
Month: 2020-11


valentin-劉君磊 13:58:30
@floquetvalentin has joined the channel


bess 21:35:15
喝!都喝!Keep Drinking Keep Hacking
🍻 3


isabelhou 12:42:18


Lulu Keng 15:36:15
Hi ~~ just want to ask, if there is any information about how to register the FtO event right before the g0v summit?? Don't want to miss it and is planing the Tainan schedule.
ya, people are asking. we will discuss this at Saturday night during the webnomi online party. please check FtO telegram group.
@isabelhou you’re so quick! was just about to respond!


isabelhou 09:35:34
感謝@pm5@chihao 還有上週參加webnomi的參與者。面海松報名開始!
🙌 4
chihao 13:59:33
\ web nomi saikou /
chihao 14:00:27
FtO Tainan 2020 想借 g0v Fb & Twitter 宣傳,宣傳文已經送 g0v SNS 審查,各位國際友人(?)也請踴躍提供意見 \o/
pm5 20:24:36

Decidim Fest 2020 - Decidim

Welcome to Decidim Fest 2020, a 3 days online conference to embrace urgent challenges at the intersection of Democracy and Technology.We are living times of uncertainty. The global pandemic has put the world in check while opening up a unique opportunity to change course and face climate emergency, social inequality, the violation of human rights and the rise of fascism, among others. What role does technology play in all of this? Which are the implications for the future of democracy?Join us in this edition of the Decidim Fest to think and intervene in the challenges of democracy in the network society!


pm5 16:35:15
A few things are popping up on Code for All Board meeting now...
Apart from the 3 on going CfAll exchange there is a new Exchange open call
CfAll is looking for help to translate among other documents
The core team is working hard on several fronts of improvements including (new org) on boarding, equity and inclusion, more effective online meeting, next Code for All Summit...
Members posted updates and things that they want to ask for help
BTW Jamboard seems quite handy to start a quick unconference session
Board members exchanged some ideas about mentoring within the network and funding experiences...
CfAll might some resources to build a contact database for members to know what each other's been doing more easily.
Meeting's over (that was fast!)
Very well moderated meeting indeed 👍


親愛的 (Friends from Universe) 23:21:54
@multiverseufo has joined the channel



chihao 16:48:37
12/3 拜四在台南午營咖啡的面海松誠徵直播小幫手!一整天的小松,在早上提案、自我介紹、下午短講、傍晚成果發表如果能直播,國外的人也能一起參與 不知道直播大大們 @yutin @felixtypingmonkey @macpaul 是不是有興趣跳坑?🙏 這次面海松的餐點是由午營咖啡幫忙準備,聽說非常厲害喔 😁

面海松•台南 FtO Tainan 2020

Networking event in Tainan, Taiwan by <|> 台灣零時政府 on Thursday, December 3 2020

@felixtypingmonkey @@? 我可以去假網路
拜四 @felixtypingmonkey 在揪松軌準備~
我問了午營,他們是簡單用手機和腳架直播,所以我們需要自備直播器材 😂
yutin ++ 是推薦用獨立網路比較保險是嗎?
tmonk yutin 有沒有建議的器材?
網路如果場地無法給專線,就是用個人的手機 4G 分享 wifi 給直播機
直播我目前都租 sony ax100,腳架應該可以跟 jothon 辦公室借就好
@sean076 任翔你的筆電可以借給禮拜四整天使用嗎?
或是 @chihao 這邊是否有可以使用的直播筆電?
聽說有 mixer!
聲音大概是最麻煩的部分了 ˊˋ
@felixtypingmonkey 我在 fb 拉群組你 ok 嗎?
tmonk 23:12:56
剛才討論後確定 @charlieworld 可以來協助這次面海松的直播,他自己有整套的直播設備,解決了很多問題,大感謝。
我這禮拜五(11/20)表定就會去台南跟這次 summit 一起最後的場勘,下午一點會過去午營咖啡場勘,確定聲音、影像、網路。
網路的解決方案,場勘會確定一下他們的 IP 分享器在哪裏、網速如何,如果現場拉線有困難的話,我會傾向用直播導播自己的 4G 網路,我自己用手機網路直播蠻多次的。
網路的部分 @yutin 有什麼建議的話可以跟我說,因為我鮮少親自處理網路的事情,怕場勘時會看得不夠仔細。
🙌 6 1
Charlieeeee 23:13:01
@charlieworld has joined the channel
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chihao 23:49:10
@felixtypingmonkey ++ @charlieworld ++ @yutin ++


