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Libera Chat
A next-generation IRC network for FOSS projects collaboration!
# g0v IRC 現況 現在 g0v 主要的 IRC 頻道是 #<|> ,位在 freenode 這個 IRC 網路上。 ## 待處理事項 ### 是否取回 freenode 上的 IR
<|> - Supporting Free and Open Source Software Communities since 1998
Roles and account information are imported over as part of the full Slack export.
``` <?php include(__DIR__ . '/../'); $dir = $_SERVER['argv'][1]; if (!$dir) { throw new Exception("Usage: php import-directory.php [slack export directory]"); } else if (!is_dir($dir)) { throw new Exception("{$dir} is not a directory"); } try { Message::createTable(); Channel::createTable(); User::createTable(); ChannelUser::createTable(); } catch (Exception $e) { } // import channels if (!file_exists($dir . '/channels.json')) { throw new Exception("channels.json not found in {$dir}"); } $channel_info = json_decode(file_get_contents($dir . '/channels.json')); $channel_id_to_name = array(); $channel_name_to_id = array(); $db = Message::getDb(); $max_ts = 0; Message::getDb()->query("CREATE TEMP TABLE message_temp (LIKE message)"); $terms = array(); $c = 0; foreach ($channel_info as $channel) { try { $channel_id_to_name[$channel->id] = $channel->name; $channel_name_to_id[$channel->name] = $channel->id; Channel::insert(array( 'id' => $channel->id, 'name' => $channel->name, 'data' => json_encode($channel), )); } catch (Pix_Table_DuplicateException $e) { if (Channel::find($channel->id)->name != $channel->name) { // TODO: 看哪邊新... //throw new Exception("id = {$channel->id} 的頻道名稱是 " . Channel::find($channel->id)->name . ", 與 {$channel->name} 不吻合"); } } foreach (glob($dir . '/' . $channel->name . '/*.json') as $message_json) { $messages = json_decode(file_get_contents($message_json)); foreach ($messages as $message) { $max_ts = max($max_ts, $message->ts); $terms[] = sprintf("(%lf,%s,%s)", floatval($message->ts), $db->quoteWithColumn('data', $channel_name_to_id[$channel->name]), $db->quoteWithColumn('data', json_encode($message)) ); $c ++; if (count($terms) >= 1000) { $db->query("INSERT INTO message_temp (ts, channel_id, data) VALUES " . implode(',', $terms)); $terms = array(); error_log("insert {$c} records"); } } } } if (count($terms)) { $db->query("INSERT INTO message_temp (ts, channel_id, data) VALUES " . implode(',', $terms)); $terms = array(); } $sql = "UPDATE message SET data = FROM message_temp WHERE message.ts = message_temp.ts AND message.channel_id= message_temp.channel_id AND ( != ( RETURNING message.ts"; $res = $db->query($sql); $u = 0; while ($row = $res->fetch_array()) { $u ++; } error_log("一共變更 {$u} 筆訊息"); $sql = "INSERT INTO message SELECT * FROM message_temp WHERE (ts, channel_id) IN (SELECT ts, channel_id FROM message_temp EXCEPT SELECT ts, channel_id FROM message) RETURNING message.ts"; $res = $db->query($sql); $insert = 0; while ($row = $res->fetch_array()) { $insert ++; } error_log("一共新增 {$insert} 訊息"); foreach ($channel_info as $channel) { $c = Channel::find($channel->id); if ($max_ts > $c->last_fetched_at) { $c->update(array( 'last_fetched_at' => $max_ts, 'last_updated_at' => $max_ts, )); } } ```
WhenIsGood: g0v Slack/Zulip 事件檢討會議
Plan the time to have your meeting or event by co-ordinating availability with all the particpants using this fuss-free online tool.
#18622 Slack import should respect Slack's counterpart of EMAIL_ADDRESS_VISIBILITY.
When <|importing data from Slack>, Zulip should respect the <|Slack workspace's setting> of who can see email addresses, instead of defaulting to showing email addresses to any user (that default setting is applied to all projects, with or without a Slack import; see the <|doc> on the setting). The setting should be applied before any users are imported. A large open-source org reports that the delay in getting the right setting applied was multiple years; the Zulip Cloud org was created from a Slack import, there was a long period of inactivity, and then when it regained activity, users saw email addresses they considered private and an owner applied the "nobody" setting.