
Month: 2024-11


@null 11:30:27
I`m on COSCON China Open Source CONference at Beijing. China Open Source what well known many commercialized projects such as Harmony OS, Alibaba Oceanbase, PingCAP TiDB. However COSCON you can see many social good project by OSS and DIY. 我现在在COSCON2024北京。今年开源社10周年,很多开源项目和社区在这里,含我们Nico-Tech深圳,也在COSCUP。很开心。你可以看照片我的twitter。 https://x.com/tks/status/1852516503222136839

X (formerly Twitter)

高須正和@ニコ技深センコミュニティ Nico-Tech Shenzhen (@tks) on X

COSCON24, 中国开源年会到了! 10 years anniversary, China Open Source CONference #COSCON #中国オープンソース 大会 9回目の今年は10周年目、第一回が開かれた北京の中关村で!

🚀 2


@null 17:09:05
Next Friday Nov 8 is Code for Korea's annual conference! The event will be in Korean but there will be a session on FtO where @pm5 will make an appearance! If you're in town, please join! Otherwise, help us share widely, especially to your network in Korea 🙌🏻 Event details: https://codefor.kr/posts/OEt1GX

코드포코리아 (Code for Korea)

코드포코리아 시빅테크 컨퍼런스 2024

제3회 코드포코리아 시빅테크 컨퍼런스 with 오픈데이터포럼 열린세미나 "시빅테크로 여는 새로운 미래" 행사 소개 저출생 문제와 지방 소멸, 기후 위기로 인한 이상기후와 ...

@null 21:06:42
Today was the first day of `Hack the Disinfo 2024`, a hackathon hosted by Code for Japan. @りょーま(Yuki Kawabe) san presented `BirdXplorer` at the hackathon. Here is an [NHK](https://www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/20241103/k10014628211000.html) report about the event :slightly_smiling_face:


偽情報対策のソフト開発やアイデア競う初のイベント | NHK


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@null 21:07:26
I also saw a [post](https://www.facebook.com/PartiUnion/posts/pfbid0344haRxYi9vdFsJA4rTP8tLsrbhX5ZYNrSpFvEimdu4TsuDotrwzzXJKyoG9SPoxSl?__cft__[0]=AZXaVxvL3EMy-jllRtCHBQJJmKzrQODkQX40qE2hNaI2DIZfcuUhhb7SJ15AZN4muDCJGsEY0ArRGv2bNf-j58dLKY7SrHFJfmpChez2vwZMJThyJLj5EAGk_YXttCkbgQXWFSbQr2aA6tx5TVovIBZjKJkogiDP1Q7Vnx5p1iSZK-26hucrE3zxLV6NqKHzcbMlEhLAZ6Sxwz0bitMbhlK8jLUAFSqTdUedWpC1LsxOmQ&__tn__=%2CO%2CP-R) from Parti about attending TechCamp Korea about responsible AI 🙂


빠띠 Parti Co-op

:camping: 가평에서 열리는 2024 테크캠프 현장을 소개합니다! :robot_face: AI 윤리와 책임있는 기술 사용을 주제로 한국 최초로 열린 이번 캠프에서는 50여명의 열정 가득한 청년들이 모였습니다. :bulb: 워크숍과 교육을 통해 AI 윤리와 책임, 안전하고 공정한 AI 생태계, 다양한 산업 분야의 AI 적용 사례 등 올바르고 안전한 AI의 미래를 함께 그려갑니다!...

@null 21:09:37
Meanwhile, two researchers from g0v just finished some interviews in Seoul – their research report about civic tech in East Asia will be ready later this month. It’s busy season for civic hackers!
🙌 4


@null 11:55:24
@pm5 have requested access to the slides you sent!
@null 12:58:09
<!channel> FtO Friends! The Code for Korea Conference is running now! You can catch it live on YouTube through this link: https://www.youtube.com/live/Uuw6kxFTMRw you can view live translation in here: https://www.cuku.live/at/code-for-korea/civic-tech-2024


- YouTube

Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.


Cuckoo — AI interpreter for live events

💖 3 ❤️ 2
wildjcrt 13:06:30
wow, live streaming translation in Traditional Chinese! 👍
💯 3 💡 2
wildjcrt 13:06:30
wow, live streaming translation in Traditional Chinese! 👍
fluidto 21:43:40
Thank you for letting me know that Taiwan is colder in winter than I thought. 👋 👋 @pm5

See you again at Rightscon next year, and I hope you get some rest before returning to Taiwan~~
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fluidto 21:43:40
Thank you for letting me know that Taiwan is colder in winter than I thought. 👋 👋 @pm5

See you again at Rightscon next year, and I hope you get some rest before returning to Taiwan~~


Peter 14:20:14
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@null 18:02:13
@Peter it was nice to meet you today!
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