@canadian_aaron Here is a quick draft for the submission:
> Please describe what you want to do in your session
In this session we will present Cofact, a collaborative fact-checking system combining a LINE chatbot with a hoax database, supported by
g0v.tw civic tech grant. Out team grew up within 8 months, soon becoming a 200 volunteering editors fact checking community, and more than 20k people using the chat bot to reporting 150 news every week.
(More info here:
http://beta.hackfoldr.org/cofacts/https%253A%252F%252Fhackmd.io%252Fs%252FBJSdbUMpZ )
We plan to cover the following aspects:
- Consumers of misinformation in Taiwan
- Cofacts’ methodology of collaborative fact-checking
- How the system is designed to bring different voice to the users
> Who will be joining you in this session? Have you confirmed their participation? Who will be moderating this session?
This is a tech demo / lightning talk session that is hosted solely by Johnson Liang, Web developer, g0v community, civil tech, Taipei, Male, founder of the g0v project Cofacts.
> What outcomes would you like to achieve with your session, and how will you transition these activities into post-conference action?
Current effort of fact-checking focuses on authoring fact-checking reports, which is distributed by social networks and with search engines. There is a substantial amount of people that does not have the access to such information, such as senior citizens with limited digital literacy and social network connections.
This project tries to bridge the gap between the existing fact-checking reports and the digital immigrants in a crowd-sourced and open-sourced way, while striking a balance between free speech and fact-checks.
Compared to posts on Facebook and Twitter, misinformation in closed messaging chatrooms is under-researched. Cofact's database, released under CC0 and comprised of voluntary submissions of messages, can shed lights on how misinformation is like in these previously unseen environments.
> How long would you like this session to last?
Under 15 minutes (Lightning talk)