
Month: 2017-07


clkao 22:39:15
@clkao has joined the channel


au 15:24:39
@au has joined the channel
isacl 15:28:33
@isacl has joined the channel


shuyang 20:13:45


lizbarry 05:55:56
@lizbarry has joined the channel
lizbarry 05:56:11
hi @sylin ! i'll message her via twitter
shuyang 09:57:47
Hi @lizbarry! thx - I hope Mr. @vnyc found this mention delighting ๐Ÿ˜‡
lizbarry 10:02:18
And she already wrote back and she's going to come to our meetup tomorrow!
shuyang 10:13:55
wow thatโ€™s awesome!
itsmisscs 11:26:26
@itsmisscs has joined the channel
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itsmisscs 11:26:57
Hi ๐Ÿ‘‹๐Ÿพ
shuyang 12:14:12
patcon 23:40:04
hi @itsmisscs!
patcon 23:41:39
fwiw, this might not be worth it right now, but just to put it out there in case ppl feel like pursuing it later: if someone were to register a trademark for $400, then Twitter has a process to requesting access to a inactive account handle :wink:

Twitter Help Center

Inactive account policy

What is Twitter's inactive accountย policy? We encourage users to actively log in and use Twitter when they register an account. To keep your account active, be sure to log in and T


Apply online | USPTO

File forms for the trademark application, maintenance and other trademark processes with Trademark Electronic Application System (TEAS)

๐Ÿ‘€ 1


patcon 03:01:13
@itsmisscs so excited about this talk you gave btw! https://misscs.github.io/rupturing-reforming/assets/player/KeynoteDHTMLPlayer.html#11

Don't support there's any recording?
itsmisscs 13:04:28
@patcon Thanks for the Twitter details. Good to know there is an avenue. We will have to wait until August to see how our funding ideas pan out. As for the talk, there will be a recording, but Iโ€™m not sure when Eyeo will release it. I will definitely share it out though ๐Ÿ™‚
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itsmisscs 13:08:55
In lieu of `@vnyc` handle and `v.nyc` domain we really want, weโ€™re thinking of `vnyc_g0v/g0v_vnyc` as possible identifier for the project. Thoughts/feedback?
au 13:14:49
`g0vnyc` ?
au 13:15:50
you can get `talkto.nyc` for $29.99/yr https://www.enom.com/domains/search-results?query=talkto.nyc


Domain Names ~ Register Domains with Enom

Buy domains from Enom: A trusted registrar since 1997 with great prices, exceptional customer service, and 24/7 support. Over 20 million registered domains and counting. FIND YOUR DOMAIN NOW >>>

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au 13:16:47
@itsmisscs (underscore is less than ideal to type on mobile phones)
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itsmisscs 23:39:38
@au agreed. iโ€™ve never been a big fan of them myself. i โค๏ธ your suggestion. it is great!


itsmisscs 08:40:40
@au and @colinmegill We have some questions for both you regarding Polis. Would it be okay to fire them off to you in a public channel so other folks can participate?
colinmegill 09:53:19
Public is great


itsmisscs 04:19:51
Will fire those over tonight. Thank you in advance for taking the time to review and answer. Weโ€™ve been heads down working on our talk. T-minus 2 hours until we talk about vTaiwan, g0v, Polis, and g0vNYC. ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿพ


itsmisscs 01:15:45
@colinmegill @au Here are our questions. Thank you again! ```- Did vTaiwan add any additional features or make any changes to Pol.is?
- Do you have any examples of Pol.is projects using an authentication layer other than Twitter or Facebook?
- What tests did you set up to study the use/problems/limitations of Pol.is?
- Is vTaiwan running their own instance of Pol.is or using the hosted solution?
- Are we able to use the Pol.is API?
- Is there an open project roadmap for Pol.is?

dzn 01:18:36
@darshana has joined the channel
colinmegill 14:27:01
@itsmisscs responding here:
colinmegill 14:27:22
1. Did vTaiwan add any additional features or make any changes to Pol.is?
colinmegill 14:28:36
Audrey and the g0v team were early adopters of the tool, gave us enormous amounts of helpful feedback. We were, at times, on a 24 hour loop of feature request and pushing code during the initial vTaiwan experiments
colinmegill 14:28:39
colinmegill 14:28:47
2. Do you have any examples of Pol.is projects using an authentication layer other than Twitter or Facebook?
colinmegill 14:30:40
Yes. Alternativet in Denmark is an excellent example - they are a political party and their 11,000 members log into their system. pol.is has a system called `xid` for 'external id'. If you know who your people are, you can embed us and pass that to us to keep track of who is who.
colinmegill 14:30:42
colinmegill 14:30:55
3. What tests did you set up to study the use/problems/limitations of Pol.is?
colinmegill 14:31:08
Hard to answer. Could you clarify?
colinmegill 14:31:16
colinmegill 14:31:20
4. Is vTaiwan running their own instance of Pol.is or using the hosted solution?
colinmegill 14:31:58
Currently, everyone using pol.is is using hosted. The Taiwanese Exec Yuan will be the first on prem deployment, and is currently in progress.
colinmegill 14:32:02
colinmegill 14:32:13
5. Are we able to use the Pol.is API?
colinmegill 14:34:11
Easiest answer is 'not for free and not for everything'. There is a lot of customization and control you can accomplish via the pol.is iFrame with data attributes - that's the way we've gone with the community based on requests and it's really quick. Basically no one is using the API, with the exception to maybe export data.
colinmegill 14:34:15
colinmegill 14:34:22
6. Is there an open project roadmap for Pol.is?
colinmegill 14:34:23
colinmegill 14:35:16
colinmegill 14:36:07
Best of luck with your talk - happy to clarify anything if there are questions


itsmisscs 03:36:31
@colinmegill Thank you so much. This was incredibly helpful. One clarifying question around `xid` system. In our use case, we want to tie zip code to each user, since zip codes are not unique, how could we tie this to each user record? Would it still be through `xid` or a custom data attribute?
patcon 03:45:27
polis proxy api spec: https://github.com/patcon/polis-api-spec



polis-api-spec - A sample of how to host a dead-simple swagger API spec.

patcon 03:45:35
pol.is proxy: https://github.com/patcon/polis-api-proxy



polis-api-proxy - A <http://Pol.is|Pol.is> API proxy for experimenting with different API design choices.


itsmisscs 01:45:19
@patcon thank you so much for the video ๐Ÿค— itโ€™s so relevant with lots of useful nuggets.
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