<https://g0v-digiresi.kktix.cc/events/digiresith0n> 2023-11-04(六) 數位韌性松,歡迎大家報名喔!
<https://g0v-digiresi.kktix.cc/events/digiresith0n> 2023-11-04(六) 數位韌性松,歡迎大家報名喔!
只要你對台灣網路韌性的議題感興趣,都歡迎來參加! 一起來動腦動手,提案協作來提升台灣的網路韌性吧!
#303 Many Popular Censorship Circumvention Tools Deleted or Archived since November 2, 2023
<https://github.com/net4people/bbs/issues/303#issuecomment-1792177030|中文版:自2023年11月2日起,中国开发者在GitHub上删除或存档翻墙工具> A significant number of censorship circumvention tools maintained by Chinese developers have been either deleted or archived since Thursday, November 2, 2023 (Beijing Time). These tools have been used by millions of users in China and other heavily censored regions on a daily basis. As summarized in the table below, this chain of incidents started with the developer <https://github.com/Fndroid|@Fndroid> deleted the repo Clash For Windows -- a highly popular tool with thousands of stars and forks on Github -- on Thursday, November 2, 2023 (Beijing Time). This incident was followed by further upheaval on November 3, 2023, as a series of other popular censorship circumvention tools developed by Chinese developers, were either completely deleted, archived, or stripped of all commits across their branches. We encourage the anti-censorship community to come together for an open dialogue on these emerging incidents, to explore mitigation strategies, and to consider the long-term implications. This collective effort is crucial for developing a resilient response to these incidents.
Keet - The Peer to Peer Chat App
Keet is a peer-to-peer chat application that allows users to communicate directly with each other. 100% end-to-end encrypted. Never on a server.
:wave:*謝謝有你在,最近如何?來當分享者101吧*:partying_face: *(<http://b.flyism.org|b.flyism.org>)* 🪽 <@U0510FVAW> *遊牧開放、即興、自然的夥伴間,探訪*:shamrock:*活力 (<http://x.flyism.org|x.flyism.org>)*:bulb:*錦句(<http://r.flyism.org|r.flyism.org>)*:performing_arts:*展演 (<http://flyism.org|flyism.org>),月產文章(53)和談話(43),以此募資(回饋雲空間),邀你同在、同行、同樂。* :smiling_face_with_3_hearts:*愛你喜悅好睡*:sleeping:
:wave:*謝謝有你在,最近如何?來當分享者101吧*:partying_face: *(<http://b.flyism.org|b.flyism.org>)* 🪽 <@U0510FVAW> *遊牧開放、即興、自然的夥伴間,探訪*:shamrock:*活力 (<http://x.flyism.org|x.flyism.org>)*:bulb:*錦句(<http://r.flyism.org|r.flyism.org>)*:performing_arts:*展演 (<http://flyism.org|flyism.org>),月產文章(53)和談話(43),以此募資(回饋雲空間),邀你同在、同行、同樂。* :smiling_face_with_3_hearts:*愛你喜悅好睡*:sleeping:
Code for SAKE サミット乾杯酒用 / Code for SAKE ( code4sake )のグラス通販 ∞ SUZURI(スズリ)
Code for SAKE サミット乾杯酒用(グラス)の購入ページです。Code for SAKE ( code4sake )がつくったグラス。色やサイズも選択可能です。お得なクーポンも配布中!
Four of the educational foundations for a better Taiwan society and our world that even tourists…
Taiwan has lots of educational foundations and people are working for a better tomorrow, for our conscience, well-being, freedom and…
g0v Summit 是由 g0v 零時政府主辦的大型國際會議,慣例為 2 年一次。受到疫情影響,2022 年停辦,明年,Summit 2024 將喚醒你體內的熱血公民魂。