「一個是開放食庫目前的食譜資料 (中式,西式,日式食譜各約 500 份),另外一份是近當代華文作家資料 (作家 643 人,書籍 20,070 本,出版社 2,525 間),兩份資料都是用 <http://schema.org|schema.org> 來標示,並且採取 json-ld 格式」 <https://github.com/changhw01/SkyHouse> 討論...
Contribute to changhw01/SkyHouse development by creating an account on GitHub.
八德地靈人傑,很高興慈濟來這裡蓋星際戰艦 不不是(靜思堂)。特地去空拍一下與大家分亨見證這千年不壞的建築物 (靜思堂是提共慈濟人共同修習場所,和急難救助中心,八德園區還有救災物資集結中心的功能)。
利用「Google 地圖」尋找本地商家、檢視地圖或規劃行車路線。
Common Voice: Our responsive web, Android and iOS apps for collecting public voice data. - irvin/voice-web
Common Voice is a project to help make voice recognition open to everyone. Now you can donate your voice to help us build an open-source voice database that anyone can use to make innovative apps for devices and the web.
Mozilla Discourse
Create a cc0 chat channel - interesting approach to collect random daily dialog
Hi, I had joined “g0v hackathon” [1], a day event last weekend, and took Common Voice as my topic. During the hackathon, we come up with a great idea to collect more CC0 daily chat texts - Create a #rand0m at our community Slack, instead of default #random channel. Every Slack instance had a default random channel, and people chat, share random stuff, making jokes… If those texts are all released under CC0, that would be great. So we create a #rand0m, set the channel topic as below, then I w...
Common Voice is a project to help make voice recognition open to everyone. Now you can donate your voice to help us build an open-source voice database that anyone can use to make innovative apps for devices and the web.
Common Voice is a project to help make voice recognition open to everyone. Now you can donate your voice to help us build an open-source voice database that anyone can use to make innovative apps for devices and the web.
Log into Facebook to start sharing and connecting with your friends, family, and people you know.
Common Voice is a project to help make voice recognition open to everyone. Now you can donate your voice to help us build an open-source voice database that anyone can use to make innovative apps for devices and the web.
【農糧署胡忠一署長針對媒體報導文旦柚事件說明】文字稿 各位關心農業的朋友大家好。 有關中天新聞在今年3月8日大政治大爆卦節目提到「農友陳大哥種植文旦柚200萬斤丟到曾文溪」及「受到去年8月23日水災影響的文旦補助都沒下來」報導,並非事實。...
Common Voice is a project to help make voice recognition open to everyone. Now you can donate your voice to help us build an open-source voice database that anyone can use to make innovative apps for devices and the web.
Common Voice is a project to help make voice recognition open to everyone. Now you can donate your voice to help us build an open-source voice database that anyone can use to make innovative apps for devices and the web.
Common Voice is a project to help make voice recognition open to everyone. Now you can donate your voice to help us build an open-source voice database that anyone can use to make innovative apps for devices and the web.
Common Voice: Our responsive web, Android and iOS apps for collecting public voice data. - irvin/voice-web
Add corpus from #rand0m by gugod · Pull Request #1 · handlino/More
<https://g0v-slack-archive.g0v.ronny.tw/index/channel/CGU1SLHNH/2019-03> unlicensed under CC0.
Common Voice is a project to help make voice recognition open to everyone. Now you can donate your voice to help us build an open-source voice database that anyone can use to make innovative apps for devices and the web.
Contribute to irvin/cc0-sentences development by creating an account on GitHub.
<http://用例.jp|xn--fsqv03g.jp> は世界最大の用例検索エンジンです。
Common Voice is a project to help make voice recognition open to everyone. Now you can donate your voice to help us build an open-source voice database that anyone can use to make innovative apps for devices and the web.
Common Voice is a project to help make voice recognition open to everyone. Now you can donate your voice to help us build an open-source voice database that anyone can use to make innovative apps for devices and the web.
Common Voice is a project to help make voice recognition open to everyone. Now you can donate your voice to help us build an open-source voice database that anyone can use to make innovative apps for devices and the web.
Common Voice is a project to help make voice recognition open to everyone. Now you can donate your voice to help us build an open-source voice database that anyone can use to make innovative apps for devices and the web.
Common Voice is a project to help make voice recognition open to everyone. Now you can donate your voice to help us build an open-source voice database that anyone can use to make innovative apps for devices and the web.
大家好,我是ARuFa。 雖然很突然,但各位知道喫茶店這樣的店舖嗎?我可是相當知道哦。 說到喫茶店,人們會邊喝茶邊愉快地聊天,是作為能夠放鬆休息的地方。 我也經常前往,慢慢啜飲「咖啡」這種既黑又混濁又苦的飲料呢。 ……那麼,就在這樣的喫茶店,有時也會發生喫茶店才能引起的嚴重事件。 那就是這個…… 吵架時對方朝你潑水
Common Voice is a project to help make voice recognition open to everyone. Now you can donate your voice to help us build an open-source voice database that anyone can use to make innovative apps for devices and the web.
Common Voice is a project to help make voice recognition open to everyone. Now you can donate your voice to help us build an open-source voice database that anyone can use to make innovative apps for devices and the web.
Common Voice is a project to help make voice recognition open to everyone. Now you can donate your voice to help us build an open-source voice database that anyone can use to make innovative apps for devices and the web.
Common Voice is a project to help make voice recognition open to everyone. Now you can donate your voice to help us build an open-source voice database that anyone can use to make innovative apps for devices and the web.
Common Voice is a project to help make voice recognition open to everyone. Now you can donate your voice to help us build an open-source voice database that anyone can use to make innovative apps for devices and the web.