
Month: 2015-11


clkao 01:45:12
12 月 9~11 號 loomio 的創辦人 Ben 和 Richard 會來台灣,似乎可以辦個小活動.... pm5 有興趣當主揪嗎 😛
pm5 13:59:34
pm5 14:09:06
那禮拜好多事 XD
clkao 14:28:56
還有 EFF 的人剛好來台灣 可能可以講一場 let’s encrypt
clkao 14:29:05
十一月底.... 需要主揪 😛
Tim Chien (timdream) 16:38:04
11 月底啊,我 15-27 不在國內 剛好錯過嗎 QQ
clkao 17:11:01
timdream: 時間還沒 final 耶 你要主揪嗎 :stuck_out_tongue:
clkao 17:11:20
可能是 28, 29… weekend 活動可以在找一些國內講者
Tim Chien (timdream) 17:12:14
29 Othree 結婚請客喔
Tim Chien (timdream) 17:12:26
然後我 6 日又飛了 …
Tim Chien (timdream) 17:12:52
27 回來要籌辦 28 29 的活動也太拼了 唉唉
clkao 17:45:26
timdream: 可以先在 hackpad 上 organize~
Tim Chien (timdream) 18:37:07
clkao 19:56:12
Seth Schoen, 是 DeCSS haiku 的作者 XD


clkao 11:51:20
timdream: 還是可以幫忙想想國內有什麼適合講者同台 :p
Tim Chien (timdream) 11:54:18
莊庭瑞老師? 我加上去
Tim Chien (timdream) 11:54:47
他之前找我在台權會季刊上寫了一篇 Cookie/Privacy 的文章
clkao 11:54:56
Tim Chien (timdream) 11:55:57
Tim Chien (timdream) 11:59:05
很 irony 的 不過我無法登入 hackpad 因為我裝了一些 privacy 的套件把不知哪個 social account 的 script 擋掉了 哈哈哈哈
Tim Chien (timdream) 12:01:15
答案是 Disconnect 跟 Firefox 的 tracking protection 都要關掉


clkao 13:00:22
結果 seth 因為台灣現在入境要按指紋不想來了,中研院正在依照 申請免除
🐾 3
Tim Chien (timdream) 13:10:53
pofeng 13:32:08
有看到 eeling 在 FB 抱怨 😛
clkao 13:34:48
pm5: loomio 的還是需要主揪哦 議程組不趁機 test run 一次嗎~
clkao 13:42:44
rschiang: ^^
yhsiang 20:05:36
clkao: 疑, 不過有些國家不是入境都要按指紋,所以他都不去那些國家嗎 @@a
clkao 20:25:32
對啊,他基本上會避免去那些地方 只是上次 survey 的時候,台灣還沒施行
yhsiang 20:48:00
soga XD
pofeng 21:10:57
日本也開始蓋了 (不知道何時開始的)
clkao 21:24:13


RS 00:18:08
RS 00:18:38
@clkao: 要辦什麼活動啊?應該不是 Beer Party 吧 (誤)
yhsiang 00:21:55
@rschiang: 你要辦 beer 趴啊
pofeng 00:21:57
rschiang: "clkao [1:45 AM] 12 月 9~11 號 loomio 的創辦人 Ben 和 Richard 會來台灣,似乎可以辦個小活動.... pm5 有興趣當主揪嗎 "
pm5 11:31:15
pm5 11:31:33
clkao 12:23:08
pm5++ # 先 copy 一份上次的活動 hackpad 當 template?
clkao 12:26:37


pm5 13:40:58
@singing 到時可以幫忙訂場地嗎?我跟講者確定時間了就跟妳說
singing 13:42:58
@pm5: ok


pm5 09:21:01
Ben 說 12/9 12/10
pm5 09:21:10
我比較偏好 12/19
pm5 09:21:56
好像可以跟拜五空一天 😛
pm5 09:22:02
pm5 09:31:17
沒有的話我就回 12/19
pm5 09:34:37
打錯... 是 12/9
pm5 09:35:13
morning coffee hasn’t kicked in...
☕ 1
yhsiang 09:42:17
clkao 17:34:12
rschiang: 有興趣協助 seth 來台灣時候的筆譯嗎?
clkao 17:34:38
應該是 11/30
singing 17:35:01
clkao 17:35:03
rschiang: 身邊還有沒有人可以推這種坑呀 感覺要多找一些
clkao 17:35:24
singing: 那個應該是法律所處理好場地了
clkao 17:35:36
singing: 還是你問的是 loomio 的
yhsiang 17:36:15
loomio 應該還來得及吧 12/9 號
singing 17:36:46
pm5 說要我幫忙訂Benjamin Knight 和 Richard Bartlett來台的場地,我沒搞清楚是哪一場...sorry

<@U06QG42KT> 到時可以幫忙訂場地嗎?我跟講者確定時間了就跟妳說

pm5 19:06:57
pm5 19:07:04
pm5 19:07:53
@singing: ^^^
clkao 19:18:54
singing: Seth (11/30) 是法律所和台權會那邊主辦,想請我們幫忙弄 kktix (就掛在 ocf 國際交流), shunling 的助理會負責去催內容跟圖,可以請你幫忙設定活動嗎? (應該是從 socp 當 template copy) 他明天應該會有更多這件事情的細節
singing 22:27:48
@clkao: 11/30 活動收到,我明天可以來處理,有資訊也請再pass給我
singing 22:28:18
@pm5: 我可以幫忙訂場地,你有期望的日期與時間嗎?and 預估人數?


