It's time to make better decisions for our future. An organization with a goal to transfer the decision-making power from political representatives to the people of the world. <|>
Collect open records about Taiwan ADIZ(防空識別區) reports around the world.
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Discover the truth about UFOs. At Mufon, find out more about recent UFO sightings, daily UFO sightings, alien news and alien encounters.
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美玉姨加入 Gogolook!新增識別陌生電話、LINE 帳號,並拓展查核資料庫合作 - INSIDE
查核機器人美玉姨加入 Whoscall 公司 Gogolook,整合更多防詐資訊。 標籤: Gogolook, 美玉姨, Whoscall, 事實查核
今年最流行的動畫《鬼滅之刃》 偷偷說~小編早就看完漫畫了:smirk::smirk::smirk: 但~~身為一個鬼滅迷 看到電影版來台上映卻傳出盜錄事件 真的是非常不開心啊:exclamation::exclamation: 要提醒各位~ 盜錄影片並散播在網路上是有民刑事責任的唷 所以收到盜錄的影片或連結 :warning:千萬不要在群組轉傳分享:warning: 否則可能會成為盜版的幫兇 一定要注意唷:exclamation: 我們習以為常的社群媒體動態容易犯哪些著作權大忌:fearful: :point_down:一起來看看吧:point_down:...
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Hi Kiang: My name is Huizhong Wu and I'm a reporter with the AP in Taipei. I'm reaching out for a story I'm writing about Audrey Tang and wanted to reach out to you for a conversation. Can we connect over email? My email is hwu [at] <|> 您好 我叫吳慧中是美聯社的記者。 我希望跟你聯繫因為我們要做一個關於唐鳳的專題。 方便的話可以email嗎? 謝謝!