
Month: 2022-08


Peter 16:08:59
嗨嗨揪松的大家好,關於之前討論的青發署10月21日22日的擺攤,我想說弄成一個坑,然後在八月的大松上提案,不過因為這牽涉到社群對外的活動參與,感覺還是要跟揪松團內部討論一下,我這週會利用空檔生一個初步的共筆出來,也歡迎大家在channel 或共筆上討論
🙏 5
Peter 16:08:59
嗨嗨揪松的大家好,關於之前討論的青發署10月21日22日的擺攤,我想說弄成一個坑,然後在八月的大松上提案,不過因為這牽涉到社群對外的活動參與,感覺還是要跟揪松團內部討論一下,我這週會利用空檔生一個初步的共筆出來,也歡迎大家在channel 或共筆上討論


Peter 13:25:56


青發署國際青年論壇擺攤 - HackMD

# 一起來擺攤:10/21-22 青發署國際論壇g0v攤位 坑主:peter 參與者: ## 相關活動資訊 1. 單位:教育部青年發展署 2. 活動:2022國際青年論壇 3. 日期:10/21-

🙌 5
Peter 13:26:18
Peter 13:26:18
Angela 17:11:28
@m0958211007 has joined the channel


chihao 09:03:49
在想 10 週年整體宣傳所以偷偷來問,1022 大松會在台北嗎?
感謝 @yiting.lin \o/
💡 1
chihao 09:03:49
在想 10 週年整體宣傳所以偷偷來問,1022 大松會在台北嗎?
感謝 @yiting.lin \o/
KuoMin 18:09:44
@tw.kuomin has joined the channel


ambershen792 16:03:09
@ambershen792 has joined the channel
Guei 22:58:50
@910475 has joined the channel


suavepei 12:31:14
@suavepei has joined the channel


Charles Montgomery 06:09:47
@charles972 has joined the channel


Ted 顥天 16:54:48
2017/12/09 Kirby 開 issue
> 需要英文版本的內文。


揪松網全站英文翻譯 - HackMD

#self-intro 裡面找說可以幫忙翻譯的人 tag 一下 XD
Ted 顥天 2022-08-09 05:37:33
Ted 顥天 16:54:48
2017/12/09 Kirby 開 issue
> 需要英文版本的內文。

#self-intro 裡面找說可以幫忙翻譯的人 tag 一下 XD
Ted 顥天 2022-08-09 05:37:33
VENUS 19:52:14
@lin.cs09335 has joined the channel


mashbean 豆泥 12:25:02
@mashbean has joined the channel
Tiff 13:42:22
`Kahoot 資源提供`
嗨嗨大家,目前揪松這邊到明年 7/23 前,可提供 kahoot pro 給社群使用(可2000人玩、可使用不同問答模式、可共編、可組隊),如果有人想用歡迎私訊我唷!謝謝!
Tiff 13:42:22
`Kahoot 資源提供`
嗨嗨大家,目前揪松這邊到明年 7/23 前,可提供 kahoot pro 給社群使用(可2000人玩、可使用不同問答模式、可共編、可組隊),如果有人想用歡迎私訊我唷!


Choose plan - Upgrade - Kahoot! for Schools

8 2 🙏 1


Ed 10:11:06
@ecwkeio has joined the channel
Ed 10:16:06
大家好~ 我剛剛才在網路上找到這個活動, 但是好像一般票已經沒了...
好奇是否已經太晚了呢? (還是可能拿到邀請票呢?)
感謝~! 還請多多指教

中英語OK (中文可能有些破... XD)
哈囉你好,歡迎參考 *進入大松的各種方式*

1. 定期定額單次捐款 的方式獲得大松入場票
2. 如符合貢獻者票申請資格,歡迎填寫貢獻者票申請表單
3. 由於八月大松小幫手已徵齊,因此目前暫無小幫手邀請票
4. *隨時刷新 KKTIX 頁面* 關注是否有取消票券,即可手刀報名一般票 :raised_hands:
@ecwkeio 通常活動前的禮拜三(8/17)會發行前通知,那天會有一些人取消報名,你可以那天刷看看 kktix,有大機率掉落一般票
現在還有一般票~ 可以來報名~
Ed 10:16:06
大家好~ 我剛剛才在網路上找到這個活動, 但是好像一般票已經沒了...
好奇是否已經太晚了呢? (還是可能拿到邀請票呢?)
感謝~! 還請多多指教

