:zap: Native, high-performance, cross-platform desktop apps - built with Reason! - revery-ui/revery
:zap: Native, high-performance, cross-platform desktop apps - built with Reason! - revery-ui/revery
ttag · Modern javascript i18n tool based on es6 tags
Modern javascript i18n tool based on es6 tags
Plurals - i18next documentation
A simple zero-config tool to make locally trusted development certificates with any names you'd like. - FiloSottile/mkcert
Why every new web app at PayPal starts with TypeScript
What happened that made TypeScript viable for me and worth migrating paypal-scripts for. I've been using TypeScript for ~1 week now. Migrating from Flow....
:boom: Generate code at build-time. Contribute to kentcdodds/babel-plugin-codegen development by creating an account on GitHub.
Tech Choices I Regret at Spectrum
Spectrum is an open source chat app for large online communities. With the benefit of hindsight, here are the technology choices I regret.
“Why every new web app at PayPal starts with TypeScript”
A place where words matter
React components for efficiently rendering large lists and tabular data - bvaughn/react-window
Optimizing Performance – React
A JavaScript library for building user interfaces
Yarn's Future - v2 and beyond · Issue #6953 · yarnpkg/yarn
Hi everyone, When the Yarn project started back in 2016, our landscape was very different from what it is now. Package locking was far from being a first class citizen in the Javascript ecosystem, ...
Jest 24: :nail_care: Refreshing, Polished, TypeScript-friendly · Jest
Today we are happy to announce the next major release of Jest - version 24! It's been 4 months since the last minor release, and 8 months since Jest 23, so this upgrade is a big one, with something for everyone! Highlights include built-in support for TypeScript by upgrading the Jest internals to Babel 7, fixing some long-standing issues with missing console output and performance issues when computing large diffs, and a brand new sparkling website. :sparkles:
Bits and Pieces
Interactive Text Animation with React Hooks – Bits and Pieces
How to animate headings that respond to mouse movements using React Hooks, CSS Modules, CSS variables and clip-path.