
Month: 2020-05


ichieh 21:47:13
@chiehg0v has joined the channel


Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 13:31:06
@sampeterrobbins has joined the channel
acechen 13:31:06
@acechen has joined the channel
ichieh 13:32:49
hi 大家,本周六第三十九次的黑客松,想要直接使用這個頻道做為筆譯的文字來源,這次會請 sam, chihao,acechen 來幫忙,今天揪松團彩排也會在這邊打一些測試文字,如果大家覺得太擾民就請留言,我再開個 channel 🙏
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 13:34:35
ichieh 17:41:00
ichieh 17:41:07
ichieh 17:41:21
ichieh 17:41:40
ichieh 17:41:57
ichieh 17:42:12
SeanGau 17:46:06
@sean076 has joined the channel
ichieh 17:46:13


ichieh 11:39:03
Hi @chihao @sampeterrobbins @acechen 我今天整理了目前的提案,主要是三個人輪流幫忙翻譯,如果有覺得更好的分配方式請跟我說~~
1. 早上提案時段是9:40-10:40,請 9:30 以前請進入坑主的會議室
2. 要請你們將翻譯的內容打在 #translation 現在這個 channel
3. 下午成果發表時段是在 17:00 GMT+8,我想 acechen 應該睡了,所以就預計是會請 chihao 跟 sam 輪流翻譯

Jitsi Meet

Join a WebRTC video conference powered by the Jitsi Videobridge

ichieh 11:39:38
g0v Hackath39n 提案時段筆譯順序.jpg
chihao 11:48:24
好好好 😁
ichieh 13:19:03
ichieh 13:23:53
ichieh 13:29:56
翻譯字體測試再測試 0522
ichieh 13:30:50
ichieh 13:32:09
ichieh 13:49:32
ichieh 13:49:36
ichieh 13:49:55
ichieh 13:50:17
Beijing to propose hugely controversial security law in Hong Kong
ichieh 13:50:27
*Hong Kong (CNN)*China will move to pass a hugely controversial national security law for Hong Kong, in what could be the biggest blow


Hong Kong's economy just suffered its worst three months on record

Months of anti-government protests and the US-China trade war forced Hong Kong into its first recession in a decade last year. Now the coronavirus risks plunging the Asian financial hub into its worst ever slump.

ichieh 13:50:42
The move by China's rubber stamp parliament, the, which is meeting in Beijing this week, is sure to fuel further anger and protests in the city, which was rocked by over six months of increasingly violent anti-government unrest last year.
ichieh 13:50:54
ichieh 13:55:49
歐 有了
ichieh 13:56:57
ichieh 13:57:06
gogoog 我想測試一下翻譯
ichieh 13:57:08
ichieh 13:57:17
hihi 恩恩對
ichieh 13:57:18
ichieh 14:28:21
ichieh 14:28:27
ichieh 14:28:30
ichieh 14:28:34
ichieh 14:28:35
ichieh 14:28:41
ichieh 14:28:50
ichieh 14:28:53
ichieh 14:28:57
ichieh 14:29:04
ichieh 14:29:08
ichieh 14:29:15
ichieh 14:29:23
ichieh 14:29:39
ichieh 14:30:01
ichieh 14:30:05
ichieh 14:30:11
ichieh 14:30:18
仔細探究 72 棵行道樹的身世
ichieh 14:30:23
找到潛力用地 他的故事或特色
ichieh 14:30:26
ichieh 14:30:31
ichieh 14:30:42
因為衛星在指度上面 MIT 的一個方法
ichieh 14:30:51
ichieh 14:30:53
ichieh 14:31:01
ichieh 14:31:06
ichieh 14:31:12
ichieh 14:31:15
ichieh 14:31:26
ichieh 14:31:28
ichieh 14:31:34
ichieh 14:31:39
ichieh 14:35:14
ichieh 14:35:20
所以cofacts 機器人可以來分享
ichieh 14:35:27
當你收到轉傳訊息 就可以獲得查證資訊
ichieh 15:46:54
Beijing to propose hugely controversial security law in Hong Kong
[1:50 PM] *Hong Kong (CNN)*China will move to pass a hugely controversial national security law for Hong Kong, in what could be the biggest blow


