XDD 到底誰在鬧啦? 公車站、地下道、捷運指標...『行政院』都變成『功德院』了... [爆卦] 臺北到處功德院!! <http://disp.cc/b/163-alX7> [爆卦] 有人發現公車站牌的行政院變功德院嗎! <http://disp.cc/b/163-alX3>
【清德邀人做功德 青年勞動低所得】 ─功德院正名行動聯合聲明稿 青年團體更改行政院週邊路標,發起功德院長長久久正名行動,為資方提供好用、廉價且長久工時的勞動力,並為未來的產業政策鋪路,使台灣成為快樂、幸福、圓滿的過勞天堂。感恩清德,贊嘆清德!資方的無上大成就內閣!...
Issuu is a digital publishing platform that makes it simple to publish magazines, catalogs, newspapers, books, and more online. Easily share your publications and get them in front of Issuu’s millions of monthly readers. Title: Democratic cities 2017, Author: <http://PDIS.tw|PDIS.tw>, Name: Democratic cities 2017, Length: 25 pages, Page: 1, Published: 2017-11-15
Obama: "I'm very interested in how online communities can move offline. How this incredible power to convene through hashtags [etc] eventually leads to people meeting each other and talking to each other" <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZWE8HUjYf8Q&feature=youtu.be&t=28m34s>
NCDD Resource Center
Structured Dialogic Design (SDD)
Structured Dialogic Design (SDD) is the dialogue and decision-making methodology used by the Institute for 21st Century Agoras and others in their 'co-laboratories of democracy.' Laborato…
【獨家】隔空問診生力軍 衛福部擬開放精神科醫師網路診斷、開藥 | 蘋果日報
Civic Hall
In Search of 21st Century Democracy: Two Weeks in Taipei | Civicist
It matters what ideas we use to think ideas. It matters what thoughts think thoughts. It matters what knowledges know knowledges. It matters what relations relate relations. It matters what worlds world worlds. It matters what stories tell stories. —Donna Haraway It matters what experiments we use to experiment. Society and technology have undergone significant …
<http://nautil.us/issue/55/trust/why-your-brain-hates-other-people-rp> EDIT: Finally finished, and this is full of some *REALLY great mental models* that feel really useful for thinking about facilitation processes and how groups interact. I feel so strongly that I've tried to distill the whole thing down to a summary for quick skimming.
不怕語音辨識 大陸高級速錄師日賺23K | 政治 | 中央社即時新聞 CNA NEWS
(中央社記者顧荃台北17日電)「速錄師」指的是將談話快速打成文字檔的職業,速錄師薛雅婷說,這一行在台灣才剛起步,全台不到5人,但在中國大陸早已是高度專業化市場,高級速錄師一天收入可以達到約23K。 | 政治
Civic Hall
vTaiwan: Public Participation Methods on the Cyberpunk Frontier of Democracy | Civic Hall
In the midst of the signal failure known as the US electoral season, here’s something to be inspired about: a true story about rational deliberation on a national scale.
Transform your plain text into static websites and blogs
哈囉,這是vTaiwan小聚會(小松)的報名表,直接填寫你的暱稱,告訴大家某時段會有人出現就可以囉 :) (討論事項可以參考:<https://trello.com/b/vDh5y92i/vtaiwantw-public> 也歡迎自己新增)