中英語OK (中文可能有些破... XD)
哈囉你好,歡迎參考 *進入大松的各種方式*

1. 定期定額單次捐款 的方式獲得大松入場票
2. 如符合貢獻者票申請資格,歡迎填寫貢獻者票申請表單
3. 由於八月大松小幫手已徵齊,因此目前暫無小幫手邀請票
4. *隨時刷新 KKTIX 頁面* 關注是否有取消票券,即可手刀報名一般票 :raised_hands:
@ecwkeio 通常活動前的禮拜三(8/17)會發行前通知,那天會有一些人取消報名,你可以那天刷看看 kktix,有大機率掉落一般票
現在還有一般票~ 可以來報名~
👋 1


米露露(Melulu) 09:53:15
@eddie8873192 has joined the channel


Peter 10:25:09
AIESEC in Taiwan 國際經濟學商學學生會
Impact Hub Taipei 社會影響力製造所
感覺可以問問看 Impact Hub!!
Peter 10:25:09
AIESEC in Taiwan 國際經濟學商學學生會
Impact Hub Taipei 社會影響力製造所
感覺可以問問看 Impact Hub!!


Chaleb 13:03:10
@chaleb122 has joined the channel
Chaleb 13:05:14
Chaleb 13:05:14
1 👍 1



chewei 00:33:41

南竿福澳港,候船大樓的一樓,有一個長條型空間,可以借來辦活動 • 有插座,要有延長線 • 要自行借桌椅 • 投影,要想一下方案 • 有飲水機與冷氣 • 網路要問問看,中華電信辦公室在福澳港區 • 場地管理單位是 連江縣政府港務處

chewei 00:33:41

南竿福澳港,候船大樓的一樓,有一個長條型空間,可以借來辦活動 • 有插座,要有延長線 • 要自行借桌椅 • 投影,要想一下方案 • 有飲水機與冷氣 • 網路要問問看,中華電信辦公室在福澳港區 • 場地管理單位是 連江縣政府港務處

Charles Montgomery 01:22:57
Dear nobodies in Taipei. As I mentioned in my self-intro, I am writing a book about how to rebuild trust in modern life. The book will be published around the world by Penguin. I have enjoyed talking with a bunch of you about your work. I will come to Taipei in October to learn more about the digital democracy movement. Yun Chen @aelcenganda mentioned that you are having a hackathon on Oct 22. I would love to come and observe. I hear it is also g0v's anniversary that weekend.

Would anyone be interested and available to accompany me and translate during these events? Or can you recommend a professional interpreter? Thank you.
Hi Charles!

There will be g0v hackathon on Oct 22, as well as an forum in the afternoon. And on the next day, it will be the 10th anniversary party, which exhibition, unConference and other activities will be included. I think these will be a big help to your book and you can meet a lot of g0v contributors on both days.
I'm tagging some g0v members who might be available then. @sampeterrobbins @chihao
Hi @charles972 , nice to see you here! As I said, in the pitching and final presentation session, there is always someone available on whisper interpretation for non-Mandarin speakers. However, if you want an interpreter accompanying you all two days, you need to hire someone. Most discussion and session will probably be in Mandarin, but there are always non-Mandarin speakers participating in g0v events as well. I shared this post to #translation channel to see if any folks there can give you a hand.

I guess more than half participants speak English.
Let me tag others who might be interested in helping. However. the thing is active participants will be quite occupied then.

@sdfghj1001 @rschiang
glad to help!
hi there!
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 2022-08-17 14:51:52
I'll be there and happy to translate and help out :)
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 2022-08-17 14:52:15
Also very happy to talk about your work and about digital democracy movement in Taiwan
@lisa @mglee @besslee (I just found that those who I know are also usually occupied lol
@charles972 would you like to contribute to the community by… perhaps sharing your thoughts on how to rebuild trust during the hackathon? It’s a very important topic (at least to me personally) and there has been discussions on that in g0v.
It’s > Oct 7 (day3) > R3 first session “Mistrust & tech: can tech re-open dialogues?”
Charles Montgomery 2022-08-19 01:59:58
Thank you everyone for your very helpful answers. I have moved my translation request to the thread @aelcenganda started in #translation. (Thanks @aelcenganda!)
Charles Montgomery 2022-08-19 02:06:25
@chihao thank you for the invitation. I feel that at this time I am the student, not the teacher, about trust! (Most of my expertise is in physical community design). I have questions rather than answers. I would be glad to provoke the participants at the hackathon with these questions, if that is helpful. (Example: "We can design public spaces that nurture trust between strangers. How can we do the same with online spaces?)

