
Month: 2021-12


bess 20:09:51
RxC TV DAY livestream: https://www.twitch.tv/radicalxchangepathos


RadicalxChangePathos - Twitch

2021 RadicalxChange Annual Conference

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bess 20:18:31
Image from iOS
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hal 21:47:19
Thanks! Unfortunately, the part where I am speaking is not high quality because the recording file from my PC was not properly uploaded. 🥲
ichieh 23:34:31
It looks great!! We were impressed by all of your high quality video.
✅ 4


Paula Berman 03:51:59
I agree, I think this was great, and what was most important was the content itself! The stories and the experience you all shared was extraordinary. @hal @rest515 and @isabelhou I’m in deep gratitude for the three of you having agreed to join this, helping us spread the word about your work so we can inspire many others to do the same!! ☺️
Paula Berman 04:00:59
On a separate note, want to invite everyone in this <!channel> to join our online conference next week! Here are some free ticket codes (anyone who joined the Taipei conference already has them as well, so this is for those of you who might not have it).
Paula Berman 04:01:52
It’s going to be an open space unconference, which means that the agenda and the sessions are all co-created by the participants. I would love to organize something together! Maybe a virtual firshbowl for hacktivist groups?
❤️ 3 👍 2


@null 18:49:39
12/8 11:00TW,11:00KR,JP Lunch and prepare for FtO e-meet


ael 17:07:21
The following words are shared in OpenHeroines’ Slack by @morchickit

Open Gender Monologues is looking for new monologues for the upcoming summit about how the pandemic affected you work in open government. Did it help you? Did it distanced you as women and non-binary people?

Submit one here - https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfJkTzLMD_LRtjgpkI4GhN36SQx4z2rXPt3DaAMCaspUfm-9Q/viewform

Here is an example for past monologues - https://openheroines.org/open-gender-monologues-the-stories-of-women-in-the-open-government-movement-26f7766e3e9f?source=false---------0
I heard this year on women benefiting from flexible working and at the same time I heard of women getting fired mid pandemic with no health insurance. The experiences and voices can help us put issues on the table.


Open Gender Monologues — The Stories of Women in The Open Government Movement

This post was edited by Mor Rubinstein. with the assistance of the Open Heroines community.

@null 21:22:58
[thread]: \FtO/ @Dasol Hong will join FtO e-lunch. See you tmr
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@null 11:00:42
Hi, I'm Dasol from Code of Korea. Can I have the link for FtO e-lunch?:)
@null 11:00:57



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chihao 12:30:34
In today’s meeting, we (dasol, mami san, isabel, chihao) think it’s better to NOT host an virtual fto on the 18th:
• much preparation to do
• ppl might be feeling tired from all the events in December
@null 15:00:51
I feel the same way. thank you for sharing 🙌🏻 what about hosting new year fto event after December?
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chihao 19:48:22
the 4 of us also talked about that — the idea was to host more of a “forum” on a topic, for example disinformation or environmental open data, have 3 presentations (4?) from each countries, then… further discussion / online cowork depending on the project hosts’ preference (something like this)
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chihao 19:49:38
another question was whether to host this fto on the same day of c4j’s next social hack day — Jan 22
chihao 19:50:17
Right now 2 events have very different schedules so not sure how that can work yet.


christine kuan-wei 19:58:48
@christine.kuanwei.che has joined the channel


chihao 23:59:48
Happy New Year friends :)
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