
Month: 2018-03


tmonk 19:15:33
3/3 g0v大松 提案簡報
👍 3 ❤️ 1 2 1


ky 21:21:03
大家非常抱歉,因為阿嬤臨時生病,明天可能要中午之後才能到大松了> <


@null 04:16:48
@itsmisscs commented on @sylin’s file vTaiwan.key: Are you still looking for feedback/suggestions?
shuyang 04:47:12
Yes always
What's the context for the deck? A presentation or a handout?
Was preparing for a call to Beth Noveck’s class in NYU. I gave a short intro about vTaiwan to the students, and they have also recorded it as later on material we will use in CrowdLaw conference.
That call was done last night, but I will do another screencast from my laptop, go through these slides with my cheerful voice ... hopefully will be a handy short intro for vTaiwan
ky 15:21:30
https://g0v.hackpad.tw/vTaiwan-2018.03.03-Data-Integration--wrI370PrRxA 訪談紀錄



桌遊王 公部門願意給資料的狀況: 【為何無法即時更新】 1.即時更新的資料必須有一個後台系統才有可能出現,否則都是人工更新, 2.機關通常拿到的是第二或第三手資料,上層部門有權利要但是下面的人(也有可能是承辦單位),就算給的資料也有可能是過時的 3.如果真的要認真做,理想的方式是協助他們改善整個資料搜集的流程,在第一手的輸入時就必須進行電子化(要有後台、或一些數位記錄(ex警察的pda)) 4.

ky 15:21:41
ky 23:44:08
剛剛請Kirby幫忙把vTaiwan加到 https://hack.g0v.tw/ 上有提到的小松裡了


揪松網 / 零時政府黑客松活動入口網

帶上你的腦袋與雙手,直接到活動現場找尋志同道合的提案吧!零時政府黑客松由 g0v 揪松團舉辦,兩個月一次的單天活動,百名與會者來自不同的城市、背景、專長與年紀,利用三分鐘的時間將自己想做的事快速發表,並在活動現場尋找志同道合的夥伴,發揮各自所長,同時透過線上與線下協作的方式,用弄髒雙手的精神來「讓事情發生」。

👍 1 1
ky 23:46:43
螢幕快照 2018-03-03 下午11.43.21.png


Holok_Station_HK 11:54:48
@herman3chen has joined the channel
ky 12:14:58
@sylin 可以用這個嗎



grants-landing-template - landing page template for g0v grants awardee projects




ky 12:15:27
Holok_Station_HK 12:15:44
Hello @au 我是香港來的可樂。我本年會在香港開一個open culture lab.
我正在準備一個訪談系統報導,訪問G0v 與社會創新實驗室的經驗。
我和一位成員Benny 希望7/3 來與你做一個簡單的訪談,作為我們考察報告的一部分。
7 月 3 日我不一定在台北,但 PDIS 的同仁應該有人在。7 月 4 日我會在社創中心(+ vTaiwan 小松),可以約時間。請寫信到 audreyt@ey.gov.tw
@herman3chen 是不是3月7日的意思?
在這次大松遇到可樂,他是說想在 3月7日 來社創中心,我推薦他能跟 au 簡單約個時間,比較能有一個完整的訪談時間。
3 月 7 日歡迎來 vTaiwan 小松,但我要到 7pm 以後才會回小松… 因為時差的關係,不一定能待很久。

