I write code that connects people to pixels. :sparkles: :koala:
Censored Planet
Throttling of Twitter in Russia
New report on throttling of Twitter in Russia by Censored Planet
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開源教 (The Openists) 是開放文化基金會所草創的非宗教活動,主旨在活絡開源社群精神,持續地開放共享和自主學習,歡迎開源教友們一起來分享和學習!有想分享的主題也歡迎聯絡我們!
The News Lens 關鍵評論網
國際人權報告:疫情下多國政府藉機擴權,台灣「大規模監控」威脅人民隱私權 - The News Lens 關鍵評論網
《路跑》台新女子馬X霞海城隍廟 良緣打造最浪漫路跑 - WOWSight
目前正熱烈報名中的2020 Taishi
READr 讀+
中國用語滲透台灣?從 Dcard 數據窺見年輕人網路用語趨勢 - READr 讀+
READr 團隊以臺灣 30 歲以下族群拜訪率最高的論壇 Dcard,從近 10 年、超過 3 百萬筆的論壇資料,以文字斷詞技術,試圖解答——「中國流行語」是否滲透、深入你我的日常生活?
App Store
保障個人隱私 利用手機藍牙功能來估計社交互動,資料以匿名方式儲存在個人手機設備中,確保個人隱私。 透過減少互動數量,降低暴露風險 模擬社交互動數量,做為民眾旅遊、通勤、購物的決策參考。 在自願的基礎上使用 可以依個人意願安裝或移除app。 減少經濟衝擊 不僅民眾降低互動次數,企業也以降低社交互動的方式營運,可以減少政府發佈強制暫停經濟活動措施的風險。 降低傳染風險 鼓勵民眾繼續日常生活,並減少不必要的身體接觸。 拯救生命 確診患者可以在匿名的情況下,與有接觸他的人分享接觸資訊。在兼顧隱私保護的情形下,拯救其他生命。
The social distancing APP is a community project initiated by Taiwan Centers of Disease Control and Taiwan AI Labs aiming to reduce the spread of infectious diseases. Guarantee Personal Privacy Taiwan Social Distancing App leveraged Bluetooth device signal to estimate the physical social interactions out of devices close to individual. The data with anonymous hashed ID history is stored at each individual device for up to 28 days. Reduce Exposure Risk by Reducing Number Social distance App will provide the number of physical social interactions simulated by nearby devices signals to support daily decision on travel, commute or shopping. Voluntary Basis User has control of the App and is the key decision maker to install or remove. Restrictions are fundamentally adhered to on an individual, voluntary basis. Reduce the Economic Impact When it comes to decisions on closure of nonessential business. There are obvious, huge trade-offs between public health and economic vitality. If everyone can carefully reduce the physical social interaction number and business can creatively run in the low social interaction way, the official can reduce the mandatory shut down of local economic. Flatten the Curve Since SARS-CoV-2 outbreak, a series of methods in Taiwan had been taken to reduce reproduction number, or R0. Disease modelers and epidemiologists with AI algorithms joined AI Labs to fight the spread of new infections. The process is known as flattening the curve. Taiwan Social Distancing App will play a key role to encourage people to keep daily routine with lower nonessential physical contacts. Save Lives If owner of a device with Taiwan Social Distancing App confirmed infectious diseases, the individual can choose to share the anonymous hashed ID number. Therefore, the device ever physically close to the individual will get noticed without knowing who was confirmed and when was the interactions. It will help to save other lives with privacy protected.
receive line's webhook and return rumor's checking result.
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