
Month: 2021-12


Huanry(世和/世界和平) 23:27:18
@physics5372 has joined the channel



Hasnaa F. 11:53:12
@fatehihasnaa has joined the channel
isabelhou 13:12:10
Hasnaa is thinking about introducing vTaiwan for discussion of digital health regulation. Maybe @lisa @sdfghj1001 @achemistd can give her some opinions.
👍 2 ❤️ 1
isabelhou 13:13:09
@fatehihasnaa, can you provide with some backgrounds here.
Hasnaa F. 14:47:47
Thanks Isabel for the intro.
I specialize in regulatory Affairs of Medical Devices (larger umbrella under which digital health sits).
Currently, toying with idea of participatory regulatory processes for low to medium risk Digital Health App.
This idea stemmed from the work done in Taiwan to regulate Uber.
@pofeng might be interested in this subjects.
Hasnaa F. 14:49:47
I am fully aware of the fact, that Uber is very different from Digital Health, the latter having direct consequences on people's lives. But I wonder (still researching the topic) whether one can build a model similar to the Uber one while accounting for the safety and effectiveness of these digital health solutions.

The safest would be of course, the start with a very low risk one.
Hasnaa F. 14:51:12
Please note I have been quite involved with shaping the local discussion in TW, through traditional GVT channels like the TFDA and NHIA. But my personal interest (even though it might leave me jobless) is to think of ways to crowd regulate these solutions.
Hasnaa F. 14:51:36
Hasnaa F. 14:52:09
Above attached is a white paper that just got presented to TFDA and NHIA
Hasnaa F. 14:52:45
Net, this is still a concept stage idea. But I am very interested in pushing it further and see how feasible it is.
Hasnaa F. 14:54:59
I lived in TW for the past 2 years. Hence, my interest in using platforms like vTaiwan. However, I am taking off to Canada (Vancouver, BC) on Dec 31 where I plan to connect with Canadian Civic Tech groups and Digital Health associations to see who else is interested in joining.
Hasnaa F. 14:55:27
I think this should give enough intro to the topic and I look forward to hearing from you
ael 15:32:45
@fatehihasnaa FYI, https://crowd.law/


CrowdLaw-Online Public Participation in Lawmaking

Using public engagement to improve the quality, effectiveness and legitimacy of the lawmaking process. This is a draft version 1.0 of the report (dated October 12, 2017 ) and will be updated in November.

oh amazing! Thank you
🙌 1



christine kuan-wei 01:30:49
@christine.kuanwei.che has joined the channel
Hasnaa F. 22:56:00
Signed up! Thanks for the info



shuyang 00:21:12

Wunderman Thompson

Governing in the metaverse

Public services are going digital for citizens participating in the virtual world.

1 🙏 1



Antoine Levie 00:09:03
@anlevie1 has joined the channel