是不是把題綱先貼到 g0v.hackpad.tw 上?或是寄到 audreyt@ey.gov.tw 我明天盡量先用非同步方式(書面或影音)來回答。
(我上午的 office hour 已經被約滿了,抱歉,但如果 @herman3chen 擇定一個時段,應該可以訪談 PDIS 同仁。)
Holok_Station_HK 2018-03-06 13:21:59
@au 我們可以11:00-12:00 訪問PDIS同仁嗎?@
sure, 至少筱婷應該會在,其他人我問一下。直接到社創的辦公室(前面有 vTaiwan 的廣告電視牆)即可。還是建議把題綱和自介寫一下到信箱,我好轉寄給其他同仁
Holok_Station_HK 2018-03-06 20:38:42
Yes I have sent the mail
OK 書漾會在,應該可以處理大部份的問題,其他我盡量抽空回答或線上書面回答。這些問答應該都可以公開吧?
@herman3chen 我收到你半夜追加的三個問題和五筆文獻了,正在做功課 XD 不然這樣吧,我可以提早到社創(8:30 左右),我們 9am-10am 先處理你關心的政治議題,其他工作層級的議題再請同仁補充。
Holok_Station_HK 2018-03-07 10:51:55
後來至少有聊到半小時 XD
ky 23:43:39
ky 23:46:27



wildjcrt 12:31:18
@wildjcrt has joined the channel
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tmonk 14:15:44
今日場地(3/7) 下午晚上都在創藝廚房
🍻 4
tmonk 16:05:09
👍 1


hal 15:45:13
@hal has joined the channel


dzn 15:17:29
this tool seems pretty neat — https://qiqochat.wordpress.com/all-tools-on-qiqochat/