pm5 18:13:57
@singing: 10/9 6pm-10pm
pm5 18:14:18
預估人數我想也是 80~120 人
pm5 18:14:53
然後,呃聽說 OCF 可以出講者晚餐
pm5 18:15:11
pm5 18:15:59
講者有 3 人,其中 2 人素食(不吃肉蛋奶),又其中 2 人小麥過敏
pm5 18:16:05
pm5 18:16:09
> It will be Richard, Hannah and myself. We are a little complicated when it comes to diet - Hannah and I are both vegan (we avoid meat, dairy and eggs), and Richard and Hannah are both allergic to gluten (so they have to avoid wheat). I hope this isn't too much trouble, and please feel free to let us know if it's overly difficult.
> …
singing 18:16:27
@pm5: 好,第一次遇到複雜的挑戰
🍴 3 👍 1
pm5 18:16:53
… 我又打錯日期了
pm5 18:16:55
是 12/9
pm5 18:16:58
pm5 18:17:04
pofeng 18:37:07
又是麩質過敏 😛
clkao 23:54:51
singing: eff 活動看要不要先開未發佈的先把已有資訊跟講者頭貼一下 有需要幫忙再跟我說


singing 09:42:53
@clkao: 好啊,那我整理一下他的資訊,有問題再問你(那頁hackpad資訊有點多)
clkao 10:19:53
好 可以從 socp copy… 人頭可能要用 source html 改 因為是硬刻進去的 XD
singing 10:20:11
RS 17:27:42
@clkao: 11/30 我跟學校出國了的說owo)// 有點可惜QQ
clkao 17:41:17
rschiang: 殘念 有適合被推的人嗎
RS 17:41:34
au 17:43:07
RS 用的投影程式放在哪裡?
RS 17:43:29



lit-app - Lit huge poster app

RS 17:44:03
另外我記得 `Ctrl + L` 會切到程式碼模式owo)
au 17:44:50
我 build 看看
RS 17:46:09
啊啊,有 built DMG 可以用 owo)
🏛️ 1
au 17:58:39
有教學嗎 XD 只看到一個 textedit 窗
au 17:59:48
ok 會用了。一定要消掉才能打下一張嗎
au 18:02:01
如果 trim 掉最後一個雙分行 (\n\n) 之前的所有字,editor window 就可以當現成的 transcript 了
au 18:02:55


保留之前的文字 · Issue #1 · rschiang/lit-app · GitHub

<> 如果 trim 掉最後一個雙分行 (\n\n) 之前的所有字,editor window 就可以當現成的 transcript 了?

RS 18:03:59
au: 好主意噎!有推薦把 history 放到哪個地方嗎?(・ω・)ノ
au 18:04:13
history 就活動結束之後自己 copy & paste to hackpad
au 18:04:29
不然難道要做 slack incoming hook !?
au 18:05:06
# 像這種



livehousein2slack - Pipe <|> chatroom message into Slack channel

singing 18:32:24
pm5 22:31:56
pm5 22:32:28


fumi 12:31:37


clkao 23:26:51
rschiang: 所以筆譯投影還有想到誰可以協助嗎? christinesfkao ?
au 23:28:04
rschiang: 可以幫忙加上 transcript 支援嗎 —— 如果可以的話,我試著筆譯看看
clkao 23:33:52
au: 你要邊講邊譯嗎? XD
au 23:34:07
Lit 連動 Slack 連動 Hackpad 連動 SayIt!
au 23:34:25
au 23:34:36
那就是 Seth 講的時候我打字一下


au 00:20:58
yhsiang++ # 可是我沒有 Qt build env XDDD
yhsiang 00:21:03
yhsiang 00:21:27
我以為裝個 qt5 加 xcode 就可以了?
au 00:21:41
yhsiang 00:21:57
我把我的安裝過程順便加到 README ?
au 00:22:08
yhsiang++ # 感動!
yhsiang 00:26:24
yhsiang 00:28:56
commit msg 少打 twice .. QQ
yhsiang 12:03:08
昨天覺得Editor Window還會需要auto scroll XD
yhsiang 12:03:19
pm5 14:41:37
@clkao: 晚餐有預算嗎?
clkao 15:22:37
pm5: 大概五千吧
pm5 15:24:52
@singing: ^^^^
singing 15:26:23
@clkao: 場地費預算多少 ... 也一樣5000嗎?還是可以訂台大霖澤館 1301 $6900
clkao 15:27:36
可以啊,上次同一個? 含投影機? 咦, yhsiang 公司不是有 cafe ?
singing 15:30:35
上次同一個,含投影機是 6900。
au 15:49:38 改好了,我可以筆譯了... LY++ RS++


Update EditorWindow.qml by audreyt · Pull Request #3 · rschiang/lit-app · GitHub

This should close #1. Thanks yhsiang++ for testing

yhsiang 17:15:43
singing 17:15:58
@yhsiang: 問問!貴公司有場地可以讓社群借用嗎 XD
singing 17:16:09
看到上線立馬問 😛
yhsiang 17:16:32
可以 不用場地費 不過要讓我們公司的人可以自由參加
singing 17:17:00
yhsiang 17:18:35
我來借 XD
yhsiang 17:18:52
singing 17:18:58
12/9 6pm-10pm
yhsiang 17:19:17
singing 17:20:20
@pm5: 上次跟我說:80~120 人,如果空間無法承載這麼多人,往下調一點應該OK
yhsiang 17:20:36
yhsiang 17:20:44
singing 17:20:49
yhsiang 17:29:33
Slack for iOS Upload
yhsiang 17:30:19
yhsiang 17:31:27
桌子可以撤掉換成 鍵冒椅子
singing 17:31:41
yhsiang 17:31:46
singing 17:33:50
@pm5: 12/9的活動我們先暫借 appier 公司(大概40-50人),如果超過50人報名數量,我在去借更大的場地,並發場地變更信件給報名者,OK嗎?
pm5 17:34:08
okay 感謝
singing 17:34:53
@yhsiang: 拜託你借場地囉~~ 感恩大大,讚嘆大大
yhsiang 17:37:58
Hmm 我有一個問題是 我當天有事情欸 Xd
yhsiang 17:46:46
👍 2
yhsiang 18:01:09
yhsiang 18:01:46
感恩我老闆吧 不是感恩我orz
yhsiang 18:02:14
大家有認識在找工作的可以推薦一下我們就好了 XD
clkao 20:28:13
singing: 11/30 活動報名目前有要填手機 好像可以不用或者非必填?
pm5 23:22:20
12/9 找了家華,來講一下公民參與委員會的經驗(吧),不知道大家覺得怎麼樣?
clkao 23:47:25
++ 不過要強迫他注意時間
pm5 23:47:41
clkao 23:48:15
噢,不過她之前是有在 Steven 那場 如果有沒邀過的可以優先考慮


