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vTaiwan x Chatham House Demoratic Input of AI proposal archive - HackMD
# vTaiwan x Chatham House Demoratic Input of AI proposal archive ## 重要文件 Important - [9/24 實體諮詢會
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# [1018]vTaiwan小黑客松 時間:{2023/10/11} 週三 19:00-21:00 地點:線上 出席: 線上組: 線上參與連結:<>
The Collective Intelligence Project
CIP and Anthropic launch Collective Constitutional AI — The Collective Intelligence Project
We’ve been experimenting with different ways that collective input from society can shape AI development, and are excited to announce that we’ve partnered with Anthropic to pilot one way of doing this: training a model to behave according to a collectively-designed constitution.