NYC is reviewing our city charter (kind of like our city's constitution). You can submit an official idea on <http://www.charter2019.nyc/> But maybe you don't have time for that? Join the NYC civic tech community in a listening at scale experiment. We are reviewing all of the testimony and parsing out statements that you can agree or disagree with. This will generate useful data about what may more New Yorkers think about the ideas being proposed to the charter review commission. Take a few minutes and vote on a few ideas! Want to dig deeper? Join the People Charter reading group at <http://bit.ly/peoplescharter>
Lots of different philosophies, but my experience in another pilot was that 100 statements was decent upper limit (although that was before the "number remaining" UI was there, so it is less confusing now)
I have not yet gone through all statements (bc once i view i wont get to review), but what about culling it down to a smaller number of really differentiated seed statements, and let people flesh it out to a larger number based on what they feel missing. I personally feel that the more space there is for engagement (not just voting, but adding new statements), the healthier to dialogue. Seed statements are (in one frame), just intended to be enough to remove the intimidation of the blank canvas, but not trying to nail every possible improvement that participants might add :)
Spreadsheet might also help moderators deduplicate as participants submitted statements start to roll in
Anyhow, love this approach! <3