Sketch is a design toolkit built to help you create your best work — from your earliest ideas, through to final artwork.
Sketch is a design toolkit built to help you create your best work — from your earliest ideas, through to final artwork.
Fear, trust and JavaScript: When types and functional programming fail - Reaktor
As developers, we want to reduce fear of our code failing and increase trust in our code working well. Many developers working with JavaScript borrow useful ideas from functional programming and strongly-typed programming languages to reduce fear by transferring trust from developers to tools and the code. Ideas like
Redesigning Redux – Shawn McKay – Medium
Shouldn’t state management be a solved problem by now? Intuitively, developers seem to know a hidden truth: state management seems harder…
Be sure to watch <|@dan_abramov> 's talk on "Beyond React 16" at <|@jsconfis>, 10 AM GMT (5 AM EST) tomorrow! <!/conference/thursday> . Should be livestreamed at <> . I promise it'll be interesting and worth watching! (even if you have to get up way early :) )
It's <|@dan_abramov> live at JSConf Iceland: <> I'm so excited about his talk!
Sneak Peek: Beyond React 16 - React Blog
Dan Abramov from our team just spoke at JSConf Iceland 2018 with a preview of some new features we’ve been working on in React. The talk opens with a question: “With vast differences in computing power and network speed, how do we deliver the best user experience for everyone?” Here’s the video courtesy of JSConf Iceland: I think you’ll enjoy the talk more if you stop reading here and just watch the video. If you don’t have time to watch, a (very) brief summary follows. About the Two Demos On…
Apollo GraphQL
A first look at Async React + Apollo – Apollo GraphQL
The suspense was killing us, so we built async React Apollo!
Just added bi-directional scroll sync to vscode's #markdown preview. Try it out in <|@code> insiders today Let me know if you run into any bugs
Did You Know™ You can suspend from inside of getDerivedStateFromProps. It “just works” because it’s part of React’s render phase. You can also suspend inside a setState reducer (first argument).
We officially wrote a part of Google's Flutter Documentation intended for React Native Developers. <> RT for reach!
A Walkthrough of *that* React Suspense Demo · React
You know what demo I'm talking about. So I tried to be chill about it all day since it's still an unstable API but in the end I couldn't help but do a full…
[WIP] Webpack 4 by andriijas · Pull Request #4077 · facebook/create-react-app
Work in progress, opening to discuss implementation details and start reviewing process. Feedback appreciated! Use new webpack 4 development and production modes Upgrade webpack dev server webp...
<|@samdbeckham> I just demoed it :slightly_smiling_face: <|@sebmarkbage> came up with the API, <|@acdlite> did the implementation work
xray - An experimental next-generation Electron-based text editor
Learn ReactJS: Code Like A Facebook Developer ☞ <> #AngularJs rJ-7wrOu_z <>
I’m not sure why I’m surprised, but cloudflare uses cloudflare <>
Another month, another big <|@code> release: The February update is here :tada::muscle:Download: <> and see what's new: <> <>
Log into Facebook to start sharing and connecting with your friends, family, and people you know.
The Ask: "A Select control built with and for React JS" Dev: "That should be easy to build" :wink: <>
downshift - :racing_car: Primitives to build simple, flexible, WAI-ARIA compliant enhanced input React components
pass removeValue() and always pass valueArray by kcliu · Pull Request #1850 · JedWatson/react-select
this is a pr for #1847
Building large scale react applications in a monorepo
A monorepo can be described as a repository that contains more than one logical project. These projects can be unrelated, loosely coupled…
How's life going? Me: <>
You can now search and kill processes by port number with the latest `fkill-cli` version, thanks to <|@kevvayo>. <>
2008 Ryan Dahl introduced Node.js at <|@jsconfeu> because "making web servers is too hard" (The standing ovations was my favorite moment of JSConf ever!) This year he is returning because "machine learning is too hard". I cannot wait!!! <>
#16 Ryan Dahl (<|@Ry>) introducing “Propel, a Machine Learning Framework for JavaScript” fast & developer-friendly machine learning in the Node.js and in the browser. — <>
Allows you to code using certain <> features today! Perfect for component library maintainers <>
Recently, <|@BenLesh> tweeted the importance of the |> pipeline operator proposal in JavaScript. Here it is in action with #RxJS pipeable operators + <|@PrettierCode> + the ▷ programming ligature :fire::fire: <>
Focus on one new concept – every Monday
ReactFest is a single-track open-source ReactJS conference build by the community, for the community. Featuring latest React trends, new speakers and only 20...
Excited to share my most recent research! :microscope: Applying Machine-Learning with <|@googleanalytics> data for *faster* <|@angular> & <|@reactjs> applications :fire::fire: Zero-config <|@webpack> plugins for: :runner: Data-driven, adaptive pre-fetching :package: Data-driven chunk clustering <> <>
A flexible and beautiful Select Input control for ReactJS with multiselect, autocomplete and ajax support.
