Facing the Ocean Meet & Hack Task Tracker@ Tainan - HackMD
Facing the Ocean @ Tainan 2019 - HackMD
2020 年,兩大重點國際會議 Call for Proposal !! 數位時代不可不顧的網路自由、隱私人權,在這年度兩大會議中有著各式討論,有興趣的你切勿錯過。 【網路自由節 Internet Freedom Festival】 :tangerine::tangerine:12/15 投稿截止,Go!! 》<https://reurl.cc/4gGLG2>...
BBQ Pitmasters is an American reality television series which follows barbecue cooks as they compete for cash and prizes in barbecue cooking competitions. The series premiered on TLC on December 3, 2009. The eight-episode first season was filmed in a docu-reality format as it followed several competing BBQ teams around the country to various BBQ contests. Season two premiered on August 12, 2010 at 10 pm EDT featuring a completely new competition game show-based format. Each week, four teams competed against each other. Challenges included common protein and more exotic meat. Weekly winners faced off against each other in the second season finale as they vied for $100,000 and the Kingsford Cup. The judges for the second season were Myron Mixon, Art Smith, and Warren Sapp. Kevin Roberts served as host.On January 29, 2012, Myron Mixon confirmed on his Facebook account for Jack's Old South that filming for Season 3 would start in March. On April 4, 2012, it was announced that Season 3 would air on Destination America, which is a rebranded version of the Planet Green channel that launched on May 26, 2012.On May 26, 2014, Destination America debuted a preview of their new TV series named BBQ Pit Wars. The episode first aired in May 31, 2014. This new reality show uses the old docu-reality format of BBQ Pitmasters season 1 (many viewers had voiced their preference for this format on the channel's website), in which Myron Mixon is one of the team competitors rather than a BBQ judge. Along with Stump McDowell of Stump’s BBQ, Moe Cason of Ponderosa BBQ, and Michael Character of Character BBQ, the four teams compete in regional BBQ championships around the nation, for prizes, and bragging rights to be named the master of BBQ.
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FtO Tainan 2019 Community Contact - HackMD
hackath37n - 第參拾柒次全臺首學黑客松 - HackMD
大家好我是(?):wave: 明晚(週四)9 點是這次台南大面海松的松前哈啦!這次是揪松團和國際交流社群工作小組第一次到台南辦松,很感謝許多國際和在地夥伴的幫忙 :orange_heart: 相信這次也是許多人第一次到台南參加黑客松,如果有什麼想問、想聊、想偷跑,或想認識更多 g0v 參與者或日韓港的朋友,都歡迎明晚 9 點上線哈啦! 連結:<https://meet.jit.si/g0vhala> 共筆:<https://g0v.hackmd.io/-g0v-Community-Hangout-13th> 明晚見囉 :female-technologist::male-technologist:
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外交部歐洲司介紹五位來自丹麥的學者、專家將訪臺,希望可以認識 g0ver 與 g0v 社群。