
Month: 2021-11


ael 17:25:52
OMG, I found a Code for Africa project that collects projects and data of civic tech in Africa. There is even a project to map patterns of success and failures in civic tech (Although I went to CivicPatterns.org and it was blank)



Showcasing re-useable tools built across Africa and the people & organisations building them.

👍 4 1


Analeigh 20:18:42
@analeigh.jothon has joined the channel


Paula Berman 11:03:48
Hi <!channel>! As @besslee introduced me last week, I’m Paula, was a former brigade captain in Code for Curitiba (my city in Brazil) and am COO of RadicalxChange, a non-profit organization centered on advancing the adoption of civic technologies and democratic renewal. Every year we hold an annual conference, and this year we are having three of them, one in Taipei (being prepared in partnership with our friends at g0v), one in Denver - Colorado, and another online. In advance of each of these conferences we’ll have some video programming with special content, and for that I would be enormously honored to host a conversation with a member of g0v, another from Code for Korea, and another from Code for Japan.
cc @rest515 @gj @sl @mee @hal @mami.takesada if you want to discuss more about the topic below, please join FtO Lunch Meeting next Wednesday, thank you!
2 😮 1
Paula Berman 11:04:56
I will share more details when I come to the lunch next week. But if you are interested in joining or have any questions, feel free to reach out to me in the meantime!
Paula Berman 11:05:10
Here’s a bit of the theme for the conversation:
Paula Berman 11:05:34
*Facing the Ocean: Hacktivism, Civic Tech and Collaboration across borders*