Proof of concept: simple hot reloading by gaearon · Pull Request #2304 · facebook/create-react-app
Couldn&#39;t resist. Integrated with our error handling. (So errors cause refresh on next save.) This would need a Babel transform, for now I just hardcoded what it would do Only works if you h...
babel-plugin-console - Babel Plugin that adds useful build time console functions :video_game:
babel-plugin-macros - :fishing_pole_and_fish: Enables zero-config, importable babel plugins
Vote for the JS function you'd like to warn against! <>
#2012vs2018 hello <>
D3 5.0 is out! :tada: Here’s a summary of what’s new: <>
We're excited to finally announce the official release of React Apollo 2.1, our new render prop API for working with Apollo Client! :tada: <>
Visual Studio Code silently fixed a remote code execution vulnerability
This blog was written few weeks ago, since VSCode has been upgraded for a while, I made this public.
When I remove a useless block of code #100daysofcode #javascript #reactjs #angularjs #vuejs #nodejs #es6 #angular #coding #codenewbie #npm
Text Buffer Reimplementation, a Visual Studio Code Story
Text Buffer Reimplementation in the Visual Studio Code/Monaco editor
Now in Canary: "Copy as Fetch" (GIF by <|@umaar>) <>
:rocket::rocket::rocket:I feel much better when I stopped being afraid and turned redux into a new CONTEXT API :fire::fire::fire:. #reactjs #javascript <>
Starting with Chrome 66, <|@v8js> compiles JavaScript source code on a background thread, reducing main thread compile time up to 20%! <> <>
pour one out for the homies using atom or vs code <>
Next.js 5.1: ◆ 102x Faster Page Resolution ◆ Environment Configuration ◆ Improved Error Handling ◆ Phases / Config Function ◆ Improved Production Source Maps ◆ New Plugins / Improvements to Existing Ones <>
:red_circle: Introducing CodeSandbox Live :red_circle: Real time collaboration in CodeSandbox. We're doing it live! - Create a live session for anyone to join with a URL - Edit, create, and delete files simultaneously - Use 'Classroom Mode' to specify who can make edits <>
The #RxJS team is making sure you can smoothly upgrade to the upcoming 6.0 release:ok_hand: I made this tool to explore and compare the different update milestones available: 5.5 vs. 5.6 vs. 6.0 vs 6.0 + rxjs-compat, dot-chaining vs. pipeable operators, etc. <>
bs-react-apollo - ReasonML/Bucklescript Bindings for React Apollo 2.1
Update on Async Rendering - React Blog
For over a year, the React team has been working to implement asynchronous rendering. Last month during his talk at JSConf Iceland, Dan unveiled some of the exciting new possibilities async rendering unlocks . Now we’d like to share with you some of the lessons we’ve learned while working on these features, and some recipes to help prepare your components for async rendering when it launches. One of the biggest lessons we’ve learned is that some of our legacy component lifecycles tend to…
V8 v6.6 performance boosts: :rocket: Array#reduce :speedboat: promises & async functions :zap: async generators & iterators :racing_car: compile time :dash: parse time <> <>
What’s new in V8 v6.6? Optional catch binding, extended string trimming, several parse/compile/runtime performance improvements, and much more! <> <>
Animated parrot in your terminal <>
Just in case you missed my introductory course to PureScript it’s now FREE for ever :sunny::clinking_glasses::trophy::dart::tada: :woman-cartwheeling: <>
Functional Programming Concepts in Purescript - #purescript course by <|@_cmdv_> <> <>
:tada: Announcing Pose: A new, declarative animation library with an incredible styled-components-inspired React API by <|@popmotionjs>! :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes: <> <>
The new #reactjs Context API is amazing :tada: I wrote a small function to combine multiple contexts and use them all at once :ok_hand: Not sure how it impacts performances :thinking_face: <|@dan_abramov> <|@acdlite> any thoughts on this pattern ? <>
Hi everyone, I've got some news to share with you today... <> <>
I've published the Lag Radar from <|@dan_abramov> talk on time slicing in react. Variously described as the 'awesome frame drop clock' and 'cpu lag radar thing' it's now a standalone es6 component. <> /cc <|@ryanflorence> <|@Papa_Justify>
Tomorrow’s ES Modules Today! – Web Dev @ Microsoft – Medium
Seven months ago I released an experimental module loader that enabled ES modules in Node. With over a million downloads, thousands of…
React v16.3.0: New lifecycles and context API - React Blog
A few days ago, we wrote a post about upcoming changes to our legacy lifecycle methods , including gradual migration strategies. In React 16.3.0, we are adding a few new lifecycle methods to assist with that migration. We are also introducing new APIs for long requested features: an official context API, a ref forwarding API, and an ergonomic ref API. Read on to learn more about the release. Official Context API For many years, React has offered an experimental API for context. Although it was…
GraphQL.js: Preparing for v14.0.0 – Lee Byron – Medium
Since it’s open sourcing almost three years ago, GraphQL.js has followed a “pre-major” version scheme. The most recent release was v0.13.2…