The QiqoChat Blog

All Tools on QiqoChat

QiqoChat is a tool for building vibrant online communities. &nbsp;Your members&nbsp;will be&nbsp;able to build relationships and efficiently share knowledge with their&nbsp;peers. If you belong to a trade association, you may be interested in reading more about Qiqo for trade associations. The core&nbsp;tools on QiqoChat&nbsp;help you connect with other professionals for small-group video breakout sessions for an experience that is significantly&nbsp;more enjoyable than a standard&nbsp;webinar. Each online community on QiqoChat is equipped with&nbsp;the following tools. &nbsp;A screenshot of each is below. Circles, Sub-Circles and Notification Connect by Phone or Video Chat Live Events w/ Audio &amp; Video Breakouts plus screensharing and&nbsp;sketching Schedule Coordination Tool Peer-to-Peer Weekly Newsletter Live Caf&eacute;: 1-on-1 Phone Hotline &amp;&nbsp;Group Video Chats Written Conversations Questions and Recommendations Collections Articles Project Management and Task Tracking Uploaded Files Flashcards Community Calendar Collaborative Notes Job Board Search and a Circle-Wide Word Cloud Visual Problem Mapping .&nbsp; Circles, Sub-Circles, and Notifications Groups on QiqoChat are called circles. &nbsp;Each circle is equipped with all the collaborative tools&nbsp;below. &nbsp;You can turn each tool on or off. &nbsp;Circles have a half-dozen powerful subscription options such as &ldquo;Notify me of new events/questions/conversations/jobs/etc&rdquo;. &nbsp;Members can set their notifications to immediate or to an hourly or daily digest. Example&nbsp;email notification options&nbsp;for a&nbsp;QiqoChat circle. .&nbsp; Connect by Phone or Video Chat Sometimes&nbsp;it&rsquo;s much easier to speak with someone by phone or video chat than to write everything down in an email. We are built upon Zoom, a robust video chat system which can handle calls with&nbsp;up to 200 participants. Video chat is easier than you might think. &nbsp;One Qiqo circle&nbsp;even held an&nbsp;online celebration for&nbsp;one&nbsp;member&rsquo;s&nbsp;80th birthday! Users who do not have video chat can call in by phone and their picture won&rsquo;t be shown, as seen above. &nbsp; Live Events w/ Audio &amp; Video Breakout Rooms Anyone in your circle can schedule a live event on any topic. &nbsp;Each event has 10 online &ldquo;breakout tables&rdquo;&nbsp;and you can add more if you wish. Screensharing, whiteboards, and collaborative notes (see below) are available for each breakout table. &nbsp;Participants can also share links with each other and preview files and websites during the&nbsp;event without leaving the page. There are many ways to get creative with&nbsp;live events on QiqoChat. Events have a main table and breakout tables, each with their own collaborative notes. .&nbsp; Schedule Coordination Tool Propose several times for important live events&nbsp;and find the times that are convenient for the greatest&nbsp;number of your members. An easy way for people to indicate when they are available for live events. .&nbsp; Live Chat (typing) With QiqoChat, we provide chat to our users so that they can engage in &ldquo;collaboration escalation&rdquo; which means that they can connect quickly and easily through&nbsp;chat and then they can arrange a video chat right there on the spot or even schedule a live audio/video event for another time. Live chat is a quick and easy way for members of a circle to get in touch at any time. .&nbsp; Peer-to-peer Weekly Newsletter You can build an entire online community around this simple tool alone. &nbsp;Anyone&nbsp;in a QiqoChat circle can share one announcement or link per week as part of the&nbsp;weekly newsletter. &nbsp;By default, everyone in the circle receives the newsletter, and they can opt-out with one click. &nbsp;Surprisingly, it&rsquo;s hard to find a tool for a community generated newsletter anywhere else. Members of your circle can each&nbsp;contribute one announcement to the weekly&nbsp;email newsletter. .&nbsp; Live Caf&eacute; Members of your community can walk into a virtual caf&eacute; to have a conversation with other members of their community who are available&nbsp;at that very moment. &nbsp;Members can choose&nbsp;small-group video chats or dial into a phone hotline to be connected 1-on-1 with people from the circle who indicated that they would like to receive calls. Connect live by video or phone to other members in your circle. .&nbsp; Written Conversations: Live or Asynchronous This is a powerful tool to help a small or large group of people communicate through written text.&nbsp;Members can schedule video chat events&nbsp;around any conversation&nbsp;(see below). &nbsp;Conversations have&nbsp;highly customizable email notification options so that participants can choose exactly how they want to be updated. .&nbsp; Questions &amp; Recommendations Members can ask each other for recommendations such as &ldquo;Best way to do X?&rdquo; &nbsp;Members can schedule video chat events&nbsp;around any question (see events below). The QiqoChat recommendations tool is an effective way for a group to brainstorm. .&nbsp; Collections Members can gather&nbsp;a group of questions into a collection. &nbsp;New answers&nbsp;to any question in the collection will be visible immediately in the menu at the top of the page.&nbsp;Members can schedule video chat events&nbsp;around any collection&nbsp;(see events below). Create collections to stay updated on specific items across QiqoChat. .&nbsp; Articles Articles are&nbsp;a simple way to post a story or case study. &nbsp;Other members can&nbsp;add a 1-click reaction (informative, amazing, etc) or they can engage each other in the comment section. Members can write articles and stories in a standard blog format. .&nbsp; Project Management and Task Tracking When members of your circle want to move from communication to collaboration, you&rsquo;ll find that it&rsquo;s easy to track all the tasks associated with a project. First you write a short article about your project. &nbsp;When you edit your article, look under the &ldquo;Optional Features&rdquo; section to enable &ldquo;task tracking&rdquo;. &nbsp;This turns your article into the collaboration center for your project. Any member of your project team create and edit tasks associated with this project. &nbsp;You can assign a task to a specific individual, label it with high/medium/low priority, and mark whether it is in-progress or complete. This is lightweight project management tool is ideal for projects in your community of practice where many people may want to help with a project, but they do not have time to learn a more complex project management tool like Asana or Trello. Quickly and easily prioritize tasks, assign them to team members, and track completion. .&nbsp; Uploaded Files Members of your circle can easily upload files to share with each other. &nbsp;You can comment on files, and more importantly, you can include the direct link to the resource when you post a response using the other tools (Questions, Articles, Conversations, Notes, etc). Once participants share files, they can link to them when using any of the other tools on QiqoChat such as events and conversations. .&nbsp; Flashcards This is the easiest tool on QiqoChat and a fun way for members to exchange knowledge. Members of a circle can create and share flashcards with each other. &nbsp;Each member can&nbsp;save their flashcards in&nbsp;different virtual piles to help with learning and studying. Members of your group can create and share flashcards to help with peer-to-peer knowledge transfer. .&nbsp; Community Calendar Members can add external events from outside of QiqoChat to the calendar for their circle. &nbsp;Everyone who is subscribed to notifications about new events will be updated automatically. &nbsp;This shared calendar is a key feature for helping people make sense of all the relevant events in their community. Members can post events, even event…

