
Month: 2023-03


ael 05:00:46
Hi FtO friends! One g0v project, #disfactory, is now featured on BBC Digital Planet! Join us to discover how the #civictech community and civil society stopped illegal factories from building on Taiwan's farmland. Tune in from 22'03-28'15. https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/w3ct31zs

Find more on https://about.disfactory.tw/en/


BBC World Service - Digital Planet, Ukraine’s drone spotting app

Ukrainian’s are using an app to identify drone attacks more quickly and accurately.




1 1
ael 05:00:46
Hi FtO friends! One g0v project, #disfactory, is now featured on BBC Digital Planet! Join us to discover how the #civictech community and civil society stopped illegal factories from building on Taiwan's farmland. Tune in from 22'03-28'15. https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/w3ct31zs


helloworld_bot 13:02:43
File from [code-for-korea] @BSC_Shinewith comment: Expected VIEW from the FtO 2023 Jeju's venue. You can see the sea and FC Jeju's stadium (source: https://www.facebook.com/ITKOREANIA/photos/nia%EA%B8%80%EB%A1%9C%EB%B2%8C%EC%84%BC%ED[…]A5%EA%B3%BC-%EB%B0%94%EB%8B%A4/734321220033992/?locale=ko_KR)


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@null 15:14:36
@chihaoyo @Saya we need to decide contens of section 3. https://g0v.hackmd.io/mXpv5u_eQXKmCFj5x_DmpQ?both


FtO Jeju 2023 registration form - HackMD

@null 15:16:26
for example, like accomodation for family.
@null 15:18:18
do we have to change the section for family into giving information for their own reservation?
I think in principle we should ask people traveling with family to arrange their own accommodation. I am also thinking about a diverse range of different kind of families - maybe some traveling with partners who would all be participants/contributors to the Meet & Hack. — we need to find a good way to describe this :p
@null 20:16:47
Yes. We're discussing about this topic now. 🙂 let's talk about more next week. and.. how about publish our form on Wednesday (3/8) ?
@null 20:20:09
I remebered we talked to open registration on 3/1. 🙂.
@null 20:24:01
Yes, 22nd is good to me. Did I send a calendar invitation to you ?
@null 20:26:43
Perfect!! Yes I got the invitation. See you on 22nd then :civitan-hi:
@null 20:27:32
helloworld_bot 20:47:02
File from [code-for-korea] @eunsoowith comment: Hi it would be great if we could get the design of the digital banner/image for the event by the 8th so that we can use it for the google form & social media promotion. Heard from ohyeon that g0v is preparing this?
Screenshot 2023-03-05 at 9.46.42 PM


isabelhou 08:56:50
I think @chihao is working on the design of the digital banner/image. He showed me some image of Jeju Island.
isabelhou 08:56:50
I think @chihao is working on the design of the digital banner/image. He showed me some image of Jeju Island.
chihao 08:58:36
Test test (tap tap) is this on?
chihao 08:59:26
Image files shall not pass the bridge(s)?
chihao 08:59:26
Image files shall not pass the bridge(s)?
helloworld_bot 08:59:46
File from [code-for-japan] @chihaowith comment: How’s this?
helloworld_bot 09:00:21
File from [code-for-korea] @chihaoyowith comment: What if I send it from c4k?
chihao 09:00:36
OK I apologize for the spamming…
😆 1
chihao 09:00:36
OK I apologize for the spamming…
@null 09:01:23
@eunsoo I will make a 4:1 version for the google form :)
⚡ 1
@null 09:15:50
great idea 🙂
chihao 09:29:47
To avoid spamming, I’ve uploaded the files to this doc :)) https://g0v.hackmd.io/LYlwU_gTSDSIv9svfsoxwA