Nowhere is the civic tech movement more impactful than in East Asia. Bottom-up data collaboratives are created and rapidly adopted by citizens, hackathons invigorate civic life, and government is kept in check by multiple, citizen-led, social technologies. Speaking the international language of software code, and united by a shared sense that new technological advancements can profoundly transform the practice of democracy, asian hacktivists are forming a movement that extends way beyond their national borders. In this panel we’ll have contributors of g0v (Taiwan), Code for Japan and Code for Korea, talking about how they collaborate with each other and what is it that make their practice of civic tech so distinct from the rest of the world.”
Paula Berman 2021-11-10 11:53:34
So we’ve settled on the Nov. 23rd 8am Taipei time! Would appreciate any shares about this with folks in Code for Korea, to find a member who’d be willing to participate! Many thanks ☺️ 🙏
2 👀 1
bess 15:39:52
cc @rest515 @gj @sl @mee @hal @mami.takesada if you want to discuss more about the topic below, please join FtO Lunch Meeting next Wednesday, thank you!
👍 2 ✔️ 2 🙏 1
bess 19:16:24
Hi everyone, in addition to the dialogue hosted by @paula844, “RxC TV” is now also open call for videos, you are all welcome to record a 3-5-minute video to introduce yourself, your project or your community. Please see the details here: https://g0v.hackmd.io/@jothon/rxctvcommercial And the deadline is: `November 14th, 2021, 11:59 PM (GMT +8)`
```RxC sincerely welcome all the members from Asian civic tech communities to submit the "commercials" for your amazing civic tech projects. Please make sure the videos you submit are concise and dynamic. A commercial should be up to 3 minutes, and a more well-produced infomercial could be up to 5 minutes long. If you need any help editing, please share with us as many media assets as you can, like your logo, photos, any video of events you've participated in, links to media mentions, etc. The more we have, the more we'll be able to make your video become as amazing as your project!```
🙏 1 🙌 2
Paula Berman 20:54:12
Yes, thank you @besslee 😊


pm5 11:00:59
lunch meeting now?
chihao 11:01:08
lunch lunch lunch
@null 11:02:54
Paula Berman 11:07:59
Mamie_c4jpn 11:12:55
Paula Berman is wating for @besslee
isabelhou 11:26:48
oh no, meeting link?
Paula Berman 11:54:14
So we’ve settled on the Nov. 23rd 8am Taipei time! Would appreciate any shares about this with folks in Code for Korea, to find a member who’d be willing to participate! Also if you have any questions about this feel free to message me here, or e-mail me at paula@radicalxchange.org . Many thanks :relaxed: :pray:

*Facing the Ocean: Hacktivism, Civic Tech and Collaboration across borders* Nowhere is the civic tech movement more impactful than in East Asia. Bottom-up data collaboratives are created and rapidly adopted by citizens, hackathons invigorate civic life, and government is kept in check by multiple, citizen-led, social technologies. Speaking the international language of software code, and united by a shared sense that new technological advancements can profoundly transform the practice of democracy, asian hacktivists are forming a movement that extends way beyond their national borders. In this panel we’ll have contributors of g0v (Taiwan), Code for Japan and Code for Korea, talking about how they collaborate with each other and what is it that make their practice of civic tech so distinct from the rest of the world.”

Just the reminder for roundtable 👋👋👋
Date: 30th NOV. (Tue.)
Time: 8am TW/9am JP, KR
Panelist: @isabelhou @hal @rest515072
Moderator: @paula844
The roundtable postponed to 30th 8am TW/9am JP.
The meeting is rescheduled at 8am TW/9am JP on 11/30 Tue.
Oh! Thank you!
Is the content from this panel discussion released under an open license? @paula844
Paula Berman 2021-11-29 08:30:34
Apologies for the delay in responding. The discussion will be released on Youtube. We don’t usually have a specific license for these videos, but happy to work on an arrangement that feels adequate. Do you have any suggestions?
@paula844 g0v projects usually use open licenses. Participants to this roundtable should decide 😉 @isabelhou @hal @rest515
It would be great that this video can be released under a CC license.
wuulong 14:04:53
@wuulong has joined the channel
Lipen Wang 14:11:07
@fangwlp has joined the channel


chihao 08:20:17
So Open Government International Virtual Forum is happening now - cohosted by OCF \o/


( Nov. 16th ) 2021 Open Government International Virtual Forum


2021 Open Government International Virtual Forum 開放政府線上國際研討會 - HackMD

2021 Open Government International Virtual Forum 開放政府線上國際研討會 === ![](<https://i.imgur.com/bc8IS4q.p>

@au @isabelhou
@mglee 🤩
Love the poetic referundum
Great Great JOB , YOu GO au
😮 5 🍿 4 🙌 1
chihao 08:20:56
The speaker just said that there will be a 10-year OGP summit in Korea next year!
chihao 08:21:10
How about the Stupid Government Partnership? 😉
💚 4
Denny George 14:47:05
@denny.george90 has joined the channel
chihao 22:39:02
facing the… indian ocean? ;-)


mrorz 00:50:16
Indo-Pacific facing
🌏 3


isabelhou 09:57:27
The applications are open to join the first TICTeC Action Lab (aka working group). The deadline for applications is by the end of next Wednesday 24th November. You can see all the details here: https://tictec.mysociety.org/action-lab-1/

The Action Lab members will work together to commission a piece of work that will be useful to tackle the issues raised in the first Civic Tech Surgery, to answer this question:

*What would help the global civic tech community to work more effectively with public and private institutions?*

Funding will then be available to those who apply to work on the piece of work identified by the Action Lab.


Action Lab #1

What would help the global civic tech community to work more effectively with public and private institutions? Consider joining this TICTeC Action Lab (aka working group) to help answer this question, alongside others who are passionate about helping the Civic Tech sector improve and unlock

🙌 1 👍 1


bess 14:39:13
Just the reminder for roundtable 👋👋👋
Date: 30th NOV. (Tue.)
Time: 8am TW/9am JP, KR
Panelist: @isabelhou @hal @rest515072
Moderator: @paula844
isabelhou 14:43:30
The applications being open to join the first TICTeC Action Lab (aka working group). The deadline for applications is by the end of next Wednesday 24th November. You can see all the details here: https://tictec.mysociety.org/action-lab-1/

The Action Lab members will work together to commission a piece of work that will be useful to tackle the issues raised in the first Civic Tech Surgery, to answer this question:

*What would help the global civic tech community to work more effectively with public and private institutions?*

Funding will then be available to those who apply to work on the piece of work identified by the Action Lab.


Action Lab #1

What would help the global civic tech community to work more effectively with public and private institutions? Consider joining this TICTeC Action Lab (aka working group) to help answer this question, alongside others who are passionate about helping the Civic Tech sector improve and unlock


@null 11:04:10
https://meet.google.com/ask-pxkc-nzd 🍚 I will join but I join from outside,sorry.



Real-time meetings by Google. Using your browser, share your video, desktop, and presentations with teammates and customers.


helloworld_bot 22:07:51
File from [code-for-korea] @Meewith comment: Hello all :raised_hands: C4K had first offline Meet & Hack today as wearing OSS t-shirt :wink: if you want to get this t-shirt, please freely tell us. Maybe we will deliver everywhere(abroad)? Thank you mami and c4j members to share the design:sparkles:
image from ios-3
helloworld_bot 22:07:55
File from [code-for-korea] @Mee
image from ios-1
helloworld_bot 22:07:59
File from [code-for-korea] @Mee
image from ios
helloworld_bot 22:08:03
File from [code-for-korea] @Mee
image from ios-2
helloworld_bot 22:08:06
File from [code-for-korea] @Mee
20211127 165912 hdr
@null 22:11:30
Hello all 🙌 C4K had first offline Meet & Hack today as wearing opens source t-shirt 😉 if you want to get this t-shirt, please freely tell us. Maybe we will deliver everywhere(abroad)? Thank you mami and c4j members to share the design✨
4 2 2
@null 22:11:39
Hello all 🙌 C4K had first offline Meet & Hack today as wearing open source t-shirt 😉 if you want to get this t-shirt, please freely tell us. Maybe we will deliver everywhere(abroad)? Thank you mami and c4j members to share the design✨


Tarunima P 12:54:25
@tarunima has joined the channel


@null 08:21:04
**I heard RxC TV — Facing the Ocean: Hacktivism & Collaboration in East Asia roundtable is shooting now. \@hal/ \@isabel/ \@ohyeon/ \FtO/**
isabelhou 09:31:51
riverside-snapshot (3).png
riverside-snapshot (2).png
bess 12:13:56
Congrats for finishing another shooting! Can’t wait to see you guys on RxC TV 🤩 Thanks so much for your effort! \ @hal / \ @rest515072 / \ @isabelhou / \ @paula844 /
@null 15:49:39
@hal_sk @test of slackin Hal-san maybe have two accounts.
@null 21:23:11
I don’t think I have two accounts here. CC license is ok for me.