Hong Kong's economy just suffered its worst three months on record

Months of anti-government protests and the US-China trade war forced Hong Kong into its first recession in a decade last year. Now the coronavirus risks plunging the Asian financial hub into its worst ever slump.

ichieh 15:47:09
The move by China's rubber stamp parliament, the, which is meeting in Beijing this week, is sure to fuel further anger and protests in the city, which was rocked by over six months of increasingly violent anti-government unrest last year.
ichieh 15:52:17
翻譯在這邊~~~~~ 大家好!
ichieh 15:52:21
對 在這邊
ichieh 15:57:50
ichieh 15:58:05
ichieh 15:58:11
ichieh 15:58:15
ichieh 15:58:20
ichieh 15:58:26
後來官舍不見 總統府受損
ichieh 15:58:39
ichieh 15:58:45
ichieh 18:50:53
1. 早上提案時段是9:40-10:40,請 9:30 以前請進入坑主的會議室
2. 要請你們將翻譯的內容打在 #translation 現在這個 channel
3. 下午成果發表時段是在 17:00 GMT+8,我想 acechen 應該睡了,所以就預計是會請 chihao 跟 sam 輪流翻譯

Jitsi Meet

Join a WebRTC video conference powered by the Jitsi Videobridge


ichieh 08:33:09
@acechen @chihao @sampeterrobbins 今天翻譯要打在這個頻道喔!
ichieh 08:36:45
g0v Hackath39n 提案時段筆譯順序.jpg
chihao 08:40:22
ichieh 08:40:37
耶耶 chihao 很早起!你有睡覺嗎XD
chihao 08:40:46
acechen 08:45:04
好多專有名詞不會翻 XD 人文素質薄弱 QQ
ichieh 08:45:39
沒關係 意思接近就可以XD
ichieh 08:46:04
可以請教 chihao,chihao 專家!
ichieh 08:46:16
等下閒聊就要到 #rand0m
ichieh 08:46:24
chihao 09:36:18
So are we translating now? 😉
ichieh 09:36:38
ichieh 09:36:46
chihao 09:37:00
We have participants from Japan & Korea today!
chihao 09:37:23
So we have made subtitle!
chihao 09:37:40
We also have a donate function
chihao 09:37:45
IF you donate
chihao 09:37:58
Your name will appear on our screen
chihao 09:38:18
There are also simultaneous hackathons happening in Japan and Korea right now
chihao 09:38:32
There is a talk at 12:30 (Taiwan Time)
chihao 09:38:51
We have invited community contributors from Japan and Korea and Hongkong to talk about civic hacking 🙂
chihao 09:39:05
Jothon has been very busy for the past month
chihao 09:39:20
We have hosted a virtual GCTF with AIT
chihao 09:39:28
A tung flower hackathon in Miaoli
chihao 09:39:41
We met local councilors and community members
chihao 09:39:50
We hope we can travel to more places in the future 🙂
chihao 09:40:14
Coming up: project pitches!
chihao 09:40:33
The first project is a open-source literacy learning system
chihao 09:40:45
The presenter is Sean
chihao 09:41:10
This system is made by Professor Chen
chihao 09:41:18
This system has collected much data
chihao 09:41:25
But programming is in Flash
chihao 09:41:30
Let me demo
chihao 09:42:18
There is also an interactive game you can draw characters to learn them
chihao 09:42:47
Data is stored in text files
chihao 09:43:05
Code is closed-source right now but Professor Chen wants to make it open-source
chihao 09:43:15
Ronny has used API of MoeDict
chihao 09:43:38
To incorporate the functions of Prof. Chen’s system into MoeDict
chihao 09:43:47
Thank you!
acechen 09:44:04
Congrats to chewei
acechen 09:44:09
Hello everyone, my name is chewei.
acechen 09:44:13
I'd like to propose a project "Patch by Planting" today.
acechen 09:44:18
The goal of this project is to find the incremental number or area of greenfields.
acechen 09:44:23
There is an international research project regarding fields without vegetation on a global scale.
acechen 09:44:27
This research is to search for the opportunity of reducing carbon dioxide by vegetating lands without forests.
acechen 09:44:32
We can implement some simple measures from related research on the length scale of Taiwan.
acechen 09:44:37
In order to calculate the number of trees, firstly we need to figure out where trees are.
acechen 09:44:41
Following that, we proceed to finding potential sites, then evaluate and vegetate these places.
acechen 09:44:48
For the map of trees, we are using satellite maps since the coverage of its data include the territory of Taiwan.
acechen 09:44:59
From the map covering the entire territory, furthermore, we can infer how many trees can be planted in these potential sites, which is estimated to be totally 2.7 million.
acechen 09:45:09
But there are some assumptions here, so that we are inviting folks interested in joining the discussion together.
acechen 09:45:17
We have uploaded the locations of these potential sites to the online map, please refer to it.
acechen 09:45:24
Among these sites, there are some representative places, such as two parking lots in front of the Office of the President.