FtO Jeju 2023 - HackMD

chihao 09:29:47
To avoid spamming, I’ve uploaded the files to this doc :)) https://g0v.hackmd.io/LYlwU_gTSDSIv9svfsoxwA


chihao 22:45:28
I think in principle we should ask people traveling with family to arrange their own accommodation. I am also thinking about a diverse range of different kind of families - maybe some traveling with partners who would all be participants/contributors to the Meet & Hack. — we need to find a good way to describe this :p


@null 09:33:37
I've modified the description under what used to be "I need accommodation for my family" to: :bed: Notes on accommodation ● Please specify how many people are traveling with you (INCLUDING you) and need accommodation. ● FtO provides free-of-charge dorm-style share-room accommodation to FtO participants. ● We will do our best to arrange rooms for families or groups travelling together, but this is not guaranteed. ● Organizers can give recommendations of family-friendly accommodations nearby. ● You will get an email once your FtO accommodation is confirmed. what do you think? Also, are we having a party on Friday? :tada:😅 or is this a legacy section from the last FtO? Wondering if I should keep this question or delete it.
@null 09:42:53
I think we maybe have a small party on Friday, to know each other. 🙂
@null 10:37:54
It is indeed a legacy section, but I also think a Friday night party sounds fun :)) @ohyeon ++
@null 10:44:13
@null 15:57:10
Could we all check/confirm whether the current form (the english description) is good to go? @chihaoyo @Saya Kubota @ohyeon I think the plan was to release this today. I assume we'll need to add translations under the English (if we were to just have 1 form to manage). If you agree, maybe let's just translate the first intro paragraph. Just missing the Chinese at this point. Also, as we gain more info (C4K members are planning to do a site visit soon), we can compile relevant info e.g. accommodation recs, directions and send it to applicants via email, I assume.
@null 17:15:57
@null 17:18:16
ohyeon++ \o/
isabelhou 17:20:23
The travel sponsorship for students from Taiwan, Korea and Japan is confirmed. 2 from each countries.
isabelhou 17:20:23
The travel sponsorship for students from Taiwan, Korea and Japan is confirmed. 2 from each countries.
chihao 17:20:40
isabel ++ \o/
chihao 17:20:40
isabel ++ \o/
@null 17:20:47
@null 17:22:42
Calling for contributions to update the Japanese paragraphs in this doc :)) https://g0v.hackmd.io/mXpv5u_eQXKmCFj5x_DmpQ


FtO Jeju 2023 registration form draft - HackMD

@null 17:23:38
Let’s also check one last time if all the KR paragraphs match the English? @eunsoo @ohyeon
@null 17:24:47
It looks okay to me.
pm5 19:14:08
pm5 19:14:08


@null 17:29:36
Are we still waiting for the Japanese update?
@null 18:40:52
in my memory, code for japan will have their own form to gather students also.
@null 18:41:12
I think, it's good to publish with this form.
@null 19:27:11
Ok! I've created a new https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1gB4ZUI2NVb6nJ9wwfVW-0MrjcSzBvwaTd0jJ2FG7v30/edit?resourcekey#gid=1504849373for collecting responses and did some final edits (put the translations for the code of conduct part so that hackmd & google forms match) We can share this link in our networks https://forms.gle/XbiRm2hRnYmnNezLA

Google Docs

Facing the Ocean Meet & Hack @ Jeju Registration / 面海松報名表 / 바다를 마주하며 함께 밋앤핵 / 海越えミート&ハック登録フォーム

