Cut loose, Code for America's former local brigades look to regroup | StateScoop
As Code for America wraps up its relationship with its local brigades, the community of civic-tech volunteers is charting a new path.
Google Docs
謝謝你參加我的研究!我是 Phillip,上個月來台灣學台灣文化和華語。這個調查是為了我們文化課的期末研究報告。非常感謝你的幫助! 我在台灣的時候,看到台灣人參加了很多台灣的民主和政治活動。為了期末報告,我想研究g0v,對台灣的國際關係有什麼影響。 這是匿名的問卷調查。 Thank you for participating in my research! My name is Phillip, and I have spent the last month in Taiwan studying Taiwanese culture and Mandarin. As a part of my course, we are tasked with writing a final research report. This survey is aimed at gaining research for my final research paper. Throughout my time in Taiwan, I've seen how active Taiwanese people are in their democracy and politics. For my final report, I've decided to research about g0v and how it affects Taiwan's foreign policy. This survey is anonymous.
中央社 CNA
颱風陸警解除 新北最會閃颱風超商8/5恢復營業 | 地方 | 中央社 CNA
Shocking Hazard at Open Sauce (best event of the year so far!)
Collage 府前廣場空間願景蒐集試用網頁 <> 目前有 3 位繪製提議方向: • 鳴誼 - 有水有綠的總統府 • chewei - 廣場停車空間集中,將凱達格蘭大道沿線人行空間拓寬 • 小帥 - 民主夜市
Collage 府前廣場空間願景蒐集試用網頁 <> 目前有 3 位繪製提議方向: • 鳴誼 - 有水有綠的總統府 • chewei - 廣場停車空間集中,將凱達格蘭大道沿線人行空間拓寬 • 小帥 - 民主夜市
bhan llc.