au 00:27:52 為什麼出現「 是行政院「虛擬世界法規調適計畫」主持人蔡玉玲在」 XD

工作坊:身份識別、隱私權與自由 / Workshop: Identity, Privacy and Freedom

11/30 (一) 18:30-21:00 臺大法律霖澤館 3F 1301教室 電子前鋒基金會 (EFF) 資深技術專員訪台活動,一起來關心隱私、監控、個資與自由等資訊與人權交會的議題

au 00:29:32
可以幫忙左欄中文改成我提供的「臺灣的自由軟體文化工作者。」嗎?右欄不用 title。感謝
au 00:29:42
clkao: ^^
clkao 00:30:32
lol 應該 singing 是從上次的 copy
au 00:31:21
yeah, 因為這場 eeling 要講去識別化,我已經說那我就不講這個主題了,所以可能無法帶入 vtaiwan
clkao 00:31:49
au 00:32:16
不講 deidentification, 改講 software freedom & trust
clkao 00:32:21
au 00:32:25
christinesfkao 01:59:02
@christinesfkao has joined the channel
pm5 09:04:47
12/9 還有其它建議的本地講者嗎?
pm5 09:05:36
另外需要幫外國講者找中翻英的口譯,不知道 @rschiang 那天有沒有空?
au 09:07:27
本地講者是說 Loomio 場嗎?我覺得 etblue 在 coscup 的動民主血淚史也相當適合
au 09:14:23
或是 billy3321 講社民黨網路審議外加司改陽光網血淚史? XD
pm5 11:33:29
clkao 16:16:34
社民黨網路審議好像太悲劇了 選前講好像有點弱 XD
au 16:39:22
也對。但之前 loomio 在台灣使用,哪一次不悲劇 XD
au 16:39:51
家華 ( 還有 nchild ) 剛好在我旁邊,要順便邀嗎
clkao 16:42:58
pm5 決定吧 個人目前偏好推坑 etblue 重講 coscup 主題
au 16:43:23
pm5 16:43:47
pm5 16:44:32
@rschiang 12/9 晚上能不能來翻譯啊?~
pm5 16:45:16
我是打算排三場 35 分鐘的
pm5 16:45:22
但 ETBlue 還在考慮中
pm5 23:32:10
好,ETBlue 大致上答應要講了,在跟家華討論要不要一起
🎆 1


