
Month: 2024-07


RS 01:42:27
Hi folks, this is @rschiang! ✨ As an extension of g0v Summit 2024, a few members from the summit workgroup has come together to draft a report on *how civic tech communities affects digital governance and democracy*.

@jsl and I ( ~abbreviated JR~ ) would like to invite FtO folks to chat with us on these three topics:
• what’s the relationship between local, national communities, and the government in different countries?
• what are the factors that are impacting our democracy and how do communities respond?
• is there any direction we should ask the government to do more of?
Please let us know if you’re interested! We’ll be sending out individual invitations, but we do hope to gather as many perspectives as possible. If there is someone you’d like to suggest, feel free to DM me on Slack! :eyes:
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RS 01:42:27
Hi folks, this is @rschiang! ✨ As an extension of g0v Summit 2024, a few members from the summit workgroup has come together to draft a report on *how civic tech communities affects digital governance and democracy*.

@jsl and I ( ~abbreviated JR~ ) would like to invite FtO folks to chat with us on these three topics:
• what’s the relationship between local, national communities, and the government in different countries?
• what are the factors that are impacting our democracy and how do communities respond?
• is there any direction we should ask the government to do more of?
Please let us know if you’re interested! We’ll be sending out individual invitations, but we do hope to gather as many perspectives as possible. If there is someone you’d like to suggest, feel free to DM me on Slack! :eyes:


@null 16:37:35
@Takuya Yamagata is now preparing to welcome Taiwanese who will come to 北海道北斗市 , and he want to make some sentences by using electronic bulletin board. we would like to know sentences that can be used to welcome Taiwanese people in Hokkaido, in Taiwanese or Japanese words that they might know, words&phrases that will make them happy. Can someone help him?
@mami.takesada For a more generic welcome,

• 歡迎台灣朋友拜訪北斗市!(Mandarin)
• 歡迎台灣朋友來北海道做伙!(Taiwanese)
• 歡迎來寮! (Hakka)
…but I think there are quite a few choices depending on the tone and usage (・ω・)ノ
Mamie_c4jpn 2024-07-03 18:56:27
RS 17:19:42
@mami.takesada For a more generic welcome,

• 歡迎台灣朋友拜訪北斗市!(Mandarin)
• 歡迎台灣朋友來北海道做伙!(Taiwanese)
• 歡迎來寮! (Hakka)
…but I think there are quite a few choices depending on the tone and usage (・ω・)ノ
Mamie_c4jpn 18:56:27


isabelhou 12:37:06


Presidential Hackathon International Track

💡 1


@null 19:19:36
@くぼっち(Saya Kubota) Today we talked about serving lunchbox for everyone on the 17th. Should we change the [event schedule](https://g0v.hackmd.io/@fto/book/%2FVCTm63nQQl6Rh3r_yKjmbw) here (where it says `Individual` for lunch on the 17th) to something indicating that lunchbox will be provided for everyone?


Facing the Ocean Meet & Hack (FtO) :closed_book: - HackMD

Facing the Ocean Meet & Hack (FtO) brings together civic hackers from Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, and other neighboring countries that share and face the same ocean.

Here is the COC-related content that was discussed during today's FtO Yokohama organizer's regular Google Meet meeting.

• Proceeding in three steps (1) drafting of FtO-specific COC / (2) writing of reporting form / (3) completion of COC and doing game during mini workshop in FtO Yokohma
• Any organizer they want can join a regular Google Meet or Zaplin workspace at any time. (If you would like to be invited to the Zaplin Workspace, please DM me / The next Google Meet meeting is on Sunday, July 21st at 7:30 PM. (:link: Link)
• Let's receive this Yokohama version COC reporting only based on the COC that exists in each community. Because there is no COC for FtO yet, and FtO Yokohma will start in an unfinished state.
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fluidto 19:23:02
Here is the COC-related content that was discussed during today's FtO Yokohama organizer's regular Google Meet meeting.

• Proceeding in three steps (1) drafting of FtO-specific COC / (2) writing of reporting form / (3) completion of COC and doing game during mini workshop in FtO Yokohma
• Any organizer they want can join a regular Google Meet or Zaplin workspace at any time. (If you would like to be invited to the Zaplin Workspace, please DM me / The next Google Meet meeting is on Sunday, July 21st at 7:30 PM. (:link: Link)
• Let's receive this Yokohama version COC reporting only based on the COC that exists in each community. Because there is no COC for FtO yet, and FtO Yokohma will start in an unfinished state.
fluidto 19:25:09
Thanks to FtO human guys.. See you soon again 🌊
fluidto 19:25:09
Thanks FtO human guys.. See you soon again 🌊