👀 1 🙌 1


hychen 16:41:00
@au hello, au 想請問你下星期有空嗎? 需要請你以了解數位協作的政務官角度給我們最近做的議題釐清工具 prototype 意見
au 18:14:54
一樣在 vTaiwan 小松見?
chiahua0515 20:39:34
@chiahua0515 has joined the channel
❤️ 3 1 🙇‍♂️ 1


Christina 16:05:13
@christina.chen has joined the channel
hychen 20:07:29
@aelcenganda au 說約小松?


au 10:30:09
https://polis.pdis.nat.gov.tw/ 終於上線了 🎆 歡迎 vTaiwan 社群協助測試,多加利用
2 💯 2 1
Christina 11:18:02
hi 我是國巨的依婷
Christina 11:19:12
Christina 11:23:03
au 12:57:31
我 OK,6pm 之後都有空
tmonk 13:21:27
Christina 13:39:23
ael 17:30:51
我明天也會到~~給大家看看我們在便利貼上加超連結的 prototype(然後希望大家覺得有用 XD)
Christina 17:36:07
hychen 18:10:24


Peace 00:05:20
ronnywang 10:39:31
@ronnywang has joined the channel
ronnywang 13:38:54
ronnywang 13:48:10
我現在創藝咖啡做自己的事好了 XD 前幾天跟雨蒼聊過後,覺得有兩個議題想帶來跟 vtaiwan 的朋友們聊聊
au 14:11:23
一般是廚房 發夢源適合用白板 看人數如果多的話或要投影 也可以到無人圖書館
au 14:11:26
au 14:11:47
ronnywang 14:24:49
1. 之前我在 join 有提案過在政府網站下統一標註承包廠商和標案資訊,這件事我還是想繼續推展,想聊聊大家的看法跟接下來可行的作法
2. 我參加過幾次開放資料諮詢委員會,遇過兩次機關因為跨國貿易怕因為公開資料後造成難以談判而拒絕公開,我覺得這是滿複雜的議題,如果公開資料會造成外國可拿這資料來跟台灣談判結果可能造成本土產業受影響,這樣應該如何因應
ronnywang 14:25:14
Peace 17:08:57
Peace 17:09:27
Peace 17:09:59
ky 17:23:41
啊如果太麻煩就不用> }
Peace 17:26:26
shuyang 17:56:40
tmonk 18:40:49
在 無人圖書館 與國巨討論問卷
billy3321 18:41:27
我開appiear in
❤️ 2 🙇 2 2
billy3321 18:41:32
@lisa https://appear.in/billy3321



Video conversations with up to 4 people for free - no login, no downloads. Create a video room. Share the link. Appear together. Try it now at <https://appear.in>

billy3321 18:44:19
billy3321 18:47:11
isacl 21:25:04
tmonk 說辦公室鎖門了。獎盃在我這,下週帶回來。


olivebranch.a 09:45:16
@christina.chen 哈囉依婷,昨天小松報告的簡報,不曉得方不方便公開在vTaiwan上呢?覺得外國比較法那邊滿有幫助的,可以給大家參考 🤓
3 👍 2 1
Kanail 17:19:32
@daphnemaca has joined the channel


shuyang 23:12:28
根據大家這幾次關於影片的討論, 我們友好的快樂國家丹麥導演兼製片兼編劇 christian 已經做了一次小修,請大家看一下 https://vimeo.com/259324525/4cd1218115