:date: Date: 2023/6/9-11 :round_pushpin: Location: Jeju Island, South Korea :office: Venue: Jeju NIA Global Center "Facing the Ocean(FtO)" is an event that brings together civic hackers from Japan, South Korea and Taiwan — the three neighboring countries that share and “face” the same ocean. It is co-hosted by contributors from Code for Korea, g0v, and Code for Japan. 아름다운 섬 제주에서 바다를 맞대고 있는 세 나라(한국, 일본, 대만)의 사람들이 함께 진행하는 밋&amp;핵에 참가할 분들을 모십니다. 이 행사는 코드포코리아, g0v(대만), Code for Japan(일본)의 활동가와 시빅해커들이 함께 준비하였습니다. 韓国のチェジュ島にて、海を越えて隣接する三ヶ国(台湾・韓国・日本)から集まり、ハッカソンを開催します。世界中にあるCode for Allコミュニティーから、g0v(台湾)、Code for Japan(日本)、韓国のシビックハッカーが集まり、オーガナイズする予定です。 面海松集結來自日本、韓國、台灣,及其他鄰近國家、面向同一片海洋的公民黑客們。2023 濟州面海松將在 2023 年 6 月 9-11 日間在韓國濟州島舉行,由 Code for Korea、g0v、Code for Japan 的貢獻者主辦。 :white_check_mark: EVENT SCHEDULE &amp; MORE: <https://s3-ap-northeast-1.amazonaws.com/g0v-hackmd-images/uploads/upload_7f97d4bd2ef63dd7e46d93c4c2793d0d.png> To outline what we the organizers expect in this FtO event: ● No competition, no mentor, no prize, no winner, no loser, no theme, no fuzz. ● Free to do whatever. ● Do not violate CoC (<https://g0v.hackmd.io/XPzJRxsHT2CaOO5WZ5r-BA>) 이 행사에서 우리가 기대하는 것은, ● 경쟁 없음, 멘토 없음, 상 없음, 우승자 없음, 패배자 없음, 테마 없음, 걱정도 없음. ● 무엇이든 해도 상관없음 ● CoC를 어겨서는 안됩니다 (<https://g0v.hackmd.io/COC>) イベント概要・期待すること ● 競争することが目的ではないので、表彰・勝者敗者はありませんし、メンタリングや細かなテーマ設定はありません。 ● どんなテーマ設定・企画でも構いません ● Code of conductに反することはしないでください。(排斥はせず、お互いを尊重することなどを大切にしてください。) 在面海松,我們期待: ● 不是比賽、沒有導師、沒有獎項、沒有輸贏、沒有主題、沒有壓力 ● 自主而自由的行動 ● 請勿違反行為準則 (<https://g0v.hackmd.io/COC>) :warning: Please register individually. If you have any questions, find the organizers on Code for Korea’s Slack #fto-questions channel. (Join Code for Korea’s Slack here) 만약 질문이 있다면 코드포코리아 슬랙 #fto-questions 채널에 질문을 남겨주세요. (코드포코리아 슬랙에 가입하려면 다음 링크를 확인하세요 ➜ here) 参加者は一人ひとりで下記フォームを入力・送信してください。何かわからないことがあれば、Code for Japanメンバーに直接あるいはSlackチャンネルにてお声かけください。(Code for Japan Slack) 請以個人為單位報名這次面海松。如有任何問題,請到 g0v Slack #facing-the-ocean 頻道發問。你可以用這個連結加入 g0v Slack &gt;&gt; <https://join.g0v.tw> :revolving_hearts: Share this form with your friends: <https://forms.gle/XbiRm2hRnYmnNezLA> To register, begin by put in your email. :point_down::point_down::point_down: Your email address is only accessible by organizers of this event.

@null 19:30:27
Thanks!! 🙂
gpt chat 22:33:34
@14dandudugpt has joined the channel


@null 08:00:05
Sorry for the late reply.. Yes as Ohyeon said we will first use our own form for selection:) I’ve also checked Japanese part and there is no problem to publish it! Thanks a lot Chihao and Eunsoo :civitan-highfive:


