Hello all! My name is Gustavo and I've been adapting the g0v budget visualization website to my city's budget for the past 2 months. The website is gaining popularity in Brazil (where I live) and I'd love some help from the g0v community to help me improve the website and potentially help me create a branch of g0v here in Brazil (g0v.br). Is there anyone I can talk to about the specifics of this?? Thanks all!
@gustavodias great to know you have forked the budget visualization website in BR. I am thinking about what kind of help from g0v,tw will meet your need and would like to start by by introducing g0v manifesto and g0v Code of Conduct to g0v.br.
Awesome! Thanks for the resources @isabelhou. I have read the manifesto and the code of conduct, and I completely agree with them. I was more worried about the legal relationship between g0v and its branches.
Like, if we replicate projects that are originally from g0v.tw, are there any intellectual properties we should be aware? And are we allowed to use a similar logo?
@gustavodias in terms of forking projects, my understanding is that since g0v.tw projects are all open-source projects, owned and governed by the project contributors (per Manifesto), anyone who forks them would have to follow the licensing agreement of the projects themselves
and since g0v.tw is polycentric, and has no single representative, I feel chatting here is as formal as any other arrangement, arguably better because of the diversity of an open conversation :smile:
@gustavodias thanks for raising these important questions. Let’s continue our chatting here and also collaborate a note for documenting our discussion on hackmd. Please feel free to edit the note. We can schedule an on-line meeting for discussion later.
@gustavodias great to know you have forked the budget visualization website in BR. I am thinking about what kind of help from g0v,tw will meet your need and would like to start by by introducing g0v manifesto and g0v Code of Conduct to g0v.br.
Awesome! Thanks for the resources @isabelhou. I have read the manifesto and the code of conduct, and I completely agree with them. I was more worried about the legal relationship between g0v and its branches.
Like, if we replicate projects that are originally from g0v.tw, are there any intellectual properties we should be aware? And are we allowed to use a similar logo?
@gustavodias in terms of forking projects, my understanding is that since g0v.tw projects are all open-source projects, owned and governed by the project contributors (per Manifesto), anyone who forks them would have to follow the licensing agreement of the projects themselves
and since g0v.tw is polycentric, and has no single representative, I feel chatting here is as formal as any other arrangement, arguably better because of the diversity of an open conversation :smile:
@gustavodias thanks for raising these important questions. Let’s continue our chatting here and also collaborate a note for documenting our discussion on hackmd. Please feel free to edit the note. We can schedule an on-line meeting for discussion later.
Hi! OCF is hosting a webinar to discuss our new civic internet of things project. We plan to collaborate with local communities across the world to install environmental sensors to monitor air and water pollution. If you are interested in participating, please sign up ! All info can be found here: https://hackmd.io/g8wGTNgqReyN_IttMAoLbQ