
Month: 2023-08


stella 18:22:24
Hello, this is Stella from g0v.
I would like to attend the CfJ. May I ask how many Taiwanese plans to join Code for Japan Summit in Nov? 😄
I just make a proposal on the lightning talk this Saturday
I think I will be there too! :))
Let me see if I can make it ✨
stella 18:22:24
Hello, this is Stella from g0v.
I would like to attend the CfJ. May I ask how many Taiwanese plans to join Code for Japan Summit in Nov? 😄
I just make a proposal on the lightning talk this Saturday
I think I will be there too! :))
Let me see if I can make it ✨
🗾 3 ❤️ 2
chihao 21:10:36
Also, any one from TW / JP / HK going to the Code for Korea summit in October? 😄 (Is it in October? @rest515072 @eunsoo)
chihao 21:10:36
Also, any one from TW / JP / HK going to the Code for Korea summit in October? 😄 (Is it in October? @rest515072 @eunsoo)
❤️ 1
Eunsoo Lee 21:10:39
@eunsoo has joined the channel
pm5 23:38:46
+1 cfj, and +1 cfk if it's near end of October
❤️ 3
pm5 23:38:46
+1 cfj, and +1 cfk if it's near end of October


@null 08:58:43
Yes, c4k will be 10/27. but it's a very small conference. FYI. 🙂 I also would like to go c4j.
👍 2
@null 15:34:40
10/27 - roger that! I like small conferences! It would be nice to see you all there as well 🙂
@null 17:25:55
See you soon.


ghill87boy 14:58:28
@ghill87boy has joined the channel
林丹Linda 14:58:30
@ncufinance509 has joined the channel
mihoegg 14:58:57
@mihoegg has joined the channel