Global Voices Asia Pacific Citizen Media Summit 2019 / 2019全球之聲亞太區公民媒體高峰會
The Global Voices Asia-Pacific Summit brings together journalists, bloggers, digital activists and researchers to share experiences, gain knowledge, and form new collaborations. The meeting will address new techno-political challenges and their implications for internet rights and activism, digital security and privacy, digital inclusion and development across two themes: “The rise and challenges of digital authoritarianism in the Asia Pacific” and “Citizens’ response to digital authoritarianism”. The Asia Pacific Summit is organised by the international citizen media and digital rights advocacy network Global Voices (<https://globalvoices.org>), supported by the Taiwan Foundation for Democracy, Open Technology Foundation, and Open Society Foundations, and co-hosted by the Chang Fo-Chuan Center for the Study of Human Rights at Soochow University in Taiwan. All Summit sessions will be made available in both English and Chinese. 全球之聲亞太區論壇旨在提供記者、部落客、網路倡議者、學者一個可進行經驗分享、組織交流的平台,以期能建立更多的合作可能。此次論壇的兩大主題分別為「亞太區數位威權主義的興起與挑戰」與「公民行動如何回應新型態的數位環境」,討論科技-政治的複合挑戰,特別是數位人權、社會運動、網路安全與隱私權、數位落差與數位發展上的挑戰。 此次亞太區論壇由致力於串聯國際公民媒體與數位人權倡議的全球之聲(<https://globalvoices.org>)與東吳大學張佛泉人權研究中心共同主辦,由臺灣民主基金會、開放社會基金會、Open Technology Foundation共同贊助。
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回國系列分享 - 2019 開放政府全球峰會 OGP summit
"開放政府" 多年來,成為全球各國,公私合力一起努力希望能推展國家進步的重點方案,隨著多年各方努力,2019 開放政府夥伴聯盟全球峰會上,台灣也宣布了往前推展的好消息。