acechen 09:45:31
These are squares in Urban Plans, so to speak, and there are 72 street trees around them.
acechen 09:45:38
Compared to other nearby street trees, these trees here are shorter and smaller, and sort of flattop.
acechen 09:45:46
So why is that?
acechen 09:45:53
First of all, we check the street tree documents of Taipei City, and realize there should be 72 trees indeed, but the documents do not explain why these are flat-top.
acechen 09:46:03
So we speculate whether it is due to historical reasons, as the place is very close to the Office of the President and etc.
acechen 09:46:14
We then realise that on the Academia Sinica website of historical maps, in 1945 USAF aerial photos, these squares did not exist, instead, there were buildings and houses.
acechen 09:46:22
However, in the photos of Jun 17th, 1945, these buildings and houses disappeared, besides, the Office of the President was damaged.
acechen 09:46:29
The reason is that, during the Taihoku Air Raid, these two squares were bombarded and later reserved as open places.
acechen 09:46:40
and mostly remained as parking lots after WWII.
acechen 09:46:48
Today, we would like to shout out to folks to join the discussion digging into the mystery of these 72 street trees.
acechen 09:46:57
which reflect that, when we find out the potential sites, what features and stories they have, and why they are not vegatated. They may have their own
acechen 09:47:12
In addition, as we mentioned, the resolution of street trees isn't great in the satellite maps, so we would like to refer to the study from the website Treepedia, released by MIT.
acechen 09:47:18
It is calculating the green canopy based on Google Street View.
acechen 09:47:23
Perhaps, this method may help us to figure out sites that can be vegetated in Taiwan.
acechen 09:47:28
Overall, we would like to establish the process via three key methods. Meanwhile, we are also participating in the Presidential Hackathon.
acechen 09:47:39
In the future, we will investigate these potential sites through checking the satellite maps and make a list.
acechen 09:47:48
Throughout the list, the vegetation can be done in either the governmental or non-governmental means.
acechen 09:47:56
Alternatively, the government can propose ideas that will be subjected to participatory discussion.
acechen 09:48:06
We also invited two architect friends from French. They have built an online tool that enables people to join the design, like the example here.
acechen 09:48:17
In other words, people can propose to add facilities or trees by illustrating their visions online.
acechen 09:48:27
With that, we would like to invite folks who are interested in collaborating on these ideas in the hackathon.
acechen 09:48:31
Thank you.
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 09:52:33
Our next proposal is "digital lunar calendar"
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 09:54:06
There are many different lunar calendars currently in Taiwan
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 09:54:17
But we want to make an open source new lunar calendar
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 09:54:31
And we can use open street map and combine the two
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 09:55:09
Our first goal is to figure out when are where farmers are planting crops
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 09:55:31
So we have some data about what time farmers are planting certain crops
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 09:55:45
So you can see what the data looks like at the moment
acechen 09:56:54
the following is "PTT can not die"
acechen 09:57:10
hello i'm okcool
chihao 09:57:11
Hi everyone this project is "PTT cannot die"
acechen 09:57:25
we've began the project since last May
chihao 09:57:35
We have been working on this project since July 2019
chihao 09:57:47
What are the challenges PTT faces?
chihao 09:58:04
The first is internet army, information manipulation, misinformation.
chihao 09:58:26
The second is the lowering of article quality.
chihao 09:58:35
The third is online fraud.
chihao 09:58:55
The current system architecture of PTT cannot sufficiently deal with these challenges.
chihao 09:59:05
So we’d like to reinvent PTT.
chihao 09:59:17
The first we want to introduce peer-review into PTT.