chihao 08:47:07
Amazing! Thank you eunsoo and ohyeon and Saya-san for working on the form together!
chihao 08:47:07
Amazing! Thank you eunsoo and ohyeon and Saya-san for working on the form together!
chihao 08:47:13
So it’s official!
chihao 08:47:13
So it’s official!
chihao 08:47:39
FtO Jeju 2023 is open for registration! >>> https://forms.gle/XbiRm2hRnYmnNezLA
chihao 08:47:39
FtO Jeju 2023 is open for registration! >>> https://forms.gle/XbiRm2hRnYmnNezLA
chihao 08:49:06
🏖️ 面海松 6 月登陸濟州島!FtO Jeju 2023 is open for registration! >>> https://forms.gle/XbiRm2hRnYmnNezLA 🌊🌊🌊
chihao 08:49:06
🏖️ 面海松 6 月登陸濟州島!FtO Jeju 2023 is open for registration! >>> https://forms.gle/XbiRm2hRnYmnNezLA 🌊🌊🌊
chihao 08:51:15
Additionally, I’m changing the “more info” link in the form to this >>> https://g0v.hackmd.io/@fto/book/ allowing people to see more about FtO :))
chihao 08:51:15
Additionally, I’m changing the “more info” link in the form to this >>> https://g0v.hackmd.io/@fto/book/ allowing people to see more about FtO :))
Sigrid Jin 08:51:30
Wow should definitely check it out
Sigrid Jin 08:51:30
Wow should definitely check it out
@null 08:55:40
thank you all for the work. Shall we publish together early next week? 🙂
chihao 08:56:23
For personal data protection, I’m also changing the access of the `FtO Jeju 2023` Google drive folder back to “restricted”, allowing access only for the organizers of FtO. This is the current list:
• Hal-san (cfj)
• Mami-san (cfj)
• Nao-san (cfj)
• Ohyeon (c4k)
• Isabel (g0v)
• pm5 (g0v)
• chihao (g0v)
chihao 08:57:54
I recommend that cfj, c4k, g0v-international add/remove people from the list of organizers according to consensus within each team/taskforce.
chihao 08:58:27
As this list might not fully reflect the list of organizers for this FtO :))
@null 09:01:22
For personal data protection, I’m also changing the access of the FtO Jeju 2023 Google drive folder back to “restricted”, allowing access only for the organizers of FtO. This is the current list: • Hal-san (cfj) • Mami-san (cfj) • Nao-san (cfj) • Ohyeon (c4k) • Isabel (g0v) • pm5 (g0v) • chihao (g0v) I recommend that cfj, c4k, g0v-international add/remove people from the list of organizers according to consensus within each team/taskforce - this list might not fully reflect the list of organizers for this FtO :))
@null 09:02:23
@rest515 Oops sorry I’ve already shared it in the #intl channel on g0v Slack… Is that ok?
@null 09:02:28
Please add eunsoo.
@null 09:02:46
It's more good to publish already.
@null 09:03:08
We'll share on next Monday.
@null 09:05:46
Eunsoo is added :)) Thanks Ohyeon!
@null 09:10:34
I’m also uploading the design files I’ve made for the cover images into the https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1T_7vsGaJswkMdWWHgS0Z3aslfcSNz6ax. Please feel free to use them! (License: CC BY 4.0 FtO contributors)
@null 09:15:17
I use Affinity Designer but I also uploaded a psd… hope it works 🙂
@null 09:17:21
great.. with your design, C4K'll prepare banners for the venue. and maybe we need to discuss about T-shirts for this event.
@null 10:34:55
@chihao Can you also add me (Saya Kubota) ?:)
pm5 11:32:51
pm5 11:32:51
@null 11:33:39
pm5 11:37:09
pm5 11:37:09
@null 11:37:23
@null 11:37:56
@null 11:44:26
Added @くぼっち(Saya Kubota) :))


wildjcrt 21:46:40
@wildjcrt has joined the channel


chihao 11:45:48
See you soon!
isabelhou 21:49:11
See you.


stella 16:24:25
@mami.takesada Hello Mami san, @yutin and I had interested in it. Could we together join it if you have any plans to visit something about medical care topics? ^^
stella 16:24:51
@mami.takesada Hello Mami san, @yutin and I had interested in it. Could we together join it if you have any plans to visit something about medical care topics? ^^


Mamie_c4jpn 16:23:50
@stella yes, let’s!!