christinesfkao 12:12:21
RS 現在在中國參訪中,不確定他什麼時候回台灣 OwO
clkao 12:41:29
明天跟週一晚上的 EFF 活動好像還沒有人可以幫忙錄影或轉播
clkao 15:11:59
Pellaeon 會來耶 可以請他幫忙筆譯嗎?
clkao 15:24:33
christinesfkao: 可以幫忙問問嗎?
clkao 15:25:42
(11/30) 可以跟 au 交替英文投影 還有中文講者時可以幫忙 summarize 給 seth (可能跟舜伶交替)
christinesfkao 15:46:07
@clkao: 好的我問問~(打開 WeChat
clkao 15:52:38
…. 不是應該用 telegram 嗎
christinesfkao 16:06:41
我不知道他有沒有翻牆耶 XD
singing 16:43:58
@clkao: 我問問jimmy辦公室是否可以借錄影設備好了,當天好像沒有CC讀書會,可以去幫忙錄影
clkao 16:44:20
christinesfkao: pellaeon 也在中國?
christinesfkao 16:44:45
pellaeon 沒有, rs 是跟學生會去參訪
etblue 21:14:14
@etblue has joined the channel
etblue 21:53:04
果然有這 channel + 原來 pm5 是被用實習議程組的藉口推坑的 + cat4 也在欸,什麼是四叉貓? + 影分身singing(A麵)... 社民黨網路審議是怎麼弱法?沒follow到
etblue 21:54:03
12/9 loomio 本地版處理中,籌備過程會在這邊更新本地講者講題籌備區
👍 3
pofeng 22:10:52
ocf 國際交流老大 @clkao 在這裡 , 所以 @singing 被迫在這裡上班 (誤)
clkao 22:11:58
etblue: 就... 要幫忙炒熱討論氣氛的版主被黨工嗆
yhsiang 22:12:27
etblue: 四叉貓是 ptt 名人
yhsiang 22:15:35
@singing: 對了 要自備一下垃圾袋 XD
singing 22:16:07
@yhsiang: 好啊!
yhsiang 22:16:56
hmm 我想辦法借一下立牌和弄個廁所標示 XD
etblue 22:16:59
clkao: 喔喔那個我好像有看到 XDDDDD 印象中是沒特別操作審議流程,把審議平台當臉書用,很歡樂的感覺 :joy:
yhsiang 22:17:54 # 所以 502 正常嗎 XD
singing 22:18:01
yhsiang 22:18:44
@singing: 點心跟飲料 可以放吧台 和後面的桌子 XD
etblue 22:20:21
[12/9 loomio] pm5 我想更切題一點,好像可以整理一下線上審議工具的臨床指引,把loomio跟其他台灣這邊實際有在用的工具列出來,放到量表裡面,這樣好像對大老遠來的loomio創辦人比較有意義,可以了解自己產品實際被使用時是怎麼被審議工作者定位的。不然如果本地講一些跟他們無關的事情,沒什麼意思,也很難有互動
singing 22:20:46
@clkao: @pm5: 這次有要準備點心嗎?點心費用多少?
pm5 22:21:49
singing 22:22:24
@pm5: 什麼時候要開kktix活動頁面,下週一中午?
singing 22:23:12
@yhsiang: 看起來可能沒有餐點,我可能只要準備茶水就好,請問有飲水機嗎?
yhsiang 22:23:27
@singing: 有 不過我今天不知道熱水怎麼開 XD
yhsiang 22:23:52
我是建議 晚上人多的活動還是讓準備三明治會比較好
pm5 22:23:54
@singing: 好
yhsiang 22:24:02
yhsiang 22:24:19
singing 22:24:19
yhsiang 22:24:32
旁邊都是零食而已 XD
singing 22:24:53
那我準備三明治好了,明天來看看需要多少預算,再來請示長官 (:P)
yhsiang 22:25:35
singing: 旁邊是有咖啡機拉 你可以帶咖啡豆來 XD
singing 22:26:54
@yhsiang: 不是有 g0v 的咖啡掛耳包嗎?應該帶來募款一下
yhsiang 22:27:55
問題就是 我不知道怎麼弄熱水 XD
yhsiang 22:27:58
但是咖啡機會 XD
yhsiang 22:28:22
singing 22:28:25
clkao 22:29:18
掛耳包快沒了啦 而且拿回去後有捐款的人超少
singing 22:29:31
yhsiang 22:30:17
只好現場在咖啡機旁邊擺刷卡機了 XD
clkao 22:31:18
yhsiang 22:32:34
XD 如果有第三方支付 掃 QRCode 後直接付款就好了
pofeng 22:33:16
@yhsiang: 有耶, 一直想申請, 有推薦的廠商嗎 ? ( 第三方支付 掃 QRCode )
yhsiang 22:33:55
@pofeng: 沒用過台灣的 QQ,只是在上海都看到大家這樣用
etblue 22:35:52
真的欸社民黨網路審議整個offline了... o_O
yhsiang 22:40:39
你們兩個在 hackpad 對話真有趣 XDDD
etblue 23:03:41
🖖 2
etblue 23:06:34
一邊hackpad還一邊在fb丟訊息... 免得漏掉,超蠢的 XD
yhsiang 23:07:04
etblue: 何不教家華 slack
1 1 1 🗣️ 1 1
etblue 23:08:50
我邀看看 XD
yhsiang 23:10:10
居然有政問的 logo .. @@
etblue 23:10:42
au 23:10:45
其實是(在後台)上傳時誤選 slack instance 的結果...
au 23:10:54
@chiahua 已經在 -g0v- slack 了 (誤,見下方討論) ,只是很少用
etblue 23:11:15
yhsiang 23:11:23
是同一人嗎 XD
yhsiang 23:11:35
yhsiang 23:13:16
hmm 原來上傳就可以變成 emoji ,以為要到後台去加
au 23:13:18 在另一個 slack instance 是 @chiahua。這個 instance 的 chiahua 不是同一人。又搞混了 XD
yhsiang 23:14:26
8/20 就 sent invitation 過,剛剛 resent
etblue 23:15:58
[12/9 loomio] pm5: soidid: yhsiang: 跟家華討論講題妳們會想一起嗎
pm5 23:16:36
我都可以,但我這週末完全沒空 T_T
yhsiang 23:16:53
chiahua0515 23:20:05
@chiahua0515 has joined the channel
etblue 23:20:20
chiahua0515: 這裡這裡,國際交流專案頻道
chiahua0515 23:21:44
🚄 1 1
pofeng 23:22:06
@chiahua0515: 女王 !!
👑 3
chiahua0515 23:22:11
chiahua0515 23:22:22
etblue 23:22:24
@chiahua0515: 審議一姐!
chiahua0515 23:22:34
etblue 23:22:36
chiahua0515 23:23:17
etblue 23:23:25
pm5: 週日 3pm 妳要一起來嗎
etblue 23:24:00
chiahua0515: ok!有關的我會tag你或者複製到hackpad
etblue 23:27:14
啊,看到前面 pm5 說週末沒空了
etblue 23:27:43
那就我跟家華自己搞 XD
etblue 23:32:34
pm5: 那你想到什麼的話先丟這邊或hackpad好惹~~~ fb 也可,我最後都會貼到hackpad
etblue 23:34:59
soidid: 你週末跟 pm5 一樣滿檔嗎 XD
peggylo 23:40:07
@peggylo has joined the channel
ttcat 23:42:03
@ttcat has joined the channel
peggylo 23:42:58
au 23:46:17
peggylo: etblue 在做調查,想問 hackpad hackfoldr slideshare sayit googleform 之外,你平常實際採用的網路工具有哪些
au 23:46:39
在 hackpad 「待收集情報」那段
etblue 23:48:25
peggylo: 12/9 loomio 創辦人來台OCF有辦活動,正在跟家華討論本地講題,約了本週日 3pm ,妳要來嗎 XD
christinesfkao 23:53:24
@clkao: 我用 Telegram 找 @rschiang 他也沒有回 .____./
clkao 23:54:30
christinesfkao: 欸,我下午的意思是問 Pellaeon :stuck_out_tongue: 因為 RS 本來就說他不會在
christinesfkao 23:54:47
pellaeon 23:54:50
@pellaeon has joined the channel