Also thank you for sharing the 2018 session you helped with. This is great! There was no transcript on the website. Do you have one? I would love to talk about what you learned.
hi @charles972 Sounds like we share research interests and I’d love to learn more abt ur project. Sorry I won’t be available on Oct’s events (I’ll host the birthday party) but will be happy to talk after the event.
@charles972 happy to chat! I think sharing what we know and think (and has questions for) can help us to engage with more g0vers here. Might I suggest that you start with a hackmd shared doc and write down some of your questions? That’s a good way to start the conversation here, at least to my experience :)
Charles Montgomery 2022-08-20 06:25:48
Thanks for the suggestion @chihao. Yes, I used Hackmd document to first introduce myself a few months ago. Great idea. If you have particular ideas about using digital realms to build trust between people and institutions, and to reduce polarization, let's have a zoom call! You could just click on a time that works for you here in my Calendar. Calendy will set up a zoom link automatically.
I’m more invested in / prioritizing the physical real these days… 😉
Charles Montgomery 2022-08-21 23:06:36
I will 'physically' be in Taipei Oct 14 to 26. But I am hoping to have brief talks with people beforehand to help me decide how best to focus my time there. As for my book, it looks at both the physical realm and the digital realms.
btw I said `I'm more invested in / prioritizing the physical` *realm (not “real”) because you said `particular ideas about using digital realms to build trust` and I did not want to derail the thread 😛
I had a conversation with Charles this morning and encouraged him to do a proposal in 10月大松(Hackathon)and he accepted this idea. I will help him 挖坑(opening the project)and help interpreting during 大松~
2 2 2
Charles Montgomery 01:22:57
Dear nobodies in Taipei. As I mentioned in my self-intro, I am writing a book about how to rebuild trust in modern life. The book will be published around the world by Penguin. I have enjoyed talking with a bunch of you about your work. I will come to Taipei in October to learn more about the digital democracy movement. Yun Chen @aelcenganda mentioned that you are having a hackathon on Oct 22. I would love to come and observe. I hear it is also g0v's anniversary that weekend.

Would anyone be interested and available to accompany me and translate during these events? Or can you recommend a professional interpreter? Thank you.
Hi Charles!

There will be g0v hackathon on Oct 22, as well as an forum in the afternoon. And on the next day, it will be the 10th anniversary party, which exhibition, unConference and other activities will be included. I think these will be a big help to your book and you can meet a lot of g0v contributors on both days.
I'm tagging some g0v members who might be available then. @sampeterrobbins @chihao
Hi @charles972 , nice to see you here! As I said, in the pitching and final presentation session, there is always someone available on whisper interpretation for non-Mandarin speakers. However, if you want an interpreter accompanying you all two days, you need to hire someone. Most discussion and session will probably be in Mandarin, but there are always non-Mandarin speakers participating in g0v events as well. I shared this post to #translation channel to see if any folks there can give you a hand.

I guess more than half participants speak English.
Let me tag others who might be interested in helping. However. the thing is active participants will be quite occupied then.

@sdfghj1001 @rschiang
glad to help!
hi there!
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 2022-08-17 14:51:52
I'll be there and happy to translate and help out :)
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 2022-08-17 14:52:15
Also very happy to talk about your work and about digital democracy movement in Taiwan
@lisa @mglee @besslee (I just found that those who I know are also usually occupied lol
@charles972 would you like to contribute to the community by… perhaps sharing your thoughts on how to rebuild trust during the hackathon? It’s a very important topic (at least to me personally) and there has been discussions on that in g0v.
It’s > Oct 7 (day3) > R3 first session “Mistrust & tech: can tech re-open dialogues?”
Charles Montgomery 2022-08-19 01:59:58
Thank you everyone for your very helpful answers. I have moved my translation request to the thread @aelcenganda started in #translation. (Thanks @aelcenganda!)
Charles Montgomery 2022-08-19 02:06:25
@chihao thank you for the invitation. I feel that at this time I am the student, not the teacher, about trust! (Most of my expertise is in physical community design). I have questions rather than answers. I would be glad to provoke the participants at the hackathon with these questions, if that is helpful. (Example: "We can design public spaces that nurture trust between strangers. How can we do the same with online spaces?)

