基礎建設 - g0v 開源協作手冊(Book) - HackMD
g0v 社群開源協作手冊,剛進社群不知道可以做什麼?先來翻翻這本手冊吧!
g0v 10 year anniversary + intro in London - HackMD
g0v 社群的大家,我最近在幫德國一個研討會舉辦一個 Taiwan Panel。雖然在討論 democracy and participation, 不過目前參與的都是男性!!經過討論,他們說願意多邀請一個(女性或性少數)講者,這樣也可以多一個從社群出發點觀點!!研討會是 11.23 台灣 9 點線上舉辦,以英文進行,沒有講者費。注意:雖然是要邀請女性或性少數,講者並不一定要分享性別議題,panel 相關的主題應該都可以!panel 簡介如下,有參加意願請留言 _Over the past decade, Taiwan has developed into one of the most innovative participatory democracies on the planet, particularly through the use of digital tools. How did Taiwan get there? How does participation in Taiwan work, what makes it so successful and what can other countries, particularly in Europe, learn from it?_ _This session will discuss these questions in the context of Taiwan’s rich and active civil society, its specific “failure culture”, where innovation is encouraged and failure is a normal part of the process, its openness to different technical solutions, and the unique connection between government, citizens, and civil society, among other aspects._
g0v 社群的大家,我最近在幫德國一個研討會舉辦一個 Taiwan Panel。雖然在討論 democracy and participation, 不過目前參與的都是男性!!經過討論,他們說願意多邀請一個(女性或性少數)講者,這樣也可以多一個從社群出發點觀點!!研討會是 11.23 台灣 9 點線上舉辦,以英文進行,沒有講者費。注意:雖然是要邀請女性或性少數,講者並不一定要分享性別議題,panel 相關的主題應該都可以!panel 簡介如下,有參加意願請留言 _Over the past decade, Taiwan has developed into one of the most innovative participatory democracies on the planet, particularly through the use of digital tools. How did Taiwan get there? How does participation in Taiwan work, what makes it so successful and what can other countries, particularly in Europe, learn from it?_ _This session will discuss these questions in the context of Taiwan’s rich and active civil society, its specific “failure culture”, where innovation is encouraged and failure is a normal part of the process, its openness to different technical solutions, and the unique connection between government, citizens, and civil society, among other aspects._
Digital Human Rights & the Responsible Cloud Movement|Accupass 活動通
Let's get some drinks and talk about digital human rights!