:desert_island: Facing the Ocean Yokohama 2024 Taiwan >>> <https://forms.gle/mnUqTxvCNF8vmNUY6> <<< 台灣參與者這裡報名 Japan >>> <https://s.c4j.jp/Q6Aq> <<< 日本 Korea >>> <https://forms.gle/mExUxZnS3V2U2kYV9> <<< 韓國 More info >>> <https://g0v.hackmd.io/@fto/book>
:desert_island: Facing the Ocean Yokohama 2024 Taiwan >>> <https://forms.gle/mnUqTxvCNF8vmNUY6> <<< 台灣參與者這裡報名 Japan >>> <https://s.c4j.jp/Q6Aq> <<< 日本 Korea >>> <https://forms.gle/mExUxZnS3V2U2kYV9> <<< 韓國 More info >>> <https://g0v.hackmd.io/@fto/book>
New Zealand Film Commission
Fiji: In a modest dwelling in Fiji a 7 year-old girl with boundless energy tries to understand why she has to say goodbye to her home country and extended family as her mother prepares her to leave Fiji. Tonga: Vai, now 13, dreams of going to NZ to sing but her day-to-day chore of filling up water bottles from the neighbourhood water tanks makes her feel as though she will never leave Tonga. Solomon Islands: While fishing from a small canoe off the coast of the Solomon Islands, 16 year old Vae argues with her mother about the correct way to bait the fishing hook.
台湾のシビックテックコミュニティは愛に溢れている|g0v Summit 2024参加レポート|Nao Myoshu
g0vサミットは、台湾で最大規模のシビックテックのコミュニティイベントです。本記事は、イベントの参加レポートです。 首頁 Home | g0v Summit 2024 g0v Summit 2024 是 g0v 台灣零時政府社群兩年一次的大聚會,也是全球公民黑客、公民科技的盛會。民主不只投 <http://summit.g0v.tw|summit.g0v.tw> 台湾最大級のシビックテックの祭典g0vサミット g0vサミットでは、世界30カ国からの800名規模の参加があります。 会場は、台湾の国の研究機関であるAcademia Sinicaでの開催でした。 2014年から2年に一回開催されているg
During this trip to Taiwan, I wanted to visit a meaningful place, so I visited the Taiwan Women's Center in Taipei. Even though it was an unannounced surprise visit, the staff greeted me with hospitality and explained the events that were on display.
Spotify for Podcasters
In this episode, Maekawa-san, a project member, will introduce one of the most popular civic tech projects in Japan, Code for Sake. This project, which is particularly intriguing for sake enthusiasts, includes "Sakepedia," an open data initiative that allows users to view information about sake breweries on a map, and "Sake Marriage," which suggests snacks that pair well with sake. I f you are interested in Code for Sake, please register on the Code for Japan Slack. <https://join.slack.com/t/cfj/shared_invite/zt-24xalnedz-ZZsLKPYqmvh2nZJs81Zviw> ▼Sakepedia <https://sakepedia.code4sake.org/>
Google Docs
:date: 日期:2024 年 8 月 17-18 日 :round_pushpin: 地點:日本神奈川縣橫濱市 :office: 場地:Pacific Convention Plaza Yokohama 報名截止:6 月 30 日 :jp: Participants from Japan register here: <https://s.c4j.jp/Q6Aq> :kr: Participants from Korea register here: <https://forms.gle/mExUxZnS3V2U2kYV9> 「面海松」(FtO,Facing the Ocean)讓來自台灣、日本、韓國和鄰近國家的公民黑客齊聚一堂,面向同一片海洋,從我們的多元背景出發,希望透過協作,共創解方,讓理解、共感跨越國境、文化。「面海松 2024 橫濱」由 Code for Japan、g0v 國際交流、Code for Korea 共同主辦。 :white_check_mark: 活動日程及更多資訊:<https://g0v.hackmd.io/@fto/book> 「面海松」的主辦人們期待「面海松」是這樣的活動: ● No competition, no mentor, no prize, no winner, no loser, no theme, no fuzz ● 自由行動 ● 不可以違反 CoC :warning: 請以個人為單位報名 :information_source: 有任何問題,請洽 g0v Slack #facing-the-ocean 頻道。
Google Docs
FtO2024 Yokohama Registration Form (KOR)
:date: Date: 2024/08/17-18 :round_pushpin: Location: Yokohama, Japan :office: Venue: Pacific Convention Plaza Yokohama Deadline for the application is 【30th of June】 지원서 마감은 6월30일입니다. "Facing the Ocean(FtO)" is an event that brings together civic hackers from Japan, South Korea and Taiwan — the three neighboring countries that share and “face” the same ocean. It is co-hosted by contributors from Code for Korea, g0v, and Code for Japan. 바다를 맞대고 있는 세 나라(한국, 일본, 대만)의 사람들이 함께 진행하는 밋&핵에 참가할 분들을 모십니다. 이 행사는 코드포코리아, g0v(대만), Code for Japan(일본)의 활동가와 시빅해커들이 함께 준비하였습니다. To outline what we the organizers expect in this FtO event: No competition, no mentor, no prize, no winner, no loser, no theme, no fuzz Free to do whatever Do not violate CoC (Code of Conduct) 이 행사에서 우리가 기대하는 것은, 경쟁 없음, 멘토 없음, 상 없음, 우승자 없음, 패배자 없음, 테마 없음, 걱정도 없음. 무엇이든 해도 상관없음 CoC(기여자 행동강령)를 어겨서는 안됩니다 :warning: Anyone can register, but please register individually. If you have any questions, find the organizers on Code for Korea's Slack #facing_the_ocean channel. (Join Code for Korea's Slack here) :warning: 누구나 지원할 수 있습니다. 등록은 단체가 아니라 개인별로 해주세요. 질문이 있으시면 코드포코리아 슬랙 #facing_the_ocean 채널에 질문을 남겨주세요. (코드포코리아 슬랙에 가입하려면 다음 링크를 확인하세요 ➜ here) *이 행사는 따로 통역이 제공되지 않습니다. 지원서 내용도 한국어로 된 질문 외에는 모두 영어로 작성 부탁드립니다.
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