chihao 09:59:40
We want to reward authors for good articles.
chihao 09:59:58
We need people passionate about PTT to join us.
chihao 10:00:11
Technologies: Golang, AWS, GCP.
chihao 10:00:14
Thank you!
chihao 10:01:24
Are you annoyed by biased information?
chihao 10:01:41
This project has built different mechanism to try to deal with this problem.
chihao 10:02:59
You can search on our platform to see different perspectives of the same topic.
chihao 10:03:17
Currently our system looks like this
chihao 10:03:30
For example Mask Supply Map
chihao 10:03:57
Our system tells you the amount of speech of different perspectives in percentage
chihao 10:04:28
We are looking for webscrapping enginners
chihao 10:04:44
Find us online every Wednesday!
chihao 10:04:45
acechen 10:05:11
The next project is Jothon Online and 2D Jothon
acechen 10:05:37
This is a project aiming for holding hackathon online
acechen 10:06:05
the project has been translated to different languages
acechen 10:06:10
Hello everyone, I’m Ronny Wang.
acechen 10:06:14
Today I’m proposing two projects: Jothon Online and 2D Jothon.
acechen 10:06:19
Due to the pandemic, we began holding online g0v hackathons since last time.
acechen 10:06:24
Because hackathons have to be halted online, Jothon have developed Jothon Online
acechen 10:06:33
In the hope of migrating the physical experience and necessary tools to virtual platforms, despite folks can’t gather at Academia Sinica, we can still join the g0v hackathons together.
acechen 10:06:40
Therefore, we have migrated some elements such as self-introduction, as well as transforming project proposals to online channels.
acechen 10:06:48
So that you can see people discussing projects in different channels, then you can join the discussions.
acechen 10:06:54
And we can see all status via YouTube.
acechen 10:07:03
For instance, I’m interested in seangau’s project, and I can see there are already some folks in the channel, so I can go into the channel and join the discussion.
acechen 10:07:16
We can also use the chat room along with video conferencing features as well as the collaborating notes, and see other folks.
acechen 10:07:23
To be able to carry out the online hackathon, we are benefited by an open source video conferencing system
acechen 10:07:28
You can have video conferences and chats from it, and you can also build your own system thanks to its open source.
acechen 10:07:36
For this reason, we are also developing 2D Jothon. You can customize maps like the RPG, and video chat with others. It is one of the goals today.
acechen 10:07:45
Furthermore, we are also developing the helper of split view.
acechen 10:07:58
This helper is designed in a way that you can customize the scene via HTML, such as showing the avatars in your scene, then project a specific chat room to your customized HTML.
acechen 10:08:07
Thus, it’s getting easier to control what the video conferencing you like, or the characters of the host and director, or how the display takes place.
acechen 10:08:15
So my proposal today is to refine these online tools such that more people can utilize them.
acechen 10:08:22
I would like to have assistance including feedback and comments regarding Jothon Online and 2D Jothon.
acechen 10:08:32
Moreover, if you are interested in the online map, we will also share tricks about the map editor and allow more folks to draw the picture of Academia Sinica you have in mind.
acechen 10:08:40
Besides, you are more than welcome to design the video conferencing features, in particular the interface.
acechen 10:08:43
Many thanks.
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 10:08:56
Our next proposal is 0archive
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 10:09:14
Hello I am Chihao
❤️ 1
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 10:09:40
We all know that fake news is a hot topic recently
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 10:09:55
And we think that research into fake news/real news needs a lot of data to work
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 10:10:07
so we want to make an open source data that we can all use
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 10:10:16
We've been working on it for about 6 months
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 10:10:48
So at the moment we've collected over 3 million documents