Designing For Trust: vTaiwan and The Vanguards for Crowd-Sourced Democracy (v20)

3 2 🇩🇰 2


au 10:36:25
@sylin maybe we can embed that video as part of http://info.vtaiwan.tw/ ?
shuyang 13:43:46
yes! good idea to have a video on info site. Christian is curious if this version of the film is more helpful to you and vTaiwan than the awards ceremony version. What do we think? which one is more helpful?
shuyang 13:44:10
1. Interaction Awards 2018-Future Voice Award


Interaction Awards 2018-Future Voice Award

credits updated.

shuyang 13:44:29
2. Designing For Trust: vTaiwan and The Vanguards for Crowd-Sourced Democracy https://vimeo.com/259324525/4cd1218115


Designing For Trust: vTaiwan and The Vanguards for Crowd-Sourced Democracy (v20)


olivebranch.a 11:01:58
@christina.chen 問卷內容可以的話麻煩盡量提早放上來,才有辦法預留時間讓社群的朋友們討論和明天準時上線喔!
Christina 11:18:42
Christina 12:35:19
@olivebranch.a 抱歉 剛剛才看到你3月15日的訊息,3/14簡報的國外資料公開一事,我內部確認一下喔~~感謝內
🙆‍♀️ 1
Christina 15:17:31
Christina 15:19:48
@null 15:20:34
@olivebranch.a commented on @christina.chen’s file 問卷0320.docx: Thank you!
Christina 15:51:34
要麻煩大家了 ~~也謝謝大家~~~
olivebranch.a 16:54:12
有想要加減乘除的歡迎隨時提出喔! vTaiwan的typeform帳號是vtaiwan.tw@gmail.com,有密碼者可以直接到typeform上更改內容,沒有密碼者可以向我或@lisa 索取
olivebranch.a 2018-03-20 18:09:25
@christina.chen 傳給你囉
olivebranch.a 16:56:18
@christina.chen 我先把問卷0320 word檔 編號20和編號21的題目順序對調,我擔心先問填答者姓名的話一般不太會主動填,所以改先問是否願意匿名/具名公開或不公開
olivebranch.a 17:00:18
@achemistd 如果有空的話,可以幫忙看一下問卷第一頁的文字有沒有需要修改,如何才能吸引對的人來填答,同樣的文字也在明天放到vTaiwan的臉書頁,作為行銷的第一步
@null 17:03:05
@olivebranch.a commented on @christina.chen’s file 問卷進度報告版20180314final.pptx: @christina.chen 請問這個投影片可以放到vTaiwan的本案專頁上嗎? 這裡 👉 https://vtaiwan.tw/topic/data-integration
Peace 17:11:50


olivebranch.a 13:47:31
shuyang 15:21:34
shuyang 15:21:55
我今天會帶一些 Limoncello….
shuyang 15:22:16
ky 18:06:47
ky 18:25:43
ky 18:25:48
午/辦公室 晚/廚房(16:00起)
👍 1 1
olivebranch.a 21:10:05
問卷上線囉! https://vtaiwan.tw/topic/data-integration
olivebranch.a 21:10:41
ky 22:16:23
@christina.chen Hihi,晚上小松的時候和@au 一起調整了一些問卷的用語,很抱歉因為上線得有點急,來不及事先問你們的意見就直接動手了,再麻煩你們有空的時候看看有沒有誤解提問原意,如果有需要調整的地方也可以直接變更,感謝
7 👍 2


shuyang 10:22:07
just an idea… since we feel like making vTaiwan’s minithon more “open”, how about we livestream the entire event every wednesday, maybe on facebook? or on our website?
What do you mean by open?
not too confined to physical space?
If there is a chat room (an online space for discussion) why not. However it will change the "nature" of 小松. It could be an interesting experimentation
what do you mean by nature?
It will change the public yet privacy dimension of the event. With the live-stream, minithon will become "public".... There's more about it. We can talk about it tomorrow.
yay, let’s talk about it tmr.
I am gonna ask some friends to come and see if they can help with that remote control car idea. 🙂
@lisa let’s chat tmr


ky 12:44:59
ronnywang 18:46:17


shuyang 15:10:36
Hi, Code for japan is interested in collaborating with vTaiwan to deploy vTaiwan-like platform in Japan, or vJapan.
shuyang 15:10:46
through this exchange program

