
Month: 2021-10


chihao 06:48:03
Good morning FtO 😄 @sampeterrobbins’s article about FtO and civic hacking international exchange is published on Taiwan Insight → https://taiwaninsight.org/2021/10/01/hackers-facing-the-ocean-g0v-and-east-asian-civic-tech-community/

Taiwan Insight

Hackers Facing the Ocean: g0v and East Asian Civic Tech Community

Written by Sam Robbins. Collaboration within Taiwan or transnationally has never been perfect. Like all g0v projects, international exchange is permanently a work in progress, and much more can be achieved by “rough consensus” than by looking for a particular shared interest. The boundaries of this inchoate transnational activist community are still being drawn, and the meaning of collaboration based on cultural and political similarities is still up for debate. For example, the 2020 Meet and Hack made explicit references to the “Milk Tea Alliance” in the posters on display, and I overheard many mentioning the concept.



Sunny Fang 02:01:09
@yusfan21 has joined the channel


Joanne Huang 10:41:23
@peiwenhuang has joined the channel


@null 11:00:38
FtO(g0v-CfK-CfJ)Lunch🍚(bi-weekly) 10月 13日 (水曜日) · 12:00~13:00 https://meet.google.com/ask-pxkc-nzd



Real-time meetings by Google. Using your browser, share your video, desktop, and presentations with teammates and customers.


@null 12:21:22
Policy Ignites by Canadian public servants. They build the stage for public servants to propose innovative policy concepts. I have been into one and it was very cool like TED talk. There were some senior officers as audience. And this time is online. If you are interested in how they make public servants feel they are super stars with brilliant ideas, you should check it out ( Nov. 4 night Canada time/Nov.5 early morning for East Asia) https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/the-new-normal-the-never-ending-policy-story-tickets-191206071507


The New Normal - The Never Ending Policy Story

Policy Ignite! is coming to FWD50 2021, looking at the new normal and how policies are going to be shaped to fit it.


ael 17:53:13
BTW, is the next FtO on Dec 18th? The same day as referendum day in Taiwan?
👀 1


pm5 08:58:21

Hi, all I want share an international forum here. OCF is organizing “2021 Open Government International Virtual Forum” on 11/16 &amp; 11/17. In this forum, we invite governmental staff and civil society from all over the world to exchange their experience and insight about open government issues. Based on these topics, we organized 3 sessions in this forum. To engage various opinions in the forum, we design “Civic Space” time to call for proposals publicly in “public-private collaboration” and “anti-corruption” sessions. Now we are open for proposals! If you have any ideas, please do submit it to <https://forms.gle/Eau3smSXemPFCSbr9|here>. It’s a good chance to engage in with open government issues with international partners! Call for proposals from now on until 10/27.

sorry if this is spammy... apart from sharing the conference information I also wanted to test how sharing slack messages across spaces works 🛸
Sunny Fang 2021-10-25 03:33:54
is there a sign-up form for those who are interested to participate as audience?
👍 2


Penghsuan 09:59:03
@penghsuanlee has joined the channel
mglee 09:59:34
@mglee has joined the channel
fewa110010 09:59:43
@fewa110010 has joined the channel
Alfred Wu 09:59:54
@ac.wu20 has joined the channel
Peace 10:00:05
@achemistd has joined the channel
Josh 10:00:18
@joshuacyyang has joined the channel


LU 09:08:32
@hypothesquerelle has joined the channel


@null 07:27:54
I made a registration as an audience from here https://ocftw.kktix.cc/events/opengovforum-tw


2021 Open Government International Virtual Forum

Sharing experiences and lessons. Let's "open" government!

👍 2 1
@null 10:17:15
Great! 🙂


ky 00:27:16
The milk fish kid is on Last Week Tonight lollllllllll


Taiwan: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

@null 06:29:07
Stupid Government Partnership \o/ @ohyeon @lexifdev @GJ(찐쩐)
@null 06:30:12
Robot fish was the strongest candidate..
helloworld_bot 06:31:26
File from [code-for-korea] @lexifdev
isabelhou 06:41:34
oh my, I finally know how the robot fish looks like.
@null 07:18:07
it spent about $5M but no one deployed. because most of the functions were not implemented, including swimming in river...
😱 2
@null 09:10:08
[thread]: Miss you all!
@null 09:41:32
@null 09:41:46
OGP conference is coming now.
@null 09:42:39
It was too busy to suggest a FTO session, sorry.
@null 10:10:42
\ civic hackers / \ fighting /
@null 10:10:59
No need to be sorry! We are all doing our best 🙂
chihao 10:15:17
10.24 = g0v anniversary
10.25 = code for japan anniversary
?.? = code for korea anniversary?
chihao 10:15:25
nullfull anniversary? 😛
chihao 10:15:34
chihao 10:16:14
civic hacktober!
isabelhou 10:43:17
\ @gj / miss you!
Paula Berman 21:53:14
@paula844 has joined the channel
bess 22:02:41
Hi all, I want to introduce @paula844 from Brazil, she is now co-working with g0v jothon for RadicalxChange 2021 Annual Conference. She also join Brasil’s brigade with Code for All network. Paula will join FtO Lunch meeting tomorrow to say hi to everyone. @mee @gj @rest515 @mami.takesada @hal :wave:👋👋



We are a community of activists, artists, entrepreneurs, and scholars committed to using mechanism design to inspire radical social change.

2 🙌 3
@null 22:04:48
[thread]: Cool! Thanks for inviting! What time in your time zone?
bess 22:09:24
@gj See you tomorrow ;)

10 月 27 日 (水曜日) · 12:00~13:00 (JP, KR time, GMT+9)



Real-time meetings by Google. Using your browser, share your video, desktop, and presentations with teammates and customers.


LU 10:56:42
well design idea from Japan


Wayfinding Vaccination System

@null 11:00:58
It’s been two weeks in the blink of an eye…
isabelhou 11:15:59
December 18th will be the next FtO meet and hack.
invite people to join.
👍 1
isabelhou 11:17:09
We will use Code for Japan’s Gather Town.
@null 15:37:46
wow.. I’ll be in quarantine somewhere around narita airport during next FTO. gather town will be very helpful to me. haha.
1 1


@null 10:26:29
中国OSS大会COSCON'21、成都の本会場から日本語でライブストリーミングやります 会場参加は初めてなのですが、コスプレ大会などもあるそうなので楽しみ (これは #overseas-facing-the-ocean とマルチポストします) https://coscon21.peatix.com/


中国OSS大会 成都の本会場からライブストリーミング 10月31日正午  COSCON’21(China Open Source CONference) #中国オープンソース

盛り上がる中国オープンソース! ニコ技深圳コミュニティは中国オープンソース大会COSCON21の公式コミュニティ・パートナーです。高須も主催団体である開源社の正式メンバーで、今のと... powered by Peatix : More than a ticket.