Also thank you for sharing the 2018 session you helped with. This is great! There was no transcript on the website. Do you have one? I would love to talk about what you learned.
hi @charles972 Sounds like we share research interests and I’d love to learn more abt ur project. Sorry I won’t be available on Oct’s events (I’ll host the birthday party) but will be happy to talk after the event.
@charles972 happy to chat! I think sharing what we know and think (and has questions for) can help us to engage with more g0vers here. Might I suggest that you start with a hackmd shared doc and write down some of your questions? That’s a good way to start the conversation here, at least to my experience :)
Charles Montgomery 2022-08-20 06:25:48
Thanks for the suggestion @chihao. Yes, I used Hackmd document to first introduce myself a few months ago. Great idea. If you have particular ideas about using digital realms to build trust between people and institutions, and to reduce polarization, let's have a zoom call! You could just click on a time that works for you here in my Calendar. Calendy will set up a zoom link automatically.
I’m more invested in / prioritizing the physical real these days… 😉
Charles Montgomery 2022-08-21 23:06:36
I will 'physically' be in Taipei Oct 14 to 26. But I am hoping to have brief talks with people beforehand to help me decide how best to focus my time there. As for my book, it looks at both the physical realm and the digital realms.
btw I said `I'm more invested in / prioritizing the physical` *realm (not “real”) because you said `particular ideas about using digital realms to build trust` and I did not want to derail the thread 😛
I had a conversation with Charles this morning and encouraged him to do a proposal in 10月大松(Hackathon)and he accepted this idea. I will help him 挖坑(opening the project)and help interpreting during 大松~
Glenn Hope 18:24:53
@glenn.alexander.hope has joined the channel



Tiff 16:27:53
嗨嗨大家,想問明天會來台中大松的朋友們,有沒有人願意 8:30 先抵達協助擔任*「報到小幫手」*呢?
主要工作內容:掃 kktix 票券、檢查三劑證明或24小時快篩陽性證明、簡單說明活動流程、邀請參與者寫名牌並貼貼紙...明天我也會負責報到處,都可以互相協助,詳細的工作內容明天會再教學一次唷!
++ 我明天可以幫忙~~
大感謝!那我們約 8:30 直接在集思會議中心的門口唷!明天見!
(沒事但 24 小時快篩陰性證明)
看完 @guo-jim 的留言才發現我寫成快篩陽性證明XDDDD已改!
Tiff 16:27:53
嗨嗨大家,想問明天會來台中大松的朋友們,有沒有人願意 8:30 先抵達協助擔任*「報到小幫手」*呢?
主要工作內容:掃 kktix 票券、檢查三劑證明或24小時快篩陰性證明、簡單說明活動流程、邀請參與者寫名牌並貼貼紙...明天我也會負責報到處,都可以互相協助,詳細的工作內容明天會再教學一次唷!
++ 我明天可以幫忙~~
大感謝!那我們約 8:30 直接在集思會議中心的門口唷!明天見!
(沒事但 24 小時快篩陰性證明)
看完 @guo-jim 的留言才發現我寫成快篩陽性證明XDDDD已改!
4 ⚡ 2
Tiff 21:45:10
`【台中黑客松】不能不知道的 wifi 密碼!`
Mason 21:48:12
@ohmygodmason has joined the channel


Tiff 08:47:47
`【台中黑客松】不能不知道的 wifi 密碼!`
Tiff 08:47:47
`【台中黑客松】不能不知道的 wifi 密碼!`
🤩 3 2
ronnywang 09:46:58
ronnywang 09:46:58
Tiff 10:05:30
聽說今天在 #rand0m 頻道傳訊息會出現在台中黑客松的螢幕上!!
Tiff 10:05:30
聽說今天在 #rand0m 頻道傳訊息會出現在台中黑客松的螢幕上!!
tai 10:19:41
感謝通報 正想試試 XD
tai 10:19:41
感謝通報 正想試試 XD
Peter 12:40:57
等等 15:00要跟 jothon 的大家討論擺攤的事情!歡迎加入!
Peter 12:40:57
等等 15:00要跟 jothon 的大家討論擺攤的事情!歡迎加入!
Peter 12:41:24
ipa 早上有提一些不錯的點子!
Peter 12:41:24
ipa 早上有提一些不錯的點子!
SeanGau 14:29:05
SeanGau 16:07:51


Peter 11:52:51
@yiting.lin 我後來在揪松影響力報告選擇這四篇
Peter 11:53:07
Peter 11:53:07
Peter 11:53:21
iriversland 14:09:04
@iriversland has joined the channel
Peter 16:51:24