Hey everyone! Do we have anyone going (online... it's all virtual!) to Allied Media Conference this year? I'm presenting a session on Surveillance-Resistant Organizing. https://amc2020.sched.com/event/d8Eh/surveillance-resistant-organizing ... We're going to cover not just security culture and personal digital security, but also how to make sure adding security measures doesn't make your organizing less accessible to anyone. We're also going to briefly address how surveillance has impacted organizing in history, to situate ourselves. It'll probably be quite american-focused because that's where we live, but I'm curious to hear your thoughts. (My parents were born and raised in Taiwan, and they are in Taiwan now. That's why I'm interested in g0v and here in the g0v slack haha... that, and I met some awesome people at DWeb Camp last year!)
AMC2020: Surveillance-resistant organizing
View more about this event at AMC2020