@clkao: @phiven in #twc-g0v-en is asking about how #jothon are run, as they want to incorporate practices in their hackathons in bay area. I did a quick braindump of things I know that seem unique, but are there any rough guides I could share?
What about working on adding functionality to onebutton to create notes on https://notes.ethereum.org for now, and then when hackmd pulls in the feature, go back to using them?
Really interested in what y'all are discussing related to this one, if anyone is open to discuss later or could point me to notes :) also, curious the rules/requirements from past years!
(Did I mention that myself and some friends incorporated a nonprofit to work on building a small funding program next year? :)
揪松團運作方式確認: 人員:invite by current organizer group member, endorsed by 2 other members *inactivity: after 3 month inactivity, members should be prompt to confirm willingness to continue contribute 工作文件公開: *initial organizers: draft edit (clkao, ipa, kirby, etblue, ttcat, isabel)