yhsiang 00:02:08
我用臉書找 RS 他有回欸 XD
clkao 00:04:14
pellaeon: !
pellaeon 00:07:01
clkao: 嗨嗨村長好XD
clkao 00:08:23
pellaeon: 想推坑你 11/30 幫忙現場筆譯英文場(第二投影) 還有翻譯中文內容給講者聽
clkao 00:09:06
話說... 有第二投影機嗎? cc singing & au
pellaeon 00:09:23
pellaeon 00:09:27
clkao 00:09:36
pellaeon: 對 其實應該不用翻 就是字幕就好了
au 00:09:40
pellaeon 00:09:51
au 00:10:00
peggylo 00:10:01
謝謝 @au 說明QQ
clkao 00:10:01
可以跟 au 輪替 翻譯也可以跟舜伶(主持人)輪替 才不會太累
pellaeon 00:10:49
au 00:11:04
au 00:11:28
au 00:11:39
pellaeon 00:11:59
clkao 00:12:20
no, 會佔掉太多時間
clkao 00:12:26
au 00:12:34
同步的話要耳機 icecast etc
pellaeon 00:12:34
pellaeon 00:12:45
au 00:13:02
好,那你同步給打字快的人聽 XDD
peggylo 00:13:30
@etblue: 如果有直播我線上跟溜
pellaeon 00:14:01
clkao 00:14:20
pellaeon 00:14:24
clkao 00:15:04
不然就是中文翻給講者聽 坐他旁邊
etblue 00:15:20
peggylo: 沒有直播 XD 會有文字紀錄在hackpad
clkao 00:15:20
因為有 4 個 session, 主持人一個人翻會累死 😛
pellaeon 00:15:38
pellaeon 00:16:21
我的翻譯source 不是講者嗎?什麼叫做「中文翻給講者聽」?
clkao 00:16:48
有兩件事情: 1) 英文講者需要及時字幕 2) 中文講者需要翻給英文講者聽
au 00:17:01
source = spoken english x1 & spoken mandarin x3
au 00:17:27
spoken english => on-screen chinese & spoken mandarin => whispered english
pellaeon 00:18:09
pellaeon 00:18:33
所以 on screen chinese 是給聽眾看的?
au 00:18:46
pellaeon 00:18:53
pellaeon 00:19:59
pellaeon 00:21:08
如果 英翻中 也要同步口譯的話連續加起來幾個小時腦袋會熱當
au 00:22:25
所以 pellaeon 支援 spoken mandarin => whispered english
au 00:22:58
然後我專門做 spoken english => on-screen chinese (for Seth’s session)?
pellaeon 00:23:19
au 00:23:53
有, shunling (主持人)
pellaeon 00:24:38
OK 好
etblue 02:51:41
[12/9 loomio] chiahua0515: 家華,我覺得還蠻需要講「給技術宅宅們的審議 ABC」,不然像我這種技術宅,在沒有審議基礎知識且剛好又對網路工具很熟悉的情況下,很容易直接被工具牽著鼻子走,最後就是發生類似社民黨網路審議的那種悲劇。現在不管政府還是民間,好像都很崇尚網路工具,也就是說,想趕審議潮流的單位往往會有求於類似g0ver或loomio開發者之類的技術宅宅,如果能讓這些操作網路工具的技術宅,建立重要的審議基本概念,那麼他們進去政府或NGO裡面實際參與操作的時候,可能就會有些正面的影響。
👍 1
etblue 03:00:45
[12/9 loomio] chiahua0515 : 像是 pm5 想知道的哪些工具/技術適合接在哪些的前面與後面,還有對網路工具這件事情的整體分析性的看法,也就是各種工具的定位,其實需要先有一個審議基礎架構當作座標,才有辦法去定位這些工具各自的適用情境。所以我想說,可能你可以先講審議流程的基礎八階段,以及他們在那九種操作模式中的變化,讓大家知道審議這件事情的整個輪廓大概長什麼樣子,然後我再接續你講的,用那八階段、九模式當作座標,搭配實際使用案例,把幾個常見的網路工具(包括loomio)定位進去,讓大家在選擇網路工具、或者開發網路工具的時候,可以有個參考。
etblue 03:10:24
[12/9 loomio] chiahua0515 : 以上,這樣我們兩個的內容合起來,就會是一個完整的、包括基礎概念與實際應用的審議網路輔助工具量表了,雖然跟原本設定的講題公參會走向完全不同,但我覺得蠻有意義的,尤其是這主題需要跨兩個領域,絕對無法由技術宅單獨完成,難得可以同台,不做一下好像有點可惜 XD 而且我想這內容對兩位 loomio 的創辦人來說,應該也蠻有感覺的,或許可以增加一些實質交流,比較不會變成是外國跟本地兩邊好像完全不相干的兩場talk湊在一起
etblue 03:14:30
以上 cc @ttcat , @ztlee , @charlesc , @ipa
ZT Li 03:15:20
@ztlee has joined the channel
charlesc 03:17:25
@charlesc has joined the channel
etblue 03:28:41
問 pm5: loomio 創辦人有說他們大概會講什麼嗎?如果他們會講 use case,那把他們前面講的 use case 在後面丟到量表裡面實際測量,應該也蠻有趣的
etblue 04:36:42
chiahua0515: 量表的名字想好了!就叫藍呂量表! XDDDDD 英文叫 Bl-Lu / BLLU / BLu ... 縮寫:BL ...疑怪怪的
😱 1
pm5 08:33:18
etblue: 我可以請他們講 use case。他們說很樂意講我們想聽的題目。
👍 1
chiahua0515 09:16:50
@etblue ... 坦白說
🔬 2 🔭 1
au 09:21:20
同意,講空間(互動和時間設計)要比單純講工具(技術建材)有脈絡多了。也可以請 loomio 從這個角度出發來談。
clkao 10:43:20
chiahua0515: 不過除非小編工具化或是 crowdsource 化,不然這沒辦法規模擴大。這好像剛好是 hychen 的鄉民關心你
au 10:49:16
現階段 crowdsource 化似乎比較有機會(self-moderating community / 鄉民關心你)...
工具化 (小編功能內建進空間裡) 可能得靠類似 Facebook M 後端(assisted CSM / 機器協助支援服務)那種。技術現在還未成熟,主要是可用的非語言輸入訊號太少,也許要等 VR。
etblue 12:43:53
chiahua0515: 網路(資訊)工具能輔助的地方有限,主要就是資訊,這件事情現在看來很理所當然,但我可是花了兩年才搞懂(遙望動民主血淚史),如果可以把這件事情講清楚,對其他想跨足政治的技術宅來說,應該會很有幫助,可以少走很多冤枉路,不然其實每隔一陣子就可以看到一個類動民主的提案出現 XDDD... 那所謂的講清楚,就是把網路資訊工具在整個審議裡面的定位標出來,不只是「哪些事情適合使用什麼網路工具」,更包括「哪些事情無法靠網路工具」
chiahua0515 14:04:41
ipa 15:14:24
👍 2
pm5 19:14:06
@chiahua0515 @etblue 所以兩位會各講 35 分鐘,是吧?
🇵🇲 1
chiahua0515 21:05:19
@pm5 可以等我週日跟 @etblue討論後,再確認嗎?XD
etblue 22:33:46
pm5: chiahua0515: ipa: 我知道這樣很欠扁,但是今天 ttcat 提了一個我覺得很讚的 idea...
> 為什麼是找三個講者,而不是一個講者、兩個與談人?一個外國人跟家華對談,會有些交流,主持人可以準備口袋問題,可以交叉問比地跟外國經驗,一個是實體審議操作者,一個視線上審議平台創辦人,他們之間是否有同樣的idea,各自對審議的想像是什麼,這樣就好了,一人準備個十分鐘開場,剩下的可以對談。
> 比方說loomio上最多人參與討論的是什麼樣的案子?人數多少?這樣的規模根本實體的差在哪裡?實體是過最多人的在318,平均在多少人上下?品質的影響,線上可以讓他變得更大嗎?更快嗎?loomio有沒有政府再使用做政策?有的話可以讓他們談談loomio國外政府利用這樣線上工具做決策的過程,比對家華審議操作方式,家華可以講的不只是他操作,問家華對vtaiwan等線上工具的想法,一個是國外一個本地,一個實體一個線上
etblue 22:35:22
我覺得如果請 ttcat 來主持訪談 chiahua0515 跟 loomio 創辦人,跟 summit 的議程類似感覺,應該會很讚
etblue 22:42:45
量表的idea, ttcat 回饋是他覺得跟這個相比,他比較想知道loomio的big data,還有他覺得帶給技術宅「網路工具只是審議的一個小輔助環節」這一個概念就好,量表他感覺有點太複雜
etblue 22:43:50
阿端建議詳hackpad紀錄 議程討論這段的最下面議程討論
etblue 22:56:30
ttcat: singing: 與 intl 專案無關,純 FYI 今天的阿端講堂紀錄在此
pofeng 23:35:29
@etblue: 好有趣啊 什麼背景下有這個講堂啊 感覺都是你問的問題
etblue 23:36:38
pm5: chiahua0515: 而且越想越對,都說網路工具是一個很小很小的環節了,還大費周章替這個小環節做量表,太不符合比例了,只滿足我的meta data整理痞而已 orz
etblue 23:37:09
pofeng: 原本是在講某黨的八卦(小聲)
etblue 23:39:24
pofeng: 沒錯都是我問的問題 XD 很明顯嗎?(抓頭
pm5 23:50:59
pm5 23:51:27
pm5 23:52:35