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 10:11:16
So you can use this to find out the origin of documents by finding the original source
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 10:11:44
We've already made an explanaiton of how to use our docuements and you can download it
acechen 10:12:16
Thanks for two donates!
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 10:12:33
Our next project is likecoin
chihao 10:12:37
Next project is LikeCoin Fantasia!
chihao 10:12:55
LikeCoin is a project from Hongkong
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 10:12:55
We are a project from Hong Kong
chihao 10:13:24
We want to change the status quo where authors are dependent on ad revenue to survive
chihao 10:13:48
We want to commit content to blockchain and use it to govern our data and coins
chihao 10:14:15
Everyone is a stakeholder in our "republic" and can participate in decision-making
chihao 10:14:21
This project started in 2017
chihao 10:14:33
You can find out more from our website
chihao 10:14:52
If you use Matters (a blogging platform) you have definitely seen LikeCoin
chihao 10:15:21
We'd like to invite engineers to join us
chihao 10:15:39
... to expand functionalities and applications of LikeCoin
chihao 10:15:46
If you are interested in blockchain
chihao 10:15:54
... please join us to discuss!
chihao 10:16:13
Find us in #likecoin channel
chihao 10:16:15
acechen 10:16:16
the next one is Amis
chihao 10:16:25
Next project is Amis MoeDict
acechen 10:16:29
today's lesson is ...
acechen 10:16:33
ichieh 10:16:43
ppt 有中文
chihao 10:16:46
acechen 10:16:55
this is lo and ma
chihao 10:17:06
loma = lo + ma’
acechen 10:17:11
you can see it in the upper right corner
chihao 10:17:23
This pronunciation is very very difficult
acechen 10:18:16
the follows are example sentences
acechen 10:18:45
this is what our hope to express
acechen 10:18:57
thank you.
acechen 10:19:18
at 11am, we will be in the channel for Amis teaching
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 10:19:27
Our next proposal is herstory east asia
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 10:19:54
There are Japanese and Korean people also working on this project
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 10:20:21
we have been thinking about what international projects we could do
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 10:20:39
And we released we didn't know much about women's history in East Asia
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 10:21:03
so at the beginning we wanted to make a simple system that could list certain events
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 10:21:22
So we now have a new interface
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 10:21:36
And we have collected many different stories
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 10:21:45
and we have started to created tags for different types of stories
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 10:22:59
we need people who can help us translate, so if you can speak Chinese Japanese Korean and/or English please help us
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 10:23:22
Our developer is in Korea, and we hope at some point in the future we can meet up in person
chihao 10:23:45
The next proposal is g0v summit 2020
chihao 10:23:51
Presenter is Pomin
chihao 10:23:55
g0v summit is a old project
chihao 10:23:58
Very big project
chihao 10:24:03
First summit was in 2014
chihao 10:24:13
In 2018, g0v summit was three days
chihao 10:24:27
We feel tired and think we need to change that
chihao 10:24:41
So in 2020, we decided the summit needs to last for 4 days
chihao 10:24:51
Why is this pit so big and deep?
chihao 10:25:11
We have to blame the three co-chairs of summit 2020
chihao 10:25:26
We have also found many people to stay in this giant pit
chihao 10:25:49
The open call for proposal will open in June
chihao 10:26:05
There will be a workers’ assembly this afternoon
chihao 10:26:29
There are many opportunities to participates in this year’s summit
chihao 10:26:39
Do you remember g0v Civic Tech Prototype Grant?
chihao 10:27:23
We are using the same online discussion functionality for the open call of this summit
chihao 10:27:31
Lastly please remember to wash your hands
acechen 10:27:44
2020, summit must win!
chihao 10:27:56
Hopefully to see you in December!
acechen 10:27:57
