACE M) / 2F, No. 1, Section 4, Roosevelt Rd, Da’an District, Taipei City (台北市大安區舟山路10巷1弄4號)
Hi Emily, I am peter from vTaiwan community. Glad to know that you will be in Taiwan! I wonder if there is any chance to have a meetup with you on 2/24-2/26, discussing our works and explore the chance to apply sensemaking tools into the deliberative discussion we are about to hold afterwards~
Emily Saltz 2025-02-19 02:13:54
Thanks all, this all sounds so exciting!! Unfortunately I'll get there after the hackathon but will try to make it to the pre-event. And messaging with you Peter to meet up 😄
4 ❤️ 3 💡 1


Peter 15:31:48
@sdfghj1001 has joined the channel



chewei 20:49:29
【😀】How Does the g0v Hackathon Work?
Watch this 5-minute video to learn about a day at the g0v Hackathon:
Browse 2025.02.22 g0v hackathon event's proposals on the following page. Click the tabs "Run-down / Projects / Food":
Register for the g0v HackMD collaborative documentation system:

【:bell:】Upcoming g0v Community Events
3/29 (Saturday): g0v Hackathon "Youth Together Hackathon" at Good Ideas Studio, Tainan
Event Information Page
Subscribe to the g0v Jothon Newsletter (Monthly updates on upcoming hackathons)
Join the g0v Jothon LINE Community for event updates

X (formerly Twitter)

TaiwanPlus News (@taiwanplusnews) on X

Taiwan is home to one of the world's biggest civic hacking groups, the decentralized and volunteer-run g0v community. @Helloitissam attends a hackathon to explore how the group works.

🙌 1
chewei 20:49:29
【😀】How Does the g0v Hackathon Work?
Watch this 5-minute video to learn about a day at the g0v Hackathon:
Browse 2025.02.22 g0v hackathon event's proposals on the following page. Click the tabs "Run-down / Projects / Food":
Register for the g0v HackMD collaborative documentation system:

【:bell:】Upcoming g0v Community Events
3/29 (Saturday): g0v Hackathon "Youth Together Hackathon" at Good Ideas Studio, Tainan
Event Information Page
Subscribe to the g0v Jothon Newsletter (Monthly updates on upcoming hackathons)
Join the g0v Jothon LINE Community for event updates


Sofia 12:47:05
@sofia has joined the channel


chewei 12:26:10

轉貼:邀請開源社群共創 COSCUP 2025!合作夥伴熱烈招募中! COSCUP 是亞洲最盛大以開源社群為核心的嘉年華,過去二十年我們與臺灣及來自世界各地的社群攜手在會場兩天帶來 meetup、演講、工作坊、座談、攤位展覽、海報展示等豐富活動,吸引數千名開源愛好者共襄盛舉! 去年超過 50 組國內外社群參與,一同推動開放文化與技術交流。今年,我們誠摯邀請您推薦社群加入,讓我們攜手打造更精彩的 COSCUP 2025! :small_blue_diamond: 申請攤位與議程教室 :point_right: <|> :small_blue_diamond: 其他合作討論 :point_right: <|> #COSCUP2025 Call for Community Partners. As usual, we welcome #OpenSource communities to shine at #COSCUP – the largest #FOSS #community gathering in Taiwan &amp; East Asia this summer. Join us by: :pushpin: Host a track (devroom or co-located event) :pushpin: Setting up a booth (stand/exhibition) :bulb: Last year, 50+ groups participated – now it’s your turn! :spiral_calendar_pad: Deadlines: :pushpin: Apply to host a track (devroom) by March 31 (AoE). :pushpin: Reserve your booth by late March to better secure your spot. :point_right: Apply now &amp; learn more: <|> :envelope_with_arrow: Questions or collaboration ideas? Contact us: <|>

chewei 12:26:10

轉貼:邀請開源社群共創 COSCUP 2025!合作夥伴熱烈招募中! COSCUP 是亞洲最盛大以開源社群為核心的嘉年華,過去二十年我們與臺灣及來自世界各地的社群攜手在會場兩天帶來 meetup、演講、工作坊、座談、攤位展覽、海報展示等豐富活動,吸引數千名開源愛好者共襄盛舉! 去年超過 50 組國內外社群參與,一同推動開放文化與技術交流。今年,我們誠摯邀請您推薦社群加入,讓我們攜手打造更精彩的 COSCUP 2025! :small_blue_diamond: 申請攤位與議程教室 :point_right: <|> :small_blue_diamond: 其他合作討論 :point_right: <|> #COSCUP2025 Call for Community Partners. As usual, we welcome #OpenSource communities to shine at #COSCUP – the largest #FOSS #community gathering in Taiwan &amp; East Asia this summer. Join us by: :pushpin: Host a track (devroom or co-located event) :pushpin: Setting up a booth (stand/exhibition) :bulb: Last year, 50+ groups participated – now it’s your turn! :spiral_calendar_pad: Deadlines: :pushpin: Apply to host a track (devroom) by March 31 (AoE). :pushpin: Reserve your booth by late March to better secure your spot. :point_right: Apply now &amp; learn more: <|> :envelope_with_arrow: Questions or collaboration ideas? Contact us: <|>