Hi all! I'm Adi Meira, a *Master's Student from Harvard Graduate School of Design*. My research focuses on the intersection of participatory design, advanced technology, activism, and public policy. Taiwan is one of my key case studies. I'll be in Taipei *from January 15 to January 27, 2025* and would love the opportunity to talk with you about g0v, vTaiwan, Join, MODA & related! In the mean time, I'd deeply appreciate if you could answer <https://d006tzq10hh.typeform.com/to/A11iYq7S|this online survey> abou *citizen engagement in Taiwan*
Hi all! I'm Adi Meira, a *Master's Student from Harvard Graduate School of Design*. My research focuses on the intersection of participatory design, advanced technology, activism, and public policy. Taiwan is one of my key case studies. I'll be in Taipei *from January 15 to January 27, 2025* and would love the opportunity to talk with you about g0v, vTaiwan, Join, MODA & related! In the mean time, I'd deeply appreciate if you could answer <https://d006tzq10hh.typeform.com/to/A11iYq7S|this online survey> abou *citizen engagement in Taiwan*
2025/02/22 大松命名投票倒數囉 ! 下週要訂出名稱 & 發展主視覺 ~ 來文件上投票吧 ! 也可以新增名稱 ~ <https://g0v.hackmd.io/@jothon/hackathon-name/https%3A%2F%2Fg0v.hackmd.io%2FFKKxyl7sTEWmTeCEHeiLCw%3Fview> 目前的熱門名稱: • 黑暗中的暖光黑客松 (缺英文名稱~) • Flow, Glow, and Grow Hackathon 公民韌性黑客松 • 平凡而自由的黑客松 Ordinary Life with Freedom Hackathon
2025/02/22 大松命名投票倒數囉 ! 下週要訂出名稱 & 發展主視覺 ~ 來文件上投票吧 ! 也可以新增名稱 ~ <https://g0v.hackmd.io/@jothon/hackathon-name/https%3A%2F%2Fg0v.hackmd.io%2FFKKxyl7sTEWmTeCEHeiLCw%3Fview> 目前的熱門名稱: • 黑暗中的暖光黑客松 (缺英文名稱~) • Flow, Glow, and Grow Hackathon 公民韌性黑客松 • 平凡而自由的黑客松 Ordinary Life with Freedom Hackathon
Ptt 批踢踢實業坊
<https://i.imgur.com/CaJJW7o.jpeg> 被搞是真的,我也請人家公司特定案子別做了。 這就跟在泰國查泰皇一樣蜉蝣撼樹。 沒背景又沒錢拿,平白惹事上身,君子不立危牆之下。 但車禍是意外
X (formerly Twitter)
I plan to be back online in 2025, it will probably be mostly on hypotheses, my own website(s) and bluesky (currently trying to figure out who is on bluesky among the people i follow on X, maybe you can help me...)
Court strikes down US net neutrality rules
The ruling marks a significant moment in the long running battle over how to regulate internet providers.
我有大量我面對非法停放汽車的照片和視頻,如果有人熱衷於在這裡傳播有關行人安全的信息,我很樂意與擅長社交媒體/編輯視頻的人合作。 我的一個想法是製作“如何像皇帝一樣行走”之類的視頻,在這些視頻中,我走到試圖阻止行人的汽車前面,迫使他們等待,而我則慢慢地走。 我已經有幾個這樣的影片了。 我只是不擅長社群媒體或編輯,需要一些幫助。 I have a TON of pictures and videos of me confronting cars parked illegally, if anyone feels passionate about spreading the word about pedestrian safety here I would love to collaborate with someone good at social media / editing videos. One idea I have is to compile videos like "how to walk like an emperor" where I step in front of cars that are trying to cut off pedestrians and force them to wait while I walk slowly. I already have a couple videos like this. I'm just not good at social media or editing and could use some help.
我有大量我面對非法停放汽車的照片和視頻,如果有人熱衷於在這裡傳播有關行人安全的信息,我很樂意與擅長社交媒體/編輯視頻的人合作。 我的一個想法是製作“如何像皇帝一樣行走”之類的視頻,在這些視頻中,我走到試圖阻止行人的汽車前面,迫使他們等待,而我則慢慢地走。 我已經有幾個這樣的影片了。 我只是不擅長社群媒體或編輯,需要一些幫助。 I have a TON of pictures and videos of me confronting cars parked illegally, if anyone feels passionate about spreading the word about pedestrian safety here I would love to collaborate with someone good at social media / editing videos. One idea I have is to compile videos like "how to walk like an emperor" where I step in front of cars that are trying to cut off pedestrians and force them to wait while I walk slowly. I already have a couple videos like this. I'm just not good at social media or editing and could use some help.
Google Docs
最近還好嗎?想要找人聊聊嗎,或是,純粹來找個地方做自己的事情 g0v 揪松團舉辦了放輕松 (社群小聚活動),不設限內容,歡迎大家來參加! How's it going? Want to find someone to chat with? Or, maybe you're just looking for a place to do your own thing. g0v Jothon organized a "g0v Rand0mThon" community meetup, with no set agenda. Everyone is welcome to join! - 近期小聚: 【g0v Rand0mth17n 第拾柒次放輕松】 活動地點:NPO Hub 四樓廚房 活動地址:台北市中正區重慶南路三段2號4樓 活動時間:01/07 週二晚上 7:00 - 9:00 ( 6:30 就可以入場囉) 活動共筆:共筆連結 Event Location: NPO Hub, 4F Kitchen Lab Address: 4F, No. 2, Section 3, Chongqing South Road, Zhongzheng District, Taipei Event Time: Tuesday, 01/07, 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM (Entry starts at 6:30 PM) Collaborative Note: Link to notes
2022 年 10 月,有駭客在暗網上以 5000USD 的加密貨幣販售台灣 2300 萬人的戶政資料,至今已過了超過 2 年,但是內政部仍未對此案件做出公開說明,持續不承認戶政外洩發生。
228 當時有一對律師兄弟正在跟家人吃魷魚粥時被帶走再也沒回來,後來這家人每年都吃魷魚粥作為思念
【連署聲明】支持開放知識及社群價值 聲援台灣維基媒體協會對抗濫訴 | SLAT 中華民國軟體自由協會
我們對台灣維基媒體協會近期面臨的司法訴訟表達高度關切。這起由旺中集團董事長蔡衍明提起的訴訟,不僅反映出他對維基百科自由編輯原則的誤解,更凸顯了「針對公眾參與的策略性訴訟」(Strategic lawsuits against public participation,SLAPP)對公民社會的威脅。維基百科作為全球最大的開放知識平台,好比是無數參與者一磚一瓦搭建起來的大教堂,其核心精神在於透過社群治理,確保內容的中立性、可信度,以及決策的公平性。因此,所有的編輯行為,均須恪守社群所建立的治理規則,任何試圖繞過社群機制、透過司法威脅來操控內容的行為,都與此一精神背道而馳。