Dear community, I need your suggestions/help. A friend of mine who runs an NGO in Germany is in ukraine right now to help refugees at the camp. He is in access to volunteers who wants to help, he has access to Camp managers and can ask them what do their camp need and get data about it. I am asking myself and to all of if Technology can help here ? Eg: I imagine the need 'to structure data of volunteers and refugees' For this i imagine a website where we have 2 forms, one for refugees and other for volunteers. we can people to signup and mention what do they need or has to offer. I imagine connecting this data to a Trello or spreadsheet to have a visualisation and then somehow find a way to semi automate the process of connecting the Right 'giver' with 'receiver'. Perhaps i can use labels like 'accomodation', 'food', 'supplies', 'clothing', 'money', 'transport' so that i can connect these 2 type of users in the database somehow. My tech knowledge is as good as of a designer so I'm sure there is a better way to model the solution technically. And that's where I need u guys to criticize me here and also share any solution u know which i can use immediately to get a website up and running with it. I imagine using airtable, Google form/sheet and/or a chatbot connected with some visual database In short my question is: Do u have a suggestion of any online system which can facilitate this sitaution fast, I can imagine something simple like google forms or airtable, or a chatbot which will help in validating the user and putting its data in a different coloumns in a database (spreadsheet or trello board?), so he can see the data and with his team help the refugees, also i am asking myself what is the best way to do this, because at the end of we get like 1000 refugee signups and 1500 volunteer support then what is the best way to connect them? doing manually means loss of time, so there should be some way to automate it at some level.
Dear community, I need your suggestions/help. A friend of mine who runs an NGO in Germany is in ukraine right now to help refugees at the camp. He is in access to volunteers who wants to help, he has access to Camp managers and can ask them what do their camp need and get data about it. I am asking myself and to all of if Technology can help here ? Eg: I imagine the need 'to structure data of volunteers and refugees' For this i imagine a website where we have 2 forms, one for refugees and other for volunteers. we can people to signup and mention what do they need or has to offer. I imagine connecting this data to a Trello or spreadsheet to have a visualisation and then somehow find a way to semi automate the process of connecting the Right 'giver' with 'receiver'. Perhaps i can use labels like 'accomodation', 'food', 'supplies', 'clothing', 'money', 'transport' so that i can connect these 2 type of users in the database somehow. My tech knowledge is as good as of a designer so I'm sure there is a better way to model the solution technically. And that's where I need u guys to criticize me here and also share any solution u know which i can use immediately to get a website up and running with it. I imagine using airtable, Google form/sheet and/or a chatbot connected with some visual database In short my question is: Do u have a suggestion of any online system which can facilitate this sitaution fast, I can imagine something simple like google forms or airtable, or a chatbot which will help in validating the user and putting its data in a different coloumns in a database (spreadsheet or trello board?), so he can see the data and with his team help the refugees, also i am asking myself what is the best way to do this, because at the end of we get like 1000 refugee signups and 1500 volunteer support then what is the best way to connect them? doing manually means loss of time, so there should be some way to automate it at some level.
Dear community, I need your suggestions/help. A friend of mine who runs an NGO in Germany is in ukraine right now to help refugees at the camp. He is in access to volunteers who wants to help, he has access to Camp managers and can ask them what do their camp need and get data about it. I am asking myself and to all of if Technology can help here ? Eg: I imagine the need 'to structure data of volunteers and refugees' For this i imagine a website where we have 2 forms, one for refugees and other for volunteers. we can people to signup and mention what do they need or has to offer. I imagine connecting this data to a Trello or spreadsheet to have a visualisation and then somehow find a way to semi automate the process of connecting the Right 'giver' with 'receiver'. Perhaps i can use labels like 'accomodation', 'food', 'supplies', 'clothing', 'money', 'transport' so that i can connect these 2 type of users in the database somehow. My tech knowledge is as good as of a designer so I'm sure there is a better way to model the solution technically. And that's where I need u guys to criticize me here and also share any solution u know which i can use immediately to get a website up and running with it. I imagine using airtable, Google form/sheet and/or a chatbot connected with some visual database In short my question is: Do u have a suggestion of any online system which can facilitate this sitaution fast, I can imagine something simple like google forms or airtable, or a chatbot which will help in validating the user and putting its data in a different coloumns in a database (spreadsheet or trello board?), so he can see the data and with his team help the refugees, also i am asking myself what is the best way to do this, because at the end of we get like 1000 refugee signups and 1500 volunteer support then what is the best way to connect them? doing manually means loss of time, so there should be some way to automate it at some level.
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South Korea Vaccine Passport: high tech COVID Pass
Korea’s vaccine passport app COOV is now available and uses the latest blockchain technology. Read more about COVID certificates in Korea.