두 사람은 어떤 관계였을까? 상대는 어떤 표정으로, 어떤 말을 했을까? 친구 이야기를 듣고, 적극적 합의를 잘하려면 어떻게 하는 게 좋을지 조언해주세요!
Title IX
Consent is a voluntary, informed, and freely given agreement, through words and/or actions, to participate in mutually agreed-upon sexual acts. Consensual sexual activity happens when each partner willingly and affirmatively chooses to participate in each sexual act. In evaluating whether consent has been freely given, NMU will consider the presence of any force, threat of force, or coercion;
Planning g0v’s trip to 2024 Yokohama #facing-the-ocean
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