
Month: 2024-03


chewei 18:21:33
g0v database - Project List

- 零時小學校專案孵化競賽獲獎專案 2020 (已整合)、202120222023
- 歷屆公民科技獎助金獲獎專案
- AI Grant (預計 2024.07 月整理)
chewei 18:21:33
g0v database - Project List

- 零時小學校專案孵化競賽獲獎專案 2020 (已整合)、202120222023
- 歷屆公民科技獎助金獲獎專案
- AI Grant (預計 2024.07 月整理)


luyunqiao2008.2.16 20:34:02
@luyunqiao2008.2.16 has joined the channel


NZ 01:22:01
@shsp102003 has joined the channel


Zoey Gao 00:57:08
@sai2207613 has joined the channel


yellowsoar 09:56:03
@yellowsoar has joined the channel
yellowsoar 11:24:35
這次 Summit 要架一台 CCIP server 給 OPass 用,到時候會申請 L3 domain,也預計會揪一個 task force 一起維運這台伺服器,我想問這個服務是否適合列入社群基礎建設?


[總籌] 接 OPass (#216) · Issues · g0v-summit / 2024 / g0v Summit 2024 Board · GitLab

Briefing 1/30 協調會議決定今年也用 OPass <>

kktix 的替代方案
yellowsoar 2024-03-17 11:53:10
首先雲端費用的部份有計畫費用誰出嗎?有了主機出來就會有 IP ,就可以來設定 domain 了
會有一個刷卡坑主,之後伺服器固定由他刷卡,然後再來是 admin 群要設定,哪些人有登入伺服器處理問題的權限
如果環境單純一點,也許可以用 middle2 ,就省去架設成本了,不過因為 middle2 已經太老了 XD 現在很多專案 dockerfile 都很複雜,就不知道 middle2 跑的起來跑不起來了
yellowsoar 2024-03-17 14:18:28
權限就是幫大家加 public key 的方式畢竟沒有 LDAP
目前 CCIP-Server 的資料、控制檔和原始碼要包進 container image 所以不太適用 PaaS
DevOps 的部分開了一個 PR 等 merge
💡 1
yellowsoar 11:24:35
這次 Summit 要架一台 CCIP server 給 OPass 用,到時候會申請 L3 domain,也預計會揪一個 task force 一起維運這台伺服器,我想問這個服務是否適合列入社群基礎建設?
kktix 的替代方案
yellowsoar 2024-03-17 11:53:10
首先雲端費用的部份有計畫費用誰出嗎?有了主機出來就會有 IP ,就可以來設定 domain 了
會有一個刷卡坑主,之後伺服器固定由他刷卡,然後再來是 admin 群要設定,哪些人有登入伺服器處理問題的權限
如果環境單純一點,也許可以用 middle2 ,就省去架設成本了,不過因為 middle2 已經太老了 XD 現在很多專案 dockerfile 都很複雜,就不知道 middle2 跑的起來跑不起來了
yellowsoar 2024-03-17 14:18:28
權限就是幫大家加 public key 的方式畢竟沒有 LDAP
目前 CCIP-Server 的資料、控制檔和原始碼要包進 container image 所以不太適用 PaaS
DevOps 的部分開了一個 PR 等 merge


chewei 04:27:54


Szu-Hui Ema Huang 00:16:19
@h750721 has joined the channel


patcon 04:38:50
hi hiiii wondering: is this is an ok us of a g0v subdomain?
It's not a software project, and doesn't involve code (yet! it will), but I'm definitely helping them to kickstart their project in the spirit of open source and transparency 🙂
There's #g0v-domain for discussions related to g0v domains. Although it could be nice to also have some discussions here because it doesn't look like a straight away yes/no case for me (I'm not one of the domain admins.)
Kk thanks.

This is essentially my trying to introduce a young community organizer in New Orleans, Jordan Mychal (who works in city gov and has a ton of civic projects on the go) to the way a g0v domain can be used to do projects outside government that are hard to do within government. People have very little faith in government in this city, bc they were abandoned after hurricane Katrina. Lots of DIY spirit, but no sense of trust that government will look after anyone or solve anything. Jordan's one of the few activists trying to work within the system, and so I'd like to help him understand better how ppl in Toronto and Taiwan work both inside and outside government, but in good faith interactions that work like experimental forks. (He's not a coder, and generally there is a massive skills gap in the city for tech -- civic tech here is nonexistent, tech jobs are barely existent, and any civictech-like activism is pretty much around teaching ppl even how to code, and how the mindset of the tech sector around collaborating openly can be empowering.
Let me know if there's any other context you need. We have our next meeting Saturday Apr 6, and I'm facilitating this one, so it'd be nice to have this settled a week in advance 🙏🏻 (the city wifi blocks, and I'm trying to use shortlinks. I'll eventually be setting up a CI script like this to make shortlinks manageable from a spreadsheet that everyone in the project can maintain together, like this: )
patcon 04:38:50
hi hiiii wondering: is this is an ok us of a g0v subdomain?

#73 Create link shortener for New Orleans community group under domain

Hi! I'm working with a grassroots neighborhood group called "Small and Mighty", who aspire to create a land trust in the upper 9th ward of New Orleans, to help long-term residents (predominantly BIPOC) buy and make decisions about vacant land. I'm looking to introduce people (indirectly) to g0v ways of working. I'm helping them do <|transparent note-taking>, and was hoping to set up a link shortener to make sharing resources in spoken conversation easier at our group meetings. New Orleans government websites are at `<|>`, so the `<|>` namespace could have wider utility over here, if others want to start using it :) Thanks for considering! EDIT: We might use `<|>` once we have a need to operate a website, but for now we don't have one :)

It's not a software project, and doesn't involve code (yet! it will), but I'm definitely helping them to kickstart their project in the spirit of open source and transparency 🙂
There's #g0v-domain for discussions related to g0v domains. Although it could be nice to also have some discussions here because it doesn't look like a straight away yes/no case for me (I'm not one of the domain admins.)
Kk thanks.

This is essentially my trying to introduce a young community organizer in New Orleans, Jordan Mychal (who works in city gov and has a ton of civic projects on the go) to the way a g0v domain can be used to do projects outside government that are hard to do within government. People have very little faith in government in this city, bc they were abandoned after hurricane Katrina. Lots of DIY spirit, but no sense of trust that government will look after anyone or solve anything. Jordan's one of the few activists trying to work within the system, and so I'd like to help him understand better how ppl in Toronto and Taiwan work both inside and outside government, but in good faith interactions that work like experimental forks. (He's not a coder, and generally there is a massive skills gap in the city for tech -- civic tech here is nonexistent, tech jobs are barely existent, and any civictech-like activism is pretty much around teaching ppl even how to code, and how the mindset of the tech sector around collaborating openly can be empowering.
Let me know if there's any other context you need. We have our next meeting Saturday Apr 6, and I'm facilitating this one, so it'd be nice to have this settled a week in advance 🙏🏻 (the city wifi blocks, and I'm trying to use shortlinks. I'll eventually be setting up a CI script like this to make shortlinks manageable from a spreadsheet that everyone in the project can maintain together, like this: )



luyunqiao2008.2.16 20:05:59
@luyunqiao2008.2.16 has left the channel