COVID-19 疫情資訊野生整合平台 by g0vers - HackMD
COVID-19 疫情資訊野生整合平台 powered by g0v.tw - HackMD
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COVID-19 Info 疫情資訊野生整合平台 powered by g0v.tw - HackMD
本平台為 g0v 貢獻者彙整而成,非政府官方所設,所有內容僅供參考。轉傳資訊前,請注意資訊來源,勿協助傳遞不實資訊。
iOS English version 今日已經審核通過
大家好,這是實聯制的圖卡中文,我想請問大家有沒有興趣幫忙翻譯成各國語言?感恩! <https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1NbSDHXZ-N2JacL9Q5FPpvzmVOgf2EECsBYQOdBqGwo4/edit>
QR code app and digital record keeping for contact tracing | Coronavirus Victoria
Find out which businesses have to record all visitors and what you have to do to assist coronavirus contact tracers.
A room, a bar and a classroom: how the coronavirus is spread through the air
The risk of contagion is highest in indoor spaces but can be reduced by applying all available measures to combat infection via aerosols. Here is an overview of the likelihood of infection in three everyday scenarios, based on the safety measures used and the length of exposure
Facebook Groups
:sunny: 全球串連早安新聞 Morning Taiwan Glocal News Club has 15,156 members. :sunny: 小路&浩爾 策展主播 @ Clubhouse 週一到週五台灣時間 8-9 am 補充時事營養素,與世界接軌 努力認真,希望節目越做越好 讓更多人關心國際,誠摯歡迎建議!...
1922 SMS: Easy and secure contact tracing
The “SMS Contact Tracing System” effectively allows contract tracers to quickly obtain the trajectories of confirmed cases and those they contacted.
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[徵求專案簡介英文] 目前 Shirley 有撰寫了一份中文簡介,想招募協助翻譯成英文,或是用英文來介紹專案的朋友~ 可以在 hackmd 上共筆撰寫 ~ <https://g0v.hackmd.io/WFvCpdvYRb2uIpQb1fOosg?view>
[徵求專案簡介英文] 目前 Shirley 有撰寫了一份中文簡介,想招募協助翻譯成英文,或是用英文來介紹專案的朋友~ 可以在 hackmd 上共筆撰寫 ~ <https://g0v.hackmd.io/WFvCpdvYRb2uIpQb1fOosg?view>