Code for All

Code for All Exchange Program #3

#3 April-June 2018, funded by NED Objectives The goal of the Code for All&rsquo;s Exchange Programme is to provide a structured opportunity for member organisations to redeploy or co-create tech toolsamong Code for All (CfAll) partners, as well as to promote collaboration on specific projects. Level of Support We are going to fund the development of IT tools as a cross-partner collaboration effort with a grant of USD 5,500&nbsp;including taxes. To receive the funding, applicant will be asked to provide an invoice. Proposal Requirements for #3 Proposals need to involve at least 2 parties, affiliated with Code for All member organisations, as a way to strengthen the Code for All network. Proposals should be for a co-creation or redeployment project, that results in a tangible service or tool or artifact. The outputs should be &lsquo;open&rsquo;, to facilitate re-use by the rest of the Code for All community. Code for All support programmes are meant to amplify work by its member organisations, and are meant to based on a &ldquo;self-help&rdquo; ethos. Applicants therefore need to demonstrate that they are providing meaningful matching funding / resources towards the project. Proposals need to include robust and accessible user documentation, to facilitate re-use or knowledge sharing, so that the project serves as a resource for the broader ecosystem. Proposals need to include a realistic outreach / engagement plan, to ensure that whatever resource is created by the project is used by its intended audience. The project / exchange should take place between April-June, 2018. Reporting: Rather than requiring bureaucratic narrative reports, fellowships must produce a &ldquo;how we did it&rdquo; or &ldquo;what we learned&rdquo; commentary. The format for this commentary will be determined by the nature of each individual exchange project, in consultation with the Code for All Exchange Manager, but could include blog posts or a case study, or a video or presentation or the release of new open source code for a corresponding tool. Application Contact Code for All partners to form the project proposal. Fill the application form by 23:59 GMT, 1st April 2018. The decision will be announced at 11th April. &nbsp; How to find other partners? &nbsp; I want to replicate/scale my project, or but I don&rsquo;t know partners in other countries. I&rsquo;d like to learn from other Code for organizations and I can provide skills and co-create project with them. We&rsquo;d like to be the host organization and invite people with skills/experience on certain topics to work on our project, how do I find them? I have a great project idea and I want find partners who&rsquo;d like to make it happen with me! &nbsp; Please shortly describe your project, highlight how you want to scale it or replicate it and elaborate on how will a face-to-face interaction benefit the collaboration? Please put that information on Code for All&rsquo;s Slack #projectexchange channel, so others can read about your project. Use case: I&rsquo;m individual, I want to work on my project with other people internationally, because I want replicate, or I want to cover other data geographies &hellip; We&rsquo;re Code for xxxx, we&rsquo;d like to host an exchange program in our organization which locate in (city, country) during 2018 (Feb to May) to work on (our project)&hellip; Then please write on the Slack. Information put on the Slack should be reacted upon by Collaboration Manager (@Bogdan). For other questions regarding Exchange Program, please contact Exchange Manager for further information. Exchange Manager| Aiya Hsu Code for All&rsquo;s Slack @Aiya |

😆 2
shuyang 15:11:27
please let me know if you are interested in helping, jump keng (跳坑)
🙋‍♂️ 1 1
Peace 23:09:52
I’m interested in this keng.But I don’t really know how to join in.
ky 23:37:01
I think I can help. But do you mean code for Japan want to apply the program or we're going to apply the exchange program?