pm5 00:08:24
etblue 00:11:29
想說阿端主持的話可以順便口譯 XD (逃
pofeng 00:14:09
etblue: 很明顯耶 :stuck_out_tongue:
etblue 00:18:53
去識別化後的TT講堂,原址已刪除 XD
ttcat 00:37:38
ttcat 00:38:15
etblue 01:38:31
上次海盜黨怎麼了? @@? 額,我好像還沒回去看影片...
clkao 08:43:16
etblue 22:15:49
pm5: ttcat: ipa: 不見得要來但gcal邀請還是cc給妳們了 XD


pm5 16:01:36
@etblue @chiahua0515 loomio 的 Richard 說他們會準備一些 運用 loomio 的公民參與案例還有一些審議民主和參與式預算的案例
pm5 16:01:57
也跟他們說可能會改成 panel discussion
pm5 16:02:08
chiahua0515 16:21:45
pm5 16:23:33
chiahua0515 16:27:39
@pm5 有可能這幾天就先寄給我們討論案例的線上連結嗎?
pm5 16:28:52
loomio 應該可以先提供 slides
chiahua0515 16:34:04
而且現成,不用等他們做簡報 :)
au 16:52:07
chiahua0515: try


Wellington City Council Alcohol Reform Consultation a Sham?

Back in February the Wellington City Council trialled a new online consulting systems, called Loomio, which was designed to bring a greater democracy and better outcomes to Council proposals. The first cab of the rank that the system oversaw was the Alcohol Reform work that has been released today by Council as the “Right Mix”. Sadly, as often been my experience over the years, the good work that the Council did appears to have been largely ignored by the Councillors once again reinforcing the public perception that the Councillors have a) pre-conceived outcomes they are looking for (an agenda) and b) that participating in any consultation is a complete waste of time. Before I get into the background and the story, I just want to make a few things clear. There is no doubt that the city needs some kind of alcohol reform, no one is disagreeing on the problems. Anyone who has been into Courtenay Place after 10pm on a Thursday, Friday, or Saturday night is all too aware of the drunken, anti-social, and disgusting antics that occur. It’s not a safe place to be with frequent outbreaks of violence that lead to a load on emergency services. Further, across the city, drinking raises many issues that need to be managed by the community at large. I also want to make it clear that I have no allegiances here. I participated as a member of the community, and ratepayer, in the process that was overseen by Loomio. I don’t work in the hospitality industry, I have nothing to do with alcohol commercially, and anyone who knows me will tell you that I certainly like a drink or two. In addition, I didn’t stand to benefit financially from any of the ideas that we raised. What does interest me is that the community has the ability to tell the Councillors, who we vote for and employ, what we want, what we think, what we are concerned about, and then they, as our employees, do what they are told. I also want to note that this is directed at the Councillors, not the on the ground Council, who I think I did a magnificent job with Loomio only to be upstaged by what appears to be an agenda and pre-conceived outcome. Lastly, I understand that given the size of the people that expressed in interest in the consultation via Loomio, we were split into groups, I can only speak for the group that I participated in. And with that, the story. Back in February the Council stood up <|> in order get a more democratic and active participation in consulting on alcohol reform. There were no pre-conceived ideas, we were given a set of statements, problems mostly, and then asked to discuss and come up with recommendations. Each recommendation could be put to the vote. Loomio Idea Over the course of several weeks we debated and voted on various recommendations, strategies, and ideas. We had a cross section of Council staff (facilitating), hospitality players, drinkers, non-drinkers, health professionals, and other regular members of the community. What became quickly apparent, at least in our group, was that blaming the hospitality players and off-licenses was stupid. Also, early closing hours, one way doors, and cut down hours were not going to solve the issues. At that stage, a number of ideas were generated, that have been simply lost in the translation from Loomio to the current draft document. We are in the dark as to how that happened, and once again, we see the consultation process of the Council operating in a dark basement, with no stair access, inside a locked filing cabinet, guarded by a tiger. Here are some examples of the work that came out of Loomio. General Agreement that the Capital Host Charter was an arse. Hospitality operators can sign up to a Charter which then gains them the ability to put a sticker on their front door to show that they are… well… part of the Charter. The rules for getting on the charter are thin and the last time I paid attention to a sticker on a pub door was, well, never. And yet, in the proposal out today, we see this being strengthened. Capital Charter Earlier pub closing hours were not supported It became clear very early on that nobody agreed with a reduction in hours that pubs, bars, and restaurants could close. If anything, the consensus was that this would make things worse as people would pour out onto the street at certain hours causing crowd issues and that people would get their “six o’clock swill on” albeit at 3 am. Closing Hours Vote Number of off-licenses reduction not supported A lot of debate surrounded the number of off-licenses and where they were in the community. The information that was supplied to us said that the number was irrelevant, the location was the important factor. In other words where an off license was situated was directly related to alcohol issues on the street not how many there were. Number of Off-Licenses in Given Areas Stephanie Cooks weighs in with what looks like an agenda About this point in the process the Dominion Post published an article titled “4am set to play havoc with city revellers.” The article revealed that central government was working on a default 4am closure policy. What was interesting was Stephanie Cook’s statement in the article: “Social portfolio leader Councillor Stephanie Cook said the council was asking for a simple fix to a problem. It was likely the council’s policy