even though the pit is big.
acechen 10:28:11
we can do it.
acechen 10:28:19
The next project is "Community 60s"
acechen 10:28:33
it came from the work force of jothon
acechen 10:28:46
we have two volunteers and some members
acechen 10:29:21
before our events and meetings, we usually have 1 min to say something outside our work.
acechen 10:29:59
we will allow folks to record their 1 min talk in the future
acechen 10:30:09
demo time
acechen 10:30:26
going into the jothon online
acechen 10:30:43
here we already have three folks
acechen 10:31:04
by clicking the button, you can start the recording
chihao 17:00:41
Hi all, we are now presenting the project outcomes today!
chihao 17:00:58
chihao 17:01:05
我的專案叫 MyLog
chihao 17:01:38
MyLog 是啥呢?
chihao 17:01:42
chihao 17:01:52
第一部分是 Android app
chihao 17:02:00
chihao 17:02:05
chihao 17:02:20
MyLog 用起來很容易哦
chihao 17:02:36
chihao 17:02:42
chihao 17:02:58
你可以與你的醫生分享一個單次有效的 URL
chihao 17:03:13
全部的資料會在 72 小時之後自動刪除
chihao 17:03:19
chihao 17:03:25
chihao 17:03:37
chihao 17:03:45
chihao 17:03:53
chihao 17:03:59
chihao 17:04:06
chihao 17:04:19
如果想貢獻,請加入 #mylog14 g0v Slack 頻道
chihao 17:04:29
chihao 17:04:40
chihao 17:04:42
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 17:05:47
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 17:06:01
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 17:06:23
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 17:06:33
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 17:07:15
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 17:07:30
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 17:07:51
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 17:08:09
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 17:08:26
這裏是關於Peng Wan-ru的故事
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 17:08:49
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 17:09:26
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 17:09:34
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 17:09:48
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 17:10:17
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 17:10:34
chihao 17:11:06
下一個坑是違章工廠舉報 disfactory
chihao 17:11:14
大家好,我是小班 ael
chihao 17:11:27
chihao 17:11:53
chihao 17:12:06
chihao 17:12:22
chihao 17:12:32
chihao 17:12:58
如果你的社區有類似的需求、類似的 app,都歡迎跟我們聯絡
chihao 17:13:02
這是我們的 app 介面
chihao 17:13:52
以上是我們的 demo
chihao 17:14:03
我是這個專案的 PM
chihao 17:14:36
我們過去很努力,讓 g0ver 和 NGO 的合作能夠順利
chihao 17:14:47
chihao 17:14:55
chihao 17:15:26
chihao 17:15:38
chihao 17:15:42
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 17:16:01
The next report is from the Amis mengdian
chihao 17:16:15
Amis MoeDict
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 17:16:30
This is an interview as part of a masters thesis
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 17:17:22
I think the amis dictionery is very interesting
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 17:17:56
The protection and maintain of files is important from the perspective of a researcher
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 17:18:35
The time scale of the amis dicitonary was somewhat more complicated than other projects I interviewed during my research
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 17:19:10
They are continuously coming into contact with new material
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 17:19:39
I think this is an effective and interesting approach
chihao 17:19:57
Next project is Jothon 2D Portal!
chihao 17:20:02
Hi I'm Stimim
chihao 17:20:20
Ronny 今天早上介紹了 2D 聊天室
chihao 17:20:34
現在我想要 demo 一個新功能 – 瞬間傳送門
chihao 17:21:00
chihao 17:21:05
demo 完了!
chihao 17:21:24
Ronny: I’m so touched that others are also joining building Jothon.
ichieh 17:21:27
chihao please
chihao 17:21:28
chihao 17:21:47
感謝 Cofacts 貢獻眾人
chihao 17:22:00
現在我想跟大家介紹 Cofacts 新網站!
chihao 17:22:09
I’d like to introduce to you Cofact’s new website!
chihao 17:22:21
我們也有新 logo 囉 🙂
chihao 17:22:34
chihao 17:22:46
chihao 17:22:56
chihao 17:23:29
chihao 17:23:39
You can easily find the most recent messages
chihao 17:23:50
哪有人一直切換語言的太猛了 \o/
chihao 17:23:56
For example this one
chihao 17:24:09
Donate 250cc blood today and you get a free FamilyMart coffee
chihao 17:24:21
chihao 17:24:25
Ah I made a mistake
chihao 17:24:52
👍 1
chihao 17:25:01
This is our website update today
chihao 17:25:08
chihao 17:25:11
