
Month: 2022-08


Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 11:11:09
哈囉,我是 taiwan insight 的編輯,我們為了慶祝 g0v 十週年,希望可以邀請社群貢獻者對於社群的各個面向提供他們的觀點與反思,讓更多人認識到 g0v 社群,若你對寫文章有興趣,歡迎報名,連結如下:


HackMD - Collaborative Markdown Knowledge Base

10 週年 Taiwan Insight 特刊 哈囉各位,我是 Taiwan Insight 的編輯之一,也是 g0v 社群貢獻者 Sam/翔鈞。Taiwan Insight 是諾丁漢大學的線上雜誌

👍 1
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 11:11:09
哈囉,我是 taiwan insight 的編輯,我們為了慶祝 g0v 十週年,希望可以邀請社群貢獻者對於社群的各個面向提供他們的觀點與反思,讓更多人認識到 g0v 社群,若你對寫文章有興趣,歡迎報名,連結如下:
tyl 19:19:44
@taiyinglee has joined the channel
teng0 19:22:28
@simonas has joined the channel


suavepei 12:31:47
@suavepei has joined the channel


chewei 17:02:55

2017/12/09 Kirby 開 <|issue> &gt; 需要英文版本的內文。 然而現在還是只有「關於我們」有英文版,首頁的介紹也很多沒有英文 開了一份共筆,歡迎大家一起共同翻譯 <>

chewei 17:02:55

2017/12/09 Kirby 開 <|issue> &gt; 需要英文版本的內文。 然而現在還是只有「關於我們」有英文版,首頁的介紹也很多沒有英文 開了一份共筆,歡迎大家一起共同翻譯 <>

Ted 顥天 17:30:19 has joined the channel
Ted 顥天 17:30:40
我正要貼過來,就發現 chewei 幫我貼了XD
Ted 顥天 17:30:40
我正要貼過來,就發現 chewei 幫我貼了XD


蘇冠彰 12:47:26
@lovekangaroo0126 has joined the channel


Ed 08:03:18
@ecwkeio has joined the channel


Alvin Lin 21:31:49
@ooii8929 has joined the channel


ael 14:24:34
Hi all incredible translators, anyone is coming to g0v hackathon and 10th-anniversary on Oct 22-23 in Taipei? Charles needs a hand on Mandarin to English translation during the events.

Dear nobodies in Taipei. As I mentioned in my self-intro, I am writing a book about how to rebuild trust in modern life. The book will be published around the world by Penguin. I have enjoyed talking with a bunch of you about your work. I will come to Taipei in October to learn more about the digital democracy movement. Yun Chen <@U0RQYV16K> mentioned that you are having a hackathon on Oct 22. I would love to come and observe. I hear it is also g0v's anniversary that weekend. Would anyone be interested and available to accompany me and translate during these events? Or can you recommend a professional interpreter? Thank you.

glad to help
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 2022-08-17 15:15:23
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 2022-08-17 15:15:26
Charles Montgomery 2022-08-19 01:57:14
Dear friends, thank you @aelcenganda for posting this here. And thank you Peter and Sam for expressing interest.

Yes, even though @aelcenganda mentioned that people are kind enough to whisper translate during sessions, I think it would be fair for me to pay an interpreter to help me at the hackathon and for other interviews.

I am looking for someone who can help me at the hackathon, but also occasionally between Oct 18 and 24 (just a couple of hours on those other days). Ideally the person would be very fluent in both languages.
Charles Montgomery 2022-08-20 06:28:54
@sampeterrobbins @sdfghj1001 Thank you for your interest in translating. Can you tell me if you are available that week? And what is your rate for translation? Let me know if you have any more questions about my project. Thank you!
Do you have specific preferred time? I think we can pick up some time and make a voting
Charles Montgomery 2022-08-21 23:03:40
Hi Peter, I definitely hope to have a translator on Oct 22 all day, and possibly Oct 23. I also hope to have help for 4-5 hours on Oct 20 and 21.
ael 14:24:34
Hi all incredible translators, anyone is coming to g0v hackathon and 10th-anniversary on Oct 22-23 in Taipei? Charles needs a hand on Mandarin to English translation during the events.

Dear nobodies in Taipei. As I mentioned in my self-intro, I am writing a book about how to rebuild trust in modern life. The book will be published around the world by Penguin. I have enjoyed talking with a bunch of you about your work. I will come to Taipei in October to learn more about the digital democracy movement. Yun Chen <@U0RQYV16K> mentioned that you are having a hackathon on Oct 22. I would love to come and observe. I hear it is also g0v's anniversary that weekend. Would anyone be interested and available to accompany me and translate during these events? Or can you recommend a professional interpreter? Thank you.

glad to help
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 2022-08-17 15:15:23
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 2022-08-17 15:15:26
Charles Montgomery 2022-08-19 01:57:14
Dear friends, thank you @aelcenganda for posting this here. And thank you Peter and Sam for expressing interest.

Yes, even though @aelcenganda mentioned that people are kind enough to whisper translate during sessions, I think it would be fair for me to pay an interpreter to help me at the hackathon and for other interviews.

I am looking for someone who can help me at the hackathon, but also occasionally between Oct 18 and 24 (just a couple of hours on those other days). Ideally the person would be very fluent in both languages.
Charles Montgomery 2022-08-20 06:28:54
@sampeterrobbins @sdfghj1001 Thank you for your interest in translating. Can you tell me if you are available that week? And what is your rate for translation? Let me know if you have any more questions about my project. Thank you!
Do you have specific preferred time? I think we can pick up some time and make a voting
Charles Montgomery 2022-08-21 23:03:40
Hi Peter, I definitely hope to have a translator on Oct 22 all day, and possibly Oct 23. I also hope to have help for 4-5 hours on Oct 20 and 21.
Guo-Jim 19:35:50
@guo-jim has joined the channel


Charles Montgomery 01:49:59
@charles972 has joined the channel



Peter 16:53:53
大家好,我是peter,是10/21-22 要去青發署活動擺攤的坑主,因為我們昨天在大松上盤點了目前揪松團有的相關文宣品後,發覺最新的影響力報告與零時小學校成果手冊沒有翻譯版本,所以想開一個小小的翻譯坑,希望有人可以幫忙,目前希望找2-3人(還有我)一起完成,總共有5-6篇1000字以內的短文,我會取得文字檔案,歡迎大家上共筆看看,想++的可以按個++!!!
Peter 16:53:53
大家好,我是peter,是10/21-22 要去青發署活動擺攤的坑主,因為我們昨天在大松上盤點了目前揪松團有的相關文宣品後,發覺最新的影響力報告與零時小學校成果手冊沒有翻譯版本,所以想開一個小小的翻譯坑,希望有人可以幫忙,目前希望找2-3人(還有我)一起完成,總共有5-6篇1000字以內的短文,我會取得文字檔案,歡迎大家上共筆看看,想++的可以按個++!!!
Peter 16:53:55


第一次的影響力報告翻譯坑 The first translation project of IMPACT REPORT - HackMD

# 第一次的影響力報告翻譯坑 The first translation project of IMPACT REPORT 說明:為了準備 10/21-22 青年發展署2022國際青年論壇的擺攤