would still stagger closings, and there would still be licences after 4am, so switching to the default for a few months was pointless.” It was like the council’s policy would still stagger closings. If that is not an agenda popping out half way through a public consultation process I don’t know what is. It seems that in Stephanie Cook’s mind the answer was already apparent, despite what was going on in the consultation space with Loomio and the Council proper. The perception, certainly in my mind, is that they outcome was a fait accompli, as we see today with the release of the draft. Good ideas were not carried through Our group came up with a number of ideas to help get after the outcomes that the reform was looking for. None of these were carried through despite strong support within the group to carry on after the consultation, working with the Council, giving our free time to make stuff happen. Here are three examples of ideas that didn’t make it. The SmartPhone App  “The Capital Host Brand is laudable, but as a device to allow me to see what is happening, what is safe, what kind of reputation a drinking establishment has, promotions, events, and all those good things, it doesn’t work. I’m not going to pay much attention to a sticker on a pub door at 2am in the morning based on information that is months old. So here’s the starter for ten. Create an entertainment / establishment application for smartphones and the internet. The App can show hotspots based on other available location information that is free. It can show how busy a place is. The Apps can allow you to see into the establishment itself with a live camera. You can see how crowded it is and what’s happening before you leave home or walk in the door. A reputation based system could be employed and periodically “flushed”. I.e. The problem with things like TripAdvisor is that the ratings are aggregated over years and years. So if you had a shoddy operator of a bar in 2010, you’ll get a whole pile of bad reviews, which is unfair because a new operator in 2013 could have turned the place around. So maybe the ratings are aggregated for three or six months. The ability for the establishment when they sign up as a place for the App to find to respond to reviews is paramount as well. It shows what is open and what is closed. It allows for the establishment to put any promotions up as advertising. It allows for the establishment to show what entertainment is on that night or coming up. The establishment and punters can define the “mood” of a place. So it could be categorised “Chill”, “Lively”, “Going Off”, and so on. The establishment and punters can define the average age of the crowd and place. It could show the music playlist for the evening. There is a range of information that could be displayed about a location that changed dynamically as people visited establishments. The real value is that the information is purely transparent and in one place. Anyone can look into a bar via video to see what is going on, you can see the mood of place in real time and the average age group, it provides information on entertainment and specials, it tells you how to get to a place, it runs a three month average of the reputation of a place, and its available free on every phone and computer. A million bucks? Two million? Try NOTHING. This App already exists in the US (free to download) and I’m sure could be leveraged and extended out here with some support. It has over 33,000,000 regular subscribers in the US. All we’d need is a plan, marketing, guinea pigs, some input from friendly establishments, and we’d be away. I’m more than happy to dedicate some of my time to help.” While there was debate on the actual content of the SmartPhone App, people were prepared to work, for nothing, to pursue the idea. Volunteer Willingness Wet Hostels This idea also had strong support. Wet Hostels Social Campaign We felt that attitudes toward alcohol in the city could be adjusted through social campaigns. Social Campaign Ideas Summary The amount of time and energy that was devoted by dozens of Wellingtonians into the consultation around alcohol reform showed that people cared, were engaged, and had great ideas thinking outside the box that had merit. It appears that Stephanie Cook always had a preconceived idea and agenda, as evidenced by the Dominion Post Articles and the fact that our group’s other ideas were not carried through, I suspect other group’s ideas weren’t either. The alcohol reform document in my opinion, doesn’t answer the questions that were originally posed as part of the consultation. The Original Questions The approach adopted is old, dated, will not be operable, will not resolve the issues raised by the community, and is quite frankly, unintelligent. The Councillors have shown once again, in my opinion, that consultation appears to be a sham single-handedly showing arrogance, a lack of touch with the community, a closed-minded attitude, which is un-democratic, while forgetting that they are employed by the community to represent our wishes. Hats off to the Council proper, who did their level best to run a new and innovative consultation process and appear to have been pipped at the post by their Councillors. We need to vote these bunnies out. The long term, lifers, who have decided they can divine what the community wants without proper consultation and are now career Councillors afraid of losing their jobs. Because who else would employ them? I leave the final words to a mole within the machine, whose words I have deliberately chosen to alter to protect their identity. I asked them why ideas hadn’t been carried through and other ideas we had debunked had been taken forward. I leave you with their words, because it says it all: “I have been left in the cold over recent weeks as well, it appears to be a lack of resource on the Council that is managing the consultation while also being at the whim of some very rigid, old processes at a deeper layer.”