chihao 17:25:13
❤️ 1
chihao 17:25:20
😁 1
chihao 17:25:30
❤️ 2 🐳 2 1
chihao 17:25:40
Sam to you
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 17:25:42
Today I want to talk about the 2020 summit
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 17:25:57
At 2 oclock today hosted a work session for the summit
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 17:26:20
Today there were 40 people working on the summit from all over of Taiwan
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 17:26:31
You can look at our notes to see what we discussed
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 17:26:40
You can go to the summit channel to find it
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 17:27:06
Today we asked all workers to vote on the design of the summit
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 17:27:09
And we decided on
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 17:27:14
wait a sec
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 17:27:57
And we went with the 4th design "Islands, oceans"
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 17:28:21
This is the previous design
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 17:28:37
So we use the new design moving forward
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 17:29:02
The final thing is to reming everyone to start thinking about what projects you want to propose
chihao 17:29:15
\ 2020 summit win win / \ 2020 summit 要贏 /
chihao 17:29:25
Next project is jothon online & split screen helper
chihao 17:29:29
\ ronny /
chihao 17:29:38
Google Chrome supports speech to teext
chihao 17:29:45
sometimes it’s buggy
chihao 17:30:08
What we’ve done today is sorted and added many issues
chihao 17:30:15
Like these
chihao 17:30:32
Many people helped to raise many issues
chihao 17:30:44
I expect to keep working on this for the following month
chihao 17:30:58
Jothon is considering to combine virtual and physical hackathon in July
chihao 17:31:05
That’s all
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 17:31:15
And now chihao wants to report on 0 archive
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 17:31:23
Hello I am chihao
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 17:31:55
Thank you to everyone who helped us
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 17:32:26
You can now see the current version
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 17:32:51
And I think the new system is a lot clearer
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 17:33:24
Thank you to muyueh, Seangau, lulucheng and Feng
chihao 17:34:08
Next project is "is logical (?) discussion online possible?"
chihao 17:34:15
I just came here to write an article
chihao 17:34:29
But I haven’t contributed for a long time
chihao 17:34:39
So I decided to share some of my thoughts recently
chihao 17:34:54
First I look at the characteristics of online discussion
chihao 17:35:20
One conclusion of an article is that the web is not good for reasonable logical discussion
chihao 17:35:35
當下卡住找不到 rational 這個字 😆
chihao 17:35:57
Now we can see that the online space is filled with propaganda rather than discussion
chihao 17:36:10
I think the web is good a diverging but not converging
chihao 17:36:27
*good for divergence but not convergence
chihao 17:36:41
There was an article talking about "3 walls" of onlinee civic discussion
chihao 17:36:54
The wall of ignorance, idiocy, and info explosion
chihao 17:37:14
(Idiocy - inappropriate action)
chihao 17:38:02
Because of info explosion, attention really matters, and attention will create biased perception and makes discussion more difficult
chihao 17:38:27
Limited attention also makes opportunity for info manipulation, information operations.
chihao 17:38:43
Different platforms have different issues
chihao 17:38:51
I will also talk about this in COSCUP in August.
chihao 17:38:54
Thank you.
chihao 17:38:59
Sam to you.
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 17:39:22
So everytime we ask people what has been going on in everyones lives
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 17:39:31
and because of the virus, we might not have seen eachother in a while
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 17:39:39
so we asked 5 people to record an update on their lives


acechen 21:07:20
@acechen has left the channel