isabelhou 09:51:04
@felixtypingmonkey ++ @charlieworld ++ @yutin ++
pm5 10:25:44
@tmonk ++ @Charlieeeee ++ @yutin ++
pm5 10:26:02
@tmonk ++ @Charlieeeee ++ @yutin ++
pm5 10:26:44
@felixtypingmonkey ++ @charlieworld ++ @yutin ++
Charlieeeee 10:33:28
辛苦 @felixtypingmonkey 了 ~~
macpaul 20:10:42
@felixtypingmonkey ++ @charlieworld ++ @yutin ++
😎 2 2


tmonk 17:18:28
@chihao 請問我明天從 summit 表定行程挪時間下午一點改去午營咖啡場勘,計程車費可以報 summit 這邊嗎,因為活動不同,跟你確認。
chihao 17:22:22
@felixtypingmonkey 我出好了 😛 財務紀律和治理問題我後續再跟 summit & FtO 處理


pm5 12:03:08
RightsCon 2021 開始徵稿了,到明年 1/19 止

RightsCon Summit Series

Your Guide to the RightsCon Program

This guide offers an overview of the five steps to a successful session proposal, and explains how we evaluate and build the RightsCon program.


pm5 10:03:12
Code for Pakistan 12/4-13 線上 7 天黑客松 11/27 截止報名

Code for Pakistan - Civic Innovation in Pakistan

Civic Hackathon 2020

Civic Hackathon 2020, presented by Code for Pakistan and Telenor Velocity, VIRTUALLY taking place Dec 4-13 2020, will bring together a mix of technologists, designers, urban planners, social scientists, NGOs and CSOs, and government, to approach and solve social and civic problems in a new way, using technology, data, and digital tools. If you - have a great idea that can create a positive impact in your community and address pressing social challenges, - have skills in web or mobile development, design, mapping, data analysis, research, subject matter expertise in the civic space, then apply to attend, for FREE, by filling in this form. REGISTRATION DEADLINE IS 27 NOVEMBER. Shortlisted applicants will be contacted via email. During this year’s VIRTUAL hackathon, you will work in teams to create solutions, learn open-source hacking for social good, receive mentoring and input from domain experts in government and local organizations, and have opportunities to network.

七天!好 rocker呀!🤟🏻🤟🏻🤟🏻
pm5 10:04:46
fto & summit 同場加映的概念?🤔
tmonk 14:55:18
@chihao 面海松直播設備進場到準備好大概要一個小時,活動預定 09:15 開始,午營那邊說他們本來就會提早準備人會在,但就要注意一下直播這邊需要提前一個小時進場。
謝謝 @felixtypingmonkey 的建議!那我會 8:00 到場 cc @charlieworld
另外,直播到 g0v YouTube 的這件事,想請 @felixtypingmonkey 進一步協助幫忙開金鑰給 @charlieworld
Charlieeeee 2020-11-21 17:30:10
太好了 那我也 8:00 到
Charlieeeee 2020-11-21 17:30:21
咖啡廳有這麼早開門後 🤣?
tmonk 17:05:48
FYI 面海松場地直播場勘報告:
👌 1 ❤️ 2
chihao 17:18:17
@felixtypingmonkey 帥死了
Charlieeeee 17:29:30
很有幫助的報告! 大感謝



Dave Morrissey 13:53:55
@david.l.morrissey has joined the channel
ichieh 18:40:43

CommonWealth Magazine

Why Is Taiwan’s Major Civic Hacking Conference Moving South?|Insight|2020-11-25|web only

Despite COVID, Asia-Pacific’s biggest civic tech conference “g0v Summit” will take place in Tainan for the first time early December. Why did the community decide to take it outside of Taipei?

3 2
chihao 19:06:47


chihao 00:57:23
Wondering what the co-chair is thinking? Here’s a read 😄

Hi this is Kwangyin, editor of CommonWealth Magazine's English website, which will host a g0v column starting next year. We decided to have an early start. Here's <@U0384RCFD>'s first piece on why the summit takes place in Tainan this year. There will be a second piece next week. <>