au 17:04:29
(Loomio 用在參與預算的系統叫 Cobudget,目前開發中)
chiahua0515 17:38:21
👍 太感激了!
au 17:43:32
他們是 50 人一組,只有小組可以登入
au 17:45:54
有公開的是像 那是軟體開發 (loomio 本身)


Abstention - Part 2 : Make wording in votes more congruent

This is a fork of <>, which aims to make viewers but non voters visible, ie abstention. This discussion aims to clarify the words used to describe the voting groups. Proposal : a) Rename the orange "Abstain" to "Undecided" b) Change "Show undecided members" to "Show members who did not open the proposal", c) Use "abstain" for the automatic counting of viewers d) Change the red "Block" to "Stop"

chiahua0515 17:57:30
🙏🏻 謝謝 @au 的有求必應!
🌈 2


pm5 11:57:01
@chiahua0515 @etblue 昨天的結論是?
pm5 11:58:11
@singing 看來要明天中午才能發 kktix。場地、食物和講者晚餐我有沒有什麼資訊還沒給妳?
singing 11:59:34
@pm5: 場地解決了,食物與晚餐我這周會來安排,目前應該OK,不懂得我會再問你,謝謝!
pm5 11:59:54
ya~ @singing++
etblue 12:45:24
額,對,好像要收斂一下確定的文案,囧... 昨天回家就快樂地睡覺了完全忘記發活動訊息的事情
pm5 12:46:20
@etblue: 需要找座談的主持和口譯嗎?
etblue 12:49:05
pm5: 不需要,因為座談太難準備了(與談人要事先橋好),所以最後還是分三段講,只是彼此關連
etblue 12:50:27
pm5: ipa: chiahua0515: 總結一下昨天的議程
Part1. 30 mins / loomio:loomio 與公共政策 / 社會議題
Part2. 20 mins / 家華:blulu 量表:審議概念篇
Part3. 30 mins / ET:blulu 量表:網路工具篇
etblue 12:51:47
pm5: 12/6 我跟家華會 rehearsal,也許時間細節做最終調整,不知你方不方便來 XD
etblue 12:52:22
pm5: 希望loomio講的許願還蠻多的,這邊貼一下:
1.介紹 loomio
- 他們研發時怎麼定位工具使用
- 多數處理什麼議題類型與政策階段?
- 有社會運動的倡議團體討論嗎?
- 在這些審議裡loomio發揮什麼功能
- 有沒有跟其他工具結合
- 跟實體活動怎麼串接
etblue 12:54:39
pm5: 如果可以預先知道他們的case,那12/6就可以re進去,因為我們會拿他們的case來放到blulu量表中
yhsiang 12:54:43
Kktix可以優先給我嗎 要寄信給公司同事
etblue 12:56:07
啊啊對,講者簡介! chiahua0515 你的講者簡介用先前活動的嗎
pm5 12:57:57
@etblue++ @chiahua0515++
pm5 12:58:07
@yhsiang 下午開給你
ipa 12:58:28
pm5 12:58:31
blulu 是什麼?
pm5 12:58:41
ipa 12:58:48
blue + lu
ipa 12:59:49
😇 2
etblue 13:01:44
一套由審議一姐的專業知識加上菜鳥我的表格整理痞所產生的量表... w
clkao 13:07:55
篳路藍縷 1730
etblue 13:12:09
pm5: singing: chiahua0515: 我看一下時間,一般晚上活動 7:30 開始,如果 loomio 講 30 mins,我跟家華預定共 50mins,應該可以在 21:00 結束,然後跟之前幾次一樣 break 到 21:10 開始 lightning
etblue 13:53:34
chiahua0515: 回去翻 g0v summit 資料,發現 loomio 關鍵字「 "decentralised" decision making」 ,這"decentralised"感覺是蠻關鍵的差異,我還沒想清楚就是
pm5 14:37:33
pm5 14:39:12
🐨 1 🇫🇮 1
clkao 14:47:07
嚕嚕咪 不是 troll 嗎 XD
🤗 1
au 14:49:55
豆知識:Loomio 的詞源是 loom “紡織”,是把 thread (“話題串”) 織在一起的輸出入 (-io) 工具
pm5 14:50:17
👍 2
au 14:51:23
au 14:56:58
pm5 14:58:53
pm5 14:59:37
另外 Appier 想掛協辦單位嗎?要的話需要 logo
yhsiang 15:01:59
yhsiang 15:02:19
不用掛吧 地點寫Appier Cafe就可以了
yhsiang 15:03:31
singing 15:06:28
preview 是不是只要更新一次就會換網址...
singing 15:06:31
clkao 15:06:32
etblue 15:53:27
[12/9 loomio] pm5: chiahua0515: ipa: 活動文案草稿,需校對活動綜合介紹
pm5 17:02:22


自 2014 年 318 運動後,審議民主在台灣政府與民間開始有了能見度,各種與網路工具結合的嘗試,也紛紛出現,如經貿國是會議網路審議、社民黨網路審議、虛擬法規調適、政問… 等。然而,跟實體工具一樣,

pm5 17:02:41
Appier Cafe 地址是 台北市信義區基隆路一段396號1樓 ?
pofeng 20:41:00
@pm5: 嚕嚕咪在某個領域是專有名詞 :stuck_out_tongue:
etblue 20:47:07
... 找不到膠帶圖示...
yhsiang 22:06:37
@pm5: 地址是 394 號
au 23:25:40
rschiang++ # 今天特別感謝 的作者 (& LY for the patch),第一次用就很順手
yhsiang 23